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THR ANGELIC ART Compiled by Joanne Willians ‘and Sinon Goodman The _Nnpetic Net Dagels shoud only ba written to Cr help the WS ULL they mule. A letler Loritten to the Leong Angel is considered “lost te the magical post AA manner of speakuag’ Letters should be Lrilten ow the Particular day of eack aud every Pagel, though ust necessarily a Wis hear on any one day puksel bives a Lider margin ce tolacl be tock. Th is net necessary te trae or banish 8 this is net U parkeular Lisl. tle magical lefler Will prove enough AuRieL “Throne, Pagel of God rhe angel of planet Uranns Zodiac Aquarins: Rusiel has the particulac distichin, becouse he As a theme Angel of Gack, to chow gwen the power of transnithik Magical ability 4o mauler Ahrougk the planet Uranus. He Roverns learning aud deoclopment oP souk aud spirit. Thece Gre you shold ask is help c& matters Connected Lrth these, Migs. The result vill come te quite a sudden aid devastahig manner, as symbolized by his sige s-"the liphtmag Plask" ‘ He shod neser be tivcked gli unless he is One oP jour Cucididu Argel’, betause be caw ad does parr mivactes, Roser gelition bias unless you xe Prepared For sudden upheavals. He rules “the zodiac Aquarius, Ks planek is Uranus. Ilis prvate sign is the bling Mash. These qou Lrite fiest te preen wk, crayon or penech A your magical letler. You then Lorite :— “Te Kamel ythrone Angel aa Al Fyre * dha en Posen Aud Mae of the Rwex script througout Sign of Aquarius — Rlamek Uxareas Lighhang Flash a RH & go Write. Kis letters on Saturday and keep When for Courter days; wcludag the dag on Ulich you wrote it Ancmals i= Chameleons Unccom, all leards. Feacks i= Mangoes aud bananas Flowers :- All mublicclouced ones alias ek) Rasctel Foes all mubbesloured hugs jvatloous ox pools of cil thak glisten 5 any thag Abst vePlects mubticcloured light isa siGn fom Ruscvel He hes no parleulac tee but rules all freak. trees , crosses of tue types oF ones which change the caloux of Meeks Ussoue Reis said te rule Hydrangiers .- thesce magical losers, they change like the chameleon SiQus that your Request has Leer ovauted eee ope ueten the lebker— i Yer “unex peckadl; see a varnkou, damelen ox wnicorwm ormamenk, Qlistenug oil sary meaus of refracted Uphks mange chubiey oe Frat, Ws sacred usect the deapon ue cau cule matters of troule aud nerous complacsks. Leite Wis leather stmply. Dever ask his help A mates you cau take core of yoursel? M\cHAEL Angel of the Sun, Kae: = Leo Melael, of the Sun, so one of the natural Cnegies is the sunbeam. He rules euly ons BBW lecause he is an archargd Ansmals - Lidus, all greater aud lesser eats Flowers :- SumPlowers , maribolds and all orclids Frucks Oranges aud pomekr anates Tree = Lauxel Metal: Gold Tnsects :- Colder buttery, daddy long legs: Ask lis help ua Amloition , personal success, attarcment Rag tne of Gosmmenrt affairs, Kgs aud inves. foe lay Or Conmpasitisn Aaythag made of Gold. Orange blossom is sacted. Ne is present on your edding day Auch your Belden weddae day Rsk bes help ux health matters concemig Spike awk Keact ‘The sigtl of Mabaet i tepresented by a lions: Wane. The Sun is shooa sloum by a cuale orth S obst. He has one other symlool, the Coun. His Ror is ermure the Qoyal Fer. Olen vorihag a letter the orcher of symbols is “ © wf Lee Sun Crown, Drew