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A: Hello Iris. How are you doing?

B. Hi Milagros. I'm great. Thanks. What about you?

A: I'm good. Thanks. What´s news?

B: Well, I tell you that my niece started school this year.

A: Really? That's great. How is she doing?

B: Well, she's pretty good. she studies in the mornings and some afternoons attends dance
classes. In her PE class her teacher is teaching play basketball. she likes play basketball.

A: Do you think all children should do some sport at school?

B: yes, definitely. This is good for them. What do you think?

A: I'm not sure about that. I think they should worry for other courses.

B: I'm sorry. I don't agree because I think the sport helps the growth and health of children.

A: Maybe you're right.

B: Yes, also the doctors say everybody should make sport.

A: Yes, definetily. Well. I have to go . see you later …..

B: See you later, ….

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