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A Project Report On 

  Prepared For and Presented To 

(As partial fulfillment for the award of degree in PGDM)

(Specialization-Human Resource)

Institute Of Advanced Management & Research

(Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt of India)

Submitted by Submitted to
Niwedita Singh Mr.Bharat Bhushan Gaur
H.R & Marketing Mr.Mohd.Waseem
Words often fail to express inner feelings of gratitude and indebtedness to one’s
benefactors, but then it is the only readily available medium through which the
undersigned can express her sincere thanks to all those who are associated with
her work in one way of the other.

I feel it my profound privilege to express my most sincere gratitude and

indebtedness to my project guide Mr.Ali Imran (Sr.Officer H.R), Mr.Alok
Bhardwaj HR Officer & Mohd.Ali Sir who was instrumental in providing me
direction, constant encouragement and co-operation in my attempt to take this
project to its logical conclusion.
I heartily want to thank Mr. Aftab Hussain, Sr.Manager- HR for having granted
this wonderful opportunity to pursue my summer project at Samiah
International Builders Pvt .Ltd. & properly guide me time to time regarding
completion of my project report, and to all the respondents who featured in my
survey but remain as nameless entities, I present a deep bow of gratitude. And
also to all those who have been of help directly or indirectly but have not
featured here.
I would like to thank all my teachers at IAMR and especially my mentor
Mr.Bharat Bhushan Gaur & Mr.Mohd Waseem without whose support this
summer training would not have been possible. In brevity, it was pleasure
working in the organization, which provided me the most congenial

Arriving at an acceptable, simple and valid method for appraising performance
of employees has been a problem engaging more attention of managers now a
days than any other aspect of management.  

For a vast organization like Real Estate Organization, the appraisal report is a
vital document for the organizational planning, growth and development and
also for providing satisfaction to the employees. At the same time Performance
Appraisal is a dynamic concept. No system is completely acceptable and
dependable. For this reason within the management ranks, Performance
Appraisal remains to be one of the most debatable topics of Human Resource
Management. Even a well planned and carefully administered appraisal
program does not fetch the expected results. There is, therefore, need for
reviewing the total system and modifying it to accommodate the changing needs
before a particular system outlines its purpose. 

The present attempt aims at identifying the characteristic features of the existing
system of Performance Appraisal System in SIG and understanding the extent
of effectiveness towards its objectives with a view to suggesting future

I ,Niwedita Singh, hereby declare that the project titled “ PERFORMANCE
APPRAISAL” at Samiah International Builders Pvt Ltd. are original and
bonafide work carried out by me during the year 2008-2010 under the able
guidance of Mr. Aftab Hussain in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Post
Graduate Diploma in Business Management at IAMR.

I also declare that this project is a result of my effort and no part of this project
has been published earlier or been submitted as a project by me for any degree
or diploma for any institute or university.

Batch: 2008-2010
Place: Ghaziabad


 This project has been undertaken to share my experiences on

Performance appraisal system as well as to enhance my understanding of
this fascinating subject by doing some study & research.

 The project explains the meaning of Performance Appraisal, different

methods used to evaluate the performance of employees, its effective
implementation and the benefits of the system.

 It also aims at understanding the problems associated with performance

appraisal and suggests measures to be adopted to overcome these issues.

 Overall objective of the project is to understand the effectiveness of

performance appraisal system.
















 Recipe for success of any organization in today’s environment demands
copying with change. Management plays crucial role in anticipating these
changes and readying the organization to respond appropriately for continued

      An organization which is going to witness massive changes in the

environment with the significant diversification plans in its product and services
would need to focus primarily on a carefully worked out H.R strategy with
strong development systems which help in identifying and developing new

 Along with these competencies the organization should look after the
employee’s level of performance that is the building blocks of an organization.  

According to the survey findings, certain dimensions such as reward system,

performance and development appraisal procedure need some attention. Some
suggestions focus on counseling sessions for the employee. The present attempt
aims at identifying the characteristics features of the existing system of
performance Appraisal System in SIG and understanding the effectiveness
towards its objectives with a view to suggesting further improvements.

 To integrated the company and individual goals through a process of
performance assessment linked to achievement of organizational
 To increase awareness of tasks/targets and the responsibility of
executives at all level to ensure fulfillment of company’s objectives.
 To ensure an objective assessment of performance and potential.
 To distinguish between differing levels of performance on relative basis
 To identify the developmental action to be taken to enhance the
performance of executives.
 To facilitate the process of executive/non executive development through
performance planning, self review, performance analysis and two way
communication between appraise and appraiser. 


The performance Appraisal System will be used to assess the performance of

employee and to plan for their development. As is apparent from what has been
stated above, the investigator has confined the study to performance appraisal
system of Samiah International Group only. Although appraisal as a vital
tool covers all employees of the organization, for the purpose of this study, the
area has been confined to that of executives & non-executives both. So far as
appraisal of non executives employees of the organization is concerned, no
definite objectives have been specified by the management besides seeking to
know the promotability or otherwise of an employee.

This is more or less of the nature of a subjective evaluation of the personality

traits of the employees by their superiors.

      Again, within the area of performance appraisal, the study is confined to the
existing system and the manner in which the system is operating so as to
identify how far it has been effective for promoting personal development and
effectiveness of managerial personnel in Samiah International Group.



 The quality of management decision and actions is directly proportional to the
availability and validity of information. The information provides through
performance appraisal significantly enhances management effectiveness in
making decisions that influence the directing and coordinating of human
resources. Therefore, every business ensures existence of an effective, accurate
and continuous process for gathering, analyzing and disseminating information
about the performance of its members. That process is the performance
appraisal. Organization hires employees and rewards them so that they will
provide the effort necessary to achieve organizational objectives and goals.
Healthy improvement in profit can be related to increase in productivity.
Productivity in turn relates directly to performance of all employees in the
organization. A major indicator of the effective use of human resources through
a viable performance appraisal system is the impact of that system on
productivity improvement. Performance appraisal technique is designed,
administered and operated by organizations for the intentional purpose of
observing, measuring and altering employee workplace behavior.  A major
reason why employee performance appraisal is such a critical tool is that it is a
control device that influences practically all human resource functions. The
influences of performance appraisal are felt in

 Human Resource Planning

 Human Resources Research
 Human Resources Development and
 Human Resources Recognition.




The appraisal of employees in an employment has been labeled and described
by expects over the years in different ways. Common descriptions include
performance appraisal, merit rating, personnel preview, progress report,
behavioral assessment, employee evaluation & service rating.  


      According to Beach “Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of

the individual with regard to his job her performance on the job and his
potential for development”.

      According to Andrew Sikula, employee appraisal or performance appraisal

is a systematic evaluation of worker’s performance and potential for
development. It is the process of estimating or judging the value excellence,
qualities or status of some object person or things. Performance appraisal is a
process of gathering analyzing and disseminating information about the
performance of employees. 

      Thus, performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of personnel by their

superiors or others who are familiar with their work performance. Such
appraisals usually involve the use of forms and procedures that have been
developed for the purpose. 

        Organizations undertake performance appraisal to meet certain objectives

which are in the form of salary increase, promotion, identifying training and
development needs, providing feedback to employees and putting pressures on
employees for better performance. 

Salary Increase - Normally Salary increase of an employee depends on how he
is performing his job for his performance there is continuous evaluation either
formally or informally. In small organization generally informal performance
appraisal and in large organization formal performance appraisal has been

Promotion – Performance appraisal plays a significant role where promotion is

based on merit. Most of the organizations often use a combination of merit and
seniority for promotion. Performance appraisal helps in deciding whether one
can be promoted to the next higher position and what additional training will be
necessary for him.

Training and Development – Performance appraisal tries to identify the

strengths and weaknesses of an employee on his present job. Training and
development programmes can be used for overcoming weaknesses of the

 Feedback –   Performance appraisal provides feed back to employees about

their performance. It tells where they stand. A person works better when he
knows how he is working, how his efforts are contributing to the achievement
of organizational objectives. 

Pressures on employees – Performance appraisal puts a sort of pressure on

employees for better performance. 


Traditional Methods

 Ranking Method
 Paired Comparison

 Grading                 

 Forced Distribution Method    

 Force Choice Method

 Graphic Scale Method
 Essay Method.
 Field Review Method.


Ranking Method:- 

Ranking is the oldest and simplest method of appraisal in which a person is

ranked against others on the basis of certain traits and characteristics. In the
ranking method, various persons are given ranks on the basis of their traits. This
is a very simple method when the number of persons to be ranked is small
because ranking has to be given on the basis of traits, which are not easily

Paired Comparison:- 

Paired comparison method is a slight variation of ranking system designed to

increase its value for use in the large groups. In this method, each person
compared with other persons taking only one at a time. This method provides
better comparison of persons. However, this increases the work because of large
number of comparisons. This can be calculated by a formula N (N-1)/2 where N
is the total number of persons to be compared. 


In this method, certain categories of abilities or performances are defined well

in the advance and persons are put in particular category depending on their
traits and characteristics. Such categories may be definitional like outstanding,
good, average, poor, very poor, or may be in terms of letters like A, B, C, D, etc.
with  A indicating the best and D indicating  the worst. 

Forced Distribution Method:- 

In this method the appraiser is forced to appraise the appraises according to the
pattern of a normal curve. The basic assumption in this method is that
employee’s performance level conforms to a normal statistical distribution. This
method is useful to rate job performance and promo ability.

 Forced –Choice Method:- 

The Forced-choice rating method contains a series of group of statements and

the rater checks how effectively the statement describes each individual being
evaluated. There may be some variations in the method and statements used,

but the most common method of forced choice contains two statements, both of
which may be positive or negative.  

o The employee is hard working.

o The employee gives clear instructions to his subordinates.

