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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders


Influence of a Combined Gluten‑Free and Casein‑Free Diet on Behavior

Disorders in Children and Adolescents Diagnosed with Autism
Spectrum Disorder: A 12‑Month Follow‑Up Clinical Trial
Pablo José González‑Domenech1,2 · Francisco Díaz Atienza1 · Carlos García Pablos1 · María Luisa Fernández Soto3 ·
José María Martínez‑Ortega2 · Luis Gutiérrez‑Rojas2,4,5 

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

The use of alternative interventions, such as gluten-free and casein-free (GFCF) diets, is frequent due to limited therapies
for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our aims were to determine the influence of a GFCF diet on behavior disorders in
children and adolescents diagnosed with ASD and the potential association with urinary beta-casomorphin concentrations.
Thirty-seven patients were recruited for this crossover trial. Each patient consumed a normal diet (including gluten and
casein) for 6 months and a GFCF diet for another 6 months. The order of the intervention (beginning with normal diet or
with GFCF diet) was assigned randomly. Patients were evaluated at three time-points (at the beginning of the study, after
normal diet and after GFCF diet). Questionnaires regarding behavior and autism and dietary adherence were completed
and urinary beta-casomorphin concentrations were determined at each time-point. No significant behavioral changes and
no association with urinary beta-casomorphin concentrations were found after GFCF diet. A 6-month GFCF diet do not
induce significant changes in behavioral symptoms of autism and urinary beta-casomorphin concentrations. Further studies
with a long follow-up period similar to ours and including placebo and blinding elements are needed to identify better those
respondents to GFCF diets.

Keywords  Autism spectrum disorder · Diet · Gluten · Casein · Beta-casomorphin

Introduction when behavioural alterations appear (Hirsch and Pringsheim

2016) are still considered therapeutic pillars. Because of the
Autism was first described more than 70 years ago (Kanner limited effectiveness of the currently available therapies for
1971); however, treatment of these kinds of disorders has not autism spectrum disorder (ASD), many families search for
changed since then. Today, psychoeducational interventions alternative methods (Owen-Smith et al. 2015; Perrin et al.
(Reichow et al. 2014) and the psychotropic management 2012), often without medical supervision. The most recent
studies show that up to 33% of parents hide information on
nutritional treatments/supplements from the doctor respon-
* Luis Gutiérrez‑Rojas sible for monitoring their children (Trudeau et al. 2019) and
that up to 20% of children with ASD in Preschool age use or
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit, Virgen de las have used restriction diets (Rubenstein et al. 2018).
Nieves University Hospital, Granada, Spain Combined gluten-free and casein-free (GFCF) diets have
Department of Psychiatry, University of Granada, Granada, drawn considerable attention in the literature (Dosman et al.
Spain 2013; Elder et al. 2006; El-Rashidy et al. 2017; Ghalichi
Department of Medicine, University of Granada, Granada, et al. 2016; Hyman et al. 2016; Johnson et al. 2011; Knivs-
Spain berg et al. 1990, 1995, 2002; Lucarelli et al. 1995; Marí-
Psychiatry Service, Hospital Clínico San Cecilio, Granada, Bauset et al. 2014; Millward et al. 2008; Mulloy et al. 2010;
Spain Navarro et  al. 2015; Pedersen et  al. 2013; Pusponegoro
CTS-549 Research Group, Institute of Neuroscience, et al. 2015; Sathe et al. 2017; Whiteley et al. 1999, 2010a,
Granada, Spain b) as etiopathogenic and therapeutic approaches to ASD,


