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Modelling Inter-organizational Trade Procedures

Using Documentary Petri Nets

Roger W.H. Bons*, Ronald M. Lee*, René W. Wagenaar* and Clive D. Wrigley**

*EURIDIS, Erasmus University, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
**McGill University, 1001 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, P.Q., Canada
(This paper will be published in the Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 1995)

Abstract. actions, thus compensating for the extra start-up costs

stemming from detailed trading partner negotiations.
Organizations engaging in electronic commerce However, when the partnership is established for a
typically are faced with defining detailed bilateral limited period, covering a few transactions only, EDI
agreements between business partners. This implies linkages are seldom observed since the costs of the
that set-up costs for new electronic linkages can be necessary negotiations cannot be recovered from EDI
quite high. There is a growing need to model and efficiency gains. These shorter-term partnerships could
simulate this form of inter-organizational interaction to be called 'electronic market relationships'. The aim of
lower these costs. The research presented in this paper this research is to decrease the set-up costs for EDI
contributes to this problem in two ways by: 1) linkages, thereby facilitating the introduction of
stipulating requirements on representation languages to electronic market relationships.
be used for modelling trade procedures; and, 2)
presenting a common graph-based representation 1.1 Trade procedures.
language, Documentary Petri Nets, which satisfies
these requirements. The practical implementation of One of the reasons for the complexity of this
Documentary Petri Net models is illustrated using a negotiation process is the fact that parties have to know
modelling environment, Case/Open-edi, a tool that may about each others' "way of doing business" before they
be used for the design and analysis of trade procedures. can start exchanging data electronically. Extra
A simplified documentary credit procedure is used to knowledge about the preferred way of doing business of
give an example of such a Documentary Petri Net one trading partner has to be conveyed to the other; in
model. Finally, conclusions and directions for research other words, the parties have to agree upon the trade
are given. procedure 1 they are going to follow. We define a trade
procedure as the mutually agreed upon set of rules that
1. Facilitating electronic commerce. governs the activities of all parties involved in a set of
related business transactions. Thus, a trade procedure
The introduction of EDI can have tremendous controls all interactions between the roles involved. A
benefits for the efficiency of the execution of trade trade procedure stipulates which actions should be
procedures, both among and within organizations. The undertaken by which parties, the order in which these
most obvious benefit is the reduction of time needed for actions should be performed and possibly the timing
the execution of the transaction. Exchanging documents constraints on the performance of these actions. Actions
electronically eliminates delays caused by the postal of parties include the sending and/or receiving of goods,
exchange of paper documents between organizations, documents or funds.
and offers opportunities to reduce the processing time of The efforts to agree upon a trade procedure are not
documents within organizations. Using EDI, it is no introduced by the implementation of EDI; these
longer required to re-key incoming or outgoing data procedures already exist in the paper-based world. This
manually, as the structured form of the messages is illustrated by observing trading terms and conditions
enables automatic processing by computer systems. It on the back side of documents, which supply the
is now possible to replace many paper documents with receiver with the knowledge needed to behave according
electronic equivalents, particularly since standards for to the terms of the business agreements. In a situation
the structure of the messages have matured. where human involvement is high, this information
Regarding these benefits, it could be expected that might be sufficient, although experience shows that
many organizations would be eager to start with EDI many disputes can still arise because of ambiguous
implementation. However, this is not reflected in the formulations in such terms and conditions. In some
current status of EDI diffusion. In reality, successful cases, guidelines by international bodies such as the
EDI implementations have been realized mainly in International Chamber of Commerce or the UNCID
trading relationships that can be characterized as have been issued to diminish these ambiguities (an
'electronic hierarchies' in Williamson's terms, i.e.
trading relationships with frequent transactions, mostly
1 It should be noted that although we call these agreements 'trade
over a long period of time (Value Adding Partnerships,
procedures', the principle is applicable to other societal areas than
[14]). In these kind of relationships, parties can gain trade. The main focus of this paper however is electronic commerce
extra benefits by closely coordinating each others' which explains the term 'trade' in the definition. Other terms used to
describe this concept are: trade scenarios, business scenarios and
business protocols [Wrigley, 1992].

