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The Startup Europe report ‘Winning Together: A Guide to Successful Corporate-Startup

Collaborations’ (available from

winning-together-guidestartupcollab.pdf) illustrates transformative collaborations between large
corporations and startups for co-developing a new technology or information system. Therefore,
large corporations are becoming increasingly aware that the best ideas may not always come from
within their own business (Mocker et al., 2017). After downloading the report, select one of the
companies/industries surveyed and answer the following questions in your case study report. You
can do the same with a case study of your choice from a different source.

Question 1
What was/were the corporate’s functional area(s) where the partnership took place? List the
information needs the corporation recognised to be most effectively addressed by the involvement
of a start-up.
(600 words)

Question 2
What type of information system was the start-up (co-)developing for the corporation? Describe
how it is relevant to its structural and functional area.
(600 words)

Question 3
Briefly comment on: a) how was the start-up addressing middle and senior management information
needs that could not be addressed by the internal IT department? and b) state your justification of
what type of information system would have to be developed by the internal IT department had the
start-up not being involved.
(600 words)

Question 4
In a mini report addressed to senior management, list and comment on the key technical details of
the information system and the business considerations of the partnership between the corporation
and the start-up.
(600 words)

Question 5
Present the main legal and ethical issues that had to be addressed by the corporation to involve the
start-up for the development of the information system.
(600 words)

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide
ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the Harvard system. The My Study
Skills Area contains the following useful resources:
Guide to Harvard Referencing
You must use the AU Harvard Referencing method in your assignment.

Max 3000 words minus the titles

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