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State-of-the-art Cloud Computing Security Taxonomies ±

A classification of security challenges in the present cloud

computing environment
Madhan Kumar Srinivasan K Sarukesi Paul Rodrigues
Infosys Limited Hindustan University Hindustan University
Mysore, India Chennai, India Chennai, India

Sai Manoj M Revathy P

IIITMK Infosys Limited
Trivandrum, India Mysore, India

Cloud computing has taken center stage in the present business Cloud computing is rapidly transforming the way organizations
scenario due to its pay-as-you-use nature, where users need not view their IT resources. From a scenario of a single system
bother about buying resources like hardware, software, consisting of single operating system and single application,
infrastructure, etc. permanently. As much as the technological organizations are moving into cloud computing where resources
benefits, cloud computing also has risks involved. By looking at are available in abundance and the user has a wide range to
its financial benefits, customers who cannot afford initial choose from. In cloud computing, the end-users need not know
investments, choose cloud by compromising on the security the details of a specific technology while hosting their application,
concerns. At the same time due to its risks, customers ± relatively as the service is completely managed by the cloud service
majority in number, avoid migration towards cloud. This paper provider (CSP). Users can consume services at a rate that is set by
analyzes the current security challenges in cloud computing their particular needs. This on-demand service can be provided
environment based on state-of-the-art cloud computing security any time. CSP takes care of all the necessary complex operations
taxonomies under technological and process-related aspects. on behalf of the user. It provides the complete system which
allocates the required resources for execution of user applications
Categories and Subject Descriptors and management of the entire system flow. Figure 1, depict the
D.4.6 [Operating Systems]: Security and Protection ± access visual representation of the architecture of cloud computing.
controls, authentication, cryptographic controls, information flow
controls, security kernels, verification.
K.6.5 [Management of Computing and Information Systems]:
Security and Protection ± authentication, physical security,
unauthorized access.

General Terms
Security, Standardization, Verification, Management.

Cloud computing, cloud security, state-of-the-art cloud computing
security taxonomies, logical storage segregation, multi-tenancy,
malicious insider, identity management, virtualization, hypervisor
vulnerabilities, cloud API, cloud migration, SLA.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior Figure 1. Cloud Computing Architecture.
specific permission and/or a fee.

ICACCI '12, August 03 - 05 2012, CHENNAI, India There are many benefits of cloud computing. Cost optimization
Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1196-«. among them is the frontrunner, since you pay as you go. The

other benefits are increased mobility, ease of use, portability of 2.2.2 Broad Network Access
application, etc. This means users can access information The deployed customer application must be available to the end-
anywhere easily. users in heterogeneous environment i.e. thin or thick client
As per International Data Corporation (IDC) reports [1] ³7KH platforms (e.g., mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and workstations).
proliferation of devices, compliance, improved systems 2.2.3 Resource Pooling
performance, online commerce and increased replication to &63¶V DUH UHVSRQVLEOH for serving multiple customers by
secondary or backup sites is contributing to an annual doubling of sharing/pooling their resources in a multi-tenant model while
the amount of information transmitted over the InterQHW´7KHFRVt keeping customers away from location transparency concerns
of handling the huge amount of data is something that every (through appropriate mapping mechanisms between physical or
organization must address. Considering the present rising virtual machines).
economy, organizations are looking at cost saving measures.
Among all, the best part of cloud computing is that it provides 2.2.4 Rapid Elasticity
more flexibility than its previous counterparts. As promised E\ µSD\-as-you-use¶ model computing, customers
Having recognized two major benefits of cloud computing are should be able to scale-up and scale-down the available features
lower cost service and ease of use, it also has significant security on an on-demand basis automatically.
issues and challenges in many aspects. It is important to 2.2.5 Measured Service
understand and address these security gaps by taking into account
Based on the dynamic decisions taken by the customers while
the user privacy, sensitivity of data in critical enterprise
accessing/using the cloud services (example, switching between
applications when it gets deployed in cloud, especially in public
and hybrid cloud environments.
automatic control in providing appropriate services (to facilitate
In this paper, we have investigated the security challenges µcharge-per-use¶) as demanded by the customer without the
involved in cloud computing with respect to its architectural & involvement of CSP.
technological aspects, and process & regulatory related aspects.
2.3 Service Models
2. CLOUD COMPUTING Figure 3 elucidates the cloud reference model given by Cloud
PHYSIOGNOMIES AND MODELS Security Alliance (CSA) [3]. In general, there are three basic
designs of cloud computing models as described below:
2.1 Definition
Cloud computing [2] is a model for enabling ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of
configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned
and released with minimal management effort or service provider
interaction with the following five essential characteristics. Figure
2 illustrates the holistic view of cloud computing environments
with its mandatory characteristics and different models.

