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10/31/2019 Slopper got their homepage at Neopets.


Well, like If youre looking for me, Im probably in my house watching TV. My favorite shows are
Wheel of Fortune and The View. My favorite food is Double Cheeseburgers and Fries in Nacho

Hi muddy_man! My name is Slopper. I'm a Tuskaninny... if you

cant tell. I like drinking beers and am a professional singer. I
used to do opera, but my real passion is yodelling. I live in a
house next to the water treatment plant. You wouldnt believe
how cheap it was. I have two friends, Skitt, my pet, who is my
best friend, and Liam, the Gnorbu. I dont like Liam as much
cause he can be really annoying sometimes. But he will never be
as loud as me.

Slopper in Neopian Central Jail

This is my mugshot. I got arrested for public urination and

disturbing the peace, which is Kau sh⒤t. I was "disturbing the 1/3
10/31/2019 Slopper got their homepage at
peace" with my beautiful yodeling. I wouldve added on resisting
arrest, but I had downed 2 Jaegerbombs beforehand and was
kind of blacking out.

Pissing on the playground

Age: 2
Max Speed: 10
Gender: Male
Health Record: 9 / 9
Weight: 307
Number of Arrests: 2
Years of Comunity College: 10

I should be out of here in a few days. Ive been arrested many

times, but usually just for public intoxication, so I know the drill.
Im legally a s⒠x offender, but thats just cause I had one too
many Long Island Iced Teas and had to piss, but they wouldnt let
me use the bathroom! So I went outside and pissed on a
playground, and lah dee dah, the police show up! So now Im a
s⒠x offender, and Im not getting very many opera jobs. But its
not all bad, cause now I can focus on my true passion, yodelling. 2/3
10/31/2019 Slopper got their homepage at
I love to chat!

~Slopper 3/3

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