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

not without controversy. The first formal evidence of the 2014) and they only recommend the diet after a diagnosis of
potential effectiveness of GFCF diets in ASD was found in allergy/intolerance to gluten and/or casein.
the early 90s by a Norwegian research team, led by Knivs- Beta-casomorphin is a peptide with opioid activity result-
berg and Reichelt, who conducted a dietary and behavioral ing from an incomplete degradation of a cow’s milk protein
follow-up in a group of 15 patients for a year first (Knivsberg (casein) in the intestine. The interest in the study of dietary
et al. 1990) and later for 4 years (Knivsberg et al. 1995). proteins is based on the digestive-immune theory of autism
These authors found an improvement in some behaviors, (Reichelt et al. 1991, 2012). An increase in intestinal perme-
a decrease in urinary peptides resulting from the metabo- ability in this population has been suggested (Boukthir et al.
lism of gluten and casein, and a decrease in the number 2010), which would lead to an impairment of the intestinal
of epileptic seizures after a GFCF diet. At the same time, barrier with the subsequent passage of peptides derived from
Whiteley and Shattock in the United Kingdom published the diet (Cieślińska et al. 2015) to the general bloodstream.
similar results on the behavioral scales of a group of 22 chil- This process would trigger a systemic immune response and
dren who were followed for 5 months on a gluten-free diet, a likely effect on central nervous system influencing core
although in this case they did not find significant decreases and peripheral symptoms of autism. In the intestine, beta-
in urinary levels of the peptides (Whiteley et al. 1999). How- casein is degraded into beta-casomorphin, named so due to
ever, these studies had some important limitations, such as its exogenous origin and its opioid activity similar to mor-
the nonrandomized and open methodology and the lack of phine. Beta-casomorphin can be used as an indirect indicator
blinding. Subsequently, the Norwegian and British groups of the intake and impaired digestion of this component of
have performed additional studies (Knivsberg et al. 2002; the diet (Reichelt et al. 2012). A recently published study
Pedersen et al. 2013; Whiteley et al. 1999, 2010a). A ran- (Jarmolowska et al. 2019) showed that the concentrations
domized single-blind clinical trial (Whiteley et al. 2010a) of serum beta-casomorphin in children with ASD were sig-
conducted in a large group of patients (n = 72) with a 2-year nificantly higher than the concentrations in healthy children.
follow-up showed positive effects on behavior and develop- Some studies finding peptiduria in children with ASD has
ment during the first 12 months of intervention, followed by detected a normalization of the concentrations of these pep-
a plateau effect in the following 12 months. In addition to tides after GFCF diet (Knivsberg et al. 1990, 1995).
these studies, other research groups have reported beneficial The aim of the present study was to determine the effec-
results regarding core and peripheral symptoms of autism tiveness of the GFCF diet in children and adolescents with
after a GFCF diet: communication and language (Adams ASD and to know its potential association with urinary con-
et al. 2018; El-Rashidy et al. 2017; Ghalichi et al. 2016; centrations of beta-casomorphin. The present study is based
Knivsberg et al. 1995, 2002; Johnson et al. 2011; Lucarelli on a pilot study conducted few years ago by our research
et al. 1995; Whiteley et al. 1999, 2010a), social interac- group (González-Domenech et al. 2019). A total of 28 chil-
tion (El-Rashidy et al. 2017; Ghalichi et al. 2016; Knivs- dren and adolescents diagnosed with ASD participated in
berg et al. 1995, 2002; Lucarelli et al. 1995; Whiteley et al. our pilot study. These participants were subjected to an inter-
1999, 2010a), stereotyped behavior (El-Rashidy et al. 2017; vention with a combined gluten-free and casein-free (GFCF)
Ghalichi et al. 2016; Knivsberg et al. 1995, 2002), motor diet for 3 months. Current literature (Pedersen et al. 2013;
coordination (Knivsberg et al. 1990, 1995), hyperactivity Pennesi and Klein 2012; Whiteley et al. 2010a) strongly sug-
(Johnson et al. 2011; Pedersen et al. 2013; Whiteley et al. gests that we need to increase the intervention period from
1999, 2010a), self-destructive behaviors (Knivsberg et al. 3 to 6 months and we must include risk and safety issues
1990, 1995; Lucarelli et al. 1995), decrease in the seizure derived from the GFCF diets (Marí-Bauset et al. 2014).
activity (Knivsberg et al. 1990, 1995), and gastrointestinal
symptoms (Ghalichi et al. 2016). In contrast, other studies,
particularly in recent years, report an absence of behavioral Materials and Methods
improvement after such diets (Elder et al. 2006; Hyman et al.
2016; Johnson et al. 2011; Navarro et al. 2015; Pusponegoro Study Design and Flow of Participants
et al. 2015; Seung et al. 2007). Several review studies have
addressed exclusion diets in autism (Dosman et al. 2013; The selected design was a crossover clinical trial. Par-
Elder et al. 2015; Lange et al. 2015; Marí-Bauset et al. 2014; ticipants consumed a diet including gluten and casein
Millward et al. 2008; Mulloy et al. 2010; Piwowarczyk et al. (normal diet) for 6 months and a GFCF diet for another
2018; Sathe et al. 2017; Whiteley et al. 2010b, 2013; White- 6 months. Participants were recruited from child and ado-
ley 2015). All of them recommend caution when adopting lescent psychiatry outpatient services, comprehensive care
universal conclusions about the effects of these types of centers, and associations of parents of autistic children
dietary interventions. Some authors are more conservative in the provinces of Jaen, Granada, Malaga and Almeria
(Dosman et al. 2013; Lange et al. 2015; Marí-Bauset et al. (southern Spain) after an informative campaign (verbally


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

and in writing) at the above-mentioned centers. Patients Exclusion Criteria

were recruited consecutively to the study after informing
the parents about the procedure and obtaining the signed We established the following exclusion criteria: patients
consent from the parents. Parents were instructed on how with disorders that do not clearly meet the ASD criteria
to offer their children a GFCF diet by providing a user’s of the ICD-10; patients diagnosed with allergy to gluten
guide containing practical tips and explanations on how to or casein, which could therefore not follow the normal
prepare GFCF meals before implementing the diet, lists of diet; patients who had previously excluded gluten and/or
allowed and forbidden foods, medications and additives, casein from their diet; patients who were likely to not fol-
examples of weekly menus and additional information, low (not adhere to) the diet properly, for instance children
such as points of sale or official websites regarding GFCF with parents who were institutionalized or suffering from
products. Families were not financially compensated for mental disorders. Patients taking psychotropic medication
the dietary intervention to avoid conflict of interests. This to control certain behavioral symptoms were included in
guide was prepared with the collaboration of the Nutrition the study. Taking medication was not an exclusion cri-
service staff at the hospital. The order of the interven- terion in the present study; in this case, a follow-up of
tion—that is, beginning with normal diet or with GFCF the treatment was performed (type of medication, dosage,
diet—was assigned randomly, using a computer program. indications, etc.).
Therefore, the sample population was divided into two
groups: group A began with the normal diet and ended Variables and Assessment Tools
with the GFCF diet, in contrast, group B began with the
GFCF diet and finished with the normal diet. The subjects Each subject was evaluated at three time points throughout
were evaluated at three time points: at the beginning of the the study:
study, after the first diet (6 months after the beginning),
and after the second diet (12 months after the beginning). Time 0 (T0) Prior to any dietary intervention.
We have not included a washout period between the two Time 1 (T1) Upon finishing the first dietary intervention
interventions because the effects of the second interven- (after the normal diet in group A and after the GFCF diet
tion were measured 6 months after the end of the first in group B).
intervention, without residual effects derived from the pre- Time 2 (T2) Upon finishing the second dietary interven-
vious intervention (Kumar et al. 1979). Figure 1 shows a tion (after the GFCF diet in group A and after the normal
flow chart of the participants throughout the study period. diet in group B).

