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Exercise # 1

Review: simple present affirmative and negative

Write 5 simple present sentences, using the specified verbs in affirmative form.

1. Go ______________________________________________________________________

2. Take _____________________________________________________________________

3. Analyze ___________________________________________________________________

4. Realize ___________________________________________________________________

5. Make _____________________________________________________________________

Write 5 simple present sentences, using the specified verbs in negative form.

1. Hurl ____________________________________________________________________

2. Override __________________________________________________________________

3. Halt ______________________________________________________________________

4. Become ___________________________________________________________________

5. Underline __________________________________________________________________

Change the next sentences into negative form

1. I am in the office with Mr. González. _________________________________________

2. He flies to Monterey. _____________________________________________________

3. You move to the main office. _______________________________________________

4. Carlos and Karla dream with a new house. ____________________________________

5. Robert punches a wall. ___________________________________________________

Change the next sentences into affirmative form

1. He does not see the TV. __________________________________________________

2. You do not change your mind. _____________________________________________

3. Luis is not in the class. ___________________________________________________

4. Marco does not shave his head. ____________________________________________

5. Maria, Bernie and Charles do not look the mirror. ______________________________

Exercise # 2
Review: simple past and future. Affirmative and negative

Write 5 simple past sentences, using the specified verbs in affirmative form.

1. Dine ______________________________________________________________________

2. Book _____________________________________________________________________

3. Reach ____________________________________________________________________

4. Put _____________________________________________________________________

5. Hiss _____________________________________________________________________

Write 5 simple past sentences, using the specified verbs in negative form.

1. Seek _____________________________________________________________________

2. Try ______________________________________________________________________

3. Turn off ___________________________________________________________________

4. Yell _____________________________________________________________________

5. Sing _____________________________________________________________________

Write 5 simple future sentences, using the specified structure in affirmative form.

1. Going to ___________________________________________________________________

2. Going to___________________________________________________________________

3. Will _____________________________________________________________________

4. Will _____________________________________________________________________

1. Will _____________________________________________________________________

Write 5 simple future sentences, using the specified structure in negative form.

1. Going to __________________________________________________________________

2. Going to __________________________________________________________________

3. Going to ___________________________________________________________________

4. Will ______________________________________________________________________

5. Will _____________________________________________________________________
Exercise # 3
Review: simple present, past and future. Questions and answers

Write question with each of the WH words.

1. Who _____________________________________________________________________?
2. What ____________________________________________________________________?
3. Where ___________________________________________________________________?
4. When ____________________________________________________________________?

Answers WH questions.

1. Who is in the bathroom? __________________________________________________

2. What kind of music do you like? ____________________________________________
3. The car is broken, where is it? ______________________________________________
4. It is almost 8:00 am, when does Gaby come? __________________________________

Write sentences in each of the simple tenses.

1. Simple present __________________________________________________________

2. Simple past ____________________________________________________________

3. Simple future (going to) ___________________________________________________

4. Simple future (will) _______________________________________________________

Write answers in each of the simple tenses.

1. Does she pay attention in class? ____________________________________________

2. Did you listen the song? __________________________________________________

3. Will you go to the hostel? __________________________________________________

4. Are you going to eat the orange? ___________________________________________

Write question and answers with what is asked.

1. Simple future (will), complete answer.

_________________________________________? __________________________________

2. Simple past, short answer.

_________________________________________? __________________________________

3. Simple present, short answer.

_________________________________________? __________________________________

4. Where, complete answer

_________________________________________? __________________________________
Exercise # 4
Time = in, at, since, ago, before, after, until, from.
Place = on, in, at, by, under, across, next to, through, into, to.

Write the correct preposition for the next sentences.

1. We went ___________ (to, since, under) Disney World in 1999.

2. I can see ___________ (through, on, into) your window

3. Paco listens rock music ______________ (in, on, at) San Carlos University.

4. Daniel will dig a hole ________________ (from, ago, under) the bridge.

5. Juana never put his book ____________ (before, until, on) the table.

6. I waited you ____________ (ago, by, on) the library.

7. __________ (since, for, in) you show me how to do it, I’ve become self-sufficient.

8. Read the book ___________ (after, before, next to) the test, if you want to pass.

9. The movie theatre is ___________ (across, from, under) the street

10. I studied to be an engineer, but that was a long time _________ (until, ago, at)

Write sentences using the next prepositions

1. Into __________________________________________________________________

2. At ___________________________________________________________________

3. By ___________________________________________________________________

4. On ___________________________________________________________________

5. In ____________________________________________________________________

6. Under _________________________________________________________________

7. Across _________________________________________________________________

8. Before _________________________________________________________________

9. After ___________________________________________________________________

10. Since ___________________________________________________________________

11. Next to __________________________________________________________________

Exercise # 5
Demonstrative adjectives

Choose and write the correct answer

_________ jar is in my hand.

1. These
2. Those
3. This
4. That

_________ pig is pink.

1. These
2. Those
3. This
4. That

__________ fans are huge.

1. These
2. Those
3. This
4. That

__________ scissors are very sharp.

1. These
2. Those
3. This
4. That

Write 6 sentences with the follow demonstrative adjectives.

