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Blood Flow Restriction Exercise in Sprinters

and Endurance Runners

Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido, JAPAN;
Graduate School of Program in Lifelong Learning Studies, Hokusho University, Hokkaido, JAPAN; 3Northern Regions
Lifelong Sports Research Center, Hokkaido, JAPAN; and 4Department of Sports Education, Hokkaido University of Education,
Hokkaido, JAPAN


HIRABAYASHI, T. YOKOTA, S. KINUGAWA, and H. TSUTSUI. Blood Flow Restriction Exercise in Sprinters and Endurance
Runners. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 413–419, 2012. Purpose: We demonstrated that blood flow restriction (BFR)
remarkably enhances muscular metabolic stress in resistance exercise, although there is a wide range of individual differences in the
responses. It is possible that these differences could be due to training status and muscular physiological characteristics. We investigated
intramuscular metabolic responses during low-intensity resistance exercise with BFR between two different types of track athletes.
Methods: Twelve age-matched male track athletes (sprinter group, n = 6; endurance runner group, n = 6) were recruited and performed
unilateral plantarflexion (30 repetitions per minute). The exercise protocols were as follows: low-intensity exercise at 20% of one-
repetition maximum (1RM) (L), high-intensity exercise at 65% 1RM without BFR (1.3 times of systolic blood pressure), L with BFR for
2 min (L-BFR), and prolonged exercise time in L-BFR for 3 min (prolonged BFR). Metabolic stress, defined as phosphocreatine and
intramuscular pH decrease, and muscle fiber recruitment were evaluated using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Results: Endurance
runners showed higher peak oxygen uptake and lower muscle strength than sprinters. Phosphocreatine decreases in endurance runners
during exercise with BFR protocols were significantly greater than those in sprinters (P G 0.05), although those occurring during L were
significantly lower than those in sprinters (P G 0.05). The changes in intramuscular pH and the incidence of fast-twitch fiber recruitment
did not show a statistical difference between the two groups. Phosphocreatine decreases in L-BFR were significantly correlated with peak
oxygen uptake (P G 0.05). Conclusions: The effects of low-intensity resistance exercise with BFR are greater in endurance runners
according to higher aerobic capacity. Key Words: CHEMICAL STRESS, ISCHEMIA, INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE, TRAINING,

o increase muscle bulk and strength, high-intensity and short-term training effects despite using a lower work-
resistance training must be performed with a mechan- load (1,2,21,28). This training method could be performed
ical load greater than 65% of one-repetition maxi- safely (2,21) and has even seemed effective in early reha-
mum (1RM) (17). However, such intensive loads cannot often bilitation after an injury or surgery in athletes and clinical
be applied for frail participants or for deconditioned or injured cases (18,20,25,29).
athletes in a clinical setting (24). Several studies have demonstrated that stimulation of me-
In recent years, several lines of study have provided tabolism with muscle contraction in response to BFR exercise
compelling data showing that resistance exercise with blood is important to obtain muscle bulk and increases in strength
flow restriction (BFR), which has been widely applied as an (4,12,26,27). However, we have previously observed that a
exercise prescription for sports athletes, results in favorable considerable number of participants could not get sufficient
muscular stress during low-intensity resistance exercise with
BFR. There was a wide range of individual differences in
the muscular metabolic responses to this type of exercise
Address for correspondence: Koichi Okita, M.D., Ph.D., Graduate School of
Program in Lifelong Learning Studies, Hokusho University, 23 Bunkyodai, (26,27). It could be speculated that those differences might be
Ebetsu 069-8511, Hokkaido, Japan; E-mail: due to training status and muscular physiological character-
Submitted for publication February 2011. istics. We therefore hypothesized that BFR exercise might
Accepted for publication July 2011. not provide the same effects in different types of athletes,
0195-9131/12/4403-0413/0 specifically sprinters and endurance runners. The purpose of
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ the present study was to compare physiological responses
Copyright Ó 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine during low-intensity resistance exercises with BFR between
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e31822f39b3 sprinters and endurance runners by 31P magnetic resonance


Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
spectroscopy (MRS), which can elucidate intramuscular en- in altered intramuscular phosphocreatine (PCr) and pH to
ergetic metabolism and muscle fiber recruitment. baseline levels. BFR was carried out using a pneumatic rapid
inflator (E-20 rapid cuff inflator; Hokanson, Bellevue, WA)
with an 18.5-cm–wide pressure cuff placed around the right
METHODS thigh. The cuff was inflated for 10 s before the exercise protocol
Participants. Twelve trained male participants (sprinters, and promptly released after the exercise was completed. The
n = 6; endurance runners, n = 6) took part in the study. The real-time cuff pressure was monitored digitally and precisely
average personal best times for the sprinters in the 100-m maintained during exercise.
sprint, 110-m hurdle, and 400-m sprint were 10.90, 14.82, P MRS. Participants lay in the supine position on an
and 48.29 s, respectively. The average personal best time for original apparatus equipped with a magnetic resonance de-
the endurance runners in the 5-km run was 15 min 45 s. All vice, and the right foot was attached to the pedal by a Velcro
participants were healthy and without orthopedic or cardio- strap. 31P MRS was performed using a 55-cm-bore 1.5-T
vascular diseases. Informed consent was obtained from all superconducting magnet (Magnetom Vision VB33G; Sie-
participants. The study was approved by the ethics committee mens, Erlangen, Germany). An 80-mm surface coil was
of Hokusho University (HOKUSHO-SPOR: 200704). placed under the muscle belly of the right gastrocnemius.
Anthropometric measurements were performed in all par- Shimming was adjusted using the proton signal from water.
ticipants after participants abstained from exercise training Spectra of high-energy phosphate were acquired at a pulse

and vigorous physical activities of for at least 24 h. The width of 500 Hs, a transmitter voltage of 20 V, and a repe-
measurement was performed from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Blood tition time of 2000 ms. The spectra were obtained at rest
pressure was evaluated at sitting rest, and the average levels and every 30 s during exercise. Each spectrum consisted
of two sequential measurements were used. The muscle of an average of eight scans during 16 s before each time
cross-sectional area (MCA) of the plantar flexor group, which point. For the spectral postprocessing procedure, the stan-
is composed of the medial gastrocnemius, lateral gastrocne- dard software package (LUISE; Siemens) was applied. After
mius, soleus, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis posterior, flexor Fourier transformation, Gauss filtering in the time domain,
digitorum longus, peroneus longus, and peroneus brevis, was and phase and baseline correction of the spectral raw data,
evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (9). the peaks were identified and semiautomatically fitted for
Exercise procedures. All participants performed a uni- the integrals under the curve in the frequency domain. The
lateral plantarflexion exercise under four conditions: two re- intramuscular PCr millimolar concentration assumed that
sistance exercises without BFR and two BFR protocols. The PCr millimolar concentration + creatine concentration =
two resistance exercises without BFR were low-intensity 42.5 mM (13) and supposed that the inorganic phosphate (Pi)
exercises at 20% of 1RM (L) and high-intensity exercises concentration is equal to the creatine concentration (16).
at 65% of 1RM for 2 min (H). The 2 BFR protocols were as Intramuscular pH was calculated from the chemical shift of
follows: 20% of 1RM with BFR for 2 min (L-BFR), and Pi relative to PCr. When distinct Pi splitting was shown, the
prolonged exercise in L-BFR for 3 min (prolonged BFR). The pH was calculated by standardizing the obtained individual
exercise intensities used in the present study have been pH on the basis of peaks corresponding to each Pi (19).
assigned to the level of low-intensity resistance training. The Near-infrared spectroscopy. Calf muscle oxygena-
plantarflexion exercises were carried out at 30 repetitions per tion was assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) us-
minute, and the weight was lifted 5 cm above the ground. ing a tissue oximeter (NIRO-200; Hamamatsu Photonics,
Throughout the experiments, we carefully monitored the lift- Hamamatsu, Japan) during L and L-BFR in six randomly se-
ing height (5 cm) and repetitions (30 per minute) using a ruler lected participants (sprinters = 3, endurance runners = 3). The
and metronome, respectively, to avoid variance within and theory behind the NIRS approach and the reliability to mea-
between participants. The 1RM was determined to be a suc- sure tissue O2 saturation has been reported (22). The NIRO-
cessful concentric-only contraction on the same plantarflexion 200 provides tissue O2 saturation data as tissue oxygenation
apparatus equipped with a magnetic resonance device. Par- index (TOI = oxyhemoglobin (HbO2)/total hemoglobin,
ticipants were instructed to lift the load through the range of expressed in percentage). The TOI value reflects predomi-
motion to prevent assistance from any other body part (e.g., nantly the mean of arteriolar, capillary, and venular O2
the thigh). The 1RM trials were designed using increments of saturations, with a minor contribution from myoglobin (22).
10 kg until 60%–80% of the perceived maximum. The load After exercise begins, HbO2 saturation is depleted from the
was then gradually increased by 1- to 5-kg weights until lift stable baseline (100%) and then reaches a plateau (0%) in-
fail, during which the participant was not able to maintain dicating the balance of oxygen demand and supply in muscle
proper form or to completely lift the weight. The last accept- tissue. After exercise is completed, the HbO2 saturation
able lift with the highest possible load was determined as increases until it reaches a plateau. Data sampled every 1 s
1RM. BFR pressure was set as 130% of resting systolic blood were fed into a personal computer and saved as a file, and this
pressure (6,26,27). Participants performed exercises under result showed an average of 5 s.
all four conditions in random order, on 2 d separated by at Measurement of peak oxygen uptake. Peak oxy-
least 1 wk. Before each protocol, we confirmed the recovery gen uptake (peak V̇O2) was determined with participants