Several clinical-behavioral characteristics, the compliance

Sample Size with the intervention protocol, urinary concentrations of
beta-casomorphin and risk and safety parameters derived
Assuming an α error of 0.05, a β error of 0.09 and a from eating these diets were assessed at each time point. The
60% (Knivsberg et al. 2002) probability of improvement assessment tools used are described below.
with the GFCF diet (compared to the 10% improvement
expected for the normal diet group, for a 1:1 ratio), a Assessment of Clinical‑Behavioral Characteristics
sample population of 30 patients was deemed necessary.
Anticipating losses of 20% throughout the study, the opti- Each participant, accompanied by parents, was evaluated by
mal total number of participants was set at 40. a member of the research team, who was the same person at
the three time points. The evaluator was a child and adoles-
cent Psychiatrist/Psychologist very familiar with ASD and
Inclusion Criteria behavior scales used. The evaluation tools were:

The first inclusion criterion is being diagnosed with ASD. The Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) Scale
The criteria used for the diagnosis of ASD were those (Rimland and Edelson 1999)
proposed by the tenth edition of the International Classi-
fication of Diseases (ICD-10; World Health Organization This is the most specific scale used in the present study,
1992). The diagnosis was provided by child and adolescent designed to measure changes associated with treatment. It
psychiatrists with extensive experience in ASD. An age comprises four subscales: (1) speech, language and com-
range between 2 and 18 years was set at the onset of the munication (14 items); (2) sociability (18 items); (3) sensory
study as another required inclusion criterion. and cognitive awareness (18 items); and (4) physical health
and behavior (25 items). Each item scored from 0 to 2 in the


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Fig. 1  Flow chart of patients

40 patients were recruited
throughout the study

An informed consent and a

Recruitment and Randomization

dietary user´s guide were

3 patients refused to enroll in

the study

Group A Group B

20 patients randomized 17 patients randomized


4 lost to follow-up 2 lost to follow-up

Group A: Normal diet
Group B: GFCF diet

(2 casein allergy and 2 dropped-out) (2 gluten allergy)

First phase

16 patients continue 15 patients continue

(6 months)
Group B: Normal diet
Group A: GFCF diet

2 lost to follow-up
Second phase

(1 illness and 1 dropped-out)

14 patients at the end 15 patients at the end

(12 months)

first three subscales, and from 0 to 3 in the last one. A higher The Behavioral Summarized Evaluation (Evaluation Resumé
score reflects a larger severity of the symptom or disorder du Comportement, in French) (ERC‑III) Scale (Barthélémy
evaluated. The total score of the scale ranges from 0 to 175. et al. 1997)

This assessment tool has been used to identify symptoms of

autism in other international studies (Le Menn-Tripi et al.
2019; Maestro et al. 1999; Oneal et al. 2006). It is a ques-
tionnaire with 20 items comprising seven subscales: (1)


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

autistic isolation; (2) impairment of verbal and non-verbal to identify the peptides. The equipment used for chromato-
communication; (3) bizarre responses to the environment; graphic detection was: Waters ACQUITY QSM; WATERS
(4) motor disturbances; (5) inappropriate emotional/affective UPLC BEH C18 1.7 um column 2.1 × 50 mm. The equip-
responses; (6) primary instinctual disturbances; and (7) dis- ment used for spectrometric detection was: WATERS
turbances in attention, perception and intellectual functions. XEVO-TQS.
Each item is scored between 0 (absence of the symptom) and
4 (very present). The total score may range from 0 to 80. Risk and Safety Parameters

The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) Scale (Aman Autoimmunity

and Singh 1986)
A screening was performed for the detection of allergy to
This scale was initially designed to assess the effects of gluten and/or casein in the first evaluation.
drugs or other treatments in persons with an intellectual
impairment, to study their psychopathological and behav- Hemogram and Biochemistry
ioral alterations, and it has been used in studies with objec-
tives similar to ours (Pusponegoro et al. 2015). It comprises In addition to a standard analysis, the following parameters
58 items, distributed in five dimensions: (1) irritability (15 were determined in each evaluation to assess the nutritional
items); (2) lethargy/social withdrawal (16 items); (3) stereo- status of the participant and to obtain safety information on
typic behavior (7 items); (4) hyperactivity/noncompliance the use of these diets: Calcium, Ferritin, Vitamin D, Folic
(16 items); and (5) inappropriate speech (4 items). Each item Acid, Hematocrit and Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1).
is given a score from 0 (not at all a problem) to 3 (the prob-
lem is severe in degree). The total score may range from 0 Weight–Height Monitoring
to 174.
In conjunction with the biochemical parameters assessing
Adherence to the Diet Protocol the nutritional status, the weight and height of the partici-
pants were measured at each time point to monitor these
24‑h Recall variables throughout the study, to evaluate safety aspects
derived from the use of these diets.
This tool allows to measure adherence to both diets (normal
diet and GFCF diet). It is one of the most used tools due to Survey on the History of Gastrointestinal Disorders
its simplicity; and this model has been previously used in and Eating Behavior
other international studies for the same purpose of monitor-
ing the management of GFCF in ASD (El-Rashidy et al. It is a questionnaire designed by our research team, and
2017; Hyman et al. 2016; Navarro et al. 2015). It consists of has already been used in other studies (Díaz-Atienza et al.
recalling and recording all foods and beverages consumed 2012). The questionnaire was completed by the parents of
over the preceding 24 h. In both the normal and the GFCF the participants at the beginning of the study. On one hand,
diet phase, the parents of the participants completed two it evaluates the presence or absence of a history of 6 gastro-
questionnaires per week. After each dietary intervention, the intestinal disorders (food allergies, abdominal cramps/pain,
results of the 24-h recall were analyzed and the participants vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation and meteorism). On the
were classified into three groups: good compliants (compli- other hand, it assesses the presence or absence of 13 eat-
ance of 80–100% of the diet according to the results of the ing disorders (difficulty incorporating solid foods, feeding
24-h recall), intermediate compliants (compliance with the limited to milk and other liquids between 12 and 15 months
50–79%) and poor compliants (below 50%). of age, not using a spoon at 15 months, using a baby bottle
at 15 months, difficulty in incorporating new foods, previ-
Urinary Concentrations of Beta‑Casomorphin ous difficulties in chewing, current difficulties in chewing,
food restriction to 3–4 meals, frequent regurgitation of food,
A urine sample was collected from each participant at each eating very slowly, inability to suction with straw, eating
time point to determine urinary concentrations of beta- currently crushed or mashed food, dirt-eating).
casomorphin. Urine was collected early in the morning on
an empty stomach. Subsequently, the samples were frozen Statistical Analysis
at − 80 °C and sent to an external laboratory for analysis,
ensuring the maintenance of the cold chain. Combined Parametric and non-parametric tests have been used for the
spectrometry and chromatography techniques were used analysis as appropriate, taking into account sample size and


