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Created by job search experts:

Daniel Myrup & Rikke Nyhauge
What’s included
Why use LinkedIn in your job search?
10 expert tips to optimize your profile POTENTIAL
How to get out of a slump
Bonus: 2 networking tips from Morten Vium




Kilde: Rekrutteringsanalysen 2018






Kilde: Rekrutteringsanalysen 2018

BE VISIBLE. As a job seeker, it’s important to position yourself to be seen and remembered by
future employers. You can do this by following job market trends and keeping up with
BE FOUND. companies’ new and evolving recruitment methods, among other things. This is why
your presence on LinkedIn is more important than ever. You need to make
sure your profile is up-to-date and gives a good impression. Follow this guide
BE REMEMBERED. to help you get started.

When on LinkedIn you may see a lot of different job search activities. Some
executives may have posted a job opening on their personal LinkedIn profile, while
others may be sharing job posts from their company’s page. Others choose to create
a dedicated job ad in LinkedIn’s job bank. Regardless of which method a company
uses, what is certain is that you are putting yourself at a disadvantage if you are not
using LinkedIn actively.

Danish companies have begun using LinkedIn at a fast pace. This is why we
recommend that you also intensify your own activity. In other words:

- Be visible. Be found. Be remembered.

Now let’s begin with ten pieces of concrete advice, starting with some good news. Our experience and examination
of hundreds of profiles has shown that it is relatively easy to stand out from the pack if you make just a few easy
additions. Many Danes have a profile that isn’t updated, is boring and isn’t helping them with their future job
opportunities. They don’t leave a good impression, making it difficult to widen their network.

If you follow our advice, the quality of your LinkedIn profile will improve exponentially, and the chances of you
landing a job quicker than you would otherwise increases significantly. Our tips will help you impress recruiters
and HR team members (who practically live on LinkedIn), or even your future boss in a smaller company.

If you want to strategically improve your LinkedIn profile, speed up the process to landing a new job, showcase your
skills and attract rather than hunt - then you’ve come to the right place. With our tips you will be able to create an
ultra-sharp profile ensuring that invitations to coffee meetings end with a YES!

Let’s get started!

Daniel Myrup & Rikke Nyhauge

Our first piece of advice is to set a goal. What do you want to gain from updating your
INTENTIONS profile and becoming more active on LinkedIn? Is it a bigger network you’re
after? Coffee meetings with relevant businesses? More followers? Be specific.

Setting a specific goal will help you later in the process, when you have to choose what
information you share, what updates you like, comment on, and share. Having a goal in
mind also helps you stay focused, plan and be consistent in your communication.

Define your goals by answering these questions:

- What jobs do you want in the future? (essential for your profile’s content)
- What industry do you want to attract and be involved in? (important for your
behavior). When you have a concrete goal you can begin to focus on your priorities and

what to write on your profile. This means that you will have to choose pictures, text,
keywords and skills that match and help you reach your goal.

As LinkedIn is all about networking, it may also be relevant to set a goal for how many
relevant connections you would like to establish in the next month.

MAKE A Our second piece of advice is to make a strategy. If your goal is to get a job
STRATEGY interview through LinkedIn for example, then you need to create a strategy for
how you will connect with more people and ask for a coffee meeting.

Your strategy must be action oriented, and it is important that you make a
commitment to follow it. Most job seekers who are unemployed for longer
periods of time find themselves in Presentations are they are passive. If you
this situation because
want to land a job fast, then it is critical tools
that you have an thatplan
offensive canfor how
YOU will take action. Thankfully this is simple and easy to do on LinkedIn!
be used as demonstrations,
(+ You show motivation and engagement)
lectures, speeches, reports, and
Here are five points of inspiration - feel free to make your own strategy:
more. It is mostly presented
1. Update your profile so that it is welcoming and leaves a good impression

2. Ask for recommendations from colleagues, an audience.
business partners and customers
3. Set 30 minutes aside 3x a week to keep yourself updated on, like, and comment on posts.
4. Use 2 hours a week to create a post or share knowledge and insights to attract followers
5. Use 2 hours a week to connect with relevant industry people

CREATE A GOOD Our third piece of advice is to create a beautiful visual design and strengthen your
VISUAL profile visually overall. The goal here is to give visitors a great first impression.

IMPRESSION If we use a restaurant visit as a metaphor, then it is obvious that there are many
things other than the food itself that determine our judgement of the quality and
taste of the food. All of our impressions from the menu, the wait staff, the
background music, the lighting and more affects our opinion of an establishment.
The visual design of your profile has the same effect.

An example of good visual design and a positive first impression is:

1. Updating your profile picture, so that you give off a professional impression
(It doesn’t need to be taken by a professional photographer, but it shouldn’t be

from the holidays or family parties, or have a messy living room in the background.)

