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Day by day the world is getting worst or is it?

That’s what I wanted to know so I made my research

and guess what? It wasn’t at least in many cases it was actually getting better, let me explain.

I found cases where the world is actually getting better but you think that I’m lying, don’t you?
well it is time to tell you the facts.

First what the news don’t tell you is that extreme poverty has fallen. But what does this mean?
Well when you look at the data of the world bank the cases of extreme poverty have fallen and
this is really good news.

The second case says that hunger is falling and this information comes from the international food
policy and it shows a reduction in hunger worldwide, if you are thinking this is really good, so do I
my friend so do I.

The third case shows a reduction in child labor since the 2000 and this information comes from the
International Labor Organization if you didn’t know about this well before this neither did I.

The fourth case is a funny one, it says that people in developed countries have more leisure time
and that means less hours spend of full time production workers, this information comes from our
world in data and it shows a decrease in hours worked since 1870. If you can’t go to any of these
countries don’t worry, I can’t either.

And the fifth and final case is life expectancy is rising and this is so good, because the data shows a
steady rise in age of the population worldwide, imagine this in 1770 the age expectancy was 35
and that was it at the time people lived short lives so the change to 80 o 75 years is a good one.

In summary the data showed that we were living in the best timeline, it also said that the life
expectancy improved and general living conditions were better worldwide.

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