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

variable distribution. A descriptive analysis of the partici- correlation among them [ATEC with ERC-III, rs= 0.85
pants was performed at the beginning of the study. (p < 0.001); ATEC with ABC, rs= 0.60 (p < 0.001); ERC-
Mean and standard deviation (SD) were calculated for III with ABC, rs= 0.60 (p < 0.001)]. A male predominance
continuous variables (questionnaire scores and concentra- was found [29 out of 37 participants (78%)]. No significant
tions of beta-casomorphin at each of the three time points). differences in sex were found in the scores of the scales used
Bivariate correlations (Pearson r correlation or Spearman (ATEC, ERC-III, ABC). Those who at the beginning of the
­rs, as appropriate) were used for the study of the association study used a psychotropic drug showed significantly higher
between two quantitative variables. scores in the mean values of the scales used (ATEC, ERC-
The group (A or B) and time (T0, T1 or T2) effects were III, ABC). Urinary concentrations of beta-casomorphin at
analyzed using the Friedman ANOVA for repeated measures the beginning of the study showed a significant correlation
through Friedman test for multiple paired non-parametric with age (rs= 0.41; p = 0.016). Table 1 shows demographic
comparisons. At this point, when statistically significant dif- and clinical variables for each intervention group (A and B).
ferences were obtained, the time points were compared two
by two using the Wilcoxon test for paired data. Flow of Participants Throughout the Study
P values below 0.05 (p < 0.05) were considered signifi-
cant. Data were analyzed using the statistical package SPSS A total of 40 participants were recruited, 20 participants
20. were assigned to each group. After signing the informed
consent and obtaining the user’s guide for the implementa-
tion of the GFCF diet, 3 participants assigned to group B
Results refused to enroll. At the beginning of the study, group A had
20 participants (13 males, 65%), with ages between 3 and
Sample Analysis at the Beginning of the Study 16 years, being mean age (± SD) of 9.1 (± 3.7) years. Group
B consisted of 17 participants (16 males, 94%) with ages
The initial sample consisted of 37 children and adolescents between 2 and 18 years, being mean age (± SD) of 8.8 year
diagnosed with ASD according to ICD-10. The age range (± 4.4). During the first phase of the study, 4 participants
was 2–18 years, being the mean (± SD) 8.9 years (± 4.0). in group A (two individuals diagnosed with gluten allergy
Age (at T0) showed a significant ordinal correlation with and two individuals who refused to continue the study) and
the ATEC scale (rs= − 0.36; p = 0.027), but not with the 2 participants in Group B (two individuals diagnosed with
ERC-III scale (rs=− 0.03; p = 0.86) nor with the ABC scale casein allergy) were lost to follow-up. In the second phase
(rs= − 0.23; p = 0.18), despite these scales show a high of the study, 2 participants from group A (two individuals

Table 1  Demographic and Variables Total Group A Group B p

clinical variables according to (n = 37) (n = 20) (n = 17)
the intervention groups
Sex 0.032 (χ2)
 Males 20 13 16
 Females 17 7 1
Age (mean ± SD) 8.9 9.1 8.8 0.83 (Student t test)
Diagnosis ASD 0.31 (χ2)
 Autism (F84.0) 21 11 10
 Atypical autism (F84.1) 1 0 1
 Asperger syndrome (F84.5) 9 4 5
 PDD not otherwise specified (F84.9) 6 5 1
Scales at the beginning (mean ± SD)
 ATEC 63.3 ± 27.7 64.1 ± 28.7 62.3 ± 27.4 0.9 (Student t test)
 ERC-III 26.0 ± 12.0 26.7 ± 13.3 25.0 ± 10.7 0.5 (Student t test)
 ABC 43.5 ± 21.0 43.1 ± 22.4 44.0 ± 20.0 0.8 (Student t test)
Psychotropic drug 0.33 (χ2)
 Yes 14 9 5
 No 23 11 12

ASD autism spectrum disorder, PDD pervasive developmental disorder, ATEC Autism Treatment Evalua-
tion Checklist, ERC-III behavioral summarized evaluation, ABC aberrant behavior checklist


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

who refused to continue the study) were lost to follow-up. A

total of 14 participants from Group A completed the study,
and a total of 15 participants from Group B completed the
study. Figure 1 shows a flow chart of participants throughout
the study.

Results of the Variables and Evaluation Tools at T0,

T1 and T2

Prior to any type of dietary intervention, all participants

underwent a first evaluation (T0). New evaluations were
performed after 6 (T1) and 12 (T2) months of follow-up.