 Both these statements are positive but the rater is asked to rate only one, which
is more descriptive of his subordinate’s behavior. This is done to avoid
subjectivity in rating.   

Graphic Scale Method:- 

Graphic Scale also known as linear rating scale is the most commonly used
method of performance appraisal. In this method, a printed appraisal form is
used for each appraisee; the form contains various employee characteristics and
his job performance. Various characteristics include initiative, leadership,
dependability, cooperativeness, enthusiasm, creative ability, analytical ability,
decisiveness, emotional maturity, etc. depending on the level of the employee.
The rating is done on the basis of scale which is in continuum 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 in
that order can be used to denote points for various degrees of excellent-poor,
high-low, or good-bad, and so on. 

Essay Method:- 

Some companies use free essay method, or sometimes, combine this with other
methods. In essay method, the rater assesses the employees on certain
parameters in his own words. Such parameters may be as follows: 

 Work performance in terms of quality, quantity and costs;

 Knowledge about the job;
 Knowledge about organizational policies, procedures and rules;
 Employee’s characteristics and behavior;
 Employee’s strengths and weaknesses;
 Overall suitability of the employee;
 Employee’s potential and promotability, and
 Training and development needs of the employee.

 The essay method is useful in providing useful information about an employee

on the basis of which he can be appraised. 

Field Review Method:- 

In the field review method, an employee is not appraised by his direct superior
but by another person, usually from personnel department. The basic idea is that

such a person may take more objective view in appraisal, as he is not under
pressure as the superior of the employee may be. The rater, in this case,
appraises the employee based on his records of output and other quantitative
information such as absenteeism, late coming, etc. The rater also conducts
interviews of the employee and his superior to ascertain qualitative aspects of
job performance. This method is more suitable for promotion purpose. 

 Assessment Centre Method:- Under this technique many evaluators join

together to judge employee performance in several situations with the use of a
variety of criteria. It is used mostly to help and select employee for the first
level supervisory position Assessments are mode to determine employee
potential for purpose of promotion. The merit of this system is that it is a better
method for identifying managerial potential than any other method. 

Appraisal by Management by Objective (MBO):- Concept of

Management by Objective (MBO) has been offered by Peter Ducker’s under
this technique, the subordinate sets his short-term performance goals in
consultation with the superior. Goals explicitly state the actions, which the
employee will follow. The subordinate appraises his own performance by
evaluating it vis-à-vis goals. The supervisor is not the evaluator, but directs the
goal setting process to ensure that it matches the objective of the organization. 
 In recent years, the purposes of performance appraisals have greatly expanded.
Today performance appraisals are used by organizations not only for wage
increase, transfers & layoffs but also as a means of communication, motivation
& development of employees in an organization.  
 Management by Objectives: - Management by Objectives (MBO) is used in
this report to mean as an approach to appraising performance by results. This
approach tends to emphasis a participative but joint determination of objective
followed by a participative but joint evaluation of success in periodic appraisal
 Career Progression: - This phase is used here to mean the upward movement
in the career path through a planned Promotion Scheme 
 Job Rotation: - It implies the shifting of an employee from one job to another
so that monotony and boredom are reduced and at the same time there is an
increase in the skill and knowledge of the employee about related job. 
Job Enrichment :- The term ‘Job enrichment’ is used in this report to mean a
deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope and challenge of the job as a non-
financial motivation device. 

 Motivation: - Motivation is taken to man as a willingness to expand energy to
achieve a goal or reward. It is a force that activates a dormant energy and acts in
motion the action of the people .It is the function that kindles a burning passion
for action among the human beings of an organization. 
 Promotion: - Performance appraisal has duality of objectives evaluation of an
employee in his/her present role & their development for doing the present job
in better way as well as to develop him for the higher order job. The
performance of this higher order job depends on their potential in the light of
the requirements of the new job. Thus, to determine an employee’s likelihood to
succeed in the new job, potential appraisal is carried. 
Communication:- Performance appraisal helps clear communication between
the superiors and their subordinates. Communication helps in giving feedback
to managers on their performance and thus providing satisfaction to the
The Executive Performance Appraisal System will be used to assess the
performance of executives and to plan for their development. 

 Self – Appraisal
 Performance Review and planning
 Performance Assessment
 Development plan
 Evaluation and Final grading


Tasks/targets indicating a few key performance Areas will be set for each
appraisee by his reporting Officer in consultation with the former , This will be
communicated to the appraisee by 31st March of every year , before the of the
assessment year. The self-appraisal form will be filled up by the appraisee twice
a year in the first week of October and then in the first week of April.

The appraisee will factually report on the following, in the Self Appraisal every
six months:-

Tasks/targets fulfilled

Constraints faced

Facilitating resources

Suggestions for improvement 

In addition, the appraisee will indicate the following while filling up the self
appraisal at the end of the assessment year.       

 The highlights of performance

 Major strengths
 Developmental needs


After Self Appraisal, performance Review and planning will be held twice a
year between the appraise and the Reporting Officer in October and April. 

During the PRP session, the Reporting Officer will ensure a conducive climate
for discussion. 

In the PRP session, the Reporting Officer and the appraise will discuss: 

The extent of task/targets fulfilled.

Major strengths of the appraise 

Developmental needs. 

Suggestions for improvement of the individual and the team performance. 

In the PRP held in October, the discussion will be based on completion of the
tasks/ targets up to the mid year and will incorporate all mid-course change in
the tasks/targets for the remaining six months. In the PRP held in April, the
discussion will be based on fulfillment of tasks / targets of the assessment year. 

The outcomes of PRP discussion will be noted in the specific form and signed
by both the Reporting Officer and appraise. 
The performance of the appraisee will be assessed after the PRP is held. The
reporting officer will assess the appraisee on a five point rating scale on the
following factors. Each factor will carry a weight as indicated below

E1 – E4A
Factors        Weight age 

Performance Factors      

1. Quantity of output       2

2. Quality of output        2

3. Cost control       2

4. Job knowledge and skill     2

5. Team spirit and lateral co-ordination           2

6. Discipline       1

7. Development and quality of assessment of              

1 .Subordinate(s) (or ability to learn)

8. Any other Relevant factor                1 

 .Potential Factor

1.       Communication     2 

  2.       Initiative                  1

  3.       Commitment and sense of responsibility         1         

  4.       Problem analysis and decision making,         1

  5.       Planning and organizing        1

  6.       Management of human resources     1 

Performance Factors                                            Weightage 

1.   Quantity of output                                    1

2.    Quality of output                                        1

3.    Cost Control                                               2

4.    Lateral co-ordination                                 2

5.    Team-spirit                                             1

6.    Development and quality of assessment of, 2


7.     Discipline                                                   1

8.    Any other relevant factor  

Potential Factors
1.       Commitment and Sense of responsibility   2

2.        Planning and organizing                             1

3.        Management of human resources              2

4.        Problem analysis and decision making ability  2

5.        Communication                                        1 

Guidelines. Note: A descriptive overall assessment will also be made on a

separate sheet in the form, in case of appraises in E-5 and above. 

The Reporting Officer will give comments or remarks/cite incidents in case he

gives extreme ratings. 

The Reporting Officer will make use of the definitions of the rating scales for
each factor which will be indicated in the performance Appraisal

One of the outputs of the system will be that the appraises will be classified into
the following grades in order of merit O A B C 

The sum total of the factor score given by the Reporting officer will indicate the
category that the Reporting officer would like to put the appraises in. The
following range of scores may be used as a guide for the indicative grades of the
Reporting Officer. 
   84 and above                                     -     O

  68 to 83                                             -     A

  52 to 67                                             -     B 

  20 to 21                -     C 
Note: For example if the total score given come to 55, it indicates that the
appraise is suggested to be finally graded as B. 

The Reporting Officer will differentiate between performance levels of

appraises under him and to the extent possible follow distribution pattern as
indicated below, in order of merit: 
O 10%    

A                                       20%

B                                       45%

C                                       25% 
 The Reporting officer may find some of the appraises not fit for promotion due
to their poor performance. In such cases the Reporting Officer may recommend
that the appraise may be declared as “Non-.Promo table” for the ensuing one

The Reporting Officer will fill a summary sheet indicating the overall factor
score of the appraises reporting to him, and send same to the Reviewing
Officer. The Reporting Office (O) will make his individual assessment
independently in the name pattern as listed out for the Reporting Officer. 


The Reviewing officer will get the Appraisal forms and the summary sheets
from the Reporting Officer (O).The Reviewing Officer will rate the individual
on each of the factors listed. He will follow the same principles as the Reporting
officer for making his assessment. He will also prepare a summary sheet
indicating the factor scores of the appraises assessed by him. 

The Personnel Department will help in compiling the total scores based on the
assessment on each individual factor by the Reporting Officer, Reviewing
Officer and the Reporting Officer (O) taking into account the weight ages
attached to each Individual factor and the weightage given to the Reporting
Officer, Reviewing Officer and Reporting Officer (O). This will be calculated
giving 50% weight age to the score given by Reporting Officer, the weightage
to Reporting Officer (O) will be 25% & the weightage given by Reviewing
Officer is 25%.
The Total factor scores will then be arranged in descending order for an

Appraisal group and the primary grading [10%-O, 20%-A, 45%-B and25%-C]
will be worked out. The appraisal group will consist of appraises belonging to
sections/departments functionally related to each other.


