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‘STEMS XEROX MICROFORMS Sv: univer ¢é Two t x " TWO FAMOUS | Preiphettes:and Preitidicns , » AWiiha : aaa cy or 4 kos iat ' : Mott Judicious and Learned Aftrologer ' cpof the Age: . tout TAKEN rom his Secret VVritings, Penned by » him ini. ‘The former of which, «exactly pointing, | at the Times, by Moretelling the Mile chief, Danger dad Mifery thefe, and 4, . other Proteftant Kingdoms (hould be | Jexpofedte, by the Crafty Connfels and ¥ , reacheries of the R omifh Pricfts, and 1 | by what means their Deliverance fhould i bewreughe. A ‘the Bo any yaa aye a i "The fecond, Intimating the Decay and | Ruine ofa Great Family,¢v'c. To which isadded, a Prophetic of «A imbrofe Ader- § Jy, of above 1000 years ftanding, 1 Ince Limeis generally accounted the & Mother of Truth , we may well conclude, That many weighty Matters have frequently lay’a inOburicy, and * altogether unregarded, - till their kiffedts havemanifeftedthemeothe world. And j this hasbeen. more fingularly apparent, as well by the prophefies. in Saeved V Veit, as by theForefight and Predictions of the Learned and Juiicious,tho not peradven- ; ture infpired with fo large a Spirit of Di- Vinagion, which In all Ayer have becin ta kon Notice ofyandd Regifired in the Hlifto- ries and Revords of the mote curious Obfervers of Pimes and Seafons in che | Events of fuchPreditions,many of which i vee at contain Pertods, eee wxcadly caine to pals;and amongtt others, efpecially of the Modern, there iave been notie mdre wo: thy of Oblervation,or requiring a flrict- er Scrutiny,than thoft of iW LIAM LILLY, thé Merlin of his Vimie, anid Famous Aftrologer : One of which more peculinrly, as we couctive, poiaring at the. prefene Titnes, we chought noamifs to: communicate to tlie Reader; therefore takeie in che following Account ve ba« tim, as iewasabltracted from hisCuriofie thes and {ceree writings penned by him in the Yeari6 44. 5 BE PAR A'H Yuba gs, eee privately, and uidevhand, sip yes, TrtarBeries, feigned qnd dif- fentited: lreaties, und Eaibisfiutors, and by shelly ofmefeluitical sattion all vvel Aa Encope and ths beavenly luten- ios taped ‘and all shofe. Couneries pro. fefing Proteltanitin, exceedingly maleiger/ by fo fecres and clofe aCompatt of Nillains aud Falfe hearted Traytorss Liking in the Boo forms and Clfets of Princes, bat many vill think that Popery ‘and Papifin (hall return ey its old foat in every Countrey, dup Yat ites ‘ver ill in thele cur. Kingdoms’: . For God vill miyacelonfy, by rueans of fore young Prince, or Commonaity of People, difcouer. and bring 10 Light, the -elofs myftery of all thofe Plots, that from the Year 1603, until above 50 Tears be accomplhifhed, all nvunle C attimer) allChriflendom in moSt bloo- by Braise be Thus faras.o his felt Prophetie, poine! ing at the prefent, Gondition of chis Dit. ordered Kingdom, stop much, involved 1A in “noreeftrainedbyanoveryulinghy6 3) . . tery, by. elie Orie and lnfinyacion Of the Roni Cleigys hi,’ to gach themfelves, and bring, abou the Petighs they, evidently ‘have, .of 8 realy sng , Aheinerroncons Religion cate ody by their Violent Couglels, -andilleval B ‘Aices, to whag Haardy Danger ah ing theyexpolethe PrinceandK eon sto what Cruelty thay: procesylwgxe t ig compiling, oF defigning ro.«gtnpa their weetched pary oles. 69 Ga nent aon that. which, lias, beg apparentto the Liyes of all raion ple, weproceed toa fecond Prophetic, or Predictionof Myr. Liilly's5: mroxeday. occult, than che: formey;...fubmipting Reader, apd frice * dhe-Jadgment of tha Sieader, and ste . ed ch and Enguiry-of,chofe that aty cy. i i & a fate > -Fious to pry into the V olumuas, of My 8 tedeee > GoD) Howevei' takethe words of this Learned [ Man, as followetl, be. Its. not Old, its mot Ancient, “bite like an untimely Birth, it's catoff, dnd fall woe | flowin Branchyor Roos. Lord God, foall | the Number of Fifty , cart off more than | Oto great Fanily in Europe, ‘that was, is now, bue fhall not Five?” Shall lefr than De inity, bie alovsed forfour? Shall the Virginbe Barren, and the Lyon have no Mfue? Shalt the Second end in a Cypher?’ And Seven come tobe Ove, and then None? Thus:nmuch for this Predictions Civtiich | indeed is very-obfcure,eitheray tothe Fa- | mily, orCountrey ) beingonly limiced | to Europe; burtowhariparcof Harope,we | mutt leaveto-Conjedturals, as not Being I capable \ ‘ LG) capablsof deteraunmy, the thing being ae yetrocome: For fiace che writing of this Predigtion, o: Prophofic, .we have not heardehat any Family of extraordinary Nore and Grandeur, bas been extingwith- ed in Surépe; Nordo we, by sealon of the Number of 0, thercin mentioned, conclude ir already cometo pals, butra- ther expeging. the Time of its accom- pliftiment, A Prophelio ot Aiibrofi VF orlyns,lelt by him above Qasthoulind Years fince. I ONDON (‘fays he) ould bee up Sodil she Lofs of Her ‘Kiventy Thow- [and Men,anlthe River of THAMES Should be turned into Blood. “his » 7, ndedetoslyFoieg Be lees bapaed in. te al ate eae yr celoured with le “egbel sosspees ener farmed ly Beene Ro 1 ne nine aie aan bis aterey phen, andifei ing Pao the enacted Fen HA aff he lbining pb om Licey 11 (Ale aff suech to etaidatermbsydid over Ui life gsi tit at crag hi King . posintas hy 7 Hiobinghof He DRORDE CT bef Bi terd, Powis ‘Mame Decale kept in his Eamily Stty Teats [A inge fl se Sb it te dle fig Vlad en «fear Spl bee he Pally sh andnever trouble more WAY T RUAL Ts LAREN GLANDS income Bythrithe ighter ether pon >

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