Results of the ATEC Scale

On the ATEC scale, none of the groups showed statisti-

cally significant differences between the three time points
(Table 2). In both groups, scores of T1 and T2 were lower
than scores of T0. The decrease in both groups was larger
in T1 than in T2 (that is, after the GFCF for group B and,
surprisingly, after the normal diet for group A). When both
groups were analyzed together (n = 29; that is, comparing Fig. 2  Mean score (± SD) on the Behavioral Summarized Evaluation
(ERC-III) scale at baseline (T0), at 6 months (T1) and at 12 months
the GFCF with the immediately previous situation), a non- (T2) of 14 patients from group A (who started with normal diet) and
significant decrease in the scores after the GFCF was found, another 15 patients from group B (who started with GFCF diet). The
with a very small effect size (d = 0.10). global statistical analysis within each group was performed using
Friedman test for related samples. Regarding the two by two post hoc
analysis, only T0 versus T2 in group A showed a statistically signifi-
Results of the ERC‑III Scale cant difference (p = 0.036)

On the ERC-III scale, group A showed statistically signifi-

cant differences between the three time points (Fig. 2). A Results of the ABC Scale
significant decrease in the scores between T0 and T2 (after
the GFCF) was found when times points were analysed two On the ABC scale, none of the groups showed significant
by two. Group B showed a progressive (not significant) differences between the three time points. Group A showed
decrease in the ERC-III scale score over time; that is, the a decrease (not significant) in the score between T0 and T1
decrease recorded after the GFCF (T1) continued (not sig- (after normal diet) and, contrary to expectations, a higher
nificantly) after the normal diet (T2). When both groups score in T2 (after GFCF) than in T0 and in T1 was found.
were analysed together (n = 29; that is, comparing the GFCF Group B showed a progressive (not significant) decrease in
with the immediately previous situation), a non-significant the ABC scale score over time; that is, the decrease recorded
decrease in the scores after the GFCF was found, with a very after the GFCF (T1) continued (also unexpectedly) after the
small effect size (d = 0.16). normal diet (T2). When both groups were analysed together

Table 2  Scores (mean ± SD) Group T0 (baseline) T1 (6 months) T2 (12 months) p (Friedman p (Wilcoxon

on the ATEC scale based on test for related test for paired
groups and time points samples) samples)

A 64.1 ± 28.7 62.9 ± 28.9 63.8 ± 29.7 0.4 T0–T1: 0.4

(n = 20) (n = 16) (n = 14) T1–T2: 0.8
B 62.3 ± 27.4 54.9 ± 20.9 55.7 ± 26.7 0.3 T0–T1: 0.09
(n = 17) (n = 15) (n = 15) T0–T2: 0.3
All ATEC before the GFCF diet: 62.1 ± 27.7 (n = 33) d = 0.10 0.24
ATEC after the GFCF diet: 59.1 ± 29.8 (n = 29)

ATEC Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

(n = 29; that is, comparing the GFCF with the immediately Results of Beta‑Casomorphin Concentrations in Urine
previous situation), a non-significant increase in the scores
after the GFCF was found, with a very small effect size After GFCF, there was a non-significant decrease in beta-
(d = 0.07). casomorphin concentrations in urine (Table 3).

Results of Adherence to the Diet

Results of the Risk and Safety Parameters
The results of adherence to dietary interventions (normal
Autoimmunity  Two individuals with gluten allergy and two
diet and GFCF) measured through the 24-h recall show that
individuals of casein allergy were diagnosed at the first time
82.8% of the sample were good compliants, 13.8% were
point (Fig. 1).
intermediate compliants and the remaining 3.4% were poor
compliants (Fig. 3). The results of the scales used (ATEC,
ERC-III, ABC) did not vary when the analysis was limited Hemogram and Biochemical Analysis  The nutritional varia-
to the 24 participants who were good compliants. bles analyzed (calcium, vitamin D, ferritin, folic acid, IGF-1
and hematocrit) showed no significant differences when
compared between before and after the GFCF diet (Table 3).

Results of  Weight–Height Monitoring  No significant dif-

Percentage of sample

ferences were found in body mass index when comparing
before and after the GFCF diet (Table 3).

25 History of Gastrointestinal and Eating Disorders  A total of

76.5% of the surveyed sample (n = 34) showed a history of
0 gastrointestinal disorders, being abdominal distress (41.2%)
Good Intermediate Poor the most frequent disorder. Whereas 88.2% of the surveyed
compliants compliants compliants sample (n = 34) showed a history of eating disorders, being
the difficulty to incorporate new foods (52.9%) the most
Fig. 3  Distribution of the sample according to the level of compli- frequent disorder. The results of the scales used (ATEC,
ance with the diet (measured using the 24-h recall). Participants were
classified into three groups: good compliants (80–100% compliance),
ERC-III, ABC) show no changes when the analysis was per-
intermediate compliants (50–79% compliance) and poor compliants formed only on the 27 participants presenting with a history
(less than 50% compliance) of gastrointestinal or eating disorders.

Table 3  Concentration (mean ± SD) of beta-casomorphin in urine and scores of nutritional and anthropometric variables before and after the
GFCF diet

Variable Before the GFCF diet After the GFCF diet Effect size p (Mann–Whit- p (Wilcoxon
(Cohen’s d) ney U test) matched pairs

Beta-casomorphin (ng/ml) 3.63 ± 4.4 2.30 ± 3.0 0.30 0.32

(n = 17) (n = 10)
BMI (kg/m2) 18.4 ± 4.2 18.7 ± 4.3 0.92
(n = 34) (n = 29)
Calcium (mg/dl) 9.9 ± 0.4 9.8 ± 0.5 0.47
(n = 25) (n = 27)
Vitamin D (ng/ml) 26.3 ± 7.8 29 ± 10.6 0.20
(n = 24) (n = 23)
Ferritin (ng/ml) 46.1 ± 33.6 48.7 ± 41.2 0.97
(n = 25) (n = 26)
Folic acid (ng/ml) 10.7 ± 3.9 10.8 ± 5.2 0.95
(n = 25) (n = 24)
IGF-1 (ng/ml) 233.3 ± 156.7 233.5 ± 161.8 0.36
(n = 24) (n = 23)

