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Coda Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting coda 1
Version: A.01.00 February-2007

Document History

Pradeep Joshi (, A.01.00 – February-2007

Troubleshooting coda 2

Intended Audience:

This Troubleshooting Guide is written primarily for Response Center and Competency
Center engineers who answer calls from the customers experiencing problems with
the OpenView performance suite of products. The information presented here
presumes a working knowledge of the products and familiarity with customer-
exposed features and documentation.

Troubleshooting coda 3
Table of Contents:

1. OverView of CODA? ................................................................................... 6

1.1. Features............................................................................................ 6
1.2. Hardware and Software Requirements................................................... 6
1.3. Coda files .......................................................................................... 7
2. Different consumers of Coda, OVPM, OVReporter, OVO, and SPIs.................... 8
3. Data flow for the various consumers of coda................................................. 9
3.1. OVPA, OVPM, OV Reporter, SPI and OVPI .............................................. 9
3.2. SPIs and DSI2DDF............................................................................ 10
4. How is Coda shared between OVPA and OVO?............................................. 13
4.1. OVPA Coexistence notes with Operations agent 7.x............................... 13
4.2. What happens during Startup? ........................................................... 13
4.3. Overview of CODA usage patterns ...................................................... 13
5. Supported version of coda........................................................................ 15
6. Checking the version of the BBC libraries ................................................... 16
7. Checking coda version ............................................................................. 17
8. Data collection ........................................................................................ 18
8.1. Metric Sources ................................................................................. 18
8.2. Turning ON/OFF Prospector OS Metric Collection................................... 18
8.3. List of Coda Metrics on Different Platforms........................................... 18
8.4. Is there an export option for the Coda log files? ................................... 18
9. Dependencies ......................................................................................... 19
10. Troubleshooting tools ........................................................................... 20
10.1. status files....................................................................................... 20
10.2. Tracing coda (in OVPA and OVO agent environment)............................. 20
10.3. ovc – Utility for stopping/starting CODA and other registered processes .. 25
10.4. ovcodautil........................................................................................ 25
10.5. Sample output from ‘ovcodautil –obj’ .................................................. 25
10.6. Sample output from ‘ovcodautil –dumpds’ ........................................... 26
10.7. perfstat ........................................................................................... 27
10.8. truss/trace/tusc................................................................................ 27
10.9. file core........................................................................................... 28
10.10. pstack/pfiles ................................................................................. 28
10.11. opcagt ......................................................................................... 29
10.12. Various stops and starts for the different agents ............................... 29
11. Troubleshooting coda ........................................................................... 30
11.1. General Coda Troubleshooting............................................................ 30
Various stops and starts for the different agents ................................................ 32
11.2. In a OVOA environment..................................................................... 34
11.3. SPI/DDF-Coda – troubleshooting tips .................................................. 35
11.4. In a firewall environment................................................................... 36
12. Log file management............................................................................ 38
12.1. Log creation..................................................................................... 38
12.2. Log file growth ................................................................................. 38
12.3. Roll Over ......................................................................................... 38
12.4. Removing log files ............................................................................ 38

Troubleshooting coda 4
12.5. Configure Log File Size and Log File Number Limitation ......................... 39
13. Configuring coda in single port and multi port communication (OVPM,
OVPA, coda, OVO agent)................................................................................. 40
13.1. Single port communication ................................................................ 40
13.2. Multi port configuration ..................................................................... 40
13.3. Tools for verification of Settings ......................................................... 41
14. Known problem and workarounds .......................................................... 42
15. Latest Coda Patches ............................................................................. 50

Troubleshooting coda 5
1. OverView of CODA

CODA is a daemon that handles data communication (both HTTP and HTTPS) when
delivered as part of HP OpenView Performance Agent OVPA. Coda also handles
communication with perfalarm, the alarm management daemon. CODA, when
delivered as part of OV Operations Agent provides lightweight system performance
collection and SPI support.

1.1. Features
§ Performs a set of functions that the host OpenView product can take
advantage of:
§ Collects ~150 system performance metrics & stores data in its own
proprietary data store
§ Data viewable by OpenView Operations for Windows (embedded Graphing
component), OpenViewPerformance Manager, OpenView Reporter
§ More secure support for firewalls using BBC

1.2. Hardware and Software Requirements

Currently, Coda supports:

* HP-UX 11.0, 11i V1 (11.11), 11.20 (emulated mode), 11i v3 (11.31)

* SUN Solaris 2.6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
* Linux distributions:
- RedHat 6.2, 7.0, and 7.1 and later
- SuSE 6.4, 7.0, and 7.1 and later
- TurboLinux 6.1
* IBM AIX 4.3.1, 4.3.2, and 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3
* DEC Tru54 OSF1 4.0F, 4.0G, 5.0A, and 5.1
* Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000
* Personal computers with an Intel Pentium Processor.
* English language operating system and English language locale.
* Requires 25 MB of free disk space.

Note: To determine what version of Linux is on the system, use:

"uname -r":
2.2.14-5.0 ... RedHat 6.2 uses the 2.2.14 kernel
2.2.16-22 ... RedHat 7.0 uses the 2.2.16 kernel

To determine what distribution of Linux is on the system, use:

"cat /etc/issue"

Note: That's assuming that when the system was installed, the appropriate
information was included in /etc/issue. However, this may not be standard (or
typical) on Linux systems.

For example, you may see:

Troubleshooting coda 6
Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)
Kernel 2.2.17-14 on an i686

Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness)

Kernel 2.2.16-22enterprise on an i686

Red Hat Linux release 7.1 (Seawolf)

Kernel 2.4.2-2 on an i686

Welcome to SuSE Linux 6.4 (i386) - Kernel \r (\l).

Welcome to SuSE Linux 7.0 (i386) - Kernel \r (\l).
Welcome to SuSE Linux 7.1 (i386) - Kernel \r (\l).

Latest support matrix can be obtained from:

1.3. Coda Files

Coda 7.x/8.x (Shipped with OVO 7.x)

* Unix:
- coda instruments and collects metrics.
- codautil Starts and stops collections; reports status/state of Coda (running
or not); and via the -support option, reports the values for all of the golden
metrics for the last interval (this provides an easy validation to determine if
Coda is collecting and logging the metrics).

- libcodaaccess.[sl/so/a] - Coda access shared library

* Windows:
- coda.exe
- codautil.exe
- coda_access.dll

Note: All have the same functionality as the Unix versions.

Coda 10.x (Shipped with OVO 8.x/ OVPA 4.5)

* Unix:
- coda instruments and collects metrics.
- ovcodautil reports status/state of Coda (running or not); and via support
option, reports the values for all of the golden metrics for the last interval
(this provides an easy validation to determine if Coda is collecting and logging
the metrics).

- libOvCoda.[sl/so] - Coda access shared library

* Windows:
- coda.exe
- ovcodautil.exe
- OvCoda.dll

Troubleshooting coda 7
2. Consumers of Coda, OVPM, OV Reporter, OVO and SPIs
From OVO for Windows, you can design custom graphs using metrics from either
OVOA-EPC or OVPA version 4.

From OVPM, the ’CODA’ data source now gives access to both OVPA 4 scope and DSI
logs and OVOA-EPC logs.

From Reporter, if metrics are gathered from OVPA’s scope log, the duplicate metrics
in Coda log files are not collected; SPI data in Coda log files will still be collected.

OVPA local export only works with scope and DSI logs; Coda log file data is not
locally exportable

Troubleshooting coda 8
3. Data Flow for Various Consumers of Coda

3.1. OVPA, OVPM, OV Reporter, SPI and OVPI

In this pictorial representation, the SPI is displayed as logging to DDF;but this is

optional and the SPI has the choice to log to DDF or through OVPA’s DSI. Some SPIs
are designed to log only one way or the other, and some ship with the DSI2DDF
wrapper, which determines the agent to be used depending on the situation.

OVPA 4 does not turn on the lightweight system performance collection:

Memory mapped mesa files (Coda log files) are not laid down
coda.db is not needed and thus not created
‘coda’ is a multi-threaded process. One of the threads spawned is the
“prospector” thread which does the system data collection and logging. In
the case of OVPA 4-only, the prospector thread does not run.
Because the Coda log files do not exist, DDF is not available.

OpenView SPIs require an operations agent. Therefore, this “OVPA 4.x only” slide
with the SPI isn’t exactly true. This data flow is accurate if an older operations
agent, which does not have Coda or DDF installed.

Troubleshooting coda 9
3.2. SPIs and DSI2DDF

On HTTPS Agent node, the dsi2ddf determines whether to use DSI or DDF. The
dsi2ddf code asks a checks the system to determine the interface (DSI or DDF) and
the performance agent (OVPA or CODA) to use. The first step is to determine the
default interface.