example is the Uniform Customs and Practices for industry-wide user groups and/or international bodies
Documentary Credits, issued by the ICC [10]). such as the ISO and the ICC.
In electronic commerce however, when the This paper presents such a representation technique
execution of the trade procedure is governed by for modelling trade procedures, the Documentary Petri
automated systems, trade procedures should be Net formalism, and demonstrates how Documentary
stipulated in a common formal, computable and Petri Nets can be used for the modelling of trade
executable language. Such a language would allow the procedures. The remainder of this paper is as follows.
specification of downloadable procedures and would ease Section 2 discusses the requirements on the
the negotiation process since all parties can express representation of trade procedures. In order to maintain
their requirements unambiguously in the same coherence with the Open-edi initiative, Section 2 uses
language. But this is just the first step towards the Open-edi terminology. Section 3 proposes
electronic market relationships, since although these Documentary Petri Nets; a representation and
trade procedures could be specified in a formal language, representation language that satisfies these
this still requires negotiations for each new partnership. requirements. Section 4 deals with the practical
Even if a party succeeds in creating such an agreement implementation of Documentary Petri Net models
with one specific trading partner, if it then wants to using Case/Open-edi, a Case tool for the design of
establish EDI linkages with more partners this can lead "open" inter-organizational trade procedures. Section 5
to the existence of several slightly different trade gives an example of a trade procedure specified in the
procedures. Clearly, this does not encourage companies Documentary Petri Net representation. Finally, Section
to set-up new EDI linkages. 6 contains conclusions and directions for future
1.2 Open-edi.
2. Requirements for representing trade
One approach to decrease these negotiation costs is procedures.
to define standard trade procedures. Although EDI
messages can be structured using an international stand- The SC30 work group on Open-edi is currently in
ard like UN/EDIFACT (EDI For Administration, the process of defining a reference model for Open-edi
Commerce and Transport) or ANSI X.12, there are no standardization activities [12]. In this reference model,
standards yet for the semantics and context of those two views are distinguished: the Business Operational
messages, i.e. the business scenarios that describe the View (BOV) and the Functional Service View (FSV).
trade procedures used by the several parties involved in a The former targets on business rules and semantics, the
business transaction [31]. For example, the type of latter on technical implementations. This paper will be
response to the receipt of a purchase order can differ mainly concerning the BOV. Standards related to the
from company to company; one company might reply BOV will include formal description techniques to be
with a purchase order acknowledgment, another used for the representation of trade procedures. In the
company might reply with a shipping notice. An near future ISO/IEC JTC1/SC30 will start working on
ISO/IEC sub-committee (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC30) is the stipulation of requirements to these formal
working on the definition of standard, EDI based, trade description techniques. The modelling entities proposed
procedures. This initiative is called "Open-edi". by SC30 in their reference model include Open-edi
Open-edi is "EDI among autonomous, multiple scenarios, roles, information parcels and scenario
participants using public standards and aiming towards attributes.
interoperability over time, business sectors,
information technology systems and data types, capable • An Open-edi scenario is defined as a
of multiple, simultaneous transactions, to accomplish a "formal specification of a class of business
explicit shared business goal" [12, 17]. The main goal transactions which includes the scenario
of Open-edi is to lower the barriers for the attribution, the allowable behavior of business
establishment of EDI links between business partners participants, as seen by other business
by minimizing the need for multiple, bilateral participants, and the required business
Interchange Agreements. This will be done by information to be interchanged" [12]. As such,
providing industry-wide and/or cross-sectoral Open-edi an Open-edi scenario is the specification of a
standards, which will be available to all parties involved trade procedure.
in a business transaction. These standards include Open-
edi scenarios, which can be either designed for specific • Roles are specifications of the behavior of
situations, or may be customized from generic parties involved in a business transaction as
scenarios. These scenarios will be stored in a reposi- seen by other parties. They include a
tory, governed by an international body. representation of the current state of the role.
Summarizing this section, it was shown that two
steps should be taken to facilitate electronic commerce • Information parcels are used to specify the
in an electronic market relationship. The first step is semantics of the information that is exchanged
the definition of a common, publicly available language among roles.
for the specification of trade procedures, which is
formal, computable and executable. The second step is • Finally, scenario attributes are used to
the definition of standard trade procedures using this formally specify information relevant to an
common language. This definition will take place by Open-edi scenario, not included in the