BMI body mass index, IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor 1


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Discussion of autism, although other authors have used it in similar

studies (Navarro et al. 2015; Pusponegoro et al. 2015).
Discussion of the Results Regarding this finding, we should consider the possibil-
ity that the participants would worsen during the GFCF
Overall, our results show minimal changes in behavioral period due to the restriction of foods due to the withdrawal
disorders after a GFCF diet determined using the ATEC, of gluten and casein from the diet, added to the selectivity
ERC-III and ABC scales. Only the ERC-III scale and only in the choice of meals and eating disorders described in
group A showed significant results after the GFCF diet, the autistic population (Díaz-Atienza et al. 2012). It should
but the effect size was very small (Fig. 2). A decrease be noticed that this phenomenon of “paradoxical effect”
(non-significant) in the scores on the scales used after the was not found in group B nor in the other scales used.
GFCF diet was found when the effect of GFCF was meas- The lack of conclusive results in our research can be
ured by joining participants of groups A and B, that is, attributed to several causes that are discussed below.
when the GFCF diet (T1 for group B and T2 for group A) First, the evaluation tools used (ATEC, ERC-III and
was compared with the immediately previous situation (T0 ABC) may not be sufficiently sensitive to change, at least
for group B and T1 for group A). during the assessed period. However, these scales have been
Some findings were found against expectations. In used in other studies on nutritional and dietary interven-
group A, the ATEC scale scores decreased compared to tions in ASD (Adams et al. 2018; Amminger et al. 2007;
the baseline situation (T0) after both the normal diet (T1) Bent et al. 2011, 2014; Bertoglio et al. 2010; Grimaldi et al.
and the GFCF diet (T2) (Table 2). A negative correla- 2018). Another evaluation scale, the Childhood Autism Rat-
tion between the ATEC scale and age has been previously ing Scale (CARS) described by Schopler et al. (1980), was
reported (Mahapatra et  al. 2018), which could explain used in a crossover study (Elder et al. 2006) similar to ours
this decrease in the ATEC scale scores over time. In our and correlated (­ rs = 0.71; p < 0.001) with the ATEC scale
study, the age variable (in T0) showed a significant ordinal (Geier et al. 2014) used in our study, but it showed no dif-
correlation with the ATEC scale ­(rs = − 0.36; p = 0.027), ferences after the GFCF diet too.
but not with the ERC-III scale (­ rs = − 0.03; p = 0.86) nor Secondly, the lack of conclusive results after GFCF diet
with the ABC scale ­(rs = − 0.23; p = 0.18), although the could be explained by the lack of adherence to the diet. The
scales show a high correlation with each other [ATEC with results of the adherence to the diet measured through the
ERC-III, ­rs = 0.85 (p < 0.001); ATEC with ABC, r­ s = 0.60 24-h recall showed that 82.8% of the sample was good com-
(p < 0.001); ERC-III with ABC, ­r s = 0.60 (p < 0.001)]. pliants (they followed the intervention modalities in more
These unexpected results on the ATEC scale could also be than 80%) (Fig. 3). The results of the scales used (ATEC,
explained by the order of the intervention in group A (first ERC-III, ABC) did not vary when the analysis was restricted
normal diet) and the expected desirability of parents to to the 24 participants who were good compliants.
find an improvement in their children soon (Dosman et al. Therefore, if it is ruled out that the absence of significant
2013). In group B and for the ERC-III and ABC scales, the differences in our study could be due to the lack of sensitiv-
scores decreased after the exclusion diet (T1) and after the ity of our assessment tools to change or due to problems in
normal diet (T2) (Fig. 2). In this case and given the order adherence to diet. Our results suggest that the GFCF diet
of intervention in group B (first GFCF), this could be due does not lead to changes in symptoms, in contrast with the
to the fact that a certain passiveness was maintained in findings of other studies (El-Rashidy et al. 2017; Ghalichi
restrictive dietary care after the improvement achieved in et al. 2016; Knivsberg et al. 1990, 1995, 2002; Lucarelli
T1. A third and final unexpected result occurred in group et  al. 1995; Pedersen et  al. 2013; Whiteley et  al. 1999,
A for the ABC scale, where the scores not only decreased 2010a), but in consistency with most of the latest published
after the normal diet (T1), but they also increased again, studies (Elder et al. 2006; González-Domenech et al. 2019;
even above T0 after the GFCF (T2). Perhaps this is the Hyman et al. 2016; Johnson et al. 2011; Navarro et al. 2015;
most unexpected and controversial result of all, since it Pusponegoro et al. 2015; Seung et al. 2007).
involves a finding completely contrary to our hypothesis: Urinary concentrations of beta-casomorphin decreased
an improvement after the normal diet and an aggravation after the GFCF diet, but this change was not significant.
after the GFCF diet. First, it should be noted that these Due to technical laboratory issues, it was impossible to
results were not statistically significant and that the range obtain the result for all the samples (Table 3). Some stud-
of scores was very narrow between the three time points ies have suggested that urinary concentrations of beta-
(43.1 ± 22.4 in T0; 37.9 ± 21.7 ± T1; and 43.6 ± 21.5 in casomorphin are higher in children with autism (Reichelt
T2). Furthermore, the ABC scale is the least specific of and Knivsberg 2003; Sokolov et al. 2014; Tveiten et al.
three tools used by us to assess the behavioral symptoms 2014). Sokolov et al. (2014) found a positive correlation
between concentrations of beta-casomorphin and severity