Figure 2. Characteristics and Models.

2.2 Characteristics
2.2.1 On-demand Self-service Figure 3. Cloud Reference Model.
Customers should be capable of accessing/controlling
/provisioning their deployed application independently whenever
UHTXLUHGZLWKRXW&63¶VLQWHUYHQWLRQ Source: Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud
Computing V2.1, Cloud Security Alliance

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2012) 471

2.3.1 Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) inside or outside the customer premises. This cloud setup could be
Required computational infrastructure resources like storage, controlled, maintained or maneuvered by a third party or the
network, load balancers, virtual machines, etc. are provided to the organization itself or the combination of them.
cloud user over Internet on-demand & rent (pay-as-you-use) basis.
In this model, customers need not maintain huge servers; they just
need to choose their required infrastructure using a web browser
and they will be provided with all sorts of hardware infrastructure
by CSP. Citrix, 3tera, vmware, HP, Dell, IBM etc. are example
IaaS vendors.
2.3.2 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
This model provides a complete development environment to the
customers, which includes all phases of SDLC with an appropriate
support of APIs. PaaS facilitating a customer organization in
developing software applications without investing huge on
infrastructure which will be delivered to the users over Internet
on-demand & rent (pay-as-you-use) basis. Web servers,
application servers, development environment, runtime
environment, etc. are the example components with respect to
PaaS. In this model customers need not maintain underlying Figure 5. Deployment Model ± Outline.
infrastructure including maintaining server machines, cooling,
operating systems, storage, etc. Google AppEngine,,
Source: Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud
Microsoft Windows Azure, RedHat, etc. are example of PaaS
Computing V2.1, Cloud Security Alliance
2.4.2 Community Cloud
2.3.3 Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) This kind of cloud setup is for sole use by a particular community
Licensed application software(s) runs at CSP and customers can of consumers from organizations that have common views. This
access that software through thin clients (web browser, mobile, setup may reside inside or outside the CSP premises. This cloud
etc.) on-demand & rent (pay-as-you-use) basis. Example setup could be controlled, maintained or maneuvered by a third
components with respect to SaaS are office suites (docs), online party or combination of the organizations itself.
games, email applications, online readers, online movie players,
etc. In this model, customers need not maintain heavy investment 2.4.3 Public Cloud
on system configuration to run all these applications; they just This kind of cloud setup is for open use by the general public i.e.
require Internet connection and a web browser., individuals or organizations. It resides on the premises of the CSP.
Amazon, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Google, etc. are This cloud setup could be controlled, maintained or maneuvered
example SaaS vendors. by different government organizations or corporate organizations
or academic institutions or combination of them to the extent
permitted by the CSP.
2.4.4 Hybrid Cloud
This cloud setup is a composition of two or more distinct and
unique cloud setup (private, community, or public) and is tied
together by standardized or registered technology that ensures and
allows data and application portability.

