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“ comme 5) | ees) HOMETOWN CARDIGAN BY VERENA COHRS PHOTOGRAPHS BY JILL DE DIEULEVEULT he Hometown Cardigan is a beautiful everyday piece with just the right amount of textured details to make it a relaxing knit and then a wardrobe favorite. The cabled front pockets, half- twisted ribbing details on body and sleeves, and reverse stockinette background are those little extras that make it stand out while remaining a very wearable to-go piece. Because it is worked from the top down, the body and sleeve Jengths can be customised to fit you perfectly. ‘This cardigan makes natural wools shine. Specifically, it is designed for Blacker Yarns’ Blacker Swan DK, a smooth, worsted-spun DK-weight blend of Falkland Islands Dohne merino with a bit of Shetland and dark Bluefaced Leicester. ‘The small amount of dark fiber adds depth to both the dyed and undyed colorways, making the Blacker Swan palette ex tra special. I highly recommend treating yourself to what is without a doubt one of the most luxurious wool yarns ut there and select yarn shops and online vendors such as The Wooly Tuts in i Other excellent fits would be cee cal CHS Ot O escent Go's Cumbria, and Brooklyn Tweed's Arbor SIZES Finished bust ciroumference: 23% (26%, 28%, 43%, 45%, 458%, 52, S407 Up to 4" positive ease is recommended. Vode is wearing the 3644" size with 3° positive ease at the bust. YARN Blacker Swan DK by Blacker Yarns (100% wool; 119 yards [110 mi / 50 grams) 1107 (1217, 1230, 1414, 1571, 1662, 1771, 1871) yards in Teaberry NEEDLES (One 32" or longer circular needle in size US 6 [4 mam] or size needed to obtain gauge (One 32" or longer circular needle in size US 4 (3.5 maz) (One set of double-pointed needles in size US 6 (4 mma} or size needed to obtain gauge, for sleeves (optional) One set of double-pointed needles in size US 4 [25 mm. for sleeves (optional) GAUGE 21 stitches x 28 rows = 4” [10 cm] in stockinette stitch, knit back and forth on larger needle, after blocking NOTIONS Five" buttons Blocking mats and pins (optional) Tapestry needle Stitch holders or scrap yarn Stitch markers ABBREVIATIONS approx. approximately BOR beginning of round cire circularneedle CO caston decd) decreased dpns double-pointed needles inc(d) increased k knit karbl__ knit 1 stitch through the back of the loop k2tog__knit2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased) kth knit into the front then the back of the same stitch (1 stitch increased) LPT _leftpurl twist—Slip 1 stitch puriwise onto a cable needle and hold in front of work, purl the next stitch on the left-hand needle, then knit the stitch on the cable needle through the back ofthe loop P purl pitbl _ purl 1 stitch through the back of the loop p2tog purl 2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased) pm place marker RPT right purl twist—Slip 1 stitch purlwise onto a cable needle and hold in back of work, knit the next stitch through the back of the loop, then purl the stitch on the cable needle RS _rightside sm slip marker st(s)_stiteh(es) tbl through the back of the loop WS — wrongside PATTERN NOTES ‘This V-neck cardigan is worked from the top down on a cir- cular needle to accommodate the large number of stitches. ‘Arms are worked in the round, either by the Magic Loop ‘method or using double-pointed needles if you prefer. The button bands and pockets are worked last. PATTERN With larger circ and using the long-tail cast-on, CO 75 (75,81, 83, 89, 89, 95, 97) sts. Do not join. Set-up row (WS): K2 [right front sts], pm, pitbl, ki, p1tbl, k1, pitbl [raglan rib], pm, k8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 10, 10, 10) [right sleeve sts}, pm, p1tbl, ki, pitbl, k1, pitbl [raglan rib], pm, K35 (35, 37,39, 41, 45, 51, 53) [back sts], pm, pItbl, kl, pitbl, k1, pitbl [raglan rib], pm, k8 (8, 10, 10, 12, 10, 10, 10) {left sleeve sts), pm, pitbl, k1, pitbl, ki, pltbl [raglan rib], pm, k2 [left front sts COLLAR & YOKE Begin collar and raglan shaping Row 1 (RS): K1, ‘purl to marker, sm, k1tbl, p1, kitbl, pi, Kitbl, sm; rep