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Young Entrepreneurs “I CAN AND I WLL DO IT.”

 It’s simply a matter of organizing the information in a clear, concise manner.


Inadequate product

Lack of business plan

Poor customer service

Step 1 DEFINE YOUR VISION: Vision and Mission:

Step 2 SET GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Short term goals : midterm: long term: target sales

Step 3 DEFINE UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION: sales warranty and support

Step 4 KNOW YOUR MARKET: How many: what service they offer:

Step 5 KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER: Ideal customer wants:

Step 6: RESEARCH DEMAND ON YOUR BUSINESS: find out the demand: gather information’s

Step 7 SET YOUR MARKING GOALS: Goals: What will it cost: product development

Step 8 DEFINE MARKETING STRATEGY: how many products: system of delivery: strategy to promote:

Step 9 TAKE ACTION: most important

What is a business plan?

 It it’s simplest form, it is a guide: a roadmap for your business that outlines goals and details
how you plan to achieve those goals.
 At it’s heart, a business plan is just for how your business is going to work, and how you’re going
to make it succeed.


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