specification of the roles and information of a communication between parties should be
parcels. This includes interoperability clearly specified so that each may reason about
information, registration information and deontic states and changes thereof. All actions
requirements on the FSV posed by the scenario must be unambiguously attributed to roles so
definition [12]. that contract performance (or lack of
performance) may be evaluated.
In order to maintain coherence with the Open-edi
standardization efforts, a representation language should • Dynamic properties: In the execution of a
include the modelling primitives as proposed by SC30. trade procedure, several dynamic properties
However, our research has shown that further have to be analyzed, such as deontic state
requirements should be posed on such a language. changes. Therefore, a representation language
Open-edi scenarios only focus on the (electronic) should enable the expression of the dynamic
information exchanged among the roles. In order to behavior of the roles involved, in other words,
reason about a trade procedure, we found it is necessary it should be possible to monitor the execution
to model the exchange of goods and funds as well. We of the trade procedure.
also found several additional requirements as listed
below. It should be noted that this list is preliminary • Time: The modelling of absolute and relative
and may be extended as research progresses. In this time is essential because organizations need to
stage, a distinction can be made between formal be able to evaluate a trade procedure on
requirements, notational requirements and verification through-put time and they should be able to
requirements. specify deadlines. Especially in cases where
time is one of the most critical factors such as
2.1 Formal requirements. in just-in-time logistics, a thorough
investigation of such timing properties is
Formal requirements include the possibility to crucial.
express concurrency, choice (internal to a party) and
contingency (external to a party) and the representation 2.2. Notational requirements.
of deontic and/or legal relationships and changes
thereof. Furthermore, not only the static properties of Notational requirements include the possibility to
the system should be modelled but also the dynamic represent trade procedure designs in a graphical way.
properties. Finally, it should be possible to explicitly Also, there should be a hierarchical way to decompose a
model time, both absolute and relative. trade procedure into a number of levels. This is also
reflected in the need to be able to model roles as
• Concurrency: Since trade procedures proposed by SC30.
inherently consist of multiple parties
performing their actions in parallel it is • A graphical representation of trade
essential to be able to effectively model procedures enables business experts to reason
concurrency. about the proposed procedures without the need
to become experts in formal representation
• Decision points: Since the execution of a languages as well. As Streng pointed out [27],
trade procedure often depends on internal or several intangible properties of EDI linkages
external decisions, modelling constructs for cannot be validated using quantitative
such decision points should be included in the techniques. He mentions strategic match,
language. Since the focus is on inter- competitive advantage, management
organizational trade procedures, only decisions information, competitive response and project
that are visible externally should be modelled. uncertainty as properties that can only be
evaluated using a graphical/animated dynamic
• Deontics: Deontic Logic is a branch of logic modelling technique.
that formalizes reasoning about normative vs.
non-normative behavior by means of • A hierarchical (de)composition of trade
primitives such as obligations, prohibitions procedures is necessary to reduce the
and permissions. The representation of deontic complexity of the specifications. Furthermore,
and/or legal states in a model of a trade it allows the reusability of parts of the
procedure is essential because organizations specification. For example, the expected
should be able to derive their obligations, behavior of a bank in a documentary credit
rights and duties etc. at each point during the procedure is similar in most documentary credit
execution of the trade procedure. Changes in transactions, whereas the behavior of the other
these states are mostly brought about by a roles involved may differ.
party performing an action involving another
party. For example, sending a purchase order to 2.3 Verification requirements.
a seller will in most cases bring about an
obligation to buy for the buyer. In Speech Act Finally, automated verification and/or performance
theory, these communications are referred to as evaluation of the models must be possible. This
'performatives' [3, 26]. Therefore, the intention verification includes, but is not limited to, properties