The constitution of PRC for different levels will be indicated in the performance
Appraisal Guidelines. The Head of the Department/the next higher authority of
the Reviewing Officer will also be members of the PRC. The Performance
Review Committee will receive the following information from the personal

The factor scores given by Reporting Officer, Reporting Officer (O) and
Reviewing officer to each appraisee.The average factor score of each appraisee
and the indicative grade thereof the primary grading of each appraisee. 

The PRC will study the distribution pattern of primary grading and the
indicative grades vis-à-vis the factor score appraises under consideration. The
PRC will harmonized grades of some of the appraises if needed, to remove
disparities, if any, in ratings. 

However, the moderations may not be of more than one stage up of down with
respect to the primary grading. The PRC will decide the final grading ensuring
the distribution of appraisee the minutes of the PRC meeting will be signed by
Chairman and all members. The final assessment sheet in the Appraisal for will
then be filled up and signed by chairman or any member of PRC. 

The PRC may, taking into account the recommendation of the Reporting and
Reviewing Officers, declare some of the executive in the category C as non-
promotable for the ensuing one year. 


The training needs of the appraisee will be indicated by the Reporting and
Reviewing Officers. The training needs should have a linkage to the
development plan discussed by the Reporting Officer with the appraisee during
the performance review and planning discussion. 

Both the Reporting Officer and Reviewing Officer will indicate job rotation /job
suitability of the appraisee. The Personnel / Training department will utilize the
training needs sheet to develop suitable training plans for the appraisees in
consultation with the concerned heads of department or higher authorities.  

Personnel Department will make a job rotation plan based on comments of the
Reviewing Officer and implement the same in consultation with the concerned
heads of departments or higher authorities. 


For Officers directly reporting to chairman, there will be no Reviewing officer
of committee. Chairman, as the reporting officer, will appraise such officers and
100% weightage will be attached to such assessment. Chairman will also
discharge the function of PRC and indicate the final grading (O/A/B/C) of the
concerned appraisee. There will be no primary grading. 

The performance appraisals of heads of functional departments, reporting

directly to the chief executive, will be reviewed by chairman. In all such cases,
the Reporting Officer (O) will be the functional Director concerned in corporate
office. Relative assessment will be an inter–company Review committee headed
by chairman. For officers up to E-5 level reporting to chief Executives, final
grading will be done by the chief Executive himself. 

The appraisal calendar indicating dates on which various actions are to be/
initiated and completed will be given in the performance Appraisal Guidelines. 

Suitable appraisal formats will be used for making assessment of executives.  

The policy will come into force from a date notified by chairman, SIG remain
in force for a period as decided by him the company reserves the right to
withdraw the system at any time without Notice Chairman, SIG is authorized to
approve the details under the policy and the appraisal formats for
implementation of the same. He is also authorized to amend or modify the
system, as and when required.

PART A   Self-appraisal 

PART B   Performance Review planning 

PART C   Performance Assessment

PART D   Development Plan 

PART E   Final assessment 


 The Self-appraisal forms will be sent by the personnel department to the

Reporting Officers to be handed over to the appraisee. Reviewing Officers/
HODs will also be kept informed of the same.
 The self-appraisal form will be completed by the appraisee twice every year,
once in the month of October for the period April 1 to September 30, and
again in the month of April for period October 1 to March 31. The broad
guidelines mentioned below should be followed for completing the self-
 The self-appraisal should be completed on the basis of the tasks/targets set at
the beginning of year. The appraisee should furnish factual information and
avoid evaluation of performance.
 The appraise should record only those constraints which were not taken into
account while setting targets and those which are outside appraisee’s control.
 The appraise should record resources which have facilitated performance
during the appraisal period. These facilitating resources could be attributable
to (a). The appraisee viz. Individual abilities , Efforts , Interpersonal
competence etc., (b) Reporting/Reviewing Officer viz. Quick decision
making , staff support , Delegation , Approachability etc.,  (c) Organization
& its structure viz. Flexible policies, Good working condition, Effective
control systems etc., (d) Subordinates viz,. Hard work by them, Motivation,

Cooperation etc. and (e) External environment viz. Government policies,
improved economic situation, poor image of competitors etc.
 While completing the annual self appraisal form in the month of April every
year, the appraisee should also record the highlights of his performance,
major strengths and development needs.
 Highlights of performance should include target achieved beyond stated
Norm, innovative work processes, cost reduction measures etc.
 Developmental needs should mention specific areas, which in the appraisee’s
opinion; need to be improved for enhancing the performance. These may
include suggestions for training, job rotation, exposure in other
areas/functions etc.
 After completing the self – appraisal form as per guidelines mentioned
above, the appraisee should return the same to the Reporting officer duly
 The Reporting Officer will study the self – appraisal and call the appraisee
for Performance Review and Planning.
 The Personnel department will analyze the constraints, facilitating resources,
suggestions for improvement etc, department-wise and send them to the
respective Heads of Departments.


 The appraisal system provides for formal review and planning of

performance twice a year between the appraisee and the Reporting
 The first PRP session i.e. the mid-term PRP, should be held after the self
appraisal form is completed by the appraisee in October.
 The second PRP i.e. the annual PRP, should be held after the self-
appraisal for the last six months of the year is completed in April.
 These PRP sessions are in addition to the informal performance review
and planning discussion which take place between the Reporting Officer
and appraisee on work related needs.

The objective of PRP is to: 

 Discuss the performance of the appraisee in relation to the tasks/targets set,   
the shortfalls and mid-course correction, if any required.
 Discuss the major strengths which have facilitated the
appraisee’s performance and also those aspects that he / she need to develop.
 For example, planning ability could be a strength exhibited and inability, to
maintain discipline within the team, a shortfall. 

 Identify and finalize the thrust areas for the next six months/one year,   
resources required, constraints to be overcome and a mutual understanding
of expectations from each other.
 The Reporting Officer must record the highlights of the discussions in the
structured format provided and sign the form. This should be read and signed
by the appraisee also .The date on which the PRP was held should be


 After the annual PRP session, the Reporting officer, Reporting Officer (o) and
reviewing officer are required to assess the performance of the appraisee on
Performance and potential factors. 

In addition, there will be a special relevant factor specific to the function/area of

work of the appraisee, identified for the year. Each appraisee will be assessed
on one such relevant factor also. Taking into account the thrust areas of
different departments, a few illustrations of special relevant factor are given.
The Head of Function/zone will identify the special factor on which assessment
will be made for that particular year. The factor so identified will be
communicated to each appraisee along with the tasks/targets set for the year.
Personnel department will assist the Head of function/Zone in the process of
identification and communication of the special relevant factor in the space
provided for in the appraisal form. 

Each factor has been assigned a weight to indicate its importance in the overall

Each factor is to be assessed on a 5 point rating scale. Rating is to be given in

numbers 1 to 5 in the space provided. Each point on the five point scale has
been defined, which should be kept in view to ensure proper assessment.

Factor score will be arrived at by multiplying the scale point (i.e. 1,2,3,4 or 5)
with the assigned weight (i.e. 1 or 2) of the factor. The aggregate of factor
scores will be the total factor score. 

In case extreme rating i.e. 1 or 5 is given for assessment of any factor,

comments/indicates justifying the same may be indicated in the space provided
for comments on overall performance. 

The Reporting Officer and the Reviewing Officer should note that final
distribution of executives will be in the following order of merit:- 

                 10% -   O 

                  20%-    A 

                  30%-    B 

                  40%-    C 

While assessing, each Reporting Officer and Reviewing Officer should

differentiate between levels of performance of the executive working under
them and to the extent possible follow the above pattern. This will minimize
moderation by the performance Review committee. 

           84 and above   - O 

                  68 to 83   - A 

                  52 to 67   - B 

                  20 to 51   - C 

The assessing authority will not however record the grade i.e. O, A, B or C in
the form.

Comments on overall performance of the appraisse may be recorded in the

space provided. If an appraisee is deemed non- promotable due to his poor
performance, the assessing authority may record his /her recommendation that
the aprraisee may be declared non- promotable for the ensuring one year and the
reasons for such recommendations. 

The Reporting Officer, after completing the performance assessment part, will
also complete the summary sheet in the format and it to the Reviewing Officer
along with the appraisal form. 

The concept of Reporting Officer (O) applies to some of the service/staff

appraises. The Reporting Officer (O), wherever applicable will assess the
appraisee on the above lines and return the form to the summary sheet(s)and
send the same to the concerned Reviewing Officer(s).Reviewing Officer will
give his assessment of the appraisee and will also complete a summary sheet
which will be an input for the final evaluation by performance Review
committee. He will send the entire document to the personnel department. The
personnel department will analyze the trend/spread of ratings and give suitable
feedback to the Reviewing Officer. 

Higher Authority above the Reviewing officer may, by exception, call for the
appraisal reports and record his/her comments on the overall
performance/potential of the appraisee. A separate page is provided in the form
for such comments, in case of appraises in the grade of E-7/E-8 the chairman
may call for reports to record his comments.

 Development of executives imagined through training, job rotation /
enrichment and counseling /coaching. While indicating training needs the
assessing authorities may keep the following in mind: 

Training needs should be indicated for executives whom the assessing authority
recommends to be trained in the ensuing year. Information regarding training
programmes attended by the executives in the last two years may be obtained
from the Training department. Please also note that the Training department will
normally plan to train about 30-40% of the executives in one year. 

Training recommended should be as specific as possible and take into

consideration the appraisee’s own views also. 

Training needs and other development plans should be linked to the appraisee’s
present area of responsibility, future assignments/needs and major strength/

In case the appraisee is recommended for job rotation / enrichment, the

specific area may be indicated. This should be based on appraisee’s
potential/development needs/future etc.