414 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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TABLE 1. Physical and physiological characteristics. Statistical analysis. The values are presented as means T
Sprinters Endurance Runners SE in the table, text, and figures. Intergroup comparisons
(n = 6) (n = 6) P
of a single measurement were performed using the Student’s
Age (yr) 20.8 T 0.6 20.5 T 0.4 0.707
Height (cm) 175.3 T 2.3 172.1 T 2.9 0.379
unpaired t-test in sprinters and endurance runners. Compar-
Weight (kg) 66.3 T 1.5 60.9 T 2.2 0.042 isons of metabolic measures at the end of exercise among
BMI (kgImj2) 21.6 T 0.7 20.6 T 0.6 0.245 protocols were examined by one-way ANOVA. Interaction
SBP (mm Hg) 116.2 T 2.5 116.2 T 1.8 1.000
BFRP (mm Hg) 151.0 T 3.2 151.2 T 2.3 0.970 effects (group  time) were examined by two-way ANOVA
MCA (cm2) 73.4 T 3.3 67.5 T 1.4 0.189 with repeated measures. Post hoc comparisons were exam-
1RM (kg) 60.3 T 1.5 51.8 T 1.4 0.003
20% 1RM (kg) 12.1 T 0.3 10.5 T 0.3 0.003 ined by the Bonferroni test. The relationship between var-
65% 1RM (kg) 39.3 T 1.0 33.8 T 0.9 0.004 iables was examined by linear regression analysis by the
1RM/MCA (kgIcmj2) 0.83 T 0.07 0.77 T 0.03 0.239
Peak V̇O2 (mLIkgj1Iminj1) 62.7 T 1.7 74.2 T 2.4 0.002
Pearson test. The comparisons of split Pi appearance among
AT (mLIkgj1Iminj1) 31.4 T 1.0 36.1 T 1.2 0.020 exercise conditions were performed by a W2 test. The level of
Peak R 1.30 T 0.03 1.25 T 0.01 0.173 significance was set at P G 0.05. All statistical tests were
HRmax (bpm) 194.7 T 4.4 190.2 T 3.5 0.510
Run time (s) 564.7 T 21.4 722.2 T 34.8 0.002 performed using SPSS 17 (SPSS 17.0 for Windows soft-
Training status ware, Chicago, IL).
Training history (yr) 9.5 T 1.1 6.7 T 0.4 0.059
Main training time (hIwkj1) 13.6 T 1.7 14.7 T 1.9 0.658
Training frequency 4.8 T 0.4 6.7 T 0.4 0.002