If this node is managed by OVOU or OVPA 4.x is installed è Default to DSI

Otherwise è Default to DDF

The second step is to determine if the default interface is overridden by the

nocoda.opt file.
If the default interface is DDF and (the nocoda.opt file contains the keyword
ALL or the current datasource name) è switch to DSI

If the default interface is DSI and the nocoda.opt file is empty è switch to

The last step is to look for a performance agent that supports the selected interface.
If we cannot find the preferred performance agent, look for any performance agent.

Using DDF? – Yes è Is CODA installed? – Yes è use CODA

| No è switch to DSI –
Is OVPA installed? – Yes è use OVPA
No è Using DSI – Is OVPA installed? – Yes è use OVPA
No è switch to DDF –
Is CODA installed? – Yes è use CODA



The dsi2ddf code uses the XPL library to locate files on the HTTPS Agent node. To
determine if the default interface is overridden, the code looks at the contents of the
"nocoda.opt" file. The "nocoda.opt" file is located in the 'conf\dsi2ddf' subdirectory of
the OV Data Directory.
v On Unix platforms, the OV Data directory is, /var/opt/OV.
v On Windows, the OVData directory is “C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\data”.\

For Example:
C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\data\conf\dsi2ddf\nocoda.opt

Troubleshooting coda 10
To determine if CODA is installed, look for the CODA executable. The CODA
executable is located in the lbin\perf subdirectory of the OV Install directory. On Unix
platforms, the OV Install directory is typically, /opt/OV.
On Windows, the OV Install directory is typically “C:\Program Files\HP OpenView”.

For Example,
C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\lbin\perf\coda.exe

To determine if OVPA is installed, the code looks for the sdlcomp executable
and the OVPA datasources file.

On DCE Agent node, how dsi2ddf determines whether to use DSI or CODA. The
dsi2ddf code asks a series of questions and examines the system to determine if it
should use DSI or CODA

Is OVPA4.x installed? – Yes è Is there an empty nocoda.opt file – No è use DSI

| |
| Yes è continue
No è continue checking

Is CODA installed? – No è use DSI

Yes è Is the Datasource overridden? – No è use CODA
Yes è use DSI

To determine if OVPA4.x is installed, the code looks for the datasources file and the
sdlcomp executable. To determine if CODA is installed, the code looks for the CODA
executable in platform dependent locations.

To determine if the datasource is overridden, the code first looks at the contents of
the nocoda.opt file. If the nocoda.opt file does not exist, the code looks at the
location of the ddfcomp executable and the code determines if OVPA is installed.

Does nocoda.opt file exist? – No è Is ddfcomp running in OVOW location? – No è

Is OVPA installed? – No è use CODA
| |
| |
Yes è use DSI
| Yes è use
Yes èDoes the nocoda.opt file contain data? – No è use CODA
Yes è Is the keyword ‘ALL’ specified? – No è Is the current datasource
specified? – No è use CODA
| |
Yes è use DSI
Yes è use DSI

Troubleshooting coda 11

To determine if CODA is installed, the code looks for the CODA executable in
platform dependent locations.
- On AIX, the code looks for /usr/lpp/OV/bin/coda.
- On Tru64, the code looks for /usr/opt/OV/bin/coda.
- On all other Unix platforms, the code looks for /opt/OV/bin/coda.
- On Windows, the code uses the NT Registry key
OpenView\AgentInstallDir]. The code adds the bin directory to the registry
key value.
For example:
C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-
To determine if the datasource is overridden, the code looks at the contents of the
nocoda.opt file. The location of this file is platform dependent.

- On AIX, the code looks for /var/lpp/OV/conf/dsi2ddf/nocoda.opt.

- On all other Unix platforms, the code looks for
- On Windows, the code uses the NT Registry key
OpenView\AgentDataDir]. The code adds the conf\dsi2ddf directory to the
registry key value.
For example:
C:\Program Files\HP OpenView\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-
If the nocoda.opt file is not on the system, the code determines if ddfcomp is running
from the OVO Windows location.
- On AIX, the OVO Windows location is /var/lpp/OV/instrumentation/ddfcomp.
- On all other Unix platforms, the OVO Windows location is
- On Windows, the OVO Windows location is any path that includes
“instrumentation” or it’s short form “instru~”.

The code uses platform dependent methods to determine if OVPA 3.x is installed.
On Unix platforms, the code looks for sdlcomp and /var/opt/perf/perflbd.rc. If the
files exist, MWA is installed.
- On AIX, the code looks for /usr/lpp/perf/bin/sdlcomp.
- On Tru64, the code looks for /usr/opt/perf/bin/sdlcomp.
- On all other Unix platforms, the code looks for /opt/perf/bin/sdlcomp.
- On Windows, the code uses the NT Registry key
Agent\CurrentVersion\CommonDataPath]. If the NT Registry key exists, then
MWA is installed.

Troubleshooting coda 12
4. How is Coda shared between OVPA and OVO?

4.1. OVPA Coexistence Notes with Operations Agent 7.x

OVPA 4.5 must to be installed after installing OVO 7.x agent. It is important to
maintain this order for the products to work together. The order is required because
the coda subagent will have to be replaced with the new version coda10 and this will
happen only if the OVPA 4.5 agents are installed later.

When OVPA 4.5 is installed, the ‘llbserver’ broker is replaced by the ovbbccb
communication broker. The coda subagent which is previously registered with the
opcagt control agent will instead be registered with the ovc control agent, which gets
installed with OVPA 4.5. Coda10 will be registered with the new ovc control agent
and the two control agents will work together to ensure local and remote
management of the coda component. Post installation of OVPA 4.5, all incoming http
requests for performance data will come to the ovbbccb, which will then re-direct the
request to either scope or coda prospector.

Most customers will not notice the lightweight Coda data logging. However, some
customers of OVPA may want to disable Coda data logging as the OVPA metric set is
almost a superset of the Coda metric set with only a few exceptions.

4.2. What happens during Startup?

1. Coda starts:
In order for Coda to start, a host product must be installed
2. Coda starts logging data:
If OVOA is installed, Coda references coda.db to find out which Coda log files to
open. If coda.db does not exist and the /databases/ dir exists, it creates coda.db and
starts a new mesa log file.
If OVPA is installed, Coda reads the datasources config file to determine what scope
and DSI logs are available.
3. Coda registers the port number with llbserver
4. Coda sets the prospector timer, which schedules it to collect data every 5 minutes
(only if Coda logs are created and prospector is not disabled).
5. Once startup is completed, Coda does one of two things; waits for incoming data
requests, waits for incoming DDF requests, or logs prospector data.

4.3. Overview of CODA Usage Patterns

The following figure provides an overview of the anticipated usage patterns for the
CODA agent. In general, direct users divide into two categories, those applications
attempting to feed observations into CODA (circles), through the Dynamic Data Feed
(DDF) interface, and those applications demanding presentation ready observations
from CODA (squares), through the Mesa Access (MesaAcc) interface.

The concept of configuration is built into the both of these usage patterns as a DDF
will describe the new objects and metrics being provided and the presentation users
will need the ability to select specific metrics and to enable or disable specific
observation behaviors.

Troubleshooting coda 13

Reporter Managed Node

Reporter al
Reporter Mesa DDF
Browser DDF
Remote 3.0
C++ al

Troubleshooting coda 14
5. Supported Version of Coda

Troubleshooting coda 15
6. Checking Version of BBC Libraries

HP-UX, Linux, Solaris

/opt/OV/bin/bbcutil –version
cschp1:/opt/OV/bin > ./bbcutil -version

HP OpenView BBC Utility 05.20.050

/usr/lpp/OV/bin/bbcutil –version
cscaix1:/opt/OV/bin > ./bbcutil -version

HP OpenView BBC Utility 05.20.050

> bbcutil -version
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>bbcutil -version

HP OpenView BBC Utility 06.00.051

Troubleshooting coda 16
7. Checking coda version

HP-UX, Linux, Solaris

/opt/perf/bin/perfstat -v | grep -i coda

/opt/perf/bin/perfstat -v | grep -i coda
OVPA coda executables in the directories /opt/OV/bin /opt/OV/lbin/perf
ovcodautil 10.00.220 Solaris 7
coda 10.00.131 Solaris 7
OVPA coda/BBC libraries in the directory /opt/OV/lib 10.00.220 Solaris 7

/usr/lpp/perf/bin/perfstat –v | grep –i coda

Troubleshooting coda 17
8. Data collection

8.1. Metric Sources

There are differences in the sources that are used to collect the performance data for
Coda and OVPA’s scope. On HP-UX, Coda does not use the kernel instrumentation
(KI). Coda gets most of the data from pstat since it does not have as much overhead
as that of KI.