such as boundedness and liveness of a trade procedure, Nets' [2, 24]. Documentary Petri Nets allow the
but also constraints such as the legal soundness of a specification of timers in the following manner. Setting
procedure and measures whether insufficient or a timer is modelled by putting a token in a place labeled
superfluous controls are established in the trade X : T i m e r S e t . This place is an input place for a
procedure. transition labeled timer: Timer_condition. This
Techniques that can be used to perform these transition has an extra constraint on its firing rule: not
validations include formal, mathematical algorithms, only all input places need to have a token, but the timer
pattern recognition and gaming theory. Formal condition needs to be satisfied. It then fires a token into
algorithms can be used to prove the absence or presence a place labeled X:TimerExpired. An example of such
of deadlock states (liveness), never-ending loops a timer condition is timer: current_date > >
(boundedness) etc. Pattern recognition can be used to expiry_date. This is similar to the timing properties
reason about control issues [5]. Finally, gaming can be of the Petri Nets as proposed by Van der Aalst [2].
used to validate dynamic properties and to validate the The classical Petri Nets only allow one kind of
properties mentioned in the previous sections. token. In order to distinguish between different types of
information parcels, different types of tokens have to be
3. Documentary Petri Nets. distinguished. This is referred to as 'colored Petri Nets'
[13, 24]. A similar extension of the classical Petri Nets
Several taxonomies of Formal Description are the Predicate/Transition nets, in which logical
Techniques (FDTs) can be made, based upon the predicates are associated with transitions [8, 9].
modelling perspective chosen and/or the formal basis Documentary Petri Nets use colors and predicates to
upon which a FDT can be built. Such a taxonomy is specify the different information parcel types, goods,
presented by [1] in the context of Open-edi scenario funds and deontic states.
modelling, including an extensive list of representation
languages such as Petri Nets, Entity Relationship • The exchange of information is based upon
Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams etc. When the the information parcels in the Open-edi
requirements, set out in Section 2, are mapped on these reference model. Information parcels are
FDTs only very few FDTs match all requirements. modelled using document places 2 . A
We found Petri Nets as being one of the few document place is represented by a square box.
acceptable candidates that offer both a graphical These kind of places have labels that identify
representation and a formal basis for the verification of the information parcel type. Sending a parcel is
various properties of these nets. The main advantage of represented by a transition labeled X to Y: D,
the Petri Net formalism, in addition to its capability to in which X identifies the sender, Y the receiver
graphically model both concurrency and choice, is that and D the type of parcel that is exchanged.
it offers various kinds of both formal and informal This transition has a document place of type D
analysis methods, which make Petri Nets especially as an output place. It will be part of the sub-
suitable for modelling "Discrete Dynamic Systems" [2]. net describing the behavior of role X .
In the remainder of this section, we introduce the Conversely, receiving an information parcel is
Documentary Petri Net representation: an extension to modelled by a transition labeled Y from X:
the classical Petri Net formalism we developed to D. This transition has a document place of
satisfy the requirements in Section 2. type D as an input place. This will be part of
Classical Petri Nets [24, 25] satisfy the need for the sub-net for role Y.
expressing concurrency and choice. A classical Petri Net
is a bi-partite, directed graph. It has two disjunct sets of • Goods are represented as cube places. A
nodes: places (represented as circles) and transitions description of the goods, including quantity,
(represented as bars). Arcs connect places with weight, volume, quality etc. may be added. The
transitions or vice versa (it is not allowed to connect transfer of goods among parties is modelled
two places or two transitions). The dynamic behavior of using the same primitives X to Y: G and Y
the modelled system is represented by tokens flowing from X: G as used in the modelling of
through the net (represented as dots). Each place may information exchanges, but in this case G
contain several tokens (the marking of the place); a refers to the goods description.
transition is enabled if all its input places (i.e., arcs
exist from those places to the transition) contain at • The exchange of funds is modelled similar to
least one token. If this is the case, the transition the modelling of information. Since the
removes one token from each input place and concept of money is closely related to
instantaneously produces one in each output place (i.e., documents (a 100 dollar bill is a performative
an arc exists from the transition to the place). This is document), we use the document places to
called the 'firing' of a transition. The transitions in denote funds transfer. In the description of these
Documentary Petri Nets are labeled in order to identify documents, the amount and currency are
the role that brings about the transition. The syntax of specified in the structure of these documents.
these labels is Role(s) : Action.
Classical Petri Nets only allow the modelling of
relative time, but not absolute time. However, it should
be possible to specify timers, e.g. for modelling 2 We use the term 'document' since most information parcels in
contractual deadlines. This is referred to as 'timed Petri business practice are mapped on paper documents. In the electronic
version, these are electronic messages.