(times per week)
Resistance training time 3.3 T 1.0 0.5 T 0.4 0.039
(hIwkj1) The 1RM in sprinters was significantly greater than that in
Values are the means T SE. P values by t-test denote level of significance between
endurance runners, and the loads of 20% and 65% of 1RM
sprinters and endurance runners. in sprinters were greater than those in endurance runners, but
BMI, body mass index; SBP, systolic blood pressure; BFRP, BFR pressure (1.3 times of no differences between the two groups were observed in
SBP); R, RERYR, gas exchange ratio.
MCA or 1RM/MCA. Peak V̇O2 and AT in endurance run-
ners were significantly greater than those in sprinters. The
exercising on a treadmill using a modified Bruce protocol. training frequency per week in endurance runners was sig-
Peak V̇O2 was identified by satisfying more than two con- nificantly greater than that in sprinters. The resistance train-
ditions, as follows: HRmax (bpm) is 220 j age T 10, respi- ing time per week for sprinters was significantly greater than
ratory gas exchange ratio is more than 1.2, and leveling off that for endurance runners (Table 1).
is observed. Respiratory gas analysis was performed with Intramuscular energetic metabolism during BFR
a breath-by-breath apparatus (Vmax; SensorMedicsÒ, Yorba exercises. Figure 1 shows the time courses of PCr during
Linda, CA). The anaerobic threshold (AT) was determined exercises carried out under L and L-BFR conditions. There
by the V-slope method (3). was no significant difference in the average intramuscular
As an index of perceived effort, the RPE was evaluated PCr or pH levels at rest in any of the protocols (PCr = 38.0 T
with the modified Borg 10-point scale. The RPE was taken 0.2 mM (sprinters) vs 37.6 T 0.2 mM (endurance runners),
immediately after the exercises were finished. pH = 7.01 T 0.00 vs 7.00 T 0.00). PCr in L was significantly

FIGURE 1—Time courses of change in PCr of rest during L (A) and L-BFR (B) in sprinters (h) and endurance runners (Ì). Values are the means T SE.
†PCr decrease was significantly greater in sprinters than in endurance runners, P G 0.05. *PCr decrease was significantly greater in endurance runners
than in sprinters, P G 0.05.

DIFFERENT RESPONSES IN OCCLUSION EXERCISE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 415

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FIGURE 2—Time courses of intramuscular pH during L (A) and L-BFR (B) in sprinters (h) and endurance runners (Ì). Values are the means T SE.