Final assessment will be done by a performance Review committee (PRC).The
performance Review Committees will be suitable constituted in such that the
Head of he Department to which the assess belongs or the authority above the
Reviewing Officer is included in the committee.  . This should be formalized
with the approval of respective chief Executive of the Organization. 

For each appraisee there will be a maximum of 3 total factor score awarded by
the Reporting Officer (O) and Reviewing Officer.

Weightages have been indicated for the assessment of the namely 50% for the
Reporting Officer, 25% for the Reporting officer (O), and 25% for Reviewing

Officer. If there is no Reporting Officer (O), the weight age for the Reviewing
Officer will be 50%. 

By multiplying the total factor given by the assessing authorities with the above
weightages (i.e. 0.5 or 0.25 as the case may be), the weighed score for
Reporting Officer, Reviewing officer and Reporting Officer (O) will be
obtained. A total of this will give the average appraisal score.

The average appraisal score would be converted, by the personnel department,

into an indicative grading of the appraisee as a per following guidelines. Range
of appraisal Indicative grading    

                           84 & above -  O

                                        68-83  -    A

                                        52-67   -  B

                                        20-51   - C 

In case of a large department. The executives of the departments as whole or

particular section/sections may be grouped together. This would also be
indicated in the final assessment sheet placed before the PRC. 

All executive within an appraisal group will brew listed in descended order on
the basis make of the average appraisal score secured by them. An Appraisal
group will consist of grades belonging to department/sections related to each

Each appraisal group will be finally evaluated by the PRC. The chairman of
the PRC concerned will ensure grouping of executives based in related

It will be ensured that such grouping will be done only when the departments
are related   to each other. 

Personnel department will ensure a common approach in the site/unit in respect

of formation of appraisal camps in different areas. The appraisal grouping will
be finalized in location with the corporate office so as to maintain inter-unit
parity the extent possible. 

The first 10% the executives of the appraisal group listed in descending order
based on average a score, will be categorized as ‘O’, 20% in category “A”, The
next 45% as ‘B’ and last 25% as ‘C’ this is the primary grading. 

The PRC will be given the following inputs for every executive in an appraisal

Factor score awarded by Reporting Officer, Reviewing Officer and Reporting

Officer (O) (where applicable). 

Indicative grading based on average appraisal score. 

Primary grading based on the specified distribution of the score & the overall
performance of departments. 

Discrepancies in the trend of scores awarded by different Reporting of

Reviewing Officers for the appraised in an apprisee of an appraisal group.

Performance Review Committee will perform the

following function:-
To ensure moderation of assessments, the Performance Review Committee may
move officers one step up of down firm the primary grading subject to the
condition that the overall distribution of 10%-O; 20%-A;45&-B;and 25%-C
prevails. The grading decided by the PRC will be the final grading. 

PRC may declare executive non-promo table, for the ensuing one year, out the
category ‘C’ based on the recommendations of the Reporting and Reviewing
Officers. PRC will also record the reasons for declaring the appraise non-promo

PRC will also make job rotation plans for the executives. 

Once the final grading is complete, the same should be entered in each
executive’s   appraisal form and duly signed by Chairman or a member of the

Based on the decision of the PRC, the personnel Department will ensure      
communication of the non-promo table ratings and the reasons thereof to the
appraisers(s) concerned. 

The assessment year is from 1st April to 31st March. The executives rated as
“non-promo table” will not be considered for promotion for the ensuing one
year i.e., the financial year following the assessment year.

The executive(s) rated as non-promo table may appeal for review of the

The appeal for review should be made to the Chairman of the PRC within 10
days of receipt of communication from Personnel department regarding non-
promotable rating. 

The PRC may review and either reverses or confirms its earlier decision In case
PRC confirms the earlier decision will be final and binding on the executive
concerned. If PRC reverses the earlier decision, the case is not sent to the chief
Executive. PRC will consult the reporting officer in case of executives in E-6
and above, such appeals will be made to Chairman’s SIG through the chief
Executive concerned. The chief Executive will give his comments and forward
the appeal to the chairman. The decision of chairman, SIG will be final and


Each site/Unit will have a group of executives identified as internal Resource    

persons who will act as change agents, facilitators and trainers and help in the
implementation of the appraisal system. 
Similarly , a group of personal executive will identified in each site/ Unit to
work  full time for implementation of the executive performance appraisal


 While selecting an appropriate rating form or method is important, what is even
more important is the quality of the rater and the fact that certain basic questions
as to who, what, why, when, where and how of Performance Appraisal are
considered before proceeding ahead. 

Who is to rate? 
In most situations, the rater is the immediate superior of the person to be rated.
Because of frequent contact, he or she is most familiar with the employee’s
work. In addition, any organizations consider that it is essential to support the
leadership and authority position of the supervisor by considering employee
appraisal as an integral part of the supervisory task. Supervisor ratings are often
reviewed and approved by higher management, thereby maintaining
hierarchical control over the appraisal process. If more involvement is deemed
desirable, the appraisal process can be undertaken by a group of raters.
Members of the group can be superiors, peers, and subordinates. If they are all
superiors, group appraisal ventures only a small distance from classical
management theories. If they are all subordinates, it involves a considerable
move toward behavioral theories. The final possibility, which is most
behavioral in orientation, is to allow subordinates to rate themselves. The major

values lie in the development and motivation areas, it being claimed that this
approach (1) results in a superior upward low of information, (2) forces the
subordinates to become more personally involved and to do some systematic
thinking about self and work, (3) improves communication between superior
and subordinate, in that each is given more information by the other when
disagreements are discovered, and (4) improves motivation as a result of greater
participation.  If the basic participatory management approach continues to
grow, it is certain that the self rating aspect of the process will also
become more widespread.  

However, Miner suggests that multiple ratings of managerial and

professional personnel by superiors, peers, and subordinates will be the
approach in the future. 

What to rate? 
What of the performance appraisal consists in appraising not supervisory
employees for their current performance, and managers for future potential?  It
also includes evaluation of human traits.

Why to rate? 
The ‘why’ of an appraisal is concerned with (a) creating and maintaining a
satisfactory level of performance of employees on their prevent jobs; (b)
highlighting employee needs and opportunities for personal growth and
development; (c) Aiding in decision making for performance related aspects
like promotions, transfers, lay offs and discharges; and (d) promoting
understanding between the supervisor and his subordinates.  

When to rate? 
The usual schedule in the timing of ratings is twice yearly. New employees are
rated more frequently than older ones. However, practices vary from
organization. In Indian context, generally the employers go in for once year
appraisal since the pressure of other duties probably prevents them from going
in for more frequent appraisals.  

Where to rate? 
The ‘Where’ indicates the location where an employee may be evaluated? It is
usually done at the place of work or office of the supervisor. Informal appraisals
may take place anywhere and every where, both on the job and off the job. 

The ‘how’ indicates the different methods used in performance appraisal. 


Performance appraisals are subject to several humans’ judgmental errors. Some

of them are discussed below: -

Ambiguity: -
This error occurs when factors used to be described are not clear. It should be
very clear so that all maters have the same sort of behavior in mind. Unless, all
raters agree on what such factors like quality & quantity of output mean, their
final ratings simply cannot be compared.

Insufficient evidence: -
The boss frequently gets a limited & often a distorted view of subordinate’s
performance. The subordinate’s ability to get along with the boss may have a
greater impact on his/ her rating than does actual performance on his job. Rating
committees naturally help to reduce this problem.

Differing Perception:-
Often raters tend to rate the subordinates similar to themselves in background
values & styles of behavior higher than they rate subordinates   with dissimilar
life style (the similar- to- me -effect).

Regency and Primacy effects:-

Regency error occurs when the person is rated on the basis of very recent
performance and a primacy error occurs when the rating is based on previous
rating. By keeping & using detailed performance records over time, these errors
can be minimized.

Faulty Assumptions:-
Because of the faulty assumptions of the parties concerned, superior and his
subordinate in appraisal system it does not work properly or objectively.
Managers naturally wish to make fair & accurate appraisal of subordinates is

untenable. These assumptions are due to psychological characteristics, technical
deficiencies. Managers often take a particular appraisal system as perfect. They
sometimes assume that personal opinion is better than formal appraisal.  

Psychological Blocks:-
The utility of performance appraisal depends upon the psychological
characteristics of managers. There are several psychological blocks when are
manager feeling of insecurity,  appraisal as an extra burden, their being
excessively modest or skeptical, disliking of resentment by subordinates,
disliking of communicating poor performance to subordinates. Thus managers
do not tend to become impartial in evaluating their subordinates.

Technical pitfalls:-
 The main technical difficulties in appraisal fall in two categories -criterion
problem & distortions that reduce the validity of results. 
 1) Criterion Problem: - 
A criterion is a standard of performance the manager desires of his subordinates
& against which he compares their actual performance. Criteria are hard to
define in measurable or objective terms. Ambiguity, vagueness & generality of
criteria are difficult hurdles for any process to overcome.

 2) Distortions:-  

Distortions occur in the form of biases and errors in making the evaluation. May
be introduced by the evaluator consciously or unconsciously. An appraisal
system has the following possible distortions.  

3) Halo effect:-  
This distortion exists where the rater is influenced by rater’s one or two
outstandingly good (or bad) performances & he evaluates the entire
performance accordingly. It also occurs where the rater’s judgments is
influenced by the work team or informal group with which a subordinate
associates. If the group is not well liked, this attitude may work in the rating of
the individuals on it, apart from the actual performance. 

