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Imagine walking down the street and catching sight of an ongoing muslim
parade. Participants of this strange parade hold signs which read “we want tolerance
towards our beliefs and the ways our community expresses them”. Now there are two
options: you either walk past them and continue your ordinary life or start an
argument which may evoke serious violations, such as police misconduct, assault or
even murder.

First and foremost, before looking into this important matter, let us all agree on
the definition of tolerance. Merriam-Webster dictionary explains tolerance as
sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's
own. In this strangely bizarre speech I will try to do my best to persuade you to be the
person who does not let inner unthoughtful beliefs harm others.

Allow me to begin with the most dangerous group of people- terrorists,

savages who massacre innocent civilians for a dull reason. In the last decade,
especially in Europe, there has been an uprising of these incidents in which civilians
unwillingly sacrifice their lives. The explanation that the public get is that it was some
brain-washed guy from the Middle East and his message was something between the
lines: “My God almighty Allah told me to do this and I will successfully punish these
Bible bashers and avenge my God”. Almost instantly the majority of our modern
society becomes anxiously stressed and afraid of these behemoths. In addition,
people start targeting the obvious cause- terrorist’s faith. In this case, this religion
itself and its followers become detested among others. The point of this example is
that after these horrible events people start questioning credibility of every single
muslim. And there comes the funniest part of it- bullying, even though the religion is
more than thousand years old, has millions of followers, rules and traditions. Many
believe that now they have to be careful when interacting with these people, because
if something goes wrong, they can easily murder you, but, in reality, that is not the
case. Many muslims just want to live freely, live by their religion’s given rules, but
sadly it is hardly achievable in modern society. Everything starts with a suspicious
gaze, then it transforms into intensified inquiries and when it reaches the top, this
group of people cannot travel without any obstacles and common actions become
somehow restricted. I say now is the time to put this plain racism to an end. We have
to comprehend the matter and find new ways how to battle this issue. My suggestion
would be to update the checkup system in airports and other extremely sensitive
public areas. This way everyone will be treated the same. If it seems to costly, then
treat everyone equally and do special examinations only when screening equipment
starts constantly showing negative results. All of this we should imply to every single
group of people.
Another repressed faction of society is Afro-Americans. People quite often
have prejudice against Afro-American community, because of all the gangs, drugs
and shootouts that are linked to them. In the last few years there has been a large
number of these accidental murders. Victims did not comply with given orders, made
a lot of sudden moves which made the bluecoat act accordingly and “in self-defense”
shoot the detained individual. Of course there were some incidents when officer
arrested the person just because he was black. I believe this exact issue with Afro-
Americans is utterly shortsighted. Our society has been racially mixed for such a long
time already but still, to this day, there is a vast portion of folks who just cannot
believe that an equal person may bare a different skin tone. To this ludicrous problem
my solution would be even greater amount of enlightment and cultural education.
Hopefully, this approach would open one’s eyes and teach the most important lesson:
“Do to others as you would have them do to you”. I’d love to believe that being a little
bit more empathetic and caring may create a new bond which would greatly help the
sons of different descents find common ground.

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