the Sages Leite ie Passtngdthe Ruben” script “To the Angel Michael Archangel of the Sun ead of Leo" , follows Lith “Your request Un Theban Sudsige Yous name ca” Passag of the River? Loeite om A Sunday Ge any hour. . Keep it seven days, Suncay te Sunday Bure the lelker. TP a sign is ust veceived, Watt one month before Lorihag another. GagRieL Amel of the Moon Zodiac :— Cavcer Because he is of the Moon, one of lis watural signs is the moobean Berg an “Ach augel, he mules only one SBM, Cavcex’, the Cralo , symbolised by tise crab claus Animals = Dogs Cihey bay ot the moon), crabs 5 sbeltish Foaiks = Melons, hekes, pears Flowers ALL Lokike Plomers aud the night. sceuted stock. Mekal:— silver Wee -- Weepig cillon Tasecks :— spiders; moths - especially \arge wOlkr moths, large house auc garden Spiders Cite small ones belong to Sackeh ), Matters ulicl Cabrel deals vith Health matters concerning Remrae Cuchins, repro duchive orgaus. Rilments of breasts, (Khe Wise of o¢ Pom clildloith, sterclity, Warts Clotl sexes) Domestic houre uvatters, dloureshe equipment Sale guacds joumies by laud er sea. Cuacd form sea or atrsickness Taki geclin Dud stomach patrs and conplardts Matters oF amen buk not mone 3 D ED/ Crab Claus Moon fe yor love. sana Croan Letters cau be uxitlen whea dog Neo Moon Trwecations or spells or Rall Moon Bonshiigs Regtests of gar at, Nes Mona, to ck’spell et Full Moon. Dears his three sighs: Address Keg, write, your request sud signature, all a Theban Leite on Movdey o Neo or Rall Moon Letler shoul be beg Fall Lanare monly , Padays, Courtiap the day it was uxitlen om ; On We 281 day, teac it Kp. Werte on Whitepaper Usihp llue take oe crayon, Sigus ALek Your cequest Was been braubed= Heorbeam uaaahig you or your home ACE of hile Hoses vor uhehe. Flovers agpeartag saddouls ond urexpectaudly Lr your arden. ° strange dog malig a Mss of you or backag a mae wotas s Seene A veeping willow here you adit thougls there Gas one, or hearag it rustle Receisae a gt withe Rew ofa shelltsh or boeing tnuited to daaner Shere shellfish served. The Same. applies te melons, Kiehe sy Ov Yegeiving pears Or BOAR somevhere Where pear Kees grow ard Sre WA Saab & lossomae oe Scene & OU silver or Zokp to & cbvclanns oP hear ah of & Lurie among Riaads or Se . the same applies ta a baby enkerig your home fe ee Rast oeewe quar A nad dof or @ puppy. Te Guid door have uidested worth moths, or have @ spider take up residence. Despite Yhe spaler Qos appear ances if you cannot oem ity clotk Lik’, puck tt Beutly asd, TR youn see @ spider sprang Gs vel it 6 S&S sure sR Lat Mage Us beg Worked Be You. SAM AECL, Kabel of: Mars Zodtdca — Scorpio aud Aries Samael rales 2 aghs. shou The uphamed a horns 4 the “mM” syuseol vith the forked Tle ign for Mars is tle circte Uitth Qu etre Ond lis private sign is tle sised,a Sywteo| OF Ws protechon of Wurmarihy frome eneinuds and evil Uhenhe « adked. . Neve arette Gur symbols with abel you beQ@in the lekker. They must le draun tk ce take ov crayon ow Ulske paper, on a Tresda,. ‘cep the paper for sesen days. Destroy it ow he Glloding Treader. By then Youstould Wane received A sign Som Samael. vy coy Oo af, Saeed of Samael Aries Scorfio | Mags Avies is the fist or positive SigK. Scorpio is te, Second or rebate sigh. They have e7ush value luk AtCerent Powers. Nether ts means a ocak sign iss lcs rete ee