from" three times, purl until last st, KI. Row 2 (WS): ‘Knit until 1 st before marker, kfb, sm, pitbl, 1, pltbl, kl, pltbl, sm, kfb; rep from * three times, knit until end of row (8 sts inc’). Rows 3-4: Rep rows 1 and 2—91 (91, 97,99, 105, 105, 111, 113)sts. Row 5: Rep row 1. Row 6:Kfb, ‘knit until 1 st before marker, kfb, sm, p1tbl, Kl, pltbl, k1, p1tbl, sm, kfb; rep from * three times, knit until last st, kfb (10 sts inc’d)—101 (101, 107, 109, 115, 115, 121, 123) sts. Rep rows 1-6 another 5 (7,7,8,9, 9, 5,3) times—231 (283, 289, 317, 349, 349, 251, 201) sts. Rep rows 3-6 another 1 (-, ~~, 289, 317,349, 385, 413, 435) sts. , 13) times—249 (283, Rep rows 1-4 another ~ (-, 1, 1, 1,-, ~~) times—249 (283, 305, 333, 365, 985, 413, 435) sts, Forsizes 33% (36%, 38%, 41%, 45%, only: Next row: K1, ‘purl until marker, sm, kItbl,p1, kithl, pl, Jeitbl sm; rep from * three times, puri until lst st, KI- Next row: *Knit until marker, sm, p1tbl,k1, pit, K1, pitbl, sm; rep from * three times, knit until end of row. Rep last 2 rows another 2 (1, -.- ) times—249 (283, 305, 333, 365, 385, 413, 435) sts. Separate body and sleeves Next row (RS): Removing all markers as you go and placing new markers as instructed, Kl, purl across 28 0°: 35, 39, 43, 47, 52, 56) left front sts, pm, kitbl, pl,. ku Be place 52 (60, 66, 72, 80, 82, 86, 90) sleeve sts on sthol or piece of crap yarn, CO 7 (,8, 9,9) under sts using the backward-loop | Se ee “across 75 (83, 89, 97, 105, 113, 123, Eracpyngnesenn ay sin Sch underarm sts, kItbl, p1, k1tbl, pm, purl across 28 (33, 35, 39, 43, 47, 52, 56) right front sts, k1—-159 (177, 187,203, 223, 239, 259, 273) sts Next row (WS): Kfb, *knit until marker, sm, p1tbl, kt, pitbl] x 6 (6,6, 6, 7,7.7,7),sm; rep from * once, knit until last st, kfb—161 (179, 189, 205, 225, 241, 261,275) sts. BODY Continue V-neck shaping For sizes 3312 (~~~ 45%, 48%, ~, 5414)" only: Rows 1 and 3 (RS): K1, ‘purl until marker, sm, kitbl, [p1, etl] x6 ~~ % 7» 7), sms rep from * once, purl until last st, KA, Row 2 (WS): ‘Knit until marker, sm, p1tbl, (k1, p1tbl] 7, J.—»7),smi rep from * once, knit until end knit until marker, sm, p1tbl, (k1, pltbl] x6 Row 4: Kfb, (kts p (Gn 7%» 7h-smstep from * once, knit und last st eflb163 (-,~)~» 22% 243, ~» 277) sts =,3, 4,3) times—169 Rep rows 1-4 another 3. 1 =, 233, 251,—»283) StS. another 1 ( 283) sts. =,-)time-171 =, Rep rows 3-4 =, 235, 25) For sizes ~ (3644, 38%, 41%, ~, ~, 52, -)" only: Row 1 (RS): K1, ‘purl until marker, sm, kitbl, [p1, k1thl] X~(6,6,6,-,-,7,-),sm; rep from * once, purl until lasts, kl. Row 2 (WS): Knit until marker, sm, pttbl, (kt, pLtbl} x= (6,6, 6, -,~, %~), sm; rep from * once, knit until end of row. Rows 3 and 4: Rep rows 1 and 2, Row 5: Rep row 1. Row 6: K¢b, *knit until marker, sm, p1tbl, [kt p1tbl] x- (6,6, ), sm rep from * once, knit until last st, kfb— = (181, 191, 207, ~~, 263, -) sts. Rep rows 1-6 another ~(-, 2,1, ~)times— = (195, 209, -, ~,-,-) sts. Rep rows 3-6 another ~ (3, 1, 2,~,-, 3, times— ~ (187, 197,213, ~, -, 269, -)sts. Begin main body Row 1 (RS):K1, ‘purl until marker, sm, kth, (pt, kItbI] x6 (66,6, 7% % 7% 7)-sm; rep from * once, purl until last st, KI. Row 2 (WS): *Knit until marker, sm, p1tbl, (kt, p1tbl] x 6 6, 6,6, 7.7.7, 2),sm:rep from * once, knit until end of row: Rep rows 1 and 2 until body measures approx 164" from ‘underarm (or approx 144" less than desired length). REST| taproot 5! Begin hem Change to smaller cit, Par sizes 3345 (864, 38%, 41%, -, ~~, -)"only: Row 1 (RS): K1, [k1thl, 1} until last 2 sts, k1th, ke Row 2 (WS): Ki, [p1tbl, kt} until last2 sts, pttbl, ki Por sizes ~( 454, 48%, 52, 54%)*only: Row 1 (RS): Ki, [p1,ktbl] until last 2 sts, pt kh Row 2 (WS): Ki, (kt, pltbl] until last 2 sts, kt, kL Porall sizes: Rep rows 1 and 2 until hem measures approx 114", Bind off all sts using a tubular bind-off or your preferred bind-off method, SLEEVES ick up sleeve stitches With the larger circ (for Magic Loop method) or dpns and, ‘with RS facing, beginning atthe center of the underarm, pick up and knit 4 sts from underarm edge (1st each from