Cloud computing attracts users with its great elasticity and
scalability of resources with an attractive tag line µpay-as-you-use¶
at relatively low prices. Compared to the construction of their own
infrastructures, customers are able to cut down on expenditure
significantly by migrating computation, storage and hosting onto
Figure 4. CSP Vendors.
the cloud. Although this provides savings in terms of finance and
manpower, it brings with new security risks. Considering the
Figure 4 displays the some of the business vendors who provide influence of cloud computing with respect to its business benefits
services in different cloud domains. and technological transformations, the future enterprise
applications are going to be completely dependent on it. It has its
2.4 Deployment Models benefits; nevertheless it has numerous issues and challenges with
Figure 5 demonstrates the different cloud deployment models and respect to the security aspects. There are many research
the connections among them [3]. Irrespective of the service model organizations, cloud vendors, product development enterprises
being used, based on the way end-users publish their application and academic research institutes working on various security
in cloud, deployment models are categorized as follows: classifications of cloud computing and its solutions. This paper
analyses the current security challenges in cloud computing
2.4.1 Private Cloud environment based on state-of-the-art Cloud Computing Security
This kind of cloud setup is for the sole use of a single Taxonomies (T1 to T9) under the following two categories.
company/organization and its customers. This setup may reside

472 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2012)

Category 1: Architectural & Technological aspects more [5]. As the traditional identity and access management is
still facing so many challenges [6] [7] from various aspects such
T1. Logical storage segregation & multi-tenancy as security, privacy, provisioning of service as well as VMs, etc.,
security issues when considering it for cloud computing, it needs to be more
T2. Identity management issues secure and sophisticated. Claiming µSD\-as-you-XVH¶DVRQHRILWV
attractions, cloud computing really requires strong identity
T3. Insider attacks management capabilities, to charge appropriately and accurately
T4. Virtualization issues the correct customer through a granular sensitive provisioning. As
stated by [5] an IDM in cloud has to manage control points,
T5. Cryptography and key management dynamic composite/decommissioned machines, virtual device or
service identities, etc. Cloud deployments are dynamic with
Category 2: Process & regulatory-related aspects
servers being launched or terminated; IP addresses dynamically
T6. Governance and regulatory compliance gaps reassigned; and services started or decommissioned or re-started.
So, unlike traditional IDM, simply managing users and services is
T7. Insecure APIs not sufficient. When a deployment or service or machine (VM) is
T8. Cloud & CSP migration issues decommissioned, the IDM has to be informed so that future
access to it is revoked. IDM, in cloud, should ideally store its
T9. SLA & trust management gaps details till it becomes active. Meanwhile access to its relevant
stored data has to be monitored and granted by the defined access
3.1 Logical storage segregation & multi- level for that mode as mentioned in SLA. Traditional IDM is not
tenancy security issues directly amenable for cloud computing due to these features of
Using cloud computing, customers can store and deliver their data FORXG 7RGD\¶V FORXG UHTXLUHV G\QDPLF JRYHUQDQFH RI W\SLFDO