Coda can do that since it does not gather the detailed metrics that OVPA does. On
the other Unix platforms, the data is gathered primarily from /proc and as needed,
from kmem, and other OS sources. On Windows, most of the data comes from
Perflib; while the remaining data comes from the Win32 APIs.

8.2. Turning ON/OFF Prospector OS Metric Collection

OVPA 4.5 (CODA < 10.00.170)
Enable: ovconfchg -ns coda -set ENABLE_PROSPECTOR true
Disable:ovconfchg -ns coda -set ENABLE_PROSPECTOR false

OVPA 4.5 + OVO 7.X (CODA < 10.00.170)

Enable: ovconfchg -ns coda -set ENABLE_PROSPECTOR true
Disable:ovconfchg -ns coda -set ENABLE_PROSPECTOR false

OVPA 4.5 + OVO 7.X (CODA >= 10.00.170)

Enable: ovconfchg -ns coda -set DISABLE_PROSPECTOR false
Disable: ovconfchg -ns coda -set DISABLE_PROSPECTOR true

OVPA 4.5 + OVO 8.X

Enable: ovconfchg -ns coda -set DISABLE_PROSPECTOR false
Disable: ovconfchg -ns coda -set DISABLE_PROSPECTOR true

8.3. List of Coda Metrics on Different Platforms

"Metrics for HP OV Performance Agent and operations agent - Jan 05(.pdf)" @

8.4. Is there an export option for the Coda log files?

No. There is no export option for the coda log files. This is true irrespective of the
products installed. Your options in this area are:
run “ovcodautil –support” – this gets you the last entries for the 30 “golden”
metrics (golden metrics are common across all platforms).
run “ovcodautil –dumpds <datasource>” -- this gets you the last entries
logged for this data source.
or, use OVPM, which in addition to graphing, also has CSV and TSV output
options from the command line.

Troubleshooting coda 18
9. Dependencies

Coda depends on the host OpenView product for the following functionalities:

§ deployment
§ install & uninstall
§ startup and shutdown
§ version control
§ packaging BBC files

Troubleshooting coda 19
10. Troubleshooting tools

10.1. Status files

The coda status files provide information about errors and warnings that may be
encountered in coda processes. They are formatted in plain ASCII text.

For Unix/Linux
For Windows
<Install Directory>\HP OpenView\data\log\coda.txt
<Install Directory>\HP OpenView\data\log\System.txt

10.2. Tracing coda (in OVPA and OVO agent environment)

XPL Tracing
Tracing is used by the application to record information during program execution
that may be helpful in
analyzing process flow and behavior or debugging.

Tracing Tools
ovtrccfg (<OV Install Dir>/support/ )
ovtrcd (<OV Install Dir>/lbin/xpl/trc/ )
ovtrcgui (<OV Install Dir>/support/ )
ovtrcadm ( <OV Install Dir>/support/ )
ovtrcmon (<OV Install Dir>/support/ )

Types of Tracing
The application to be traced can be configured through the following ways:
§ Static tracing
§ Dynamic tracing

Activating Tracing
Tracing is activated using a trace configuration file. The trace configuration file is the
one which tells the tracing system to enable tracing for the specific applications and
trace areas. The configuration file can be placed in a specific location on the local
system for static tracing or communicated through a Trace Server for dynamic

Trace Configuration File

Trace configuration files are ASCII text files that can be viewed or modified using a
standard text editor. The trace GUI (available only on Windows) can also be used to
save a trace configuration file.

Trace Configuration File Syntax:

Syntax Version TCF Version 3.2
Application APP: "Application-name"

Troubleshooting coda 20
Sink SINK: File "Output-name" "force=[1];maxfiles=[1..100];maxsize=[0..1000];"
SINK: Socket “node name” “node=<node name>;"
Trace TRACE: "Component-name" "Category-name" <keyword list>

Details - Syntax Version Format

TCF Version 3.2
The first line indicates that this is a trace configuration file and specifies the syntax
version of the file. It must appear exactly as shown above (case sensitive).

Details – Application Format

APP: "Application-name"
Example 1 - APP
APP: “dbmanager”
The application line defines the name of an application to trace. It must start with
APP followed by a colon and a space. The application name should be in double
quotes. The APP line should be immediately followed by a SINK line and then zero or
more TRACE lines. This pattern is repeated for each application you want to trace.

Details - Sink Format

SINK: File "Output-name" "force=[1];maxfiles=[1..100];maxsize=[0..1000];"
maxfiles is the maximum number of trace files
maxisize is the Maximum size of Each file.
SINK: Socket “node” “node=<node name>;"
Example 2 - SINK (File)
SINK: File "C:\\TEMP\\Output.trc" "force=1;maxfiles=10;maxsize=100;"
Example 3 - SINK (Socket)
SINK: Socket “bigfoot” “node=;”
Details - Trace
TRACE: "Component-name" "Category-name" <keyword list>
Example 4 - Trace Line
TRACE: "database" "Parms" Error Info Warn Developer
The trace line must begin with TRACE followed by a colon and a space. The
arguments on the line should be separated by spaces. The first argument is the trace
component name and it should be in double quotes.

The second argument is the trace category name and it should also be in double
quotes. If you are using one of the standard categories in the code, it will be mapped
to a string value (which you supply here). ). For the exact mapping of standard
category constants to string values, see the language-appropriate documentation
(C++, Java).

Supported Attribute Keyword Options

- Attribute Keyword Attribute Description|
Error Enable traces are marked as errors, Warn Enable traces are marked as
warnings and Info Enable traces as information. Developer Enable traces aimed at
developers. In general, developer trace messages are not targeted to the front line
support engineers, since the trace messages often require access to the source code
to be interpreted. Verbose Enable traces produce a lot of output. The Verbose trace
messages can be both support and developer focused. Location Include source and
line number information in the trace output if possible. The location trace message
are not targeted to the front line support engineers, since the trace messages

Troubleshooting coda 21
require access to the source code to be interpreted. Stack Include call stack
information in the trace output if possible. The stack trace message are not targeted
to the front line support engineers, since the trace messages require access to the
source code to be interpreted.

Example 5 – File as SINK – Sample Trace Configuration File

TCF Version 3.2
APP: "ovc"
SINK: File "C:\\TEMP\\Output.trc" "force=0;maxfiles=10;maxsize=100;"
TRACE: "ovc" "Parms" Error Info Warn Developer
TRACE: "ovc" "Init" Info Verbose
TRACE: "ovc" "Proc" Error

Example 6 – Socket as SINK – Sample Trace Configuration File

TCF Version 3.2
APP: "ovconfget"
SINK: Socket "mgtstation” "node=;"
TRACE: "ovconfget” "Event" Error Info Warn Developer
TRACE: "ovconfget” "Operation" Error Info Warn Developer
TRACE: "ovconfget” "Trace" Error Info Warn Developer

Static Tracing:
To activate static tracing, place a local trace configuration file named ‘OVTrace.tcf’ in
the same directory, where the application-to-be-traced resides, or define an
environment variable named ‘TRACE_CONFIG_FILE’ that points to the trace
configuration file, and then (re)start the application. The application will
automatically find and load the configuration file when the tracing subsystem inside
the application initializes.

When the static tracing method is used, trace settings cannot be dynamically
changed while the application is running and it does not provide for remote
configuration. During Static Tracing, the Trace configuration file search order is as

1) The File which is pointed by TRACE_CONFIG_FILE

2) The File OVTrace.tcf in the application start-up directory.
3) The File OVTrace.tcf in the directory <Data Dir>conf/xpl/trc/

Dynamic Tracing:

Dynamic tracing can be configured by using the ovtrccfg tool. The ovtrcmon tool
communicates with the application through a Trace Server to monitor/view the
traces. In this case, the Trace Server must be running on the same machine where
the application runs. Note that the trace server must be running when the
application instantiates its first trace object (typically during the application startup).
If the Trace Server needs to restarted after the application has instantiated its first
trace object, the connection between the application and the trace server will be lost,
and tracing from this application will not work till this application is also restarted.

Troubleshooting coda 22
Dynamic Tracing allows the trace settings to be dynamically modified as the
application is running. This modification can be done remotely as well as using the
ovtrccfg tool.

Enabling Dynamic tracing On Unix

1) Execute the following command to verify that the trace server process is running:
ps -ef | grep ovtrcd
2) If the trace server is not running, start the trace server manually using the
If trace server is not running currently, before startingyou must restart your
application which has to betraced as well.
3) Create trace configuration file with required sink type as shown above, but do not
place it in the locations mentioned above.
4) Run the command ovtrcadm –a < list of clients> e.g: ovtrcadm –a
The ovtrcadm is an administration tool to enable/disable the clients to monitor/view
traces as well as change the trace configuration; the clients here refer to nodes that
should be allowed/denied access for the same.
Note that the list of enabled clients persists for the lifetime of the trace server
process only, and hence, the above command has to be used to enable clients every
time the trace server is (re)started.