the kitl, pl, k1tb, p2), then, working across live sleeve sts offthe st holder, p1, k1tbl, pm, p48 (56, 62, 68,76, 78, 82, 86), pm, k1tbl, pl, pick up and knit 3 3,3,3, 5, 5,5, ) sts remaining at underarm edige—59 (67, 73,79, 89, 91, 95, 99) sts Place BOR marker and join for working in the round. Begin sleeves Rnd 1:[K1tbl, p1] twice, p1, kitbl, sm, purl until marker, sm, kitbl, pl, [p1, kitbl] until lasts, pl Rnd 2: Kitbl, p1, kItbl, p2tog, kitbl sm, purl until marker, sm, kltbl, p2tog, {k1tbl, p1] until end of round (2 sts decid) 57 (65, 71,77, 87, 89, 93, 97) sts Rnd 3: K1tbl [p1, kitbl] until marker, sm, purl until marker, sm, (k1tbl, p1] until end of round. Rep rnd 3 until sleeve measures 17 inches from underarm (or approx 124" less than desired length) and at the same time work the following decrease round a total of 6 (10, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23) times, once every 2% (1¥4, 1%, 1, 4, % 4) Dec rnd: K1tbl, (pt, k1¢bl] until marker, sm, p2tog, purl ‘until 2 sts before marker, p2tog, sm, (k1tbl, pt] until end of round (2sts dec’). Begin cuffs Change to smaller needle. nd 1: Kitbl, [p1, k1tbl] until marker, sm, p2tog, purl until ‘marker, sm, [k1tbl, p1] until end of rnd—44 (44, 44, 44,50, +50, 50, 50) sts. Rnd 2: [Kitbl, pi} until end of rnd. Rep rnd 2.until cuff measures approx 1%, Bind offall sts Using the invisible ribbed bind off or your preferred bind- off method. Work second sleeve accordingly. BUTTONBAND With smaller circ and with RS facing, beginning at the lower end of the right front, pick up and knit approx 2 sts for every 3 rows along the right front, then approx 1 st for every cast-on st along the cast-on (V-neck) edge, then approx 2 sts for every 3 rows along the left front, making, sure to pick up an odd number of total sts. Set-up row (WS): PL, (kt, pItbl] until last2 sts, kl, pl Row 1 (RS): Ki, [pl, kitbl] until last2 sts,p1, Ke Row 2: P1, (k1, pltbl] until last 2 sts, kl, pt ‘You'll be working the buttonholes in the next row. To indicate where buttonholes will be worked, place 5 removable markers between live stitches along the right buttonband, making sure to place each one after a knit stitch: place the first marker" from the bottom edge and the other 4 markers every 234". Row 3:K1, [pl kitbl] until marker, sm, double yo, katog tbl; rep from * four more times, (p1, k1thl] until last sts, pLEL, Row 4;P1, (ki, pitbl] until 4 sts before marker, kt, pitbl, k1 into the first loop of the double yo and drop second oop; rep from * four more times, (p1tbl, k1] until last st, p1, Rows 5 and 6: Rep rows 1 and 2. Bind off all sts using the invisible ribbed bind-off or your, preferred bind-off method. POCKETS: ‘With larger circ and using the long.tail cast-on, CO 29 sts. Donotjoin in the round. ‘Work row 1 (WS) of the Right Pocket chart, then work rows 2-39 of the chart. BOallsts Rep for left pocket, following Left Pocket chart. FINISHING Gently soak your cardigan and pockets and wetblock using blocking mats and pins, if desired. (Block the pockets ep- arately) After blocking, sew the right pocket onto the right front and the left pocket onto left front using mattress stitch. ‘Weave inall ends, Sew buttons onto left front. MEASUREMENTS A Back Neck Width {4 (844, 8%, 94, 9%, 10%, 1198, 118°/ 21.5 155,225, 235,245, 26,29, 30)¢m, © Upper-arm Circum 11.02%, 13%, 14%, 16 28 (82,85, 375, 42, 43,45, 47) a 16 E Sleeve Length 1818 /47.em | | a ID LULL | 1 Pocket Width s'/13em J. Pocket Height 54"/ 14cm B Bust Circumference 33% (864, 38%, 41%, 4514, 4814, 52,5416) / 85 (92, 98, 106, 115, 123, 132, 138) em CHARTS Work charts from right to left on RS rows and from left to rightonWS rows. Please note that you begin working the charts on a WS row. Left Pocket If 68 (74,8, 84,94, 9%, 104, 1087 17 (19,20, 22, 24,35, 26,275) em G Front Neck Drop 946 (10M, 11, 11%, 12%, 128,13, 138 24 26,28, 29,31,325, 38.3 Ht Body Length 1/45 em D Cuff Circumference 54 (BN, 8H, 8H, 944,944,984, 98" 21 21,21, 21,24,24,24 29cm ‘Schematic: Vivian Kvitka

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