• The deontic states of each individual role, 4. The practical implementation of
as seen by the other roles, are modelled using Documentary Petri Net models.
the classical Petri Net control places and
tokens. They are represented by circular places, All modelling examples in this paper are made using
and labeled with a description of the deontic Case/Open-edi, a modelling tool developed by Lee [22,
state. An example of such a description is 23]. Case/Open-edi offers a graphical user interface with
'oblig(X,A)' which means that party X has which Documentary Petri Nets can be drawn.
an obligation to perform action A. Furthermore, since Case/Open-edi is developed in
Prolog, rule-bases can be added to a Documentary Petri
One important aspect of modelling complex Net model, allowing automatic reasoning about
scenarios is the ability to model roles as separate modelled trade procedures. Formal properties of trade
Documentary Petri Nets. This allows the procedures, such as liveness and boundedness, can be
decomposition of an trade procedure into a number of analyzed using algorithms based on the formal
logically separate sub-nets. This modelling style results properties of Petri Nets [24]. A previous Petri Net
in a clear "geographical" separation between the roles. based representation, combined with the functionality of
As the role description is a sub-net in the scenario Case/Open-edi, has allowed reasoning about control
description, designers have some flexibility for issues in the research conducted by Chen and Lee [5].
experimenting with different role descriptions within Case/Open-edi can not only be used to draw
the overall scenario constraints. Documentary Petri Nets, it also offers the possibility to
A state transition is enabled by receiving a simulate and/or animate trade procedures modelled by
information parcel, goods or funds, or the expiration of these nets. In the current implementation of Case/Open-
an internal timer (events). Firing a transition can lead to edi, each role description is represented as a separate
sending information parcel(s), goods or funds and/or Documentary Petri Net. Each role modelled in
setting an internal timer (actions). An example of a Case/Open-edi has its own window on a screen. A view
Documentary Petri Net model is presented in Figure 13 of the total trade procedure can be achieved by opening
. Upon receiving a certain information parcel of type D all windows containing the role descriptions. The
from role Y, role X is obliged to send goods G to role communication between the roles is done by
Y. exchanging data among these windows. Internally, the
exchange of goods is represented as a data exchange as
well to be able to simulate the exchange of goods
among the roles.
The practical contribution of this research is to
provide organizations with a method and a tool to define
and test Open-edi scenarios. These scenarios may be
constructed either top-down or bottom-up. In the first
case, an overall trade procedure will be distributed over
the individual roles. In the second case, the individual
role descriptions of the parties have to be combined. In
either case, the role descriptions can be distributed over
multiple machines, where information parcels may be
exchanged over a local or wide area network using an
Figure 1. EDI standard. This provides a realistic testing
environment in which roles can be played and evaluated
The sub-nets of the several roles may need to be by different organizations.
combined in order to build the model of the overall trade Once tested and agreed upon, these scenarios may be
procedure. This can be simply done by connecting the stored in a public repository, governed by an
roles at their communication points: the document and international body. Since these scenarios are defined
goods places. For example, in the role description of using a formal language such as the Documentary Petri
role X there is a transition labeled X to Y: D with an Net formalism, it will be possible for organizations to
output document place of type D. In the description of then download the scenarios and execute them. During
role Y there should be a transition labeled Y from this execution the overall control on the trade procedure
X:D and an input place of type D. The two roles can is distributed among the individual organizations.
now be connected by replacing the two document places
of type D in the sub-nets by one of the same type, with 5. Example: documentary credits.
an incoming arc from the transition in role X and
outgoing arc to the transition in role Y. Since this In this section we discuss an international trade
process can be reversed as well, the Documentary Petri example: documentary credit procedures. These
Net representation allows both a top-down and a procedures were introduced by the banking community
bottom-up approach for the modelling of trade in order to solve a common problem in business: the
procedures. lack of trust among trading partners. When partners
don't know whether they can trust each other, the risk
for both buyer and seller is very high. For example, the
3 All figures in this paper were prepared using Case/Open-edi buyer might pay for the goods without being sure of
running on an Apple Macintosh Quadra 900 computer. receiving them or the seller may ship the goods without