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

of behavior disorders. In our study, no relationship was The first formal description of autistic symptoms, pro-
found between urinary concentrations of beta-casomorphin vided by Leo Kanner in 1943, already mentioned gastro-
at the beginning of the study and the severity of behavioral intestinal symptoms in some of the cases. In our sample,
symptoms measured using the ATEC, ERC-III and ABC 76.5% of participants presented a history of gastrointesti-
scales (Table 1). From our results, we cannot draw con- nal disorders. The most frequent was abdominal pain/colic,
clusions about whether the concentrations of opioid pep- present in approximately half of the cases (41.2%). It has
tides are higher in the autistic population than in the non- been suggested that the feeling of pain in children with ASD
autistic population, because our crossover design uses the could be expressed through behavioral disorders such as irri-
patient as a control. Nevertheless, our findings should be tability or oppositionist because of the difficulties in this
compared with the results of those studies that have per- population for the recognition and communication of emo-
formed measurements of opioid peptides before and after a tions (Nygaard 2010). There are favourable publications in
GFCF diet. Another crossover clinical trial similar to ours patients with gastrointestinal comorbidity (diarrhoea, con-
(Elder et al. 2006) also showed no significant differences stipation) suggesting a potential connection between intake
in the urinary concentrations of gluten and casein-derived of certain foods, such as dairy products, and the presence
peptides (gluteomorphine and casemorphine, respectively) of gastrointestinal symptoms (Boukthir et al. 2010; Díaz-
between the phase of normal diet and the phase of GFCF Atienza et al. 2012). In our sample, the results of the scales
diet. However, the urinary concentrations of peptides were used (ATEC, ERC-III, ABC) did not vary when the analysis
normalized after the GFCF diet in the study conducted by was limited to the 27 participants who had either a history
Knivsberg et al. (1990, 1995). One of the main issues sur- of gastrointestinal or eating disorders. Furthermore, Hans
rounding the determination of beta-casomorphin concen- Asperger described the syndrome that bears his name in
trations is the technique used to analyze these substances. 1961 and established a relationship between diets and autism
Classically, the determination of peptiduria was performed and he has also associated the syndrome with celiac disease
using chromatographic techniques (Reichelt et al. 1986, (Asperger 1961). In our study, two cases of gluten allergy
1991). However, these techniques are separation tools and two cases of casein allergy were diagnosed at T0, all
but they are useless for molecular identification, so more of them were excluded from the study because they could
recent studies have used combined chromatography and not eat the normal diet. It is possible that, in addition, there
spectrometry techniques, such as those used in our study, were participants with non-celiac gluten sensitivity and/or
for the determination of these peptides (Cass et al. 2008; intolerance to cow’s milk proteins that were not detected by
Dettmer et al. 2007; Hunter et al. 2003) or have tried to conventional immunological tests, hence the importance of
determine other substances derived from other peptides finding specific biochemical markers in the autistic popula-
or amino acids such as glycine (Dalton et al. 2017). The tion, especially in those cases with gastrointestinal comor-
current emphasis on the investigation of opioid peptides bidity (Catassi et al. 2013).
in autism lies in studying indirect markers of the bio- Finally, the results of our research show that 88.2% of
logical activity of these proteins (Cieślińska et al. 2015; the sample surveyed (n = 34) presented a history of eating
Jarmolowska et al. 2019), such as the enzyme dipeptidyl disorder, the most frequent of them was the difficulty of
peptidase-4 (which is responsible for hydrolyzing beta- incorporating new foods, present in 18 (52.9%) out of the
7-casomorphin in the intestine) or the opioid receptors μ 34 participants surveyed, which reinforces the idea of food
(to which these substances bind in the brain). selectivity and inherent restriction in the autistic syndrome
Some authors have suggested that the use of elimination (Cornish 2002).
diets may cause health risks due to certain nutritional defi-
ciencies, mainly calcium deficiency after exclusion of dairy
products (Hediguer et al. 2008; Konstantynowicz et al. 2007) Strengths and Limitations
which could consequently alter bone growth (Monti et al.
2007; Neumeyer et al. 2013). Only few clinical trials con- One of the main contributions of our research is the use
ducted with GFCF diets in autistic patients have determined of a cross-design methodology in the follow-up of a large
risk and safety variables (Elder et al. 2006; El-Rashidy et al. group of patients (n = 37) undergoing a GFCF diet for a
2017; Hyman et al. 2016; Johnson et al. 2011; Whiteley et al. long period of time (6 months). Our cross-over methodol-
2010a) and none of them have shown apparent side effects ogy was inspired by a study published 15 years ago by a
to date. Our results are consistent with those studies, since group of North American researchers (Elder et al. 2006)
we show that GFCF diets do not involve apparent health who did not find conclusive results but suggested in their
risks measured through the nutritional and anthropometric conclusions to increase the intervention period (6 + 6 weeks)
variables analyzed (calcium, vitamin D, ferritin, folic acid, and the sample size (n = 14). The cross design reduces the
IGF-1, hematocrit and body mass index) (Table 3). variability between subjects (each participant is, at the same