2. Updating your background picture/top banner (size: 1,584 x 396 pixels)

(Find a picture that signals something about your dream job, industry or subject. If
you’re an accountant then it could be a screen with a spreadsheet, if you’re a
journalist then it could be a picture of a laptop or a camera on a desk)

TARGETED Our fourth piece of advice is that you should target the content of your profile. This
means that you need to decide what angle you want to emphasize as a starting
CONTENT point. There are a few places where it becomes very obvious if you have a specific
focus or if you are a generalist, or if you haven’t thought about it.

Important areas on your profile where you need to be targeted and specific:
1. Your headline: You may list your key skills, or write your job title(s) followed by a
tagline or what you can do. Just choose your words carefully so that they help you
reach your goal, as your headline is one of the main components of LinkedIn’s
search algorithm. Write using key words where you can.

2. Your Summary: It should look similar to the profile section in your CV. Include a

short description of your professional skills and hopes for your next position, which
industry you’re interested in, and what value you can add.

N.B. Make sure that under your summary you draw attention to the fact that you are
“looking for a job in (industry/subject)”. This shouldn’t be in your tagline or title.

ATTRACT WITH Our fifth piece of advice is that you should aim to attract attention from those who
RESULTS, LINKS, visit your profile. It is more likely that people want to connect and communicate
with you if they feel attracted to or inspired by your profile. Having an attractive profile
VIDEOS, PHOTOS will give you better results in the long run.
So how do you do this? You need to make sure that your professional experience isn’t a
boring list of organizations. It’s time to shine, to show off - but in a goodway. Remember
that you need to elaborate on your time at companies that are most relevant to your goal!

1. Fill your profile with your work experience (company + title) and education.
2. Under every experience use bullet points to describe the tasks you completed and
(if applicable) what results you delivered.

3. Upload any pictures of work you have done, links to articles and other visuals under
each job role (you can also upload this below the Summary).
4. If you’re a recent graduate, then it can be a good idea to add companies that you’ve
worked for while studying (create a link to projects, portfolio, articles or other
exciting work and put them in the Summary or Education sections).

Our sixth piece of advice is that you should add all the information you have that is
MAKE YOUR relevant for your next potential employer to know. Meaning, make sure that your skills
SKILLS AND and knowledge are visible.

KNOWLEDGE In your profile, using the button “add profile section” that’s directly next to your
VISIBLE name and tag line, you can create Skills and Accomplishments sections.

Presentations are
Here you can add different skills. Acommunication
good tip is to focus on tools that can
your professionally
relevant skills and less on soft used
If you have asexperience
with or knowledge of
specific and special software for example,
definitely addreports,
that here.and

2. Accomplishments:
more. It is mostly presented

before courses,
Here you can add publications, certificates, an audience.
prizes, projects
and much more. Add things here that show how you create value and are relevant
for your next potential employer.
N.B. You probably know that websites that get top rankings on Google are websites
that have good descriptions and relevant content. The same is true for your profile
on LinkedIn (searches include all of the content on your profile.)

GIVE AND Our seventh piece of advice is that you should have good recommendations. Like most things in
life, telling others how good you are doesn’t carry as much value as when someone else says it.
RECEIVE Most want to see what is known as “social proof”. This simply means that your credibility and
RECCOMEN- others’ confidence in you is increased when people write something positive about you publicly.
You can also find this section under “add profile section”.
In the Recommendations section you are able to give a recommendation to a person in your
network, and you can ask to receive a recommendation are you are connected with.
from someone

Suggested Approach:
communication tools that can
1. Find a minimum of three people who you be used
can as demonstrations,
recommend. This could be a former colleague,
manager, your boss, or a professor from your degree.
lectures, speeches, reports, and
2. Write a short recommendation for their LinkedIn.
3. Find a minimum of three people who you more. It is something
know have mostly presented
positive to say about your

before an audience.
work ethic and click “ask for a recommendation”.
4. You can write a message and add a short description of what you want them to write about.
For example, this could be how it was to work together, your work ethic,
or personality. Think about your overall goals when you write this.

N.B. Visitors to your profile can see (in the form of a link) who you have recommended

CHANGE Our eighth piece of advice is to make sure you adjust your public profile. This is
YOUR PUBLIC about improving usability and signaling your professionalism.

PROFILE 1. Change the URL: (the individual link/address for your profile)
a. Click on your own profile (from a computer)
b. In the top right corner click on the link “Edit public profile or URL”
c. A new window will open and now Presentations
you can chooseare a shorter URL address
d. Remove all numbers and irrelevantcommunication tools
letters and write your thatwith
name canno paces.

be used as demonstrations,
IMPORTANT! All existing links already out in the universe will no longer work. You
need to replace these old links withlectures, speeches,
the new URL reports,
you have just created. and
more. It is mostly presented

2. Add a language (if relevant): LinkedIn makes it possible to create multiple
before an audience.
languages from the same profile. This is relevant if you are looking for a job
overseas or if you are targeting more international companies. We recommend
that if you are seeking a job in Denmark, you always have a profile in Danish,
but also make an English profile (or in another relevant language) if you have
a broader target.

