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Kotlin Cheat Sheet

val short:String, val long:String)

Declaring Constants Elvis Operator - ?: {
// const can only be used in top insurance_no = null Sunday ("Sun","SUNDAY"),
level or objects Monday ("Mon","MONDAY"),
const val PI = 3.14 val length = Tuesday ("Tue","TUESDAY"),
insurance_no?.length ?: -1 Wednesday ("Wed","WEDNESDAY"),
// otherwise, use val for constant // length is -1 Thursday ("Thu","THURSDAY"),
val URL = Friday ("Fri","FRIDAY"),
"" var gender:String? = null Saturday ("Sat","SATURDAY"),
var genderOfCustomer = }
gender ?: "male" // male
Declaring Variables var colorOfBag:BagColor
val num = 5 // type inference gender = "female" colorOfBag = BagColor.Red
val num2:Int = 6 // explicit type genderOfCustomer =
val msg = "Welcome!" gender ?: "male" // female var colorStr:String =
val name:String colorOfBag.toString()

Casting // colorStr is now "Red"
Type Alias val num1 = 5 // Int val color = colorOfBag.v
typealias CustomerIDType = Int val num2 = 1.6 // Double // color is 3
typealias CustomerNameType = String val num3 = 3.4F // Float
val num4 = num1.toFloat() // 5.0 colorOfBag =
var customerID: CustomerIDType val num5 = num2.toInt() // 1 BagColor.valueOf("Yellow")
var customerName: CustomerNameType val str = num3.toString() // "3.4" // colorOfBag is now BagColor.Yellow
val num6 = str.toInt() // exception
customerID = 12345 var day:DayOfWeek
customerName = "Samanta Choo"
Using let with Null day
= DayOfWeek.Friday
s1 = day.long // "FRIDAY"
fun getProductCode(code:String)
Tuples (Pair/Triple) :String? { val s2 = day.short // "Fri"
var pt = Pair(7,8) val code =
if (code=="Diet Coke") "12345" day = DayOfWeek.valueOf("Saturday")
var flight =
else null // day is now DayOfWeek.Saturday
Triple(7031, "ATL", "ORD")
return code
var (flightno, orig, dest) = flight } Characters
// String
print(flightno) //---7031--- val code =
var euroStr = "€"
print(orig) //---ATL--- (getProductCode("Diet Coke"))
print(dest) //---ORD--- code?.let {
// Character
var euro:Char = '€'
print(flight.first) //---7031--- } ?:run {
print(flight.second) //---ATL--- print("Code not found")
// €2500
print(flight.third) //---ORD--- }
var price = euro + "2500"
// price is now a String
Nulls Strings
var insurance_no:String? = var
str1 = "A string"
str2:String = "A string"
Range Operators
"12345678" // Closed Range Operator
insurance_no = null var str3 = str1 + str2
// prints 5 to 9 inclusive
var str4 = "A" + " " + "String"
for (num in 5..9 step 1) {

Checking for Null print(num)
if (insurance_no != null) { String Interpolation }
val length = insurance_no.length var firstName = "Wei-Meng"
//---prints 9 to 5 inclusive---
} var lastName:String = "Lee"
for (num in 9 downTo 5 step 1) {
var fullName = print(num)
Safe Call Operator - ? "$firstName $lastName" }
insurance_no = null // "Wei-Meng Lee"
val length = insurance_no?.length //---Half-Open Range Operator
// length is null var s = //---prints 5 to 8---
"Value of \$firstName is $firstName" for (num in 5 until 9 step 1) {
val fruits:List<String?> = // "Value of $firstName is Wei-Meng" print(num)
listOf("apple", "orange", null) }

for (fruit in fruits) { Unicode Functions
fruit?.let { val hand = '\u270B'
fun addNums(num1:Int,
print(fruit) val star = '\u2b50'
num3:Int):Int {
Enumerations return num1+num2+num3
enum class BagColor(val v:Int) { }
Non-null Assertion Black(1),
val sum = addNums(5,6,7)
Operator - !! White(2),
var insurance_no:String? = Green(4),
"12345678" Yellow(5),
val length = insurance_no!!.length }
// length is 8
enum class DayOfWeek(

