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1. As you enter the bus, you see a sign exhorting

passengers not to talk to the driver. What does
the sign say?
2. A mother leaves a note for her six-year-old
daughter reminding her to brush her teeth
before leaving for school. What does the
message say?
3. Today is the start of your exams. Your brother
leaves a message admonishing you to revise
your work and to concentrate properly in your
exams. What does the note say?
4. At the zoo, there is a sign advising against
feeding the animals. What does it say? (nourrir-to

5. Before going to work, your parents leave

instructions for you to water the plants (arroser les
plantes) and to feed the dogs. (donner à manger
à… to feed)

6. A father wants his son to shower, eat and do his

homework as soon as he comes home from school.
(À ton retour,…)
Les devoirs
1. Lisez page 177 – ‘Joan of Arc’ et répondez aux questions.
White book (A comprehensive French)
2. Aussi, dans vos livres- Encore Tricolore, page 97 ex 4 – Cinq

Si vous n’avez pas le texte…il faut l’imprimer!!!!

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