Best Practice: Disable the clients using ovtrcadm –d <list of clients> when you
have finished tracing from those clients.

5) Run the command ovtrccfg -server <server_name>

Where server_name is the system name where the trace server is running and
trace_config_file_name refers to the trace configuration file as mentioned above.
6) If the SINK in your trace configuration file is Socket you can use ovtrcmon tool to
monitor the live tracing using the command ovtrcmon -server supnode1

7) If the SINK in your trace configuration file is FILE then the trace files are
generated in the specified location (on the machine where the application is running)
as mentioned in trace configuration file.
8) Tracing can be stopped or disabled by running ovtrccfg –server
<server_name> off
Best Practice: It is recommended that you disable tracing if you do not want to
trace any more, but do not stop the trace server. Else, you will have to restart your
application (after starting the trace server) when you need to trace again.
Essentially, it means that you must always run your trace server; you can disable it
when it is not required.

Enabling Dynamic tracing On Windows:

On windows, you can enable tracing in the same way as in Unix, or you can you use
the ovtrcgui tool to configure and monitor traces. The principles of enabling tracing
remain the same with ovtrcgui as well.

1) Open the Services window (or run “net start”) and verify that the state of the
service named HP OpenView Shared Trace Service has started.

Troubleshooting coda 23
2) Start the Trace Wizard and select the option to load a configuration file using the
following steps.
• Start the ovtrcgui tool
• From File menu, click Trace Wizard and then select Next.
• Select the Configure local applications by loading a saved
configuration option.
• From the Open dialog, locate and select the trace configuration file.
3) By default, a Trace Monitor window is displayed after the configuration is
completed. To open a new Trace Monitor window, use the following steps.
• From File menu, click New and then select Trace Monitor.
• Select the system you want to monitor trace messages and then click
OK. This starts a new trace monitor window.
4) Stop tracing using the following steps:
• Select the configuration window associated with the tracing.
• From the File menu, click Close.

Note: the trace server can be stopped using the command ovtrcadm -
srvshutdown in Unix and through service control manager in Windows. However,
you should not forcefully kill the trace server, e.g., with kill -9 on Unix. If the trace
server is forcefully killed, there might be problems in starting the trace server again.
XPL Logging:

XPL logging is used to report the run time status during program execution in their
respective locales. XPL logging is configured through log configuration file log.cfg
under <Data Dir>/conf/xpl/log/. The configuration cannot be changed during run

Log configuration file:

SysLog = off|on

Logging Utilities
XPL provide a tool ovlogdump which converts the locale neutral binary file and
displays in locale specific format. This tool is located under <OV Install Dir>/bin/.

For additional information on XPL Tracing and Logging the following resources are

Troubleshooting coda 24
10.3. ovc – Utility for stopping/starting CODA and other registered

Usage: ./ovc -help|-h

-start [<target> ... ] [-boot]

-stop [<target> ... ] [-nostart]
-restart [<target> ... ]
-status [<target> ... ] [-level <level>]
-trace [<target> ... ]
-notify <event> [<target> ... ] [-value <value>]

10.4. ovcodautil

Usage: ./ovcodautil [options]

-status: Get collector status.
-support: Test collector.
-config: Reconfigure.
-update: Reconfigure coda if the configuration database has changed.
-l10n: Localize output.
-obj: Display object model.
-dumpds <value>: Dump last record.
-ping: Ping the OvBbcCb and Coda.
-https: Use secure communications (https)
-verbose: Verbose output
-n <value>: Sets node name.
-migrate <value>: Migrate coda or client configuration.

10.5. Sample output from ‘ovcodautil –obj’

Object Model

NumDataSources = 3

NumObjects = 14

Troubleshooting coda 25

Data source: SCOPE

NumMetrics = 413



10.6. Sample output from ‘ovcodautil –dumpds’

/opt/OV/bin > ./ovcodautil -dumpds coda 09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|GBL_COLLECTOR

|Coda 10.00.180|
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|GBL_INTERVAL | 300|
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|GBL_OSNAME |SunOS |
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|GBL_OSVERSION |Generic_117350-28|
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|GBL_OSRELEASE |5.8 |

/opt/OV/bin > ./ovcodautil -dumpds scope |

09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|BLANK | |
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|RECORD_TYPE |GLOB |
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|DATE |09/08/2006|
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|TIME |00:35 |
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|YEAR |2006 |
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|DAY |251 |
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|DATE_SECONDS | N/A|
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|INTERVAL | 300|
09/08/06 12:35:00 AM|GBL_PROC_SAMPLE | 60|

Troubleshooting coda 26
10.7. perfstat

The perfstat utility checks the status of the performance products. It ships with
OVPA, PerfView and Glance. The descriptions below focus primarily on how it is used
to troubleshoot PerfView.
• -?
Lists all perfstat command line options
• –c
Shows system configuration information
• –e
Greps for all WARN and ERR lines in the status files.
• –f
Lists all status files and their sizes
• –p
Lists all active performance product processes.
• –t

This option tells perfstat to list just the last few lines (the tail) of each of the
performance product status files. This is useful when you are troubleshooting a
problem, because the most current information in the status files is always at the
• –v
Lists the version information for all the performance products on the system. Unless
a patch has been installed, the version should match the list in the current Release
• –z

Executes all perfstat commands and sends them to a file called perfstat.out. You can
also use this option to create a .tar file that contains the perfstat.out content. If
OVPA is also installed on the system, the OVPA raw logfile set is also included.

10.8. truss/trace/tusc

You can use truss, trace or tusc on any Unix system to trace procedures that are
being called during glance, xglance/gpm or scopeux or coda startup. Note that these
tools can be used to trace any program.

• To get a glance procedure and direct the output into the file /tmp/truss.out:
#truss -f -a -e -d -o /tmp/coda_truss_out -p {pid of coda}

On HP-UX, truss doesn't belong to the standard toolset that is installed by default. It
needs to be installed on the test system first. Download it from one of these
HP-UX Porting and Archive Centre (
tusc -

Troubleshooting coda 27
trace -
10.9. file core
When you have a core dump, you can use the file command to find out what
executable created the core file.

Example 1:
# file core
core: core file from 'alarmgen'

Example 2:
# what core
$Header: nsswitch.conf,v 1.1 2001/07/18 14:46:57 twhite
Exp $
$ PATCH_11.11/PHCO_25568 Dec 19 2001 06:21:26 $
Pthread Interfaces
$Revision: libpthread.1: @(#) depot-32pa

Example 3:
# file core
core: ELF 32-bit MSB core file SPARC Version 1, from
# what core
scopeux C.03.45.00 09/17/01 SunOS 5.6+ =*=
parm C.03.45.00 09/17/01 =*= C.03.45.00 09/17/01 SunOS 5.6+ =*=

Example 4:
# file core
core: core file from 'perflbd' - received SIGABRT

Example 5:
# file core

10.10. pstack/pfiles

Print a hex+symbolic stack trace for each lwp in each process.
pstack <pid> > <output file>

Report fstat(2) and fcntl(2) information for all open files in each process.
Eg: pfiles <pid of coda>

Troubleshooting coda 28
10.11. opcagt

opcagt is available through the OpenView operations agent (OVOA). In the case of
OVOA-EPC, ’coda’ runs as a child process of ‘opcagt’. Running “opcagt –status”
checks that ‘coda’ is running as a child process. It is possible that ‘coda’ may be
running, but ‘opcagt’ is not aware because it is not a child process.

10.12. Various stops and starts for the different agents

When dealing with any problem-process, including ‘coda’, it’s best to stop and start
the entire agent, not just the individual process.

Product command notes

OVPA 3.x Not applicable OVPA 3.x does not ship with Coda
OVOA “opcagt –stop” Stops and starts ‘coda’ along with the other
“opcagt –start" processes
OVOA-EPC, “opcagt –stop - ‘coda’ is OVOA’s “subagent 12”
Coda only id12”
“opcagt –start
OVPA 4.x “ovpa stop” Te ovpa stop and start commands issue the
“ovpa start" “opcagt –stop 12” and “opcagt –start 12”
commands if OVOA is also installed. This
allows ‘coda’ to run as a child process of

Troubleshooting coda 29
11. Troubleshooting coda

11.1. General Coda Troubleshooting

Check the hardware and software requirements. Check the release notes of the
product consuming Coda for known problems & workarounds. Check coda.log file for
error messages: <OvAgentDataDir>/log/coda.log

1. Run “codautil –status” and verify Coda is running

2. Run “codautil –support” to verify prospector is logging
3. Verify data is accessible through BBC by drawing a graph from OVPM,
4. Stop and start the agent (not just Coda)
If Coda is running and logging data, but it is not reporting any data, start tracing

Not seeing any data in visualization tool from specific agent

Start isolating from the agent side:

1. Verify that all critical processes, including Coda, are running (perfstat, opcagt –
status, codautil –status)
2. Check status files for error messages (perfstat –t, opcerror, coda.log)
If Coda is not running, you need to find out the reason:
if llbserver isn’t up, Coda is not accessible over the network
‘coda’ is dependent on ‘opcagt’ if OVOA installed; make sure ‘opcagt’ is up
is there an authip file in use ( OVPA config)?
Did the customer stop and not restart?
Compare the time stamp on the Coda &/or scope log files to the last reboot
Did the customer make any modifications to startup scripts?
Check the datasources config file for abnormal config (OVPA)
If no error messages, check for a core dump

How to determine if the CODA data collection from the embedded

performance component (EPC) of the OpenView Operation Agent (OVOA) is

In this example a Windows based agent managed from an OVO Unix system is used.
The example applies as well for other managed platform operating systems like e.g.