(data, application, and database) across the globe through Internet. IDM issues like, provisioning/de-provisioning, synchronization,
The user (owner of the data) does not control, and typically entitlement, lifecycle management, etc.
the nature of cloud computing, there is a strong possibility that 3.3 Insider attacks
customers¶ DQG WKHLU FRPSHWLWRUs' data can reside on the same One of the primary security concerns in cloud computing is that
physical storage device with logical segregation [4]. Due to this the customer loses direct control over potentially business
reason there is a high probability of one users¶ private data to be sensitive and confidential data. This needs more attention because
viewed by the other users. If the data and the information are not the CSP is outside the trusted domain of customer. The risk of a
protected from other users then it is a major risk for the user to malicious insider is one or the most dangerous security threats.
keep their private information, bank account numbers, secret The cloud security alliance report [8] lists malicious insiders as
codes, passwords, and so on in the cloud. In addition, the data is the number three top threat in cloud computing. This threat is
GHSOR\HG RQ FORXG VHUYLFH SURYLGHU¶V LQIUDVWUXFWXUH on a multi- intensified for customers of cloud services by the union of
tenant model basis. This situation brings the following security infrastructure, services and customers under a single controlling
concerns to be appropriately addressed by CSP. domain, with a huge lack of transparency in the way the CSP
services through its processes and procedures. For example, a
Question 1: Who owns the data ownership and control provider may not reveal how it grants employees access to
ownership? physical and virtual assets, how it monitors these employees, or
Question 2: Who maintains the audit records of the data? how it analyzes and reports on policy compliance [8]. To add to
the threat, there is often little or no visibility into the hiring
Question 3: What is the mechanism in the delivery of this standards and practices for cloud employees. Cloud Security
audit record to the customer? Alliance [8] summarize that this kind of situation clearly creates
an attractive opportunity for an enemy ² ranging from the
Question 4: As a real owner of the data, does the CSP allow
hobbyist hacker, to organized crime, to corporate espionage, or
the customers to secure and manage access from end-users
even nation-state sponsored intrusion. The level of access granted
could enable such an enemy to gather confidential data or gain
To handle such sensitive situations, CSP should ensure proper complete control over the cloud services with little or no risk of
data isolation. This isolation is not just in concern to protecting detection. It can lead to situations like financial impact, brand
data (& applications) from threats or external penetrations, but GDPDJHDQGKXJHSURGXFWLYLW\ORVVHVHWF%%&¶VUHVHDUFKUHSRUW
also preventing unwanted changes by the CSP. Hence, providing [9] sensitizes that insider attacks are on the rise. Also Verizon
security to the user data, which is logically segregated, from any 2010 data breach report [10] indicates that there is a 26% increase
other user (and/or CSP) in terms of unauthorized access/attacks, in the data breaches by malicious insiders accounting to a total of
isolation of data, and maintaining proper compliance & SLAs 48% of data breaches being carried out by insiders. So even
becomes the order-of-the-day of all cloud computing security though the cloud provider may be trusted, a cloud administrator
concerns. could potentially be a rogue.