Rev 1.3.1 © Wei-Meng Lee , Developer Learning Solutions, All rights reserved.
var column:Int
Returning Tuple //---numbers3 has now 10 elements )
fun countNumbers(string:String): // all 0s var stone1 = Go(12,16)
Pair<Int,Int>{ var numbers3 = IntArray(10) with(stone1) {
var odd = 3 // same as int[] in Java row = 9
var even = 4 column = 13
// do something //---numbers3 has now 10 elements }
return Pair(odd, even) // from 0 to 9
} numbers3 =
intArrayOf(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) Looping
val count = countNumbers("12345") // prints 0 to 4
// numbers4 has now 10 elements var count = 0
while (count < 5) {
Default Parameter Value // {0,1,4,9,16,25,...}
val numbers4 = IntArray(10) { print (count)
fun join(firstName:String, n -> n*n count += 1
lastName:String, } }
joiner:String=" "):String {
return $firstName$joiner$lastName" // prints 0 to 4
} The it Keyword count = 0
// same as numbers4 repeat (5) {
var fullName = val numbers5 = IntArray(10) { print(count)
join("Wei-Meng", "Lee", ",") it*it count += 1
// Wei-Meng,Lee // "it" is the implicit }
// name of the single parameter
fullName = join("Wei-Meng", "Lee") } // prints 0 to 4
// Wei-Meng Lee for (i in 0..4) {
Variable Arguments val platforms1 = hashMapOf(
fun average(vararg nums:Int):Float { "Apple" to "iOS",
var sum: Float = 0F "Google" to "Android", Classes
for (num in nums) { "Microsoft" to "Windows Phone" class MyLocation {
sum += num.toFloat() ) }
return sum/nums.size val p1 = platforms1["Apple"] // type inference
} //---"iOS"--- val loc1 = MyLocation()

var avg = average(1,2,3,4,5,6) val p2 = platforms1["Samsung"] // declare and initialize
// 3.5 //---null--- val loc2:MyLocation = MyLocation()

Arrays and Lists val count = platforms1.size

val companies = platforms1.keys Late Initialization
var names = Array<String>(5) {""} val oses = platforms1.values // late initialization (only applies
// 5 elements all containing "" // to var)
platforms1["Samsung"] = "Bada" lateinit var loc3:MyLocation
var OSes: Array<String> = ...
arrayOf("iOS", loc3 = MyLocation()
"Windows Phone") val months:HashMap<Int, String> =
months[1] = "Jan"
Lazy Initialization
var os1 = OSes[0] // "iOS" // lazy only applies to val
var os2 = OSes[1] // "Android" months[2] = "Feb" public class Example{
var os3 = OSes[2] // "Windows Phone" // defer initialization of an
var count = OSes.size // 3 The when Statement // object until the point at
// which it is needed.
// Array is mutable (Switch) val name: String by lazy {
OSes[2] = "Fuchsia" var grade: Char = 'B' "Johnson"
when (grade) { }
var items: List<Int> = 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' -> }
listOf(1,2,3,4,5) print("Passed")
var item1 = items[0] // 1 'F' -> val e = Example()
var item2 = items[1] // 2 print("Failed") val name = // "johnson"
var item3 = items[2] // 3 else ->

// error }
print("Undefined") Properties
// items[3] = 9 // list is immutable class MyLocation {
// all properties must be
// mutable (dynamic) Matching Range // initialized
var wishes: MutableList<String> = var percentage: Int = 85 // var for read/write properties
mutableListOf() when (percentage) { var lat:Double? = null
wishes.add("iPhone") in 0..20 -> var lng:Double? = null
wishes.add("iPad") print("Group 1")
in 21..40 -> // val for read-only properties
val arrived:Boolean = false
Array<Int> vs IntArray print("Group 2")
in 41..60 -> }
// declare; numbers0 is now null print("Group 3")
val numbers0: Array<Int> in 61..80 -> val loc = MyLocation()
// same as Integer[] in Java print("Group 4") = 57.474392
in 81..100 -> loc.lng = 37.228008
// declare and init; numbers1 now print("Group 5") print(loc.arrived)
// has 10 elements else ->
var numbers1: Array<Int> =
arrayOf(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) }
print("Invalid percentage") Primary Constructor
// primary constructor
// same as numbers1 class MyLocation (var lat:Double,
var numbers2= Data Class var lng:Double) {
arrayOf(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) data class Go ( val arrived:Boolean = false
var row:Int,

