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EURYTHMY ESOTERIC CONSONANTS MEDITATION Imagine yourself standing in the middle of an encircled 12-pointed star, facing forward. Your eyes can be open or closed. Let your arms be loose by your sides. Cancer, the height of the Summer, is behind you; Capricorn, the depth of the Winter, is in front of you. Aries, the Invigorator of Life, is on your right side; Libra, the Balancer, is on your left side. This is the cardinal cross of the Zodiac wheel. Between Aries and Cancer are Taurus and Gemini, slightly behind you to the right. Between Cancer and Libra are Leo and Virgo, slightly behind you to the left. Between Libra and Capricorn are Scorpio and Sagittarius, slightly in front of you to the left. Between Capricorn and Aries, are Aquarius and Pisces, slightly in front of you to the right. Complete the first round of circle imagination by returning from Aries on your right to the center. Stand upright, folding your arms across the chest in reverence. Repeat the circle imagination, this time focusing on the colors. Begin with the Spring Equinox and the life-giving red of Aries on your right, followed clockwise by the expansive orange in Taurus, and the bright yellow in Gemini. The Summer Solstice shines the calming green of Cancer on your wings behind you. Light turns into the relaxing sky blue in Leo, and then matures into the royal blue of Virgo. The Autumn Equinox ushers in the indigo of Libra, balancing the wheel on your left side. Scorpio holds the deep contemplative dark purple. Gratitude lightens up the color into the Sagittarius’ lavender. The Winter Solstice brings in a new light with the peach blossom rays of Capricorn. Life stirs in Aquarius by the soft magenta, and intensifies with the vibrant, almost red magenta in Pisces. The invigorating red of Aries awaits you at the Spring Equinox anew. Release all colors as you return to the center. Stand upright in your column of pure white Light, folding your arms across the chest in reverence. The third time around the imaginary circle, speak the consonants, consciously forming each one of them in your mouth, while the breath makes the larynx vibrate. Begin with V and W: they are like waves, arising from the primordial air and waters to create life as the Nature awakens with the Spring Equinox. Have fun with the airy rolled R of Taurus. Gemini breathes out in Ha (as in “hi”) and breathes in with H (as in “human”). The Summer Solstice welcomes Cancer and its warm F. Feel grounded with T and D in Leo. Virgo creates an arc with P, and a protective embrace with B. The Autumn Equinox ushers in Libra and a beautiful rainbow-like sound of TS. Scorpio purges the shadows with S and Z. Sagittarius cleanses any left-over residues with sharp K and gentle G. The Winter Solstice and Capricorn invite you to bathe in spiritual life-giving waters of L. Ponder the flows of existence with the molding M in Aquarius. The inner life grows stronger in Pisces, and N thoughtfully prepares the way for V and W at the Spring Equinox anew. Release all the sounds as you return to the center. Stand upright in silence, folding your arms across the chest in reverence. Continue the meditation by consciously walking the path of the consonants in your name. Until you memorize the form, you can hold the drawing or mandala in your hands, Face forward so that when you move, your back is always open to the height of the Summer in the constellation of Cancer. Let your arms be loose at your sides as you step through the form. When you return to the center, fold the arms across your chest in reverence. Walk your name’s path three times. You can focus on your first name only, or add your middle and last names as well. Come back to the center after each part of your full name. Finish the Eurythmy Esoteric Consonants Meditation with I-A-O once or three times. At the end, stand in quiet reverence for a minute. Afterwards, sit down with a journal, and write your experience and any insights that you may have observed during the meditation.

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