This _______________________________________________

This _______________________________________________

That _______________________________________________

Those _______________________________________________

Those _______________________________________________

These _______________________________________________
These _______________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________ Carne number: _________________

Exercise # 6
Write 20 different verbs and add them ING and translate them

1. _______________ _______________
2. _______________ _______________
3. _______________ _______________
4. _______________ _______________
5. _______________ _______________
6. _______________ _______________
7. _______________ _______________
8. _______________ _______________
9. _______________ _______________
10. _______________ _______________
11. _______________ _______________
12. _______________ _______________
13. _______________ _______________
14. _______________ _______________
15. _______________ _______________
16. _______________ _______________
17. _______________ _______________
18. _______________ _______________
19. _______________ _______________
20. _______________ _______________

Add ING to the verbs in parenthesis and write them in the blank.

1. I am ____________________ the school flag in Friday's parade. (carry)

2. Why are you ____________________ at a green light? (stop)

3. She is ____________________ the bus to Chicago. (ride)

4. We are ____________________ to Orlando. (fly)

5. They are ____________________ the knot in June. (tie)

6. Friday night, the kids are ____________________ in a tent. (sleep)

7. Chad was ____________________ a lawyer about the accident. (see)

8. The bank was ____________________ my check. (hold)

9. The Johnsons were ____________________ their trip to New York. (map)

10. Angela was ____________________ the white curtains orange. (dye)

Exercise # 7
Present Continuous

Add the verb to be in present tense, plus the ING form of the verb, plus a complement to make
a sentence in present continuous for each pronoun.

1. I _____ (Run) _______ ____________________

2. You _____ (Cut) _______ ____________________
3. He _____ (Write) _______ ____________________
4. She _____ (Make) _______ ____________________
5. It _____ (Rain) _______ ____________________
6. We _____ (Dance) _______ ____________________
7. You _____ (Study) _______ ____________________
8. They _____ (Eat) _______ ____________________

Make a question in present continuous for each pronoun

Num Verb to Pronou Verb in Gerund Complement

. be n
1 Am Birds In the park?
2 Are Home late?
3 Is At the park?
4 Is Pizza for dinner?
5 Is At the university?
6 Are Today?
7 Are The gift?
8 Are The window?

Make a sentence in present continuous and add it the tag question


Transform the previous sentence into a question and answer it in both affirmative and
negative form

Explain the difference between simple and continuous present


Re-write the next sentences in present continuous, if they need so.
1. He is moving from one place to another. ________________________________
2. He are not playing well. ________________________________
3. They is eating a big melon. ________________________________
4. They look out the window. ________________________________
5. Mary and Carl is hopping the string ________________________________
6. He is not pay attention in class ________________________________

Name: ____________________________________ Carne number: _________________

Exercise # 8
Past Continuous

Make a past continuous sentence with each of the next verbs and add the corresponding tag

1. Go

2. Fly

3. Grab

4. Take

5. Look

6. Bear

Write a past continuous sentence (use a real name)

1. Walk – negative

2. Eat – negative

3. Drink – affirmative

4. Hit – affirmative

Write two questions in past continuous and answer them in short way (affirmative and
negative form)

1. ________________________________________________________________
__________________ __________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
__________________ __________________

Name: ____________________________________ Carne number: _________________

Exercise # 9
Future Continuous (will)
Complete the next sentences using future continuous

1. (Negative) Juan ____________________________ Football in the evening.

2. (Affirmative) By tomorrow morning, Luis ________________________ the restaurant.

3. (Negative) The next person _________________________ a new product.

4. (Affirmative) Terry and Gaby _______________________ the homework.

Make sentences with going to or will and questions related to the aforesaid. Follow the

What – qué
Why – por qué
How – cómo
Where – dónde
When – cuándo

Pronoun Sentence Question

I I will be cooking for you on Wednesday. What will you be cooking?

Translate the next sentences from Spanish to English or vice versa

¿María va a estar esperado por su novio? _____________________________________

Will Pedro and José be writing the letters? _____________________________________

She will be staring at the picture, looking for answers. ____________________________

Ronaldo will be playing football on the next world cup.____________________________

Juan va a comer helado de postre el lunes. ____________________________________

Make future continuous sentences and add them tag question using the next verbs

1. Fish ____________________________________________________

2. Love____________________________________________________

3. Scavenge _______________________________________________
4. Search __________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________ Carne number: _________________

Exercise # 10
Future Continuous (going to)

Write 5 future continuous sentences with “going to” and using the specified verbs, in
1. Can ________________________________________________________

2. Trust _______________________________________________________

3. Gather ______________________________________________________

4. Withdraw ____________________________________________________

5. Fight _______________________________________________________

Write 5 future continuous sentences with “going to” and using the specified verbs, in

1. Bite ________________________________________________________

2. Clean ______________________________________________________

3. Ship _______________________________________________________

4. Dress ______________________________________________________

5. Win ________________________________________________________

Write 4 questions in future continuous form and answer them in both affirmative and negative
form (complete)
1. ________________________________________________________________?

Negative ______________________________________________________________

Affirmative _____________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________?

Negative ______________________________________________________________

Affirmative _____________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________?

Negative ______________________________________________________________

Affirmative _____________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________?
Negative ______________________________________________________________

Affirmative _____________________________________________________________

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