Check if the Datacollection is disabled:

With OVO 8.x agent on the system:
C:\> ovconfget
-> check the [coda] section for
-> This means that collection is disabled.

With OVO 7.x the file <OvAgentInstallDir>/lib/default.txt should contain the line
"DISABLE_PROSPECTOR=true" in the [coda] section.

Troubleshooting coda 30
Further checks:
C:\>ovcodautil -obj | more
Object Model

NumDataSources = 2

NumObjects = 14


Data source: CODA

NumMetrics = 112



-> So there are CODA datasources created and visible in ovcodautil.

C:\>ovcodautil -dumpds CODA

Unable to get requested raw data. ( CODA data collection is disabled - 12).

What is the difference between EPC and Coda?

EPC, or Embedded Performance Component, is a feature shipped with OVOA 7.x and
later. EPC provides lightweight system metric collection and an internal interface to
allow OpenView SPIs to log data, and sends this data to the management server via
Coda is a technology. It is:
§ a process that can perform several functions including system data
logging and processing incoming requests for metric data
§ a proprietary data store for system metric logging and application (SPI)
logging via an internal-only interface (dynamic data feed, DDF)
§ an interface to the BBC datacomm

Troubleshooting coda 31
Today, the overlap between EPC and Coda is 100% so it is easy to interchange the
two words. However, in the future EPC may be expanded to include other features
not provided by Coda.

OVOA installed with a SPI logging to EPC/Coda. What happens when I

install OVPA 4.x?

Nothing. The SPI will continue to log to EPC/Coda. Changing the SPI logging from
EPC/Coda to OVPA/DSI is a manual process.

When I look for the ‘coda’ process on Linux, I see multiple entries - Why is
that ?

‘coda’ is a multi-threaded process. Currently, Linux shows a list of threads, not just
processes. Newest Linux distributions should just show the process list and omit the
thread details. Even when OVOA and OVPA are installed on the same machine, there
is only one ‘coda’ process.

What is the difference between the different status commands (perfstat,

opcagt -status, codautil -status)?

perfstat is a command that has shipped with our performance products for a long
time (OVPA, OVPM, Reporter). perfstat checks the status of all critical process for
the performance products installed, including ‘coda’. opcagt is available via the
operations agent (OVOA). In the case of OVOA-EPC, ’coda’ runs as a child process of
‘opcagt’. Running “opcagt –status” checks that ‘coda’ is running as a child process.
It is possible that ‘coda’ may be running, but ‘opcagt’ isn’t aware because it’s not a
child process.

codautil is available to products that ship Coda (OVOA-EPC, OVPA 4). Running
“codautil –status” does a ping of sorts to the ‘coda’ process to make sure it is up and
running. When checking status, remember:
It’s important to check the status of all critical processes at the agent level.
This includes ‘coda’, among many other processes.
Keep in mind the differences between “opcagt –status” and “codautil –status”.
If “opcagt –status” shows ‘coda’ not running, check “codautil –status” before drawing
any conclusions.

Various stops and starts for the different agents

When dealing with any problem-process, including ‘coda’, it’s best to stop and start
the agent, not just the individual process.

product command notes

OVPA 3.x Not applicable OVPA 3.x does not ship with Coda
OVOA “opcagt –stop” Stops and starts ‘coda’ along with the other
“opcagt –start" processes
OVOA 7.x - “opcagt –stop - ‘coda’ is OVOA’s “subagent 12”
EPC, Coda id12”
only “opcagt –start

Troubleshooting coda 32
OVPA 4.x “ovpa stop” OVPA starts coda if it is not running already
“ovpa start"

What status files to check when troubleshooting?

<OvAgentDataDir>/log/coda.log is Coda’s status file – it is not a “log”. Do not

confuse it with log files used for logging performance & application data.
If OVOA is installed:
Check <OvAgentDataDir>/log/coda.log
Check <OvAgentInstallDir>/log/OpC/opcerror
If OVPA is installed:
Run perfstat –t. This gives you the last several entries from the status.* files as well
as from coda.log.

Can a customer get a copy of coda.db (i.e. want to know how metrics are

The ‘coda.db’ file is a cookbook of sorts used by the ‘coda’ process to determine how
to calculate metrics from raw data. This file is not a readable file. If a customer
needs to understand what the metrics mean, they should refer to the metric guide

Is the Coda sampling interval customizable?

No. Coda samples every 5 minutes. This cannot be changed. SPI logging frequency
varies, depending on the SPI – they do not have to log every 5 minutes.

What does “signal 15” mean in the coda.log status file?

For example, from coda.log: “CODA (pid 1072) Received sig 15 – Terminating”
This message can show up if OVOA is installed.

opcagt limits the amount of time it will wait for its monitored processes and
components to terminate after it has issued a stop command. If the time period
expires prior to the successful shutdown of the process or component, opcagt issues
a kill command to force the immediate termination. This is why you will periodically
see critical messages in the Message Browser that Coda was killed with a SIGTERM
(15). Coda catches the signal 15 and shuts down cleanly.

In other words – this is not an error message which needs attention.

Ran "codautil -support" and it looks like got data from OVPA’s scope?! Why?
If the Coda log files do not exist, or if Coda system data logging is disabled, Coda will
actually return data from OVPA’s scope log if present.

How is the datasources configuration file different from perflbd.rc (applies

to OVPA 4)?

The datasources file is replacing perflbd.rc (.mwc on Windows) starting in OVPA 4.

The new file uses the same syntax, but is readable by Coda; perflbd.rc is not
readable by Coda. OVPA 4/Linux only uses the datasources configuration file. OVPA

Troubleshooting coda 33
4 on the other platforms (not shipping yet) will use datasources, and will likely keep
perflbd.rc around to preserve already defined data sources when customers upgrade.
The new datasources file will link or copy in what’s in perflbd.rc and make it available
to Coda.

11.2. In a OVOA environment

How to run CODA as non-root (only with OVO)

CODA port needs to be changed to a non-privileged port (>=1024) in non-root user

1. To set a fixed port say 10381, in non-root user mode use the following command:
# ovconfchg -ns coda.comm -set SERVER_PORT 10381

2. If fixed port is not mandatory, then make the system automatically assign a port
# ovconfchg -ns coda.comm -set SERVER_PORT 0

coda registration problem

The "ovcodautil -ping" output shows coda is not available at the registered port.
The perfstat output also shows coda is not registered.

How to register the coda:

1. ovcreg -del coda
2. ovcreg -add /opt/OV/newconfig/DataDir/conf/perf/coda.xml
3. ovc -stop coda
4. ovc -start coda
5. ovc –status

Due to invalid certificate requests were pending coda is not able to come up
and keeps giving following error message.

cschp2:/opt/OV/bin > ./ovc -start coda

(ctrl-12) Communication error when executing 'Start' method.
(sec.core-116) An SSL connection IO error has occurred. This may be due to a
network problem or an SSL handshake error. possible causes for SSL handshake
errors are that no certificate is installed, an invalid certificate is installed, or the er
does not trust the initiator's certificate.

On checking certificate requests

cschp2:/opt/OV/bin > ovcert -check

OvCoreId set : OK
Private key installed : FAILED
Certificate installed : FAILED
Certificate valid : FAILED
Trusted certificates installed : FAILED
Trusted certificates valid : FAILED

How to make coda up?

Troubleshooting coda 34
remove 3 config parameters -->
Jul 14 16:42:27 2006

Use the following command (recommended)

$ ovconfchg -ns -clear -all


Run "$ ovcongchg -edit" that will open up file

Then remove the above mentioned 3 entries.

In a Co-existence scenario OVO 7.X/OVPA 4.5, which CODA should run?

CODA 7 or CODA 10? What will happen to CODA 7?

