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Zona by Geoff Dyer - review

A very English dissection of Tarkovsky's Stalker

From Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker, 1979. Photograph: BFI

Sukhdev Sandhu
Thursday 16 February 2012 09.00 GMT[8/21/2017 10:54:59 AM]

Zona by Geoff Dyer - review | Books | The Guardian

A mong the many tributes that the film critic J Hoberman received after he
was fired by the Village Voice last month came one from a former student named
Matt Singer. Now a writer and TV host, he compiled a list of the most important
things he'd learned from a seminar Hoberman had taught as a side gig at New York
University. It contained a good deal of sound advice – "Watch for excess words. If
there's a shorter word, use it"; "Vent your spleen. In criticism, it's better to be angry
than depressed" – but the most basic and important message was this: "Plot synopses
automatically ruin a review."

Rightly or wrongly, the synopsis is regarded as one of the lowest forms of writing. Two-
thirds of the way into Zona, his characteristically singular book about Andrei
Tarkovsky's Stalker (1979), Geoff Dyer declares: "There are few things I hate more than
when someone, in an attempt to persuade me to see a film, starts summarising it."
Doing so has the effect of "destroying any chance of my ever going to see it". It's a
surprising assertion – though less so if you're familiar with Dyer's books which,
whether they're about jazz, the first world war or DH Lawrence, go out of their way to
fuse form and content in arresting fashion – because Zona is one long movie summary,
a shot-by-shot rewrite.

With a running time of just over 160 minutes Stalker is itself a long movie. Alongside
Solaris (1972), it's the Russian film-maker's best-known work, tracking an arduous
journey in which a middle-aged man known simply as the Stalker leads the Writer and
the Professor through a militarised wasteland into a territory named "the Zone'", at the
heart of which lies "the Room" that is said to grant the deepest wishes of anyone who
steps inside.

Loosely based on a 1971 novella by the brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, it's a
science-fiction-tinged story whose apocalyptic setting and general hazards (gunfire,
underground tunnels, sodden waterways), to say nothing of its quest motif, prefigured
modern-day computer games. So much so that in 2007 a Ukrainian company issued a
first-person shooter game entitled S.T.A.L.K.E.R. that was partly inspired by it.

With its cast of shaven-headed men who resemble Gulag inmates, its blasted
topographies and its posing of fundamental questions about human happiness,
Tarkovsky's film has often been interpreted as an allegory of life under communism.
Dyer, who has diligently ploughed through a great deal of the critical commentary
Stalker has inspired, not only flags up that particular reading, but draws attention to
how it can be seen as a prophetic work that anticipates the zones of exclusion drawn up
in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

But Dyer, for all his chafing against the parochialism of what passes for intellectual
culture in this country, and even though many of his essays and books are set abroad,[8/21/2017 10:54:59 AM]

Zona by Geoff Dyer - review | Books | The Guardian

has always been an English writer. This expresses itself in the tone of Zona, so that, as
much as he portrays the Stalker and his companions as metaphysical pioneers, they also
come across as stumbling chumps straight out of the pages of Jerome K Jerome's Three
Men In A Boat.

Equally, though there are ample references to Merleau-Ponty, Žižek and Heidegger,
these are offset – or complemented – by stray putdowns of Jeremy Clarkson ("The Zone
is a place of uncompromised and unblemished value. It is one of the few territories left
where the rights to Top Gear have not been sold") and casually entertaining footnotes,
one of which quotes Mick Jagger's thoughts about Jean-Luc Godard with whom he'd
just finished working on Sympathy for the Devil: "He's such a fucking twat."

Some readers may find these riffs and asides more whimsical than enlightening. Some
might be wondering too if Dyer's ever-evolving genius for comic writing now leaves him
no time or desire to pursue the bruised lyricism that lit up earlier works such as The
Colour of Memory (1989) and Paris Trance (1998). What's certainly true is that
hardcore cineastes weaned on, say, David Bordwell's cognitive film theory will find
Zona a little undercooked. Would Dyer care? If his characterisation in Out of Sheer
Rage (1997) of academic criticism as wilfully sterile onanism is anything to go by, I
suspect not.

For myself, I think it's rather wonderful that he is writing about Tarkovsky in a manner
that is as colloquial as it is learned. Dyer rescues him from the clutches of the arthouse
crowd, depedestalises him, draws connections between the ruined landscapes in Stalker
and the brambly, abandoned train station at Leckhampton, near which he grew up in
the 1960s.

At a time when David Cameron appears to regard The King's Speech as the acme of
film-making, and any art that's remotely ambitious is derided as obscurantist or elitist
by middle England's cultural gatekeepers, it's especially important to stress that
interested film-goers can enjoy works more challenging than The Inbetweeners Movie.

It's equally pleasing to read Dyer speak up for the pleasures of watching films, not in
domesticated and tamed form on DVD, but at the cinema. Stalker itself, which is an
immersive experience as much as it's a visual spectacle, loses its magnetic force when
watched at home. Dyer talks about the "possibility of cinema as semi-permanent
pilgrimage site". He also claims "the Zone is cinema."

Beyond the book's bravura formalism and in spite of the suspicion that it could be
viewed as a highbrow take on live-blogging, it's Dyer's ability at moments like this to
make pilgrims of his readers and to lead them on a journey in search of truths about
love and about the nature of happiness that make Zona such an exhilarating
achievement.[8/21/2017 10:54:59 AM]

Zona by Geoff Dyer - review | Books | The Guardian

• Sukhdev Sandhu's Night Haunts is published by Verso.



Geoff Dyer

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