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52 Week Photography Challenge

for 2018
The first two Dogwood Photography 52 Week Challenges were an
amazing success, with tens of thousands of photographers
participating from around the world. We enter the third year of the
challenge with the Community Challenge!

This challenge has been created by photographers who participated

in past yearʼs challenges to push themselves, and you, even further
in your photographic journey. The Community Challenge is a great
follow on to the other two challenges, but is also suitable to be
completed as a stand-alone challenge. There is no specific start
date for this challenge. Each photographer is on their own journey,
and only competing with themselves from week to week. If you wish
to form a challenge group and compete with others based on this
list you are welcome to do so! If you form a challenge group drop
me an invite I would love to watch the progress.

Weekly Challenge Categories:

Each week, the weekly assignment will be in one of 5 categories:

Vision: This category is designed to push you to go beyond

sight, to insight; to take inspiration and make it a reality. Vision
exists in your imagination and is revealed your photographs;
expressing something otherwise invisible. Developing a Vision
for your work is showing to others what you see in your mindʼs
Composition: Composition refers to the way the various
elements in a scene are arranged within the frame. Challenges 2017/12/27, 21=02

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will focus on setting up the shot and developing our personal
composition styles; styles which can become our trademark.
Developing your Compostion will allow you to set the stage to
generate a reaction from your audience.
Technical: Technical Aptitude is just as important as creative
inspiration in photography. This year's technical category is
primarily focused on in camera processes, however, there will
be some post processing techniques included.
Creative: When this category comes up, you really have room
to express yourself. You can interpret the assignment literally or
figuratively. Unlike the other categories, the idea of this
category is to let your artistic impression shine.
Wild Card: Consider this a Show-and-Tell for grown-ups. You
have freedom do shoot what and how you wish. Let us know if
you're trying a new technique, composition, style, subject,
working on a specific project, or just exercising your freedom.
Have fun!

How to share your images

I highly encourage sharing your work each week. I know itʼs hard to
put yourself out there, but it is an important part of growing as a
photographer. If you want to share your images with the rest of the
people who are taking part in the challenge I recommend the
following hashtags: #dogwood52, #dogwood2018, and
#dogwoodweek[NUMBER] (ex: #dogwoodweek1,

If you run into others who are also participating and sharing, be sure
and comment on their image!

Some places to share your work: 2017/12/27, 21=02

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Join the Facebook Group Official Dogwood Photography
Challenge at:
Share your work on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or
other hashtag friendly social media site with the hashtags listed
Share your work in your favorite photography forum… and even
encourage others to participate.
Share your work via websites dedicated to photographers like or
Put together a gallery show of your favorite images from the
challenge! Select 12-20 of your favorite images to have printed
and framed; and then arrange a photography exhibit. The show
could be as simple as a dinner party at your house. You could
also reach out to local coffee shops and community galleries to
see if space would be available. There may be some incidental
costs for showing your work, so you may want to contact early
so that you can plan accordingly. Consider selling a few of your
framed prints to help offset the cost. 2017/12/27, 21=02

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