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Homework: The difference between the animal cell

and the plant cell

Department: Biology and Biochemistry

Subject: BIO131
Teacher: Dr. Ademar Ezzughayyar
Name: Ebaa Sadeq Nairat 1190337

Plant cell organelles that are absent in the animal cell: -

Cell wall: The cell wall in a plant cell give it it’s rectangular shape, that’s why
animal cells seem rounder.
Food Vacuole: Animal cells have several small vacuoles, but plant cells have
a large vacuole that takes 90% of it’s volume, that vacuole is called a “food
Plastids: Plastids in plants can be used for many purposes and many kinds
of plastids are found in plants, like chloroplasts and chromoplasts and

Animal cell organelles that are absent in the plant cell: -

Centrioles: Some lower plant cells contain the centrioles but most don’t,
centrioles are important for the cell division progress.
Lysosome: Lysosomes are found in the animal cell’s membrane while most
plant cells do not contain lysosomes.
Cilia: Most plant cells do not contain cilia, while some animal cells do have
it, and it’s used for movement in some prokaryotic organisms.

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