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Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to
the self – The Bhagavad Gita.



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Yoga is a path towards total harmony of body, mind, and
The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means
union. Union of the individual consciousness with the universal
consciousness. it is a way of life to improve our mind , focus ,
health .
what is covid-19?
a mild to severe respiratory illness that is caused by a corona
virus , is transmitted chiefly by contact with infectious material
or with objects or surfaces contaminated by the causative virus,
and is characterized especially by fever, cough, and shortness of
breath and may progress to pneumonia and respiratory
failure. COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China in
December 2019.
according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi 'Hollywood
to Haridwar' are wholeheartedly committed to practising yoga
during the coronavirus pandemic. During the present Corona
pandemic it is being observed from Hollywood to Haridwar that,
while staying at home, people are paying serious attention to
'Yoga'. People everywhere want to know more about 'Yoga' and
along with it 'Ayurveda' and adopt it as a way of life." yoga is good
for 'community, immunity, and unity.' Focusing on the importance
of yoga during the COVID-19 pandemic-which is predominantly a
respiratory disease, he said that there are many types of
Pranayamas (breathing exercises) which can strengthen the
respiratory system,  yoga pulled in a lot of enthusiasts during the
pandemic, as he witnessed a lot of people joining online yoga
classes, or learning yoga through previously uploaded videos on
youtube channels. yoga will hugely effect on our day to day life
during this pandemic .
Psychological stress can impact many systems in the
body, including weakening the immune system and increasing
chronic inflammation. Inflammation is a natural part of the
immune response and in the short term can be helpful to heal
wounds, injuries, and infections, but chronic inflammation
can do more harm than good. Researchers collectively
reviewed 15 randomized controlled trials that examined whether
the regular practice of yoga postures could strengthen the
immune system and reduce chronic inflammation. The average
sample size of the trials was 70, and sample sizes ranged from
11 to as many as 140 participants. The majority of studies used
Hatha yoga, a general term that indicates a style that includes

Scientists in these yoga trials examined the immune

system response by measuring blood or saliva levels of
circulating pro-inflammatory markers such as cytokines, a protein
called C-reactive protein (CRP), as well as immune cell counts,
antibodies, and markers of gene expression in immune cells.
Researchers found an overall pattern that yoga reduces pro-
inflammatory markers, with the strongest evidence for the
reduction of a cytokine called IL-1beta. There are mixed but
promising results regarding other types of pro-inflammatory
markers. One study found that yoga increased levels of anti-
inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10. Another trial found that
yoga could mediate inflammation at the genomic level, changing
levels of proteins that control the
DNAtranscription of proinflammatory cytokine.

Overall, the collection of research trials indicate yoga has a

promising anti-inflammatory effect in the body, and it helps
to build our immunity stronger to prevent covid-19.
how long do you need to practice yoga to get this effect and build
immunity stronger ?

So far researchers do not have a conclusive answer, but

most of these research studies implemented yoga programs that
lasted from eight to 12 weeks with a frequency between once
weekly to daily. Yoga classes in the research studies
range from 30 to 90 minutes. As with most mind-body practices,
regular consistent practice yields the most promise. 

(source-:'The Harvard Medical School Guide to Yoga. ' book.)

Mental health and COVID-19-

As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly sweeps across
the world, it is inducing a considerable degree of fear, worry
and concern in the population at large and among certain
groups in particular, such as older adults, care providers and
people with underlying health conditions.As part of its public
health response, WHO has worked with partners to develop a
set of new materials on the mental health and psychosocial
support aspects of COVID-19.
yoga can help us to improve our mental health . our mind
is introverted during the days of lockdown , it hugely effect on our
mental health . Although most people feel anxious from time to
time, anxiety is also a symptom of many conditions, including
panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), and phobias. A 2016 meta-analysis found that
practicing Hatha yoga had a promising effect on anxiety. Yoga
was also most beneficial in people who had the highest levels of
anxiety at the start of the studies. An older study from
2010 demonstrated that yoga improved mood and anxiety levels
more than walking. The researchers suggest that this was due to
higher levels of the brain chemical gamma-aminobutyric acid
Managing depression-

Major depression affects around 17.3 million adults in the U.S. in

any given year. now it is like a pandemic for whole world , we
have to focus on yoga and meditation during covid 19 days .
otherwise another pandemic , so called depression will kill us . in
India reducing jobs , academic effect , salary cut , lockdown effect
on mental health , so suicidal tendency is increasing . yoga will
help here to stay focused and remove suicidal thoughts.

Although medication and talk therapy are common treatments for

depression, yoga has had some promising results as a
complementary therapy.A 2017 systematic review found that
yoga could reduce depressive symptoms in many populations,
including people with depressive disorder, pregnant and
postpartum women, and caregivers.Study participants who
completed 2 months of Sudarshan Kriya yoga experienced a
reduction in depressive symptoms, whereas the control group
showed no improvements.Researchers suggest that yoga may
lower symptoms of depression by reducing cortisol, or the “stress

during this pandemic , gyms were closed , swimming pools

are closed , sports activities are closed , it is showing a huge
economic effect in our country. yoga can help little bit to our
economy through out online classes , motivational video class ,
In just four months, this virus has wiped out thousands of years
of social traditions and customs, forcing us to hide in homes
that have become more like the caves that sheltered the first
human beings (though, thankfully, our “caves” are safer, air-
conditioned, and equipped with electricity and wifi). “Survival of
the fittest” is the phrase used to describe the evolutionist
Charles Darwin’s concept of natural selection, which means
that those who survive will be those who are best adapted for
their immediate environment. No distance learning program can
provide the benefit a student obtains when interacting with their
classmates in person under the supervision of a teacher, no
matter how sophisticated the algorithms.

Our immediate environment is polluted with coronavirus, and it

kills the weakest among us — the elderly, the newborn, those
with chronic diseases, and those with a weak immune system.
in this time of scientists are busy to discover drugs to prevent
coronavirus , we have trust on them . our medical workers
working for us day and night . we also have some duties for
society . we can improve our immunity , mental health through
yoga .

“When you listen to yourself, everything comes

naturally. It comes from inside, like a kind of will
to do something. Try to be sensitive. That is
yoga.” ― Petri Räisänen

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