3.2 Identity management issues 3.4 Virtualization issues

Today, the advancement of cloud computing based on numerous Virtualization is a key element for cloud computing to achieve its
technical and business models such as SaaS/PaaS/IaaS, REMHFWLYH ,QWHO¶V 1RYHPEHU  UHVHDUFK UHSRUW ³2YHUFRPLQJ
grid/cluster computing, high performance computing, etc., Security Challenges to Virtualize Internet-IDFLQJ $SSOLFDWLRQV´
signifies that cloud computing with an appropriate identity [11] states that, due to the security concerns, they initially (when
management (IDM), Cloud IDM, can be considered as a superset Intel entered into the cloud market) did not virtualize applications
of all the corresponding issues from these paradigms and many with significant security requirements which include Internet-

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2012) 473

facing applications for customers. Prior to including virtualization x Individual VM isolation to provide higher level of production
tiers typically ran on a dedicated physical server, which was
connected to the enterprise network through a dedicated virtual x Updating all the existing cryptographic systems with respect
LAN (VLAN). Though this was highly secure, considering the to new security patterns
utilization of hardware resources, this approach (without Further, unless the CSP comes forward to understand the current
virtualization) was not effective in the long run. Virtualization can trends and sophistication of hacking mechanisms and update their
be achieved through a hypervisor (also called VMM, Virtual security systems with latest cryptographic algorithms like
Machine Monitor). Hypervisor (example, Citrix XenServer 6.0) is Homomorphic Encryption, AES, DES, SHA-2, MD5, Blum Blum
a platform that allows multiple OS and related applications (called Shub, Fortuna, RC4, etc, they will be prone to constant security
VMs, virtual machines) to run on a cloud machine concurrently to threats.
facilitate sharing of cloud resources. Virtualization of enterprise
servers introduces noteworthy security concerns due to 3.6 Governance and regulatory compliance
aggregation of risks. Associating multiple servers with one host Cloud SHFXULW\ $OOLDQFH¶V [3] Security Guidance for Critical
removes the physical separation between servers, increasing the Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing report states that an effective
risk of undesirable cooperation of one application (of one VM) governance in Cloud Computing environments follows from well-
with others on the same host. At the same time [13], if an attacker developed information security governance processes, as part of
gets the root to access the hypervisor, then it brings significant the organizDWLRQ¶V RYHUDOO FRUSRUDWH JRYHUQDQFH REOLJDWLRQV with
threats to the holistic view of cloud computing. If the attacker due care. Such well-developed information security governance
hacks the virtualization host machine i.e. computer which runs the processes should exhibit the following properties:
hypervisor and manages the VMs (for example, Virtualization
Host VH, of CloudStack v3.0.0), then the attacker can gain access x Scalable (with the business)
x Repeatable (across the organization)
target numerous areas of a virtualization host such as the
hypervisor, the hardware and the guest operating systems and the x Measurable
applications within individual VMs. The most commonly used
techniques are [3]: x Sustainable
x Modify the hypervisor on the VH to get its direct access x Defensible
x Install a rootkit on VH x Continually improving
They can also target the virtualization management system. To x Cost-effective (on an ongoing basis)
avoid the security risks associated with virtualization, each of
these components must be protected and isolated from each other. In addition to the application deployment and support&63¶VDUH
responsible for incorporating the corresponding regulatory
3.5 Cryptography and key management compliance with government & legal (country-specific) policies
Cryptography and key management issues are not something such as SOX, HIPAA, FISMA, FIPS 140-2, GLBA, ITAR, ISAE
unique to cloud computing. Like any other traditional system, this 3402, ISO/IEC 27001, SAS 70, SSAE 16, etc. When a CSP fails
becomes the most critical requirement also in cloud computing. to identify and implement any of the above mentioned feature(s)
This, in turn, reflects in the high security risk possibilities [14]. appropriately, it incurs substantial loss to both the parties involved
in the business i.e. CSP and customer. Currently it is very difficult
In fact, the need for appropriate, up-to-date cryptography systems to find any CSP who guarantees complete accountability and
with efficient key management will be the order-of-day for any liabilities of such information security governance process. This is
CSP with highly sensitive customer information. As compared to primarily because of the evolving state of cloud computing, but
traditional systems, the huge amount of business data in the cloud which needs to be given high priority at this point-of-time
attracts the attention of attackers who constantly eye private considering its importance.
information. As the current generation hacking techniques
advance to an entirely new level, many of the traditional Table 1. Important Governance & regulatory policies
cryptographic algorithms and mechanisms do not suit the cloud Name Policies
SOX Sarbanes±Oxley Act
possible vulnerable components in the cloud environment with
respect to the improper cryptographic mechanisms. The Health Insurance Portability
HIPAA and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
x Communication channels between customer-to-CSP (during of 1996
cloud migration and other business communications) and
CSP-to-CSP or CSP-to-end-users (while consuming cloud The Federal Information Security
Management Act of 2002
The Federal Information
x Storage areas of customer data aW&63¶VLQIUDVWUXFWXUHZKHUH FIPS 140-2 Processing Standard (FIPS)
security and privacy are predominant issues to be addressed Publication 140-2
x Hypervisor host need to be securely protected and isolated GLBA The Gramm±Leach±Bliley Act
x Cloud mapping services to be safeguarded to avoid direct International Traffic in Arms
physical access to the VMs Regulations

474 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2012)