cs Lecoue rs stal stre, atter au illness. To ee pees we eke shen (he batlles of fe are penerall, too murcl Plystcal courage People in Stared forces To Welp acquire the aglr type of machinery. To secure “A Gooch ae Th health. matters he can be, cavoked for Adlments of the right ar, seoere headackes, operakins Che gules the, suseous howds) aud, Kelps tx gpisck restoratan o health. Raske, Akech ons “auch spots. Recideuts or visks tot, macktveru Ancmals:- Rams 4 sheep Flocers += “Thistles, nettles, pennies, all except poppies Tastets :~ Scorpions aud all shigers except bees. Wees -— Worse chestauk j monkey puggle, pepper treer Mekat:- Tron or steel Be alert te sigue - Gibe of a slarp kule or castrument, fallag of kaes to the Moor Gr ws cbviors reason. Aagtuig catcdhoag Rte, sparks,couls poppuig Rom the grate, Allack of sneeses, spilliag peppe ox spites. FE Yor are shing Ly a Udse or feel a flas of leat Wi auy panto the bady for we appareat reason. A Stipa of cure is @ you are acted abo health. TR someone sudd. Woee you conkers ar horse chesnuks “wy S 8 TO you suddenly see ag monkey puggle or pepper Aree. A aijstercus red glos or light whose source Cawrst be traced Taghag ot rritabin Us eget haudor Sr for Bu Uslknoun reason RAPHAEL Lelters should be written on a tedresday ui Theban script Usurb black tile on yellows paper or yellow rk or crayon on Liithe paper aol kept Be senen days. The Kllasg ore cacrech te Raghacl, aud ave tes Ap shoo your request has been graces i mwas :— all birds - Tasects :- non-shaging Ples especially buakes Rosers:— all yellos flowers Wees .— aspen, silver bree Ferns :— bracken aud Leeds Mefal:— quicksilver " Nap MGs) sudden journey, Usually Break Flom of lelthers Tncideuks or sitwahsus unexpectaukly thuoly- Walg Buy of the above are sikus. m Tr & Vigo Cem Mercury These ‘head the lether, sacnteu Angel of Jupiter Sud Saggittarius ad Pisces Shorm by Reathered arow auc hoo fakes Syrloclically taked te four represtubiy Tpiteris ackall, tei loeard of Zeus or the Reyal Swan These are the agus used to Lead your leer, be Sactwel . eZ OM Saggttanus Pisces Tugiter — Rack of Forhune Fivste te Jupiter Write ce purple Gk sn ubtke paper a tele cde ow lavenker coloured paper. Wicke throughout tis Rasstng f the Roars * senpt The part of good fochine is the expansion of thks, & Bead AMAGS aud ticrease Crrones) hel is hy Ur appears so wrany money fais maus, Leite the letter on Thurda, any bes. Pok his help these matters 2 las, Yudlge- Met j Money, social life, secuniig the acd PF people ox porer ov positin Heath matters of bled or goor ecreulahon, arlorents of the righh leg, trouble of the feck, Dubles, oF Vamcese ves Trcrease in wages, better overall monetary Condikicas, Aucaals :- Elephants, whales, all (shes Flowers :~ all purple Closers 5 lilacs, honesty Fruits: - grapes Trees :- Reya\ oak Tusects:- Aireenbee, all bees Metal .