Rev 1.3.1 © Wei-Meng Lee , Developer Learning Solutions, All rights reserved.
fun someMethod() {
val latitude = var loc5 = MyLocation() Lambda Functions
val longitude = this.lng = 157.474392 // exception //---Button view---
} loc5.lng = 37.228008 val btnOpen =
} print(loc5.arrived) findViewById<Button>(

var loc = MyLocation(57.474392, // traditional way

37.228008) btnOpen.setOnClickListener(object:
class Distance {
var miles = 0.0
override fun onClick(v: View?) {
Primary Constructor with var km: Double
set (km) {
Initializer Block miles = km / 1.60934
class MyLocation (var lat:Double, }
// alternative 1
var lng:Double) { get() {
val arrived:Boolean = false return 1.60934 * miles
{ view ->
} ...
init { } }) = lat // alternative 2
this.lng = lng var d = Distance() btnOpen.setOnClickListener()
// you can add more code here d.miles = 10.0 { view ->
} print( // 16.0934 ...
fun someMethod() {
val latitude =
Class Inheritance // alternative 3
btnOpen.setOnClickListener {
val longitude = this.lng // use open to allow the class to be
view ->
} // inherited
} open class BaseClass(arg1:String) {
// class has a primary
// alternative 4
// constructor with 1 argument
Secondary Constructor }
btnOpen.setOnClickListener {
class MyLocation { }
var lat:Double // initializing the parent class via
var lng:Double // the class header
var arrived:Boolean = false class SubClass1(
arg1:String, var numbers =
// secondary constructor arg2:String):BaseClass(arg1) { arrayOf(5,2,8,7,9,4,3,1)
constructor(lat:Double, }
lng:Double) { // return all even numbers = lat // initializing the parent class via val evenNumbers = numbers.filter {
this.lng = lng // the secondary constructor using n -> n % 2 == 0
// you can add code here // the super keyword }
} class SubClass2:BaseClass {
constructor(arg1:String, // sum up all the numbers
// secondary constructor; chaining arg2:String): val sums = numbers.reduce {
constructor(lat:Double, super(arg1) { sum, n -> sum + n
lng:Double, } }
this(lat,lng) { // constructor chaining // convert the list to strings,
this.arrived = arrived constructor(arg1:String): prefix each item with "$"
} this(arg1, "") { val prices ={
} } n -> "\$$n"
} }
var loc = MyLocation(57.474392,
// apply GST to items above 3,
// convert the list to strings,
var loc2 = MyLocation(57.474392, open class Shape(length:Float,
37.228008, true) // prefix with "$"
width:Float) {
val pricesWithGST ={
var length:Float
n -> "$" + if (n>3) (n*1.07) else n
Custom Getter and Setter var width:Float
// a.k.a. computed properties init {
class MyLocation () { // sort in ascending order
this.length = length
var lat:Double = 0.0 val sortedASCNumbers =
this.width = width
set(value) { numbers.sortedBy {
if (value > 90 || it
fun perimeter():Float {
value < -90) { }
return 2 * (length + width)
throw }
IllegalArgumentException( // sort in descending order
fun area(): Float {
"Invalid latitude") val sortedDESCNumbers =
return length * width
} numbers.sortedBy {
field = value it
} }.reversed()
var lng:Double = 0.0 open class Rectangle(length:Float,
set(value) {
if (value > 180 ||
width:Float): Accepting Lambda
Shape(length,width) {
value < -180) { private val INCH_TO_CM = 2.54F Functions as Arguments
throw init { fun bubbleSort(
IllegalArgumentException( this.length = length * items:IntArray,
"Invalid longitude") INCH_TO_CM compareFun:(Int, Int) -> Boolean)
} this.width = width * INCH_TO_CM :IntArray {
field = value }
} } for (j in 0..items.size-2) {
val arrived:Boolean var swapped = false
get() { class Square(length:Float): for (i in 0..items.size-2-j) {
return ( in 57.0..58.0 Rectangle(length, length) { // you need to swap if the
&& this.lng in 37.0..38.0) } // numbers are not in order
} if (!compareFun(items[i],