lower in sprinters than in endurance runners (Fig. 1A), prolonged BFR tended to be greater than that in L-BFR in
whereas in L-BFR, that in endurance runners was signifi- sprinters (P = 0.051). PCr decreases might be enhanced by
cantly lower than that in sprinters (Fig. 1B). Also, there increasing exercise time in both groups.
were significant interactions in the L and L-BFR conditions Fast-twitch fiber recruitment at the end of exer-
(P G 0.001). Although PCr in H tended to be lower in cises. Although recruitment of fast-twitch (FT) fibers, as
sprinters compared with endurance runners, the difference evaluated by Pi splitting (19), was observed during L-BFR,
was not statistically significant (25.7% T 4.1% vs 32.7% T H, and prolonged BFR, none was observed during L. The
3.3%). There was not a significant interaction under the H incidence of Pi splitting was greater in H and prolonged
condition. Similarly, PCr at the end of prolonged BFR ex- BFR than in L-BFR in all participants (L-BFR = 33.3% vs
ercise in endurance runners tended to be lower than that in H = 100% and prolonged BFR = 83.3%, P G 0.01). Sprinters
sprinters (32.0% T 3.2% vs 24.6% T 1.4%, P = 0.062). There and endurance runners showed a similar incidence of Pi
was a significant interaction under the prolonged BFR con- splitting in each comparable protocol (L-BFR = 33.3% vs
dition (P G 0.001). The time courses of intramuscular pH 33.3%, H = 100% vs 100%, prolonged BFR = 83.3% vs
were very similar to those of PCr. However, the difference 83.3%).
between the two groups did not reach statistical signifi- Oxygenation levels in calf muscle. Averaged TOI
cance in any condition possibly because of the wide indi- as oxygenation levels in calf muscles during exercises
vidual variation and large SD (Fig. 2). Interestingly, under for the last 30 s in L tended to be greater in sprinters than
the L-BFR protocol, the decrease in PCr at the end of ex- in endurance runners (80.1% T 7.9% vs 96.2% T 2.7%,
ercise was positively correlated with peak V̇O2 in all par- P = 0.188), whereas in L-BFR, these values were similar
ticipants (Fig. 3), whereas the PCr decrease at the end of
exercise under the L protocol was not significantly corre-
lated with peak V̇O2 (r = j0.357, P = 0.255). There were no
correlations between the degree of metabolic response and
the 1RM or BFR pressure.
We next examined metabolic responses under various
conditions for each of the groups (Fig. 4). Intragroup com-
parisons showed PCr decreases at the end of all exercise
protocols in both sprinters (Fig. 4A) and endurance runners
(Fig. 4B). In both groups, PCr decreases in L-BFR, H, and
prolonged BFR were significantly greater than those in L.
Although endurance runners showed similar PCr decreases
in H and L-BFR, in sprinters, the decreases were signifi-
cantly greater in H than in L-BFR. In endurance runners,
PCr decreases in prolonged BFR were significantly greater
than those in L-BFR. Moreover, those in prolonged BFR
tended to be greater than those in H (P = 0.093). In contrast,
PCr decreases in sprinters during the long-duration proto- FIGURE 3—Correlation between peak V̇O2 and PCr decrease at the
cols were less than those in H. Furthermore, PCr decrease in end of the L-BFR condition in all participants.

416 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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FIGURE 4—PCr decrease from rest in sprinters (A, solid bar) and endurance runners (B, open bar) at the end of the variable exercise protocols.
Values are the means T SE. *P G 0.01 versus L; †P G 0.01 versus L-BFR.

between sprinters and endurance runners (11.8% T 1.7% vs ways. First, there is a difference in aerobic capacity between
14.8% T 4.7%). There was a significant interaction in L sprinters and endurance runners. Endurance runners natu-
(P G 0.001), whereas there was not a significant interaction rally have a higher aerobic capacity than sprinters. Higher
in L-BFR. Therefore, the degree of BFR in exercising mus- aerobic capacity is associated with higher oxygen delivery to
cle was similar in both athletes (Fig. 5). the exercising muscle, which might mean a larger blood flow
RPE. No significant differences in RPE at the end of dependence in endurance runners. Therefore, there might be
exercise between sprinters and endurance runners were ob- a greater disturbance of BFR in energetic metabolism during
served under any of the conditions used (L = 2.7 T 0.3 vs exercise in endurance runners compared with sprinters. In fact,
2.3 T 0.6, L-BFR = 6.5 T 0.7 vs 8.0 T 0.5, H = 8.3 T 0.5 vs a strong correlation was found between PCr decrease and peak
8.5 T 0.5, prolonged BFR = 9.2 T 0.4 vs 8.8 T 0.5). V̇O2 in the present study (Fig. 3). Concordantly, Clark et al.
(5) have suggested that the higher the endurance capacity
with natural blood flow, the greater the reduction in endur-
DISCUSSION ance time with BFR.
Major findings. We elucidated the intramuscular ener-
getic metabolism during resistance exercises with a BFR
protocol in sprinters and endurance runners. The results
showed that muscular metabolic stress as indicated by PCr
and intramuscular pH decrease during exercises with BFR is
significantly greater in endurance runners than in sprinters.
In addition, the muscular stress during low-intensity BFR
exercises was found to be equal or superior to that during
high-intensity exercise without BFR in endurance runners
but not in sprinters; in contrast, during exercises without BFR,
sprinters showed greater muscular metabolic stress than en-
durance runners. These results indicate that endurance run-
ners could more effectively be subjected to muscular stress
by applying BFR during resistance exercise than could
sprinters. Although this training method has been used for
various athletes in rehabilitation after injury and surgery, a
uniform procedure might not have the same successful effects
in all individuals, especially in sprint-type athletes.
The different response of intramuscular metabolic stress
FIGURE 5—Time courses of change in relative oxygenation from rest
during resistance exercise with BFR between sprinters and in L in sprinters (h) and endurance runners (Ì) and in L-BFR in
endurance runners could be explained in several different sprinters () and endurance runners ()). Values are the means T SE.