— All cocned mone. Sikus :- Radig a Breage cou G your Leer & cok foe athe street Corerense comag) BCH the shape CF ancuals, oc ackrall) seeug such TAGS: Taglig uw tle ler lb or soles OF the Ceek.” Rerplish kage or Laut or _paddmscked yor see oc “Hak yousee, Taurtarion o trip ke or on the sea, Cuer connected witl the sea Cit of Buy of the alere scgus Seay doy Pte Royal Pauly om person: AN AEL Panel ie the Angel of Venus aud roles the Zodiac sihus Of Taurus aud Libra. Anaelts the great Anbel of Love ad Affechor He rules love, creahin, affects, marrage, peste Bud harmony, aac helps to creake bearhts thangs. “These are the matters of the Angel Leite’ Your leer om Friday in auy hour Sud keep thr a8 days, Kel adig the da, you Lirote tt. Werle ta fassullg of the Risers” sempt, wrth blue tae on ubike paper or red on aug colour paper. Destroy the letter on, the ath Fedage “ Thete ave the headug symbols: ~ & & 8g Taucus Libra Venus: Chakce, Cirvate Sipe) The Chakce represents the Cup of Happiness firimals = Pablots aud’ domeshe pers Birds = Doves, love aede, blue Hts, Frac: Apples , persimmons Flovsers:~ Roses, del glaniuus Tree .~ pple tree Taseot :— Cattergliar ard butter thes Mekal:— Copper Seernlg or heanng doves ave sigus js are: Seong ov fanny levebicds Chlue budgerigars) The above LGR , seeng Glue (eglits . reeeiving roses, or delplicauians TP your per stares ov plays vith aw cruisible Comparsas & You sucdeuly see au apple tree, oy recete a Gilt oP 4Le above Guts, or coradall apples, or recede as a Bite any bend of AQ, or Fdiag a rap tne cheeet (Ary soct of ete) Reqninige Reo clothes Cork jbolue or luxucy clottes), tote. db days. These ave sigus tat Your vequest Was been granted. Cassveu Casmel is the Pagel o€ Satur and mules the 2odiac of Caprcom. The sku of the oat Lvitten as AU" UitlL Alook. Ths ts slotlard fe the Leacd of tLe goat He Works slowly buk surely pf MAL dake twee to recede a reply rite ch aug hour on @ Saterday on Ubike, Bebe otk black wale or lead peucth; use Asse of the Bwers ” scmipt , A CAG your signature. Keep tis leiter Gr hee Loecks Wis three Leadug signs are i the sigue Cor Saturn Ghortltand fer the Seyle) (Cassel is knorm as the Angel of Fave, tle Reaper ve hh Caprican Satan Cassiel’s Qroake Sian Cyacdss Ladder) Old age legacies, settlement oF is aud other APlairs of Wee deceased. House repairs, Ald Bk auch pensioners: Stability Ge We , araltiers that take Kare Ailments of: the left leg complaits thet Come Lath Ae ce Cheumaline, Craps cold aud dap ills. AW Hiese aloove are. wrathers Sir the ngel Cassel. Armas .- Tortise , parrot Cloag liag lied) Tasedts:- AY slots provers aud Worms Flowers:- Chincherackeree or everlastips Fuck. Bitter alocs, all dcied fruit aud all lather eros TreBbir- Glos Gracers Qud evergreens Metal :— Lead Signs that your request Lill loe granted :— Cube oF o¢ Minding coal, bihag suddenly something bitter. Present of tbe abose’ Rlowsers oe Ubike Sout Mrican vidlets, Hare bo ated & memoral ov Cireral service. Unexpected Visit by Qa ageat rsou. Reel of tre above Ailments. TAP dhe leCt leg. Seeeg dark green Oe hliee marek i. tke Fon iAbouk ran Recero ing ewergreen branches, seen, o Lopenn FA AEG -& pcce of lead. Seeurg , Unexpectedly, B loch or A parret. Rem- ulcer tp Usten fe a garrot. A fal\ of seot doun a chuney TP ths lagpess, Baqi May the Angel Casstel bless we ty they ae pecs we. Tre Memon - 4% [ole | | | | The paper fr the letter must lee exactly square. AW ACh line Across the, top: Diwide tis sechor tuto Zor fh eqral spaces. Under neath ta the appropriate sempt Loecte += . ST Angelis aad Kis Fank also. Ueite your plea awh sipratwe, You cau vorite on boat ses. TO you choose fo bum candles, Nek thea be Usbete. TE yor burn Ldceuses let it le. Appropriste te the Angel o RNs 2

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