being sure of getting paid. These problems arise The issuing bank contacts a bank in the country of the
particularly when the trade is international, as a shipper to become the corresponding bank and sends the
common legal and banking system exists when trade is LC both to the corresponding bank and the consignee.
conducted within the same country.
The solution that the banks offer to international 5. @ corresponding_bank to @ shipper: lc.
business is that they take over the risk for the buyer and (Figure 4, Figure 5)
seller. The buyer and seller may rely on a trusted The corresponding bank informs the shipper of the LC
relationship between their banks. In this example, we and advises the shipper about the documentary
present a simple documentary credit procedure, requirements.
including the buyer (called "consignee", Figure 2), the
seller (called "shipper", Figure 5), the consignee's bank 6. @ shipper to @ corresponding_bank:
("issuing bank", Figure 3) and the shipper's bank bill_of_lading, commerc_invoice, gsp_a.
("corresponding bank", Figure 4). Almost all (Figure 4, Figure 5)
documentary credit procedures conform to the guidelines The shipper performs his part of the deal, producing the
issued by the ICC (Uniform Customs and Practices for required documents (in this case a Bill of Lading, the
Documentary Credits [10]). By including a sentence Commercial Invoice and a certificate of origin (GSP-A),
such as 'this LC has been issued under the rules of ICC/ modelled as @ shipper: gather_documents). He
UCP 500' these guidelines become legally enforceable, presents the documents to the corresponding bank.
independent of differences in national legislation of the
involved parties' countries. 7. @ corresponding_bank to @ issuing_bank:
The sequence of actions performed in this trade bill_of_lading, commerc_invoice, gsp_a.
procedure is described below. For each action, the (Figure 3, Figure 4)
equivalent label in the Documentary Petri Net model is The corresponding bank checks the conformance of
mentioned. It should be noted that only the labels these documents with the LC and if they conform it
referring to sending actions are included; for each sends the documents to the issuing bank for approval.
sending action there is a correspondent label for the
receiving action in the description of the receiving role. 8. @corresponding_bank: reject
Deontic aspects are not included yet as these are still (Figure 4)
under development. Also, potential loops that might If the documents presented by the shipper do not
occur in a real-life situation are omitted to reduce the conform with the LC the bank sends them back to the
complexity of the example (i.e., when a document is shipper with a rejection notification (continue at step
rejected parties may iterate until an acceptable document 10).
is presented).
9. @ issuing_bank to @ corresponding_bank:
1. @ consignee to @ shipper: purchase_order. bill_of_lading, commerc_invoice, gsp_a,
(Figure 2, Figure 5) rejection_notify.
The consignee (buyer) sends a purchase order to the (Figure 3, Figure 4)
shipper (seller). If the issuing bank disapproves of the documents as
presented, it returns the documents to the corresponding
2. @ shipper to @ consignee: bank. It also sends a rejection notification to the
p_o_acknowledgment. corresponding bank in which the arguments for
(Figure 2, Figure 5) rejecting the documents are stipulated.
The shipper confirms the purchase order to the shipper.
They now have a sales contract. 10. @ corresponding_bank to @ shipper:
3. @ c o n s i g n e e t o @ i s s u i n g _ b a n k : commerc_invoice, gsp_a, rejection_notify.
lc_request. (Figure 2, Figure 3) (Figure 4, Figure 5)
Based upon the sales contract, the consignee enters a If the documents have been rejected by the issuing bank
contract with the issuing bank to issue a 'Letter of and the corresponding bank has been notified, it notifies
Credit (LC)'. Such a LC contains a description of the the shipper of the rejection and returns the documents to
goods, the amount of money involved, the delivery the shipper. The shipper will not get paid; however, it
terms and conditions and some miscellaneous should be noted that if the corresponding bank accepted
conditions. Furthermore, the LC contains documentary the documents in stage 6 and forwards them to the
requirements. These requirements are posed by the issuing bank, it makes sure that all requirements of the
consignee based upon the sales contract. They stipulate LC are satisfied. If it does this properly, the issuing
which documents should be presented by the shipper to bank needs to have very strong arguments to reject the
prove the performance of the required actions by the documents.
shipper, such as the actual shipping, in some cases
insuring the goods, certificates of origin (referred to as 11. @ issuing_bank to @ consignee:
'gsp_a') etc. bill_of_lading, commerc_invoice, gsp_a .
(Figure 2, Figure 3)
4. @ issuing_bank to If the issuing bank approves the documents, it will
{@ corresponding_bank, @consignee}: lc. forward them to the consignee.
(Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4)

Figure 2: A DPN model of the consignee.
Figure 3: A DPN model of the issuing

Figure 4: The corresponding bank.

Figure 5: A DPN model of the shipper.

12. @ issuing_bank to detection of undesirable patterns, for example when the
@ corresponding_bank: money. ordering and payment tasks are assigned to the same
(Figure 3, Figure 4) person, can be performed automatically using 'audit
As soon as the issuing bank approves the documents, it daemons'. This approach could be extended to inter-
has to transfer the money to the corresponding bank. organizational procedures.

13. @ consignee to @ issuing_bank: money.

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21. Lee, R.M. , Dewitz, S.D. and Chen, K.T. "AI and
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