Rev 1.3.1 © Wei-Meng Lee , Developer Learning Solutions, All rights reserved.
items[i+1])) { {
val temp = items[i+1] Instance Methods return (2 * Math.PI *
items[i+1] = items[i] class Car { radius).toFloat()
items[i] = temp var speed = 0 }
swapped = true fun accelerate() { }
} }
} fun decelerate() { var c = Circle(6F)
if (!swapped) break } area = c.area() // 28.274334
} fun stop() { perimeter = c.perimeter()
return items } // 18.849556
} fun printSpeed() { perimeter = c.perimeter(5F)
} // 31.415926
val numbers = }
val c = Car() Extensions
// ascending order c.accelerate() // extending the Context class with
var sortedNumbers = bubbleSort( c.decelerate() // the displayToast() function
numbers, { num1, num2 -> c.stop() fun Context.displayToast(
num1 < num2 } ) c.printSpeed() text:CharSequence,
duration:Int=Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) {
// descending order Toast.makeText(this, text,
sortedNumbers = bubbleSort( Companion Object (Static duration).show()
numbers, { num1, num2 ->
num1 > num2 } )
Method/Variable) // without extension
class Car { Toast.makeText(this,
companion object { "Hello, Kotlin",
// another way of passing in the
val MilesToKM = 1.60934 Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
// lambda function
fun kilometersToMiles( // with extension
sortedNumbers = bubbleSort(numbers)
km:Float):Double { displayToast("Hello, Kotlin!")
{ num1, num2 -> num1 < num2 }
return km / 1.60934
Property Observers }
fun String.LatLng(splitter:String):
class MyPointClass { fun accelerate() {}
Pair<Float, Float> {
var x: Int by fun decelerate() {}
val latlng = this.split(splitter)
Delegates.observable(0) { fun stop() {}
return Pair(latlng[0].toFloat(),
prop, old:Int, new:Int -> fun printSpeed() {}
println( + }
" : from $old to $new") val v = Car.MilesToKM
var str = "1.23456,103.345678"
} val miles =
var latlng = str.LatLng(",")
} Car.kilometersToMiles(10F)
val pt = MyPointClass()
pt.x = 5 // x : from 0 to 5
Final Class
pt.x = 6 // x : from 5 to 6
// by default, all the classes in
// Kotlin are final (non-
interface CarInterface {
// inheritable)
fun accelerate() {
Vetoable Property class ClosedClass {
// default implementation
class MyPointClass { }
var x: Int by // error
fun decelerate()
Delegates.vetoable(0) { class Subclass0:ClosedClass() { fun accelerateBy(amount:Int)
prop, old:Int, new:Int -> } }
println( +
" : from $old to $new")
new > 0
Overriding and class MyCar:CarInterface {
override fun accelerate() {
} Overloading Methods // override implementation in
} open class Shape(length:Float, // interface
width:Float) { }
val pt = MyPointClass() var length:Float override fun decelerate() {
pt.x = 5 // x : from 0 to 5 var width:Float }
pt.x = 6 // x : from 5 to 6 init { override fun accelerateBy(amount:
pt.x = 0 // x will roll back to 6 this.length = length Int) {
this.width = width }
} }
Identity Operator open fun perimeter():Float {
class MyPointClass {
var x = 0 }
return 2 * (length + width)
Generic Class
var y = 0 open fun area(): Float { class MyStack<T> {
return length * width val elements:MutableList<T> =
constructor(x:Int, y:Int) { } mutableListOf()
this.x = x } fun push(item:T) {
this.y = y elements.add(item)
} class Circle(diameter:Float): }
} Shape(diameter / 2, diameter / 2) fun pop():T? {
var pt1 = MyPointClass(5,6) { if (elements.size>0) {
var pt2 = pt1 override fun area():Float { return elements.removeAt(
var pt3 = MyPointClass(5,6) return (Math.PI * elements.size-1)
if (pt1 === pt2) { this.length.pow(2F)).toFloat() } else {
print("Identical") } return null
} else { }
print("Not identical") override fun perimeter(): Float { }
} // Identical return (2 * Math.PI * }
if (pt1 === pt3) { this.length).toFloat() var item = myStringStack.pop()
print("Identical") } // kotlin
} else { item = myStringStack.pop()
print("Not identical") // overloading // programming
} // Not identical fun perimeter(radius:Float): Float item = myStringStack.pop() // null

Rev 1.3.1 © Wei-Meng Lee , Developer Learning Solutions, All rights reserved.

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