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Standard Nine Rationale: Leadership and Collaboration

Standard nine states, “The teacher collaborates to develop cordial professional and family
relationships to fulfill required duties and promote student learning.” The artifact that I chose to
address this standard is my tutor binder from the Next Steps Practicum reading program. This
practicum helps at-risk and struggling readers significantly improve their reading performance.
In this course, I learned how to provide reading assessment and intervention for ages eight
through twelve years old.
This artifact connects with standard nine by incorporating appropriate instructional
strategies to meet the needs of all struggling readers. Providing their family members with
information regarding their students reading level and reading strategies to keep practicing at
home. This practicum teaches students to read, spell, recognize vowel patterns, and syllables. It
taught me how to teach repeated lesson plans and be consistent with my teaching vocabulary.
This class required me to collaborate with my student’s family members to schedule meeting
times, request home reading charts, and notify each other when the student may be absent. This
was a great learning experience on how to fulfill the required duties of a teacher and promote
collaborative learning.
The skills I have gained from creating this tutor binder have been all organization skills.
Having this binder will help me grow as a teacher when helping students learn how to read. The
materials and script on how to teach repeated reading, spelling, and vocabulary skills are now
always available for me in my classroom. This practicum has also given me the opportunity to
tutor students online via zoom meetings. I learned several tools and tricks on how to use a
document camera and share my screen with my students. This was a great way to learn more
about technology in my classroom and foster a more positive learning environment.

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