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Getting most out of The Beautiful Ordinary Presets for Memory Catchers


I’m so glad you’ve taken the plunge and invested in my little editing love child. I’ve been using this
preset exclusively for years, and I’ve found it to be all I need for delivering clean, colourful edits to
my happy client families.

My hope is this little editing helpmate will assist you in taking your photography work to the next
level, allowing you to make artful photographs that live on walls and in hearts for years to come.

As with all presets, The Beautiful Ordinary Presets for Memory Catchers will get you best results
when teamed with technically well captured imagery. That is, photographs where you ‘got it right’
in camera. Your subject should be properly lit, with the correct exposure and appropriate white

When this is achieved, post processing will be a breeze, getting you the best results from your
presets, most quickly.

Of course, we don’t always nail the perfect picture in camera - subjects move, their features can
be lost in shadows, and white balance can change with the seasons and the quality of available

That said, when editing photographs, I recommend the following method.

1. Apply the preset. (It may not look perfect yet - don’t worry, we’re not finished!)

2. Adjust exposure. This is the first vital step in ensuring your preset looks as it should. Bring
exposure up or down until your subject is perfectly lit. (Underexposed images will always tend
to look a little muddy, or oversaturated. Overexposed imagery will typically appear washed out
and flat.)

3. Now to get your white balance right. Begin with temperature, tweaking until your subject is
your preferred warmth. Once this is achieved, adjust tint. Add either green or magenta until
you’re satisfied.

4. Your images should now be ready for sharing. : ) Any remaining editing will come down to
personal taste.

I sincerely hope The Beautiful Ordinary Presets for Memory Catchers will bring you joy, making
editing both efficient and smooth.

If you’ve any questions, or would appreciate assistance with this new editing tool, please don’t
hesitate to pop in to the Facebook group for advice and assistance. Here is the link: https://

Enjoy your memory catching and remember to always take the picture.


Michelle x

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