4) Central Tendency:- 

This error occurs when the rater marks all or almost all his personnel as
average. He fails to discriminate between superior and inferior persons. It arises
from the rater’s lack of knowledge of individuals he is rating, or from haste,
indifference or carelessness.

5) Constant errors: - 
Some rater habitually rates everyone high, others tend to rate low. Some rate on
potential rather than on recent observed performance. The results of the two
raters are hardly comparable.  

6) Rater’s Liking & Disliking: - 

Managers, being human, have strong liking or disliking for people, particularly
close associates. The rating is influenced by personal factors & emotions &
raters may weigh personality traits more heavily than they realize. Raters tend
to give high rating to persons whom they like & low rating that they dislike. 
As per the existing appraisal system of executives, the appraisers are as

1)  Reporting Officer: The executive next higher in the rank and grade but
not below the level of Dy. Manager and to whom the executive being assessed

2) Reviewing Officer: The executive next higher in rank and grade to the  
Reporting Officer and to whom the reporting Officer reports.  

3) Higher Authority: The Executive next higher in rank and grade. 

4) Reporting Officer (O):- This is applicable only in respect of executives

of   service/staff departments, working in other departments. Reporting Officer
(O) is not below the level of Superintendent or equivalent and to whom the
Appraisee reports for day to day work. 

Appraisal at non –executive level is as follows: Confidential report: It

is mostly used in government organizations. It is a descriptive report prepared,

generally at the end of every year, by the employee’s immediate superior. The
report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the subordinate. The report is
not data based. The impressions of the superior about the subordinate are
merely recorded there. It does not offer any feedback to the appraisee. The
appraisee is not very sure about why his ratings have fallen despite his best
efforts, why others are rated high when compared to him, how to rectify his
mistakes, if any; on what basis he is going to be evaluated next year, etc. Since
the report is generally not made public and hence no feedback is available, the
subjective analysis of the superior is likely to be hotly contested. In recent
years, due to pressure from courts and trade unions, the details of a negative
confidential report are given to the appraisee.


Appraisal is the evaluation of worth, quality or merit. In the organization
context performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of personnel by
superiors or others familiar with their performance. Performance appraisal is
described as merit rating in which are individual is ranked as better or worse in
comparison to others. 

Societies cannot exist without judgment. In the context of an organization, some

form of control & co-ordination is needed to facilitate achievement of its goals
and objectives. As such, control devices in form of performance appraisal are
used in the area of human resource management. In a work group, members
consciously or unconsciously, make opinion about the quality, behavior, and
way of working of others. Such an opinion becomes the basis for interpersonal

In any organization, every manager is subject to periodic performance appraisal.

Performance appraisal is one of the Key systems of the modern corporate world
to control and coordinate the achievement of the organizational objectives.
Performance appraisal is a systematic and objective way of judging the relative  
worth or ability of an employee in performing his job. Performance appraisal in
some form has existed in old days also. Wei Dynasty (221-265 A.D.) in China
introduced performance appraisal in which an Imperial Rater appraised the
performance of members of the official family. In 1883, the New York City
civil services adopted performance appraisal. Since then, performance appraisal
in formal way has been adopted by most of the large organization particularly in
business field. 

 According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining the
problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing
and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusions whether they
fit the formulating hypothesis. 

Research Methodology is a procedure designed to the extent to which it is

planned and evaluated before conducting the enquiry and to the extent to which
the method for making decisions is evaluated. The research methodology if
scientifically developed enables the researcher to establish with high degree of
confidence, cause and effect relationship between the research activities and
observed outcomes. 

This part of the study deals with methodology used in present investigation. For
gaining new knowledge in a particular field it explains the nature of study,
details of sample design, Collection of data, Analysis of data through statistical
tools and interpretation of the data collected. 

 The first and foremost step is to select and define the topic of study. Among
various issues what occupies the central position in an organization is the
effective utilization and maintenance of human resources for achievement of
organizational objectives and while managing human resources, the problem of
carrying out performance appraisal of executives stands out very clear. This
topic of study takes into account measuring the existing system of performance
appraisal so as to identify the characteristics features of the same and to
understand the effectiveness of the system towards its objectives with a view to
suggesting further improvements. Thus, the topic of study is “Performance
Appraisal System” at Samiah International Builders Pvt Ltd. (SIG)

 A Research Design is the conceptual structure within which the study is to be
conducted. It constitutes the Blue print for Collection, measurement and
analysis of data. 
This study is descriptive and Qualitative in nature i.e. which includes Survey
involving executives & non-executive of SIG taking into consideration
attitudes, opinions, behavior and performance regarding their job. 
A Questionnaire was designed for the study and measures the performance level
of executives & non executive at SIG with the help of available literature and
project guide. The questions relating to general information of employees,
awareness on various aspects of their job and policies and approach of
management were put. Both closed and open-ended questions were included.
Also, all questions were given in a proper sequence and simple language in
order to give a clear picture of the situation given and to avoid any
misunderstanding to the respondents. In the questionnaire, suggestions of the
employees were requested if they want any improvement in the present
appraisal system technique being followed up. 

A sample is a definite plan obtaining a sample from a given population. 


 The first step in developing any sample is to clearly define the Universe (set of
objects) to be studied .The Universe in the present study is restricted to the total
number of 300 employees in the organization. 
2. Sample Size:-
  In order to make sample representative of the population, it was decided to
collect information from a sample size of 50 employees including both technical
and non technical employees. 

3. Sampling Procedure:-  After deciding the proper sample size, appropriate

sampling technique to be used must be selected. Therefore, Simple Random
sampling technique has been used for collection of primary data. 
Data Sources 
Two types of data sources are chosen for the study: 
o Primary Sources

o Secondary Sources

Primary Data: Primary data was collected by a way of Questionnaire
designed for both technical and non technical employees of SIG. The
questionnaire content questions which include awareness of the employees on
various aspects like organizational objectives, the performance appraisal
technique being followed. The collection of primary data was accomplished at
different departments after a personnel visit to all the departments: 

o Works
o Services
o Construction
o Maintenance
o Operations
o Information Technology

 The distribution of questionnaire was done on a random basis in all the

departments. After a brief introduction about the purpose of study and the
contents of the questionnaire, it was given to employees and asked to fill up and
give their feedback on various factors in the same and collected hand-to-hand
from them. Assistance was provided to respondents whenever needed.
Secondary data was collected from various books of Human resource
management and Organizational Behavior of different authors Magazines &
Newsletters of SIG and with the help of internet. 
3. ANALYSIS OF DATA:- After collection of data, the researcher turns to the
task of analyzing it. The responses given by employees are analyzed in order to
present in into meaningful form. Thus, statistical techniques like Tabulation and
graphical representation of data are used. Various bar diagrams are used in
order to present information clearly. 

Lastly, after analysis of data, the findings of the study are studied and
represented in a logical and precise manner so as to arrive at a conclusion of the
study and to provide any recommendations and suggestions on this basis. 
 The strata classification in general has been done in the following ways:
-  Strata         Assessment system 
 Executive Appraisal system process 

Non – executive - Confidential Report 


In this project we shall discuss about the executive & non executive
performance appraisal system in Samiah International Group.

We at SAMIAH are proud to be one of the leading Promoter and Builder in
Northern India and having developed more than 10 million sq. ft. of area into
Real Estate Properties have formed everlasting relationships with our clients &
investors built through trust, respect, outstanding service and commitment to
mutual success.

Today SAMIAH is all set to expand its real estate operations and create edifices
that will be the benchmark of architectural finesse. With more than 15 million
sq. ft. residential and commercial area under development in various projects
across 9 cities & 4 States in India we invite you to be part of the success story. 

SAMIAH - Building a strong foundation

Over the years, SAMIAH International Group has grown up as a premier real
estate organization. Today we are known for quality, performance and speed.
The architectural marvels that we have created have not only given us
recognition but also helped developing long lasting relationships with our
esteemed clients. With technical expertise and a strong financial standing,
SAMIAH group is at the threshold of revolutionizing the Indian construction

At SAMIAH we firmly believe that the pride and joy lies in improving the
quality of life. SAMIAH does meet customer aspirations by adding value
through innovative ideas, high end technology, design and aesthetics. Our strict
adherence to quality and commitment has helped us stand apart from the

The journey since our inception has been smooth and satisfying. SAMIAH has
expanded into the whole of north India and got recognition from blue-chip
business houses as a reliable and customer oriented organization. With
thousands of satisfied customers and in-hand projects worth 2085 crore,

SAMIAH International Group now enjoys its presence in Delhi & NCR, Hapur,
Rudrapur, Nainital & Lucknow. Our group housing projects, townships, resorts,
hotels, cottage, independent floors & villas have got a greater acceptability with
the customers. We undoubtedly aspire to be among the top real estate
companies in the near times to come.

Understanding the needs of individual clients combined with a strong customer

service culture, SAMIAH is geared up for an exciting real estate journey. With
an eye on the future, the group is acceleration the progress of its present projects
and finishing the deals at the fastest possible way.

Special Achievement

 Amongst the first real estate developers to be awarded with ISO 9001-
2000 certification
 Registered as a Category ‘A’ Builder in Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh
 Only real estate company to get an NOC from the Govt. of Uttaranchal
for its township in Rudrapur
 Only Builder to have a consortium agreement with Air Force Naval
Housing Board to Develop  townships & Group Housing in Uttar Pradesh
 Winner of Best Upcoming Township in Uttrakhand for NRI LAKE
CITY, Rudrapur project at INDIAN PROPERTY AWARDS 2007

SAMIAH – On A Voyage of Success

With a large number of projects in the regions of Rudrapur & Nainital and
upcoming projects at Jim Corbett and Dehradun, SAMIAH International Group
claims to be running largest number of real estate projects in Shivalik region.
Besides, the group known for innovative ideas, hi-end technology, design
excellence and aesthetics is running over projects across North India - NCR,
Hapur, Goa, and shortly the group is launching one premium Group Housing
project in Lucknow. With projects across 9 cities & 4 States in India under
different stages of execution & completion, SAMIAH’s present project portfolio
is worth Rupees 2085 Crore.