ISAE 3402
The International Standards for When a customer wants to move their services to cloud then they
Assurance Engagements No. 3402 need to migrate the data and application together from on-the-
International Organization for premise to off-the-premise i.e. Level 1 migration, then there is a
Standardization and the possibility of the following security risks.
ISO/IEC 27001
International Electrotechnical
Risk 1: Is CSP migrating data in a systematically in a staged
fashion with appropriate processes and policies?
Statement on Auditing Standards
SAS 70 Risk 2: What level of technology is been used in the
No. 70
migration workflow?
The Statement on Standards for
SSAE 16 Risk 3: Can CSP able to handle infrastructure replication and
Attestation Engagements No. 16
platform interoperability accordingly?
3.7 ,QVHFXUH$3,¶V Risk 4: Whether the CSP is addressing problems related to
Applications programming interface (also called software the new security patterns with respect to the secure channel?
interface) API is the detailed structural documentation that
provides details required to use software product/service, mostly Risk 5: Can the data stored with a service provider be
written by developers, that customers use to manage and interact exported (Data portability) by customer request?
with services. API can be defined as a user manual of the product
Assuming the situation of migrating from one CSP to another i.e.
from the perspective of developers who build upon or extend the
Level 2 cloud migration, addresses few more security issues in
addition to the level 1 migration security risks.
general public for two reasons.
Risk 6: Customer can never be sure of whether their data is
1. To expose the available features of cloud components to
securely transferred to another cloud
their customers
Risk 7: What is the surety of the CSP (old) erasing/removing
2. To facilitate customer(s) to formulate their deployment
the original data (and application) of customer permanently
re-architected, if needed, for better mutual benefits
after cloud migration?
considering it fURP WKH FXVWRPHU¶V SRLQW-of-view in terms of 3.9 SLA & trust management gaps
XQGHUVWDQGLQJ &63¶V FRPSRQHQWV DQG IXQFWLRQV $W WKH VDPH Service Level Agreement is a document that describes the
time, the same nature can also invite attackers¶ attention to know minimum performance criteria a CSP promises to meet while
the architecture of the CSP and internal design details, if not delivering service(s) to their customer(s). It typically also sets out
completely but to an (greater) extent. Hence, insecure APIs may the remedial action and any consequences that will take effect if
lead to major security concerns for CSP as well as customers like performance falls below the promised standard. This is clearly an
cyber-attacks and illegitimate control over user accounts, etc. At extremely important legal contract between a cloud service
any point-of-WLPH &63 FDQQRW HOLPLQDWH WKHLU $3,¶V provider and the consumer that should have the following
announcement due to the strong influence of web services and qualities [15].
XML-blend with respect to cloud computing. Instead, CSP must 1. ,GHQWLI\DQGGHILQHWKHFXVWRPHU¶VQHHGV
functionalities through encryption, abstraction and encapsulation 2. Provide a framework for customer to better understand
mechanisms. the available facilities

3.8 Cloud & CSP migration issues 3. Simplify complex issues

When an enterprise (or cloud customer) is making either of the 4. Reduce areas of conflict
following decisions, migration (i.e. data and cloud) will be the
single solution, 5. Facilitate solutions in the event of disputes
R1. Entering into cloud (to a specific CSP) 6. Eliminate unrealistic expectations
R2. Shifting from one CSP to another In this process customer must understand their security
requirements and what control & federation patterns are necessary
The above requirements R1 and R2 will be addressed by the to meet those requirements. CSP must understand what they must
following migration levels respectively, deliver to the customer to enable the appropriate control &
Level 1: Data (and application) migration federation patterns [16].

Level 2: Cloud migration Knowing the significance of SLA and its legal aspects, it is highly
recommended that the customer must know and be clear on the
Considering the physical separation of organizations (may be complete requirements, specifically with respect to the security
customer-to-CSP or CSP-to-CSP), migration brings a challenging aspects of their business. We identified the following as SLA
situation(s) to both the parties involving in business such as secure security qualities (SSQ), which are mandatory for any customers
transmission of digital content (data & network security issues), who enter into cloud business model with CSP.
maintenance of customer & their end-XVHU¶VSHUVRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQ
(privacy issues) along with the governance compliance SSQ1. Promises on logical segregation of customer data
(regulatory issues), etc. SSQ2. Accessibility & auditability of both customer and CSP

International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2012) 475

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