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1 can of condensed milk


1. add evaporated milk and very little condensation milk, dissolve and mix so that there are no

2. We add a few drops of lemon juice when passing it through a strainer, to avoid the seeds, we
must stir it with a balloon, since the lemon begins to cut the milk and can result in a thick mixture.

3. In a preferential glass mold, we can place a layer of many cookies and cover them with the
lemon milk mixture, we put a layer of many cookies and more lemon mixture, we repeat this step
until we finish with the cookies and the mixture . . . . milk and lemon.

4. In the last layer we will put the lemon zest and many lemon slices to decorate.

Finally we put our dessert in the refrigerator for an hour so that it has the consistency of ice

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