Mr. Jamil A Khan, the founder & CMD of SAMIAH International Group, under
whose dynamic leadership the company has grown as an eminent conglomerate,
is known for his versatile personality. He has won many laurels for his
outstanding contribution to the society. Mr. Khan’s selfless service to the nation
and its people helped him win National Integration Award for Peace &
National Integration and National Award for Outstanding Services. He has
proved his mettle as a dynamic entrepreneur and won Sir Syed National

Award for Best Entrepreneur in the year 2001. He was also conferred
‘Bharat Shiromani Puraskar’ as the Best Entrepreneur.



With an ethnic touch to give it a modern villege look, Media Villege Gr. Noida
accommodates people from across the media. it earns a distinct image for
Samiah for fulfilling the housing needs of journalist. Provided with all modern
amenities, this villege of 115 villas is a posh colony of greater Noida.

Name of the Project MEDIA VILLAGE, GREATER


Location GH-01, PHI-04, Sector-36, Greater


Date of Launching 2005

Scheduled Date of Completion June 2008

Total No. of Flats 115

Current Status
Structure work of All Categories of
Villas Complete
Finishing Work going on

Accommodation 300 Sq. Yds. Villa

(5 Bed Room, Drawing/Dinning,
Family Lounge, Children Room,
Meditation Room, Kitchen, 7 Toilets,
Basement, Covered Parking)

Particulars Area (In Sq. Ft.)

Area 5790

Covered Area 3300

Terrace Area 700

Lawn Area 925

Basement Area 865

200 Sq. Yds. Villa

(3 Bed Room, Drawing /Dinning,
Family Lounge, Children Room,
Kitchen, 6 Toilets, Basement)

Particulars Area (In Sq. Ft.)

Area 3900

Covered Area 2165

Terrace Area 765

Lawn Area 430

Basement Area 540

150 Sq. Yds. Villa

(3 Bed Room, Drawing /Dinning,
Family Lounge, Children Room,
Kitchen, 4 Toilets, Basement)

Particulars Area (In Sq. Ft.)

Area 2920

Covered Area 1630

Terrace Area 470

Lawn Area 355

Basement Area 465

Price Range Rs 95.00 Lacs to Rs 1.73 Cr

Power Back Up Yes;  1.5 KW per 100 Sq. Mts. Power

Back Up to each villa without any
Installation / Extra Charges

R.O. Water Facility Yes

Security System 24 Hours Security with Intercom, Video

Phone, Close Circuit Cameras

Modular Kitchen Yes

Cupboard Yes

Flooring Vitrified Tiles

Shower Cubical At Extra Cost

Cubical Steam Bath At Extra Cost

Wooden Flooring At Extra Cost

Parks Parks, Children Play Area, Landscaping

within the Complex

Club In House Club with Gymnasium, Steam

& Sauna Bath, Common Room, Table
Tennis etc.

Swimming Pool Yes

Car Washing Points Yes; Car Washing Points with

Perforated Floors

LPG Network Pipeline LPG gas to the kitchen

Broad Band Wi-Fi System for Broadband


Project USP 115 Premium 150 / 200 / 300 Sq. Yds.

Villas in the heart of VIP Sector – PHI
4, 2 KM from Pari Chowk & 1.5 KM
from TAJ Expressway. Newage Gated
Community loaded with amenities &

For More Details Contact 9873906860, 9873906861

Sunny Forest Nainital

Name of the Project SUNNY FOREST
Location Bhimtal - Saattal Valley
Date of Launching 2007
Scheduled Date of Completion
Phase-I – 50 Villas
Construction of Villa Starts once Booking
Amount is remitted to the company &
Possession is handed over within 18 Months
from the date of booking
Total No. of Villas & Flats Sunny Deluxe - 25 Villas
Sunny Cottage - 25 Villas
1200 Sq. Ft. - 10 Flats
1000 Sq. Ft. - 10 Flats
 800 Sq. Ft. - 10 Flats

Current Status Ground Leveling Work being done
Accommodation/ Prince
Range Premium Villas - 3 BR (1800 Sq.Ft) - Rs.
Deluxe Villas - 2 BR (1800 Sq.Ft) - Rs.
Power Back Up Yes
R.O. Water Facility Yes
Security System Gated Complex with 24 Hours Security and a
security guard room at entrance gate
Club Yes; Separate Space for Health club & DVD

Theater, Separate Complex for indoor games
such as Badminton, Billiards, TT, Squash,
Distance Chart
Delhi – 290 Km
Nainital – 14 Km
Bhimtal – 3 Km
Saatal – 8 Km
Nearest Railway Station Kathgodam - 35 Km
Nearest Airport Pant Nagar – 65 Km
Altitude 5500 Ft. – 6600 Ft. Height from the Sea
Project USP Heavenly located & aesthetically designed
amidst ravishing natural beauty of Nainital in
the midst of Bhimtal Saattal Valley near to
the Emerald Lake of Sattal.

First of its kind & only approved project in

the region being developed by SAMIAH
GROUP, a Registered Category ‘A’ Builder
in Uttaranchal, with the distinction of having
largest number of real estate projects in
Shivalik region.
For More Details Contact 9873906860, 9873906861

Sunny Lake Nainital

A unique holiday retreat to rejuvenate
Nainital, The Lake Region of Uttaranchal is famous for its scenic beauty and
environmental charm all over the world. There are many spring water lakes in
this part of the world surrounded by hills bedecked with majestic and dense oak
and pine trees. At the altitude of 4500- 5000 ft. above the sea level, Bhimtal is
climatically ideal for all seasons and most importantly for all groups. Also with

the fast developing tourism sector in the region, a whole new world is waiting to
be explored by the tourists from all over the world.

Sunny Lake is located on Bhimtal - Saatal Road over looking the picturesque
lush green Bhimtal Valley and the emerald lake with an island. The very
existence of Sunny Lake is inspired by the raw and ravishing natural beauty of
every nook and corner of the region. All landscaped surroundings at Sunny
Lake are thoughtfully planned and aesthetically nurtured with a unique garden
of medicinal and aromatic Himalayan herbs in the centre. Also, the logging area
is designed amidst oak trees, noted for its invigorating and rejuvenating effect
on human body.

Name of the Project SUNNY LAKE

Location Bhimtal Saatal Road
Date of Launching 2005
Scheduled Date of
Completion Phase-I – 30 Villas (Possession Already
Handed Over)
Phase-II – Construction of Villa Starts once
Booking Amount is remitted to the company
& Possession is handed over within 18
Months from the date of booking
Total No. of Villas & Flats Mt. Villa - 30 Villas
Mt. Cott - 30 Villas
1200 Sq. Ft. - 4 Flats
1000 Sq. Ft. - 4 Flats
800 Sq. Ft. - 4 Flats

Current Status Construction in full Swing; The complex is

fully developed; Internal Roads have been
made; 24 Hour Security service available
Accommodation/Price Range Villa
Mount Villa - 3 BR (2000 Sq.Ft) - Rs.
Mount Cottage - 2 BR (2000 Sq.Ft) - Rs.

2 BR (1200 Sq.Ft) - Rs. 3,300,000
3 BR (1000 Sq.Ft) - Rs. 2,200,000

Power Back Up Yes

R.O. Water Facility Yes
Security System Gated Complex with 24 Hours Security and a
security guard room at entrance gate
Club Yes; Separate Space for Health club & DVD
Theater, Separate Complex for indoor games
such as Badminton, Billiards, TT, Squash, etc.
Distance Chart
Delhi – 290 Km
Nainital – 14 Km
Bhimtal – 3 Km
Saatal – 8 Km
Nearest Railway Station Kathgodam - 35 Km
Nearest Airport Pant Nagar – 65 Km
Altitude 5500 Ft. – 6600 Ft. Height from the Sea Level
Project USP Heavenly located & aesthetically designed
amidst ravishing natural beauty of Nainital on
Saattal Road overlooking the picturesque lush
green Bhimtal Valley and the Emerald Lake.

First of its kind & only approved project in

the region being developed by SAMIAH
GROUP, a Registered Category ‘A’ Builder
in Uttaranchal, with the distinction of having
largest number of real estate projects in
Shivalik region.
For More Details Contact 9873906860, 9873906861

NRI Lake City Rudrapur

An integrated township on the top of nature: Spanning

over 250 acres of land, located on the foothills of Shivalik Range in
Utteranchal, NRI Lake City Rudrapur is a self –contained township. the
exotic beauty of this exhilarating landscape ,equipped with all modern
facilities, is intended to extend housing solutions matching the taste of
NRIs.Aesthetically designed villas,independendent floors ,multi story
apartments, commercial twin tower, an artificial lake ,an exclusive club
&a numerous parks will offer a breathtaking view & add glitter to the
township. the project worth rupees 1235 crore will have schools, food joints
,nursing home malls & multiplexes within the township. it will have
specified blocks for Economically weaker Sections.
Name of the Project NRI LAKE CITY, RUDRAPUR
Location Kashipur Road, Rudrapur
Date of Launching 2005
Scheduled Date of
Completion Phase I – Plots March 2008
Phase II – 115 Sq. Yds. & 200 Sq. Yds. Villas
Construction of Villa Starts once Booking
Amount is remitted to the company &
Possession is handed over within 18 – 24
Months from the date of ooking
Phse III – Commercial Business Park & Mall
with Multiplex to be completed by mid 2010
Area of the Township 123 Acres
Current Status
Construction of 115 Sq. Yds. & 200 Sq. Yds.