DIFFERENT RESPONSES IN OCCLUSION EXERCISE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 417

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The second possible explanation is the different muscular dominance of ST fibers (7). Second, it is possible that the
histological properties of the two different athlete groups. supplemented effects in intramuscular metabolic stress in
Endurance runners have more slow-twitch (ST) fibers response to BFR might differ by MCA of the attachment site
(7,10,11), which results in a higher volume of mitochondria of the cuff and exercising muscle, but the calf MCA and
and oxidative enzymes (e.g., citrate synthase, succinate de- thigh circumference did not influence change in intramus-
hydrogenase), a higher capillary density (7,14,30), and cular energetic metabolism because there was no correlation
higher myoglobin levels (8,31) compared with sprinters, also in the present study.
leading to higher oxygen dependence. In contrast, sprinters In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that
have more FT fibers, which have more glycolytic enzymes muscular stress during resistance exercise with BFR differs
(e.g., lactate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase) (7), and between sprinters and endurance runners. Supplementation
can carry out multifaceted anaerobic adenosine triphosphate of BFR might provide sufficient effects on resistance train-
productions even under the BFR condition. Similarly, ing in endurance runners but not in sprinters. Therefore, the
Ingemann-Hansen et al. (15) have reported that a higher ST present study suggests that more attention should be paid to
fibers ratio was associated with a greater decline of muscle creating an effective prescription in resistance exercise with
strength under an ischemic condition. BFR (Fig. 4).
In the present study, there was no difference in the FT
fiber recruitment as detected by splitting Pi between the two

groups. As mentioned above, sprinters with a greater percent This work was supported by grants from the Hokusho University
of FT fiber might show a greater incidence of splitting Pi Northern Regions Lifelong Sports Research Center, the Meiji Yasuda
Life Foundation of Health and Welfare, and the Descente and Ishimoto
during resistance exercise. On the other hand, endurance Memorial Foundation for the Promotion of Sports Science.
runners were more stressed during resistance exercise with The authors thank Dr. Takayuki Sako, Japan Women’s University,
BFR compared with sprinters, which led to accelerated Pi for help with advisement and technical assistance in NIRS mea-
surement. They also thank Mr. Takayuki Kosuge and Mr. Takashi
splitting. Thus, both factors could conflictingly contribute to Sato, Hokusho University, for assistance in data collection. The
no significant difference in Pi splitting. authors also thank the study participants.
Limitations. The present study has some limitations. The authors have no disclosures to declare.
The author contributions are as follows: S.T., T.S., M.O., T.K.,
First, we did not examine the muscle fiber type composition N.M., M.H., T.Y., K.H., and M.T. performed the experiments; S.T. and
by muscle biopsy. However, we carefully selected the par- K.O. designed and planned the study; S.T., K.O., T.S., N.M., and
ticipants by their typical competition records and training M.H. prepared the article; S.K. and H.T. supervised the study; and all
authors interpreted data.
status. It is well known that elite sprinters have a predomi- The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement
nance of FT fibers, whereas endurance runners have a pre- by the American College of Sports and Medicine.

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