After installing OVPA 4.5 on windows 2000/ 2003 nodes with OVO 7.30 agent
installed. The coda agent (sub agent 12) will be unregistered.

why the coda agent (version 7.5) is unregistered after restarting the ovo/ovpa
agent? This happens because OVPA 4.5 ships the latest CODA (CODA 10.X)
This is the expected behavior.

If you have one coda (version 10) running, will it work well for the OVO
agent/SPIs? Since some current SPIs are using coda to store data, Can the
SPIs work with coda 10 provided by OVPA 4.5? Or shoule we need version
coda 7.5 running at the same time for the SPIs?

- Yes, OVO agent SPIs will work with new CODA (version 10).
During OVPA 4.5 installation, CODA 7.X database will be migrated to CODA 10.
Therefore, only CODA 10.X needs to be running after installation of OVPA 4.5

If the agents are installed from a Windows management server then you may see
CODA 7.x still running after the installation.

This is because of the following defect.

QXCR1000347163: WIN:Two coda process are running on the system which has OVO
7.31 and OVPA 4.5

If you still see that CODA 7.x is running after installing OVPA 4.5 please follow the
steps in "Workaround Notes" of the above defect to deregister CODA 7.x from OVO.

11.3. SPI/DDF-Coda – troubleshooting tips

ddflbd.rc/ddflbd.mwc file contains Coda data sources Objects created in Coda

(codautil –obj)
Extract data from Coda (codautil –dumpds)
Run Coda tracing
Run DSI2DDF tracing

Troubleshooting coda 35
Policies deployed, metrics

Note: You can only view Coda graphical data in OVPM

ddflog - Tracing:
Add TRACE to ddflbd.rc (ddflbd.mwc) file


LOGFILE=/var/opt/OV/dbspi/dsi/oracle/openview.log TRACE=/tmp/openview.trc

Turning on Tracing
The datasource file shows datasource locations. The OVPA’s datasource file is created
when OVPA is installed, it is expected to already exist by ddfcomp. CODA’s
datasource file is created automatically. The ddfcomp utility generates this file if it
does not exist and inserts an entry in the file for the datasource name from the log
set name. The ddflog utility can then locate the datasource, based on this entry.
An additional use for this file is to turn on tracing. To enable debug tracing for
ddflog, insert the keyword TRACE in the file, optionally followed by a trace filename.
If you omit the trace filename, stderr is used. Any filename containing spaces must
be enclosed in quotes.

Location: For CODA on UNIX the datasource file is located in

/var/opt/OV/conf/dsi2ddf, (/var/lpp/OV/conf/dsi2ddf on AIX). For CODA on Windows,
the datasource file is located in <DataDir>/conf/dsi2ddf.

1.2.1. Syntax
datasource=datasource_name logfile=logfile_set [ trace [=tracefile] ]

11.4. In a firewall environment

Specific to : OVO 8 agents, OVPA 4.5 agent and OVPM 5.0 with a firewall between.

But how is communication between OVO / OVPM and OVO agent, Coda or
OVPA organized?

- When OVPM wants to contact coda/OVPA, it will first ask the Communication Broker
the port on which coda is running. By default the CB returns any random address. To
change this define a fixed address with the ovconfchg command.
"/opt/OV/bin/ovconfchg -ns coda.comm -set SERVER_PORT <port-number>"
changes the port on which coda is running.
If <port-number> is set to 0, a random port will get selected (which is default).

Now consider two addresses in firewall configuration. One for the Communication
Broker (Default 383, but also can change it with an "ovconfchg" command) and
another for Coda/OVPA.

To open two ports in the firewall,

Troubleshooting coda 36
- There is another configurable item called SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS. Coda server,
when it starts, can either bind to localhost or INADDR_ANY.
If coda binds to INADDR_ANY (which is the default), the CB returns coda's port to
the application and it can directly talk to coda, through coda's port, without going
through the CB. In this case, 2 ports are open through the firewall.

If coda's bind address is localhost, then the CB returns its own port to OVPM.
Therefore, OVPM has to route all its messages to coda through the CB. In this case,
only one port is open through firewall. This is the command to change the bind
address: "ovconfchg -ns coda.comm -set SERVER_BIND_ADDR localhost". This
ensures that only one port is open within the firewall.

Note: You should have the latest coda version to make this happen. Older versions
have defects in this area.

- Firewall, Port, Proxy configuration for OVPM

Because OVPM uses the same bbc communication like OVO and the OVO agents, you
can use the same "ovconfchg" commands used for OVO also for OVPM I guess.
- coda on OVO 8 agent is registered at the ovbbccb (see bbcutil -reg)
- by default coda is registered as
which means:
Protocol=HTTPS -> coda can talk SSL
BindAddress=ANY -> coda listens on all network IFs (not only on "localhost" (local
Authentication=NONE -> coda accepts also non-SSL requests (http traffic)
- the OVO monitor agent communicates to coda with HTTPS
- OVPA <=4, OVPM <5 and service reporter <=3.6 use BBC version 2 (which is not
HTTPS-capable). OVO Unix 8 uses BBC version 5, which supports HTTPS / SSL.
- the ovbbccb (BBC version 5) has a BBC-version-2 backward compatibility mode.
Therefore BBC-2-based OVP* use the ovbbccb as a location broker (replaced
the OVO 7 llb server). The BBC-2-based OVP* then uses the externally visible coda
port (see "Port=<..>" entry above) for the data traffic. (note that RPC-based
client server typically consists of two phases: 1) location broker (fix port) lookup to
get the port of the desired RPC server, 2) "real" communication
with the RPC server).
- with the following it is possible to get rid of the additional externally visible coda
port already
# ovconfchg -ns coda.comm -set SERVER_BIND_ADDR localhost
(see also /opt/OV/misc/xpl/config/defaults/coda.ini)
and restart coda:
# ovc -restart coda
BBC-2-based clients will then get back port 383 from the "location broker"
(ovbbccb) as RPC server port and should then do the data transfer also over ovbbccb
(ovbbccb remarks that coda is only registered on 'localhost' and it won't make sense
to pass back the port from 'localhost'. So ovbbccb passes back 383 and acts as a

Troubleshooting coda 37
12. Log file management

12.1. Log creation

On initial startup, one 5 MB Coda log file is created in the databases directory
eg Windows coda.log entry:
Initialization CODA 07/18/02 13:10:03.564
Starting The CODA(A.07.00.05:9:381)
Create File (c:\<OvAgentDataDir>\databases\coda00000)
Waiting for requests...
In the second week, you’ll see this in coda.log:
Starting The CODA(A.07.00.05:9:381)
Open File (c:\<install directory>\databases\coda00000)
Create File (c:\<install directory>\databases\coda00001)
Waiting for requests...
Coda continues to create a new log each week. When the 6th week is over, it
creates a 7th log and deletes the oldest.

12.2. Log file growth

When open, Coda pre-allocates 5 MB per file whether it is used or not

The log files will grow beyond the 5 MB as needed
When Coda is shutdown, it truncates each log to the actual amount of space
The 30 MB suggested disk space is for a "typical" set of Coda log files - it is
not a limit.
Coda keeps a minimum of five weeks worth of data regardless of the size of
the files.
There is no way to configure or manage log file size, retention, or growth

12.3. Roll Over

Coda maintains a minimum of 5 full weeks of data, 1 log file per week.
At 6 weeks of data, a new log file is created and the oldest is deleted, always
leaving 5 full weeks of data.
Rollover is not configurable, and is triggered by time, not size
There is also no way to do any local export or archive to save the data

12.4. Removing log files

there is log file corruption (may show up as coda not starting, or error
message in coda.log)
log files too big and want to regain space
if you switch your SPI from logging to Coda (Mesa) to OVPA (DSI). It’s
important that the SPI datasource is not defined twice (once in Coda, once as

Troubleshooting coda 38
a DSI source) – OVPM and other consumers will not be able to distinguish
between the two and you won’t be able to tell which one the consumer is
getting data from. See SPI troubleshooting for more info. Be sure to also
delete ‘coda.db’ file and ‘coda.log’

CAUTION: Do not delete the log files if a SPI is logging data – it removes the SPI
data source in Coda and subsequent logging will fail

How to configure file size and file number limitation?

When the size of coda.txt reach 2MB, then

Moves coda.txt.003 to coda.txt.004 (if exists).