Sample Villas Completed.
Construction Central Lake nearing completion
Work on internal roads, pole lights & plot
demarcation in full swing
Accommodation/Price Range
RoseVille(115 Sq.Yard)
2 BR (2110 Sq.Ft) - Rs. 4,400,000
Towns Ville (200 Sq.Yard )
2 BR (1260 Sq.Ft) - Rs. 2,585,000
Structure (Villa & Flats) Earth Quake Resistant
Flooring (Villa & Flats) Vitrified Tiles
Modular Kitchen Yes
Club House Yes
Swimming Pool Yes
Utilities Separate space enmarked for School, Nursing
Home & Police Station
Security Walled city with massive main-gate with hi
tech security arrangements
Commercial Area Separate space enmarked for Mall, Mutiplex
& Business Park
Project USP On main Kashipur Road, Just 3 Km FROM
Railway Station, 3.6 KM from Indira Chowk  
For More Details Contact 9873906860, 9873906861

Garden City Hapur NH-24

SAMIAH Garden City, NH-24, Hapur, offers a paradise life in a pollution-
free ambience. It’s a beautifully landscaped integrated township with villas
where 25% of the total area has been reserved for forest. Besides, the township
boasts of an amusement park of international standard that will attract leisure
seekers & tourists from all across Northern India

Amenities for Apartments:


Location NH-24, Main Bulandshahr Road, HAPUR
Date of Launching September, 2007
Scheduled Date of
Phase I – March 2009
Total No. of Flats 1174
Current Status Construction of Phase I Blocks in full Swing;
2 Bedroom Sample Flat Ready
Accommodation / Price
Range 3 BR ( 1795 Sq. Ft.) - Rs. 2,688,050
2 BR ( 1280 Sq. Ft.) - Rs. 1,905,750
1 BR ( 910 Sq. Ft.)  - Rs. 1,351,350
Power Back Up Yes; 500 watts Per 1000 sq. ft. area of flat
R.O. Water Facility Yes; 100 liters per house direct supply to
kitchen with storage in kitchen space
Security System A 3000 mm high boundary wall with moulded
designed railing and a security guard room at

entrance gate with close circuit camera,
emergency alarm, intercom arrangement and
video conferencing facilities
Reception Hall Reception hall with video conferencing
Club Club building three storied 15000 sq. ft. area
(rooms for billiards / snooker / card / carom)
with swimming pool, tennis court, separate
space for health club, mini theater in club
building and separate hall for women’s club
Swimming Pool Yes
Car Washing Points Car washing points at different suitable places
with perforated floors
LPG Network Payment by meter to oil companies
Green Lawn and Wooden
A very decorated lawn around club
Separate kids’ park with Decorated as per kids needs and  low depth
splash splash
Fountain Beautiful fountain at entrance
Elevators One four passenger lift even in S+4 storied
building (1 BR & 2 BR apartment), two eight
passenger lifts even in S+6 stories building (3
BR apartment)
Broad band / cable T.V. Cabling and conducting shall be provided for
B.B. connection
Project USP On Main NH-24; 35 Minute Drive From
Noida; Most Affordable Premium Group
Housing Project in NCR Region
For More Details Contact 9873906860, 9873906861

Singapore Residency Gr.Noida

Singapore has always fascinated the connoisseurs of good living. A dynamic
dream city rich  in  contrast  and  colour  with a  harmonious   blend   of 
culture,  cuisine, arts  and architecture. Dotted  with  broad  tree  lined 
ornamental  avenues,  lush  gardens  and parklands. Booming  with  exotic 
locales,  world’s  best  and  largest  shopping  malls, multiplexes  and  business 
centers. Moving on world class land and air transport facilities. Providing best
educational and medical facilities. Immense opportunities with global 
companies. The thrill of horse racing. The magic of amusement parks and the
adventure of Night Safari with nature camps and rare animals. A grand PGA
golf course to Tee Off.

The convenience  and  safety  of piped Natural gas, the world class high  tech 
facility  of  an  electronic  library. In a nutshell, Singapore epitomizes life at its
Best. Now, a select few can enjoy all the above good things and much more in
life  right  here  in  India  by  owning one of the 122 exclusive Singapore
Residency apartments  in  Greater  Noida, the  most  happening  and 
internationally  planned places around Delhi. Singapore Residency, Greater


Location F-406, RHO-1, Sector-36, Greater Noida (Opp.
Holy Public School)
Date of Launching 2007
Scheduled Date of
November 2009
Total No. of Flats 122

Current Status Construction in full Swing; 3 Bedroom Sample
Flat Ready
Accommodation/Price 3 BR, A-1 (2430 Sq.Ft.) - Rs. 8,337,330
Range 3 BR, A-2 (2430 Sq.Ft.) - Rs. 8,405,950
2 BR, B-1 (1653 Sq.Ft.) - Rs. 5671,443
2 BR, B-2 (1610 Sq.Ft.) - Rs. 5,523.910
1 BR, c-1,2,3,4 (1180 Sq.Ft.) - Rs. 4,085,589
Power Back Up Yes
R.O. Water Facility Yes
Security System Finger print Lock on Main Door for Hi Tech
Security and a security guard room at entrance
gate with close circuit camera, emergency
alarm, intercom arrangement and video
conferencing facilities
Reception Hall Reception hall with video conferencing
Club Yes; Separate Space for Health club & DVD
Theater, Separate Complex for indoor games
such as Badminton, Billiards, TT, Squash, etc.
Swimming Pool 2 Swimming Pools
Car Washing Points Car washing points at different suitable places
with perforated floors
LPG Network Gas pipeline connected to each kitchen
Broad Band Cabling and conducting shall be provided for
Broad Band Connection
Stilt Area Singapore Style Theme Based Conservatory
Separate kids’ park with Decorated as per kids needs and  low depth
splash splash
Elevators 2 capsule lifts in each tower
Broad band / cable T.V. Cabling and conducting shall be provided for
B.B. connection
Project USP 122 ultra luxury centrally air conditioned studio
& 2/3 bedroom apartments with individual
climate control panels. 2 swimming pools,
capsule lifts, double basement, Singapore style
conservatory garden, Italian marble in each flat
with wooden laminated flooring in each

bedroom, jacuzzi with cubical shower panel &
steam bath.
For More Details Contact 9873906860, 9873906861

Vrinda City Gr.Noida

A State of modern housing complex ,Vrinda City Greater Noida is a project of

Consortium of Central &State employees (CCSE) Sahkari Awas Samiti
Ltd.Samiah has taken up the construction .The project has 356 apartments
exclusively meant for the employees of Rashtrapati Bhawan & Cabinet Secretiat
.It will provide all the amenities that modern life demands for.


Location GH-02, PHI-04, Sector-36, Greater Noida
Date of Launching 2005
Scheduled Date of
June 2008
Total No. of Flats 364
Current Status
Structure work of Category E, F, G, FD, GD
Towers Complete Construction of 1 Tower
comprising of Category H, E1, F1 & HD Flats in
full swing
Accommodation 2 BR / 3 BR / 4 BR & 4-5 BR Penthouses

Price Range Rs 35.03 Lacs to Rs 1.15 Cr
Power Back Up Yes (3 KVA in each flat)
R.O. Water Facility Yes
Security System Finger print Lock on Main Door for Hi Tech
Security and a security guard room at entrance gate
with close circuit camera, emergency alarm,
intercom arrangement and video conferencing
Modular Kitchen Yes
Cupboard One Elegant Wooden Cupboard in each Bedroom
Flooring Vitrified Tiles
Shower Cubical Cubical with Shower Panel in One Bath
Cubical Steam Bath Only in Category H, FD, GD & HD Flats
Wooden Flooring In Master Bedroom
Reception Hall Reception in each tower with video conferencing
Club Yes; Separate Space for Health club & DVD
Theater, Separate Complex for indoor games such
as Badminton, Billiards, TT, Squash, etc., Tennis
Court, Space for Library
Swimming Pool Swimming Pool
Car Washing Points Yes
LPG Network Gas pipeline connected to each kitchen
Broad Band Cabling and conducting shall be provided for Broad
Band Connection
Separate kids’ park with
Decorated as per kids needs and  low depth splash
Elevators Capsule lift in each tower
Meditation Centre Yes
Project USP 364 Premium 2 / 3 / 4 BR Apartments &
Penthouses in the heart of VIP Sector – PHI 4, 2
KM from Pari Chowk & 1.5 KM from TAJ

Samiah Residency Lucknow

On prime location in Lucknow, Samiah Residency is a premium residential
project that offer a option of 2, 3 & 4 bedroom flats .The unique character of
this project is that half of it’s flat will be allotted to the retired personal of
Indian Air force & Indian Navy –as the contract signed between Samiah group
and AFNHB .The project is Rs 110 crore worth.