CHECK Our ninth piece of advice is to check your privacy settings. If you’ve followed our advice so far
then your profile is starting to look professional and attract attention with a lot of good
YOUR content. But what good does that do if people can’t contact you, connect with you or - even
PRIVACY worse - if they can’t see your profile!

SETTINGS Here are the important settings you need to go through:

1. Click on Settings and go to the Privacy tab
Presentations are
a. “How others see your profile and network information”
communication tools that can
Choose who on LinkedIn has access to your profile.
be used
We are all about privacy, but it’s important as demonstrations,
to remember that you’re looking for a job
and need to expand your network. This is why we recommend that you make your
lectures, speeches, reports, and
profile public and your contact information visible for everyone to see on LinkedIn –
even for those you don’t know yetmore. It is
(potential mostly presented

before an audience.
b. “Job Seeking Preferences”
You should also take the time to look through this tab. It is relevant if you use LinkedIn
job postings and want to apply that way. In our next piece of advice we will dive
deeper into one of these points.

MAKE YOURSELF Our tenth and final piece of advice is to make your profile visible to recruitment consultants,
VISIBLE TO headhunters, and other HR partners who may be looking for a new employee on LinkedIn.
HEADHUNTERS LinkedIn is increasingly used by headhunters and it might as well be you who is selected by
them! There are about 2.2 million Danes on LinkedIn, but a small percentage of them are
open to new challenges when recruiters are looking for the right candidate. But you are!

1. Go to “Your Dashboard”, which you Presentations areyour summary on your profile.

will find just below
2. At the “Career Interests” section, turn the button ON to show recruitment consultants
communication tools that can
that you are open.
3. When the new window opens, fillbe used
in as muchas as demonstrations,
4. It is important that you focus on job titles andspeeches,
lectures, write in as many synonyms
reports, andfor each
relevant job title as possible. These titles are used to find you (write titles in both
more. It is mostly presented
English, Danish and a third language if relevant).
5. Fill in relevant information in thebefore an audience.
section “notes to recruiters”, for example you may be

willing to move for a job, happy to travel, or have your own car. Keep it relevant to the
positions you are searching for.

What you write won’t be public, but only seen by people with a recruiter login.

You have now improved your profile and made it more visible and attractive for your
future job search with our ten tips. What’s next?

Expand your network Contribute to your network’s feed

Search for interesting and relevant Create posts, share articles, share other
people, ask them to connect. people’s posts and create value for your network.

Ask for help Book a coffee meeting

Write directly to relevant managers and Connect with potential employers and
ask questions that are of value to your ask for the opportunity for a
job search after you have connected coffee/networking meeting.
with them.
Only 2 of them use LinkedIn optimally and find
success. See how Morten Vium
describes these types on the next few pages. THE GENERAL

Click here to see the entire article (in Danish)

Morten Vium
LinkedIn Specialist THE EXCELLENT
The Strategic Networker
The strategic networker on LinkedIn is more targeted and planned. They have thought about what they
want to achieve with their efforts, and they are consistently taking action to create more value for their

For example, they enter into a dialogue when relevant people send a request or visit their profile, and
they comment when they can ignite a conversation. They also proactively contact relevant people and
start dialogues.

The strategic networker lives by the pay-it-forward mindset and focuses on creating value for others
(that way, they’ll reap dividends further down the line).

The result is a very clear benefit - also when it comes to job searching. If you use LinkedIn
strategically to nurture and develop your network, and if you are in daily communication with relevant
people, you will find that LinkedIn bridges physical meetings and new business/tasks, and you gain
new knowledge, inspiration and stronger relationships.
Click here to see the entire article (in Danish)
The Excellent networker
The excellent networker - like the strategic networker - is very conscious of their
purpose and what they want to achieve. They also focus on quality actions.

What makes them excellent is that they are also extremely visible in their network and are
top-of-mind with many. They generously share their knowledge and personality in
posts on LinkedIn.

These posts reach far beyond their own network, meaning there is a steady stream of profile
visits and network requests from people who share their interests. The excellent networker
therefore attracts relevant people and engages in dialogue.

The return is much greater compared to the time spent. This LinkedIn type gets their
message out to thousands every week, getting plenty of attention on their profile. They have
many choices to draw from when deciding whom it makes the best sense to contact, and people
know who they are when they write.
Click here to see the entire article (in Danish) 20/22
At MYRUP & NYHAUGE we want to connect with
each and every one of you, to help create
value for you in the future.

Follow us on LinkedIn!

We are collecting success stories, so WHEN you

land your next job through LinkedIn contacts, we
would love to hear YOUR success story.

Send us an email at:
Daniel Myrup & Rikke Nyhauge, Founders 21/22

Daniel Myrup Rikke Nyhauge

/ danielmyrup / rikkenyhaugesørensen

Contact us and see more here: 22/22
Presentations are tools that can be used as
lectures, speeches, reports, and more.

(C) Copyright - Myrup & Nyhauge ApS - 2019

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