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

time, a patient and a control) and allows performing a sta- 2010; Pedersen et al. 2013; Piwowarczyk et al. 2018; Sathe
tistical analysis as if we had twice the sample. The sample et al. 2017; Whiteley et al. 2010b).
was divided into two groups (A and B), each group with a We have not included a washing period between the two
different order of dietary intervention, to control the evolu- interventions because the effects of the second intervention
tionary bias: the clinical and behavioral changes found in were measured 6 months after the end of the first interven-
the subjects could be due to the passage of time and not due tion, without the presence of residual effects derived from
to the exclusion of gluten and casein (Charman et al. 2015). the previous intervention (Kumar et al. 1979).
Regarding the large group of recruited participants, it Our study included children and adolescents as partici-
should be noted that 30 participants were needed based on pants. Some studies on GFCF diets in autism avoid includ-
the sample size calculation, which was based (Knivsberg ing adolescents (Whiteley et al. 2010a, b) to prevent the
et  al. 2002) on a 50% advantage among 10 participants influence of behavioral changes occurring with the onset
with GFCF diet and another 10 with normal diet (in par- of puberty (Gillberg and Schaumann 1981). The age of our
allel design) and with an effect size (Cohen’s d) of 1.13. participants, therefore, included a broad spectrum (between
Although the sample size could also be considered a priori 2 and 18 years old). This fact increases the interindividual
as a study limitation, several factors should be taken into variability in relation to the age variable, which (in T0)
account. Most clinical trials concerning this topic have used showed a significant correlation with the ATEC scale but not
sample sizes smaller than ours (Elder et al. 2006; Hyman with the ERC-III or ABC scales. The correlation between
et al. 2016; Johnson et al. 2011; Knivsberg et al. 1990, 1995, the ATEC scale and age, as above mentioned, is described in
2002; Lucarelli et al. 1995; Navarro et al. 2015; Seung et al. the scientific literature (Mahapatra et al. 2018). Both groups
2007; Whiteley et al. 1999). Moreover, and stated above, the started from a similar distribution in terms of the age of their
cross design of the study provides the statistical advantage of participants (Table 1).
as if the number of participants were doubled (each subject Another limitation of this study is the difficulty of mon-
is, at the same time, case and control), so it is as if we have itoring the dietary intervention for such a long period of
74 participants in our study. time. Based on the scientific literature, families of people
Many researchers in this area of study have tried to design affected by ASD often find serious difficulties in properly
clinical trials with a minimum GFCF period set at 3 months, following dietary recommendations (Adams et al. 2018). A
based on evidence that gluten residues and their bio-products study led by Johnson et al. (2011, United States) used the
remain active in the intestine of people affected by celiac 24-h recall to monitor adherence to the GFCF diet (inter-
disease up to 12 weeks after removing gluten from the diet vention group) and to the normal diet (control group). More
(Kumar et al. 1979). Our research group, based on this state- dietary errors were found in the intervention group than in
ment, launched a clinical trial of similar characteristics to the control group and the errors were more frequent at the
this 1 year ago with a GFCF intervention period established end of the intervention in the intervention group, reflecting
in 3 months, which also did not find conclusive results after the parents’ difficulty in establishing and maintaining this
the GFCF (González-Domenech et al. 2019). The launch type of diets and the decrease in interest over time, espe-
of the present study, with an intervention with GFCF diet cially if no obvious improvements were found (Pennesi and
for 6 months, was prompted by the results of the ScanBrit Klein 2012). We should keep in mind that dietary errors can
study (Pedersen et al. 2013; Whiteley et al. 2010a), that also occur during the normal diet period; it is well known
showed improvements during the first year and a plateau by the parents of participants of this type of studies that the
effect during the second year of intervention with GFCF objective of the GFCF diet period is to completely exclude
diet. The ScanBrit study has the longest follow-up period to foods containing gluten and casein. However, the amounts of
date, 24 months, and the authors suggest that an interven- gluten and casein eaten may vary among participants during
tion period of at least 6 months is necessary to be able to the normal diet, and the intake of these components could
reasonably evaluate the response to a GFCF diet. Pennesi be decreased, especially if an improvement was found dur-
and Klein (2012) found within the information provided by ing the GFCF diet. This phenomenon occurred in our study,
the parents that the most relevant results were described after where the scores of the ERC-III and ABC questionnaires
6 months with a GFCF diet. The remaining studies avail- for group B decreased after the GFCF (T1) and continued
able to date, except one of them with the same duration as to decrease (non-significantly) after the normal diet (T2)
ours and that also found no significant changes after the diet (Fig. 2). Finally, we must also consider the possibility of
(Hyman et al. 2016), have shorter follow-up periods, which dietary errors outside the scope of the main caregivers, for
has been pointed out in review studies as one of the main example, being at the home of grandparents, with other rela-
limitations for this type of research (Dosman et al. 2013; tives or friends, or at birthday parties (Pennesi and Klein
Marí-Bauset et al. 2014; Millward et al. 2008; Mulloy et al. 2012).


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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

All double-blind studies performed to date (Elder et al. Research Involving Human Participants  The investigation was carried
2006; Hyman et al. 2016; Navarro et al. 2015; Puspon- out in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in
2013. The research protocol was approved by the local Institutional
egoro et al. 2015) except one (Lucarelli et al. 1995), have Review Board.
shown negative results after a GFCF diet, that is, no differ-
ences were found between GFCF diet and control diet. One Informed Consent  All patients gave written informed consent.
of the main difficulties in this type of study is, therefore, in
establishing a dietary intervention that, on the one hand,
is double-blind controlled but also, on the other hand, is
conducted for a sufficient period of time (Pedersen et al. References
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Acknowledgments  We thank University of Granada, in particular, with autism. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 93, 745–750.
Professor Manuel Gurpegui Fernández de Legaria for his advices and Catassi, C., Bai, J. C., Bonaz, B., Bouma, G., Calabró, A., Carroccio,
suggestions regarding this manuscript. The authors acknowledge Nutra- A., et al. (2013). Non-Celiac Gluten sensitivity: The new frontier
ceutical Translations for translating this manuscript into English. of gluten related disorders. Nutrients, 5, 3839–3853.
Charman, T., Taylor, E., Drew, A., Cockerill, H., Brown, J., & Baird,
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interpretation of the data and the drafting of the article; he approved 3 years of age and pattern of symptom change overtime. Journal
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participated in the statistical analysis, the interpretation of the data and 500–513.
the drafting of the article; she approved the final version of the manu- Cieślińska, A., Sienkiewicz-Szłapka, E., Wasilewska, J., Fiedoro-
script. MLFS has participated in the design of the study, the statistical wicz, E., Chwała, B., Moszyńska-Dumara, M., et  al. (2015).
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Compliance with Ethical Standards  Cornish, E. (2002). Gluten and casein free diets in autism: A study of
the effects on food choice and nutrition. Journal of Human Nutri-
Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no conflict of tion & Dietetics, 15, 261–269.
interest. Dalton, N. R., Chandler, S., Turner, C., Charman, T., Pick-
les, A., Simonoff, E., et  al. (2017). Measurement of urine


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