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Dear Students and Parents,

This morning I had to cancel the 10h30am class as the aim of these break out room
classes is to have students lead them which is cardinal for their personal
development. These students are earmarked for university where they will be
expected to lead groups etc but even prior to that they will be expected to be
interviewed either on phone or campus. ZISD College Prep is more than SAT Prep it
is a center that aims to mould the future leaders of the world. Leaders are those
that are willing to step out of their comfort zone and provide guidance. This is
not the first time students have failed to step up leaving a few students to always
lead. We do not believe in creating a community of them versus us and thus push all
students to lead. Tomorrow's 10h30am meeting will be as scheduled in the hope that
students will come to class with an attitude to participate. If this behavior
continues we will have no choice but to limit the 10h30am class to students who are
ready to participate. Please note that the 7h30pm class is as scheduled. Have a
great day

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