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Orwell imagine the world divided into three super-states, Eustasia, Eurasia and

Oceania, all with totalitarian governments, always at war with each other. Britain,
which is part of Oceania, is called "Airstrip One", dominated by omnipresent "Big
Brother", ruled by "Ingsoc" (English Socialism), and controlled by the omniscient
"Thought Police" aiming at the elimination of all original ideas and individual
emotions. Huge photographs of the leader dominate every public spaces, worth the
grim warning that "Big Brother is watching you". At home, every citizen is spied on
by a camera, children are encouraged to denounce their parents for deviations from
strict political orthodoxy. The protagonist is a intellectual and a member of the
Outer Party whose job is to carry out this manipulation of the facts by rewriting
old books and newspaper.

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