Moves coda.txt.002 to coda.txt.003 (if exists).
Moves coda.txt.001 to coda.txt.002 (if exists).
Moves coda.txt to coda.txt.001

12.5. Configure Log File Size and Log File Number Limitation

Basically CODA uses XPL APIs to log its messages. The rollover mentioned here
happens based on the settings mentioned in the following file:


There will be two entries in the above file which are related to Text logs:

Once the log file(coda.txt) reaches "TextSizeLimit", it gets rolled over automatically
and a new file gets created.
The max number of files are determined by the setting "TextFileLimit" (10 in this

Troubleshooting coda 39
13. Configuring coda in single port and multi port
communication (OVPM, OVPA, coda, OVO agent)

13.1. Single port communication

How to enable Single-port SSL communication

Following 2 parameters need to be set
ovconfchg –ns coda –set SSL_SECURITY REMOTE/ALL
ovconfchg –ns coda.comm –set SERVER_BIND_ADDR localhost
How to verify?
Execute this command from a remote (non-local) system
ovcodautil -n <hostname> -ping
Eg: ovcodautil –n ovphpt4 -ping
Ping of 'OvBbcCb' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-
Packard/OpenView/BBC/ping' successful
Ping of 'Coda' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-
Packard/OpenView/Coda/' failed. Msg - Server process responded
with an error (1).

Some example configurations:

To enable single port communication mode:
ovconfchg -ns coda.comm -set SERVER_BIND_ADDR localhost

13.2. Multi port configuration

It is a default communication. To enable multi port communication

ovconfchg –ns coda.comm –set SERVER_BIND_ADDR “”

How to verify?
ovcodautil -n <hostname> -ping
Eg: ovcodautil –n ovphpt4 -ping
Ping of 'OvBbcCb' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-
Packard/OpenView/BBC/ping' successful
Ping of 'Coda' at: 'http://ovphpt4:62581/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/Coda/'
Note the different port numbers in two outputs

Some example configurations:

To enable multi-port communication mode:

ovconfchg -ns coda.comm -set SERVER_BIND_ADDR “”
ovconfchg -ns bbc.cb.ports -set PORTS "<port>"

How to set coda server port:

CODA server listens on a random port by default
To restrict CODA to listen on a given port use
ovconfchg –ns coda.comm –set SERVER_PORT <port no>
Eg: ovconfchg –ns coda.comm –set SERVER_PORT 1025

Troubleshooting coda 40
How to verify?
ovcodautil -n <hostname> -ping
Eg: ovocdautil –n ovphpt4 -ping
Ping of 'OvBbcCb' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-
Packard/OpenView/BBC/ping' successful
Ping of 'Coda' at: 'http://ovphpt4:1025/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/Coda/'

13.3. Tools for verification of Settings

Execute the following commands from a remote machine

a) To verify single port communication:

# ovcodautil -n <hostname> -ping
Eg: ovocdautil -n ovphpt4 -ping
Ping of 'OvBbcCb' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/BBC/ping'
Ping of 'Coda' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/Coda/' successful
The ports in both cases are same. This ensures that it is single port communication.

b) To verify multi-port communication:

# ovcodautil -n <hostname> -ping
Eg: ovocdautil -n ovphpt4 -ping
Ping of 'OvBbcCb' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/BBC/ping'
Ping of 'Coda' at: 'http://ovphpt4:1025/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/Coda/' successful
Notice the difference in port numbers which indicates that this is a multi port

c) To verify single port SSL communication:

# ovcodautil -n <hostname> -ping
Eg: ovocdautil -n ovphpt4 -ping
Ping of 'OvBbcCb' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/BBC/ping'
Ping of 'Coda' at: 'http://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/Coda/' failed. Msg
- Server process responded with an error (1).
HTTP fails because CODA accepts only secure connections.

# ovcodautil -n <hostname> -ping -https

Eg: ovocdautil -n ovphpt4 -ping -https
Ping of 'OvBbcCb' at: 'https://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/BBC/ping'
Ping of 'Coda' at: 'https://ovphpt4:383/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/Coda/' successful
Note that protocol is HTTPS in this case.

Troubleshooting coda 41
14. Known problem and workarounds

This document explains some specials a user might experience, if on a
System with an OVO Agent version A.07.x the OV Performance Agent
(OVPA) in version A.04.50 (or higher) is applied.

As an example the user might encounter the error of an Aborted CODA Agent:
# perfstat
*** perfstat for mysystem on Tue Apr 18 15:56:47 DFT 2006
*** AIX mysystem 2 5 004D326A4C00

List of performance tool processes:


OVPA status:
Running scopeux (OVPA data collector) pid 7632
Running midaemon (Measurement Interface daemon) pid 10426
Running ttd (ARM registration daemon) pid 16244

OVPA Server status:

Running ovcd (OV control component) pid 17122

Running ovbbccb (BBC5 communication broker) pid 12570
Running coda (perf component) pid(s) 5062
Running perfalarm (alarm generator) pid(s) 15782

OV Operation Agent status:

ovcd OV Control CORE (17122) Running

ovbbccb OV Communication Broker CORE (12570) Running
coda OV Performance Core AGENT,CODA Aborted
VPO Managed Node status :
Control Agent /usr/lpp/OV/OpC/opcctla (19956) is running
Message Agent /usr/lpp/OV/OpC/opcmsga (15058) is running
Subagent 1:
Action Agent /usr/lpp/OV/OpC/opcacta (15604) is running
Message Interceptor /usr/lpp/OV/OpC/opcmsgi (18642) is running
Subagent 12:
Performance Agent /usr/lpp/OV/bin/coda -redirect (5062) is running

************* (end of perfstat -p output) ****************

# ovcodautil -status
Operating System - HP-UX, Sun Solaris
Version - 7.x

Troubleshooting coda 42
Product - operations for UNIX

The root cause might be a wrong order of starting up the processes. The new OVPA
A.04.50 uses some new technology that is commonly shared in an OVO A.08.x
environment. The technology was not available at the time OVO A.07.x was present.
The strange behavior in the above perfstat output is that in one line the coda agent
is reported to be aborted and later on it is reported as running:
coda OV Performance Core AGENT,CODA Aborted

Subagent 12:
Performance Agent /usr/lpp/OV/bin/coda -redirect (5062) is running
So what is correct?
The ovcodautil -status command fails, so this indicates that there is a problem and
neither the OVPA nor the EPC of the OVO Agent is collecting performance data. To
resolve this, the user needs to stop the OVO Agent and OVPA Agent entirely using
the following commands:
# opcagt -kill
# ovc -kill
# ovpa -stop
# /opt/perf/bin/ttd -k
# /opt/perf/bin/midaemon -T
Check with the command "perfstat" that all processes are stopped.
Then start first the OVPA agent and then the OVO Agent:
# ovpa -start
# opcagt -start

# ovpa -start

The OVPA scope collector is being started.

The ARM registration daemon
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/ttd has been started.

The Performance collection daemon

/usr/lpp/perf/bin/scopeux has been started.

The coda daemon /usr/lpp/OV/lbin/perf/coda has been started.

It will be fully operational in a few minutes.

The OVPA alarm generator is being started.

The alarm generator /usr/lpp/perf/bin/perfalarm
has been started.

# perfstat
*** perfstat for mysystem on Tue Apr 18 14:32:44 DFT 2006
*** AIX mysystem 2 5 004D326A4C00

List of performance tool processes:


Troubleshooting coda 43
OVPA Status:
Running scopeux (OVPA data collector) pid 15144
Running midaemon (Measurement Interface daemon) pid 19932
Running ttd (ARM registration daemon) pid 13436

OVPA Server Status:

Running ovcd (OV control component) pid 16336

Running ovbbccb (BBC5 communication broker) pid 15598
Running coda (perf component) pid(s) 12704
Running perfalarm (alarm generator) pid(s) 16986

OV Operation Agent status:

ovcd OV Control CORE (16336) Running

ovbbccb OV Communication Broker CORE (15598) Running
coda OV Performance Core AGENT,CODA (12704) Running
The VPO control agent is currently not running. (OpC30-1045)

************* (end of perfstat -p output) ****************

# opcagt -start

# perfstat
*** perfstat for mysystem on Tue Apr 18 14:33:36 DFT 2006
*** AIX mysystem 2 5 004D326A4C00

List of Performance Tool Processes:


OVPA status:
Running scopeux (OVPA data collector) pid 15144
Running midaemon (Measurement Interface daemon) pid 19932
Running ttd (ARM registration daemon) pid 13436

OVPA Server status:

Running ovcd (OV control component) pid 16336

Running ovbbccb (BBC5 communication broker) pid 15598
Running coda (perf component) pid(s) 12704
Running perfalarm (alarm generator) pid(s) 16986

OV Operation Agent status:

ovcd OV Control CORE (16336) Running

ovbbccb OV Communication Broker CORE (15598) Running
coda OV Performance Core AGENT,CODA (12704) Running
VPO Managed Node status:

Troubleshooting coda 44
Control Agent /usr/lpp/OV/OpC/opcctla (10380) is running
Message Agent /usr/lpp/OV/OpC/opcmsga (7570) is running
Subagent 1:
Action Agent /usr/lpp/OV/OpC/opcacta (19012) is running
Message Interceptor /usr/lpp/OV/OpC/opcmsgi (18128) is running
Subagent 12:
Performance Agent /usr/lpp/OV/bin/coda -redirect isn't running

************* (end of perfstat -p output) ****************

# Note that in the perfstat output in the OVO Agent section still the Subagent 12
(which is coda) is reported NOT to be running, while above in the section "OV
Operations Agent Status" coda is reported as running.

The three processes ovcd, ocbbccb and coda in this section are part of the new
shared technology. Before applying the OVPA A.04.50 software, these processes did
not show up in a perfstat listing at all.

The important fact is that the line coda OV Performance Core AGENT,CODA (12704)
Running is correct and the line Performance Agent /usr/lpp/OV/bin/coda -redirect
isn't running should be ignored.

To check that both agents correctly log data, the user can use the ovcodautil

# ovcodautil -status
Coda daemon running

# ovcodautil -support
Data source CODA enabled.
=== 04/18/06 14:25:00
Instance :0


Note: In some special environments the data collection of the EPC might be
disabled. Then you would not see in the above command the first section named
"Data source CODA enabled." but only the second one "Data source SCOPE enabled.

Troubleshooting coda 45
OVO Agent is collecting coda performance data on one server. There is no
network connection from this server to the server where OV Performance
Manager is installed.
How can the coda perfomance data be analyzed?
Operating System - HP-UX
Version - C.05.x
Product - performance manager
This procedure is tested where the OVO Agents involved are running on the same
platform (HP-UX in the example) and are of the same version.

Node A: Remote node where OVO Agent is collecting data

Node B: Node reachable on network from OVPM, and of same OVOA Version and
platform as node A
Node C: Node where OV Performance Manager is installed.
(Node B and C can be the same node)
Node A:
Stop the OVO Agent:
ovc -stop
Copy/transfer the following files to a temp directory on Node A.
/var/opt/OV/datafiles/coda* (Typically one coda.db and 6-7 coda????? files)
Start the OVO Agent again:
ovc -start
Node B:
Stop the OVO Agent:
ovc -stop
Create a directory to hold the ‘native’ data for Node B
mkdir /var/opt/OV/datafiles/´hostname´
mv /var/opt/OV/datafiles/coda* /var/opt/OV/datafiles/´hostname´
Copy/transfer the files from node A to the following directory. Eventually using
CD/Tape to transfer data.
Start the OVO Agent.
ovc -start
Verify in the coda.txt file and make sure the coda agent is started without problems:
more /var/opt/OV/log/coda.txt
When OVO Agent is started on node B, it will continue to log data for Node B in the
coda files from this point in time. However, the older data in the coda files will be the
data from Node A.
It will now be possible to use OV Performance Manager to access the coda data on
Node B, and all the data with a timestamp before the startup time of the OVO Agent
will be data from Node A.
It is advisable to switch back to the original data files for Node B, when the analysis
of data for Node A is finished. When the files have been switched back, there will be
a ‘hole’ in the data for node B. The size of this "hole" will be equal to the time it took
to analyze the data for Node A.
Special care should be taken if data is collected for use by OV Reporter. Reporter
normally does a data collection every night. It is recommended to switch back the
data files on Node B before this collection is done, if Node B data is needed in the

Troubleshooting coda 46
Is the default port for OVPA the same as Coda (381)?
Operating System - AIX, HP-UX, Linux, NCR, SNI, Sun Solaris, Tru64 UNIX, Windows
Version - C.03.x, C.04.x
Product - performance agent

The answer really depends on what version of OVPA is being referred to. The 3.x
versions of OVPA agents used RPC-based technology and as a result, require multiple
ports to be opened up. Many of these ports are dynamically allocated and the port
range is configurable.

With the 4.0 and 4.1 versions of OVPA (Linux), a change was made to http based
communication to enable easier firewall configuration. These agents use the Coda
subcomponent internally, which in turn uses the BBC component for http(s)
communication. The BBC's location broker runs on port 383 and Coda binds to port
381 in the OVPA 4.0 and 4.1 Linux versions.

In the forthcoming OVPA 4.5 version (all platforms), we are switching over to Coda
version 10 (which in turn uses BBC5) for https communication. In this version, there
is only the BBC broker's port 383 which is fixed. Coda will dynamically assign its
ports, which clients like OVPI do not have to know. All communication including Coda
communication is brokered through BBC's location broker.

The legacy DCE/RPC datacomms will continue to be supported in the upcoming 4.5
versions, but at any point of time only one mode of communication can operate;
either DCE/RPC or BBC http based, not both.

The SPI for Unix Administrator's Reference Guide 02.00 states on pages 65
and 68 respectively on Measureware/Glanceplus and CODA monitor
template naming conventions:
Monitor Name A string that must begin with one of the following prefixes:
OSSPI-MWA_ for OV Performance monitors
OSSPI-GP_ for GlancePlus monitors
Monitor Name A string that must begin with one of the following prefixes:
OSSPI-CODA_ for all Coda monitors
Is there a reason for these restrictions?
Operating System - HP-UX, Sun Solaris
Version - A.01.xx
Product - smart plug-in for UNIX os
There is indeed a reason for these restrictions, but this is only limited to MWA and
GP monitor templates:
After distribution of the templates to the managed node, an OSSPI script will run to
check all monitor templates that are distributed:
The script will decode the templates on the node and use the information to create a
new alarmdef (MWA) or a new syntax_gp (GP) file. However, it will need to filter out
all non-relevant templates first to accomplish this. This filtering is based on the

Troubleshooting coda 47
names of the templates, hence they need to start with OSSPI-MWA for Measureware
templates and OSSPI-GP_ for Glanceplus templates.

For OSSPI CODA monitor templates there is actually no reason for such a naming
restriction, save to keep the templates manageable more easily. Outside of that the
CODA templates can carry any possible name.

In an environment with OVOU 8.x agents, the full OV Performance Agent (OVPA) is
installed to get more performance logging functionality. Only the data from OVPA will
be used for analysis and reporting.

Is there a way to disable the coda agent, running as a subagent of the OVO Agent?
Operating System - HP-UX, Sun Solaris
Version - 8.x
Product - operations for UNIX

Yes, there is. The following command can be used to disable the coda agent:
ovcreg -del coda

The following commands can be used to enable the coda agent again.
ovcreg -add /opt/OV/newconfig/DataDir/conf/perf/coda.xml
ovc -start coda

The disable/enable procedures do not delete coda data which is gathered already,
but if the data is more than 5 weeks old, when the agent is enabled again, it will be
deleted as a result of the normal coda data maintenance process.
(The same procedure can be used for the other subagents)

CR#: QXCR1000282671
submitter text notes "opcagt -stop" stops coda on ovpa4.5/OVO8.x node Fix Text

customer resolution notes

opcagt script is updated in such a way that, "opcagt -stop" will stop agent processes
without stopping CODA. To stop coda explicitly, use opcagt -stop –CODA

When trying to add a node to OVPI running an OVO https agent, a_discovery
gathers 0 files.
When testing the connection with ovcodautil, the following error message appears:
ovcodautil -ping -n admhost. Ping of 'OvBbcCb' at: 'http://admhost:383/Hewlett-
Packard/OpenView/BBC/ping' successful
Exception caught calling OvBbcCb::LocateSherver for node: 'admhost' and URL:
'/Hewlett-Packard/OpenView/Coda/' Exception='(sec.core-113) SSL certificate
verification error (The presented peer certificate is not trusted. The certificate
verification chain could not be built.).
Everything seems to run successfully from the OVO side.
Does a separate certificate for OVPI need to be installed?

Troubleshooting coda 48
Operating System -
Version - 5.0, 5.1
Product - performance insight

The output of "ovconfget" run on the OVO node shows that the section coda.comm
does not have the SERVER_PORT entry registered to port 381. A firewall between the
OVPI server and the OVO node has been setup to allow only communication on port

Using the ovconfchg command, to change the port entry to 381 on the OVO node,
allows the node to be discovered correctly and the Coda data can be collected.
Port 381 is the default port.

Troubleshooting coda 49
15. Latest Coda Patches

§ ITOSOL_00559 - sparcSOL 2.X OV OVO8.X Perf Agent Solaris A.08.16

§ PHSS_35912 - s700_800 11.X OV OVO8.X Perf Agt Solaris A.08.16
§ PHSS_35913 - s700_800 11.X OV OVO8.X Perf Agt Linux A.08.16
§ ITOSOL_00560 - sparcSOL 2.X OV OVO8.X Perf Agent Linux A.08.16
§ PHSS_35914 - s700_800 11.X OV OVO8.X Perf Agt AIX A.08.16
§ ITOSOL_00561 - sparcSOL 2.X OV OVO8.X Perf Agent Aix A.08.16

Troubleshooting coda 50

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