Name of the Project SAMIAH RESIDENCY, Lucknow

Location Hardoi Sitapur Bypass, IIM’s Road, Lucknow
Date of Launching 2007
Scheduled Date of
November 2009
Total No. of Flats 120
Current Status Construction Commenced; Sample Flat Ready
Accommodation/ Price Range
3 BR (1700 Sq. Ft.) - Rs. 2,975,000
2 BR (1450 Sq. Ft.) - Rs. 2,537,000
Power Back Up Yes
R.O. Water Facility Yes
Security System Finger print Lock on Main Door for Hi Tech
Security and a security guard room at entrance
gate with close circuit camera, emergency alarm,
intercom arrangement and video conferencing
Reception Hall Reception hall with video conferencing facilities
Club Yes; Separate Space for Health club & DVD

Theater, Separate Complex for indoor games such
as Badminton, Billiards, TT, Squash, etc.
LPG Network Gas pipeline connected to each kitchen
Broad Band Cabling and conducting shall be provided for
Broad Band Connection
Modular Kitchen Extra Cost
Cupboard Extra Cost
Elevators Yes
Horticulture High class garden design with running water
Outer Look Ornamental structure in elevation based on
English architecture
Project USP 120 luxury 2/3 bedroom apartments in the most
upcoming area of Lucknow  - Hardoi – Sitapur
Bypass, IIM’s Road (Opposite Lucknow’s biggest
landscaped greens, The Joggers Park)
For More Details Contact 9873906860, 9873906861

Q1. Do you think that Performance Appraisal is essential for the employees in
The Company?

a) Fully
b) Partially
c) Not at all

Graph1. Performance Appraisal is essential

Not at all
Partially 0%

Not at all


Analysis and Interpretation:

It shows 80% of the employees agree that performance appraisal is essential for
the employees of the company and 20% of the employees partially agree.

Currently annual appraisal system in SIG is carried out for the employees at
executive levels and above only. The target set may be reviewed quarterly so

that strengths and weaknesses, if any, can be assesses and remedial measures
suggested accordingly.

Q2: Performance appraisal has been described as the responsibility, which is

not liked by the superiors. Do you think so?
a) Yes
b) Partially
c) Not at all

Graph2: Perfromance Appraisal is described as


Not at all

Not at all


Analysis and Interpretation:

46% executives say that they consider performance appraisal as the
responsibility they liked the least. 27% executives agree that it is a
responsibility not liked by them and remaining 27% denies about any such

Considerable amount of time is spent for getting the appraisals done as per the
existing system. The company should improve the existing system by designing
and implementing departmental performance review system on a quarterly

Q3: Do you agree that self-appraisal prior to performance appraisal facilitates

you to get high ratings?
a) Completely
b) Partially
c) Not at all

Graph3: Self appraisal prior to perfromance appraisal

facilitates to get high ratings.

Not at all

Not at all


Analysis and Interpretation:

45.5% of the employees say partially self-appraisal facilitates to get high
ratings, 27.3% employees agree completely and other 27.2% say self-appraisal
does not help in high ratings in performance appraisal.

Many Real Estate companies have implemented the self-appraisal system. This
has proved helpful in identifying the needs for in-house group
discussions/counseling methods/training and development programs.

Q4: Does your supervisor give you effective feedback on a regular basis?
a) Yes
b) Depends on the employees
c) Not at all

Graph4: Does superior gives effective feedback on regular


100 Yes
Depends on the
60 employees
Percentage Not at all
Yes Depends on the Not at all

Analysis and Interpretation:

It is clear in the graph that 100% of the employees say that the superior gives
them effective feedback on a regular basis.

Any company should give feedback to the employees periodically. They can
also extend proper diagnostic tips/ counseling methods at the required level.

Q5: Do you think that performance appraisal is the tool that improves
employees’ performance level?
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent
c) Not at all

Graph5: Performance appraisal improves employees
perfromance level

Not at all
To some extent

To some extent
To a great extent
Not at all

To a great extent

Analysis and Interpretation:

The graph shows 74% employees agree that up to a great extent, 18% say that to
some extent and 8% of the employees believe performance appraisal not at all
improves performance appraisal.
Currently the company’s existing appraisal system is on annual basis. This may
be reviewed on a quarterly basis, which will help in assessing the strengths and
weaknesses of executives and role modifications can be suggested accordingly.

Q6: Are you capable of achieving goals set for you?

a) Consistently
b) Occasionally
c) Never

Graph6: Capability of attaining the set goals

40% Consistently

30% Occassionally
Consistently Occassionally Never
Opinion of employees

Analysis and Interpretation:

The graph shows 100% of the employees are consistently capable of attaining
their set goals.

The target achieved by the employees may be vis-à-vis the target achieved last
year. The company should endorse proper diagnostic mapping for role
modifications/ training and development needs.

Q7: To what extent is the SIG making progress towards its mission and goals?
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent

c) No opinion

Graph7: SIG making progress towards its mission

and goals

No opinion
To some extent

To some extent
To a great extent
No opinion

To a great extent

Analysis and Interpretation:

In this graph 82% of the employees say that SIG is making progress towards its
mission and goals to a great extent and 18% employees say that only to some
extent company is making progress towards mission and goals.

For the further progress of company’s mission and goals organizational

planning and development department should be involved for quarterly analysis
of the feedback received.

Q8: Do you get merit raise when the performance evaluation indicates that
you are meeting the set standard on the job?
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent

c) Not at all

Graph8. Merit raise when the employees meet the


Not at all

To some extent
20% To a great extent
To some extent
Not at all
To a great

Analysis and Interpretation:

70% of the employees say up to a great extent they get merit raise, 20%
employees say that up to some extent they get merit raise and minority of 10%
employees agree they do not get any merit raise.
Apart from the merits awarded based on the performance indicators; HR should
introduce system for proper recognition rewards to such employees.

Q9: Do your co-workers and superiors help you to cope up with your poor
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent

c) Not at all

Graph 9: Support of co-workers and superiors

Not at all

To some extent
To some extent
To a great extent To a great extent
53% Not at all

Analysis and Interpretation:

The graph shows 53% of the employees say up to great extent their co-workers
and superiors help them to cope up with their poor performance and 47% say to
some extent.

SIG can also concentrate on designing and implementing proper in-house

counseling program through group discussions/ personal interaction.

Q10: In your opinion to what extent are the superiors responsible for the
progress of SIG?
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent

c) Not at all

Graph10: Superiors responsible for the progress of SIG

To some extent
Not at all 28%

To some extent
To a great extent
Not at all

To a great extent

Analysis and Interpretation:

The graph shows 37% of the employees believe to great extent superiors are
responsible for the progress, 28% are responsible to some extent and 35% say
the superiors are not at all responsible for the progress of the company.
For the progress of the company the performance appraisal of the top-level
management are also to be carried on a quarterly basis. Competency skills are to
be assessed and effective role modification areas are to be suggested.


 After meeting the executives & non –executive of different levels (viz E1 to E10
grades) of SIG interacting with them, the following information and facts were
General Constraints faced by superiors (Appraisers) while doing performance
appraisal for appraisee (Executives):- 

 Performances are not generally recorded on regular basis

 Facts are not recorded as per plan.
 In availability of adequate resources.
 Unawareness of employees about profit maximization with utility and 
plans made are not strictly followed
 Performance appraisals are not related to any financial implications on
the individuals.
 It should be used as a proper yardstick & tool for measurement of   
 The Present technique must need more practical approach
 Partiality is done for individuals in the marking system.

In any performance appraisal, due consideration must be given to the ethics of
appraisal, failing which many organizational problems may crop up and the
very purpose of appraisal may be defeated. The following are some suggestions
and recommendations for appraisees, appraisers and reviewers.

I. For Appraisees:
Following are five keys to help employees to overcome a bad appraisal:
1. Employees should complete a draft of the Performance Appraisal
Form or Narrative Form. They will be surprised at how much they
have accomplished.

2. They should go into the review assuming there will be some

negatives, and think of the meeting as a way to learn what specific
issues they have to work on to get to that next step. It’s the boss’ job
to let the employees know about areas where they can improve, so the
employee should try not to be offended. The employees’ goal is to
convince the supervisor, in a positive manner, that they are willing to
make that commitment.

3. Before going into a review, employees should carry a page with two
columns, the first headed “Specific Areas of Strength” and the second,
“Specific Areas of Improvement”. It’s very important that they hear
both the good and the bad comments, because they will never
improve, to their boss’ satisfaction, if they deny, in their anger, that
there are any areas needing improvement.

4. Employees should ask for clarification and specific examples if they
hear generalizations or don’t understand what the problem is. But
they should try hard not to be too argumentative.

5. Employees should find out how their boss might solve these issues,
and ask for another review in 30 days to address these specific issues,
to see if headway is being made.

Thus, the employees should create an image of a thoughtful employee who

is willing to change and able to modify behavior.

II. For Appraisers:

Appraising manager should prepare for the appraisal in following ways:
1. He must be well trained and he should know why the appraisal is

2. Clarify expectations for the employee (a job description with a listing

of duties and responsibilities).

3. Make the employee aware of performance standards, objectives,

expectations and specific areas of accountability.

4. Encourage the employee to prepare for the meeting.

5. Review actual work performance in relation to the performance plan,

objectives and outcomes.

6. Provide ongoing feedback on performance on day-to-day basis. If an

employee is given ongoing feedback, then the annual appraisal should
contain no surprises.

7. Schedule the appraisal meeting several days in advance.

8. Put the employee at ease at the beginning of the appraisal meeting.

9. Allow the employee to engage in self-evaluation.

10. Emphasize work behaviors rather than personal traits.

11. As soon as a performance is declined or affected, openly discuss with

the employee to try to determine the cause of affecting the

12. Provide positive feedback as well as negative feedback.

13. Keep a regular record of lack-a-side attitude.

14. While appraising, he should make it clear to the employee that it is

only his personal opinion of the facts as seen by him;

15. Use specific examples to illustrate employee’s accomplishments.

16. He should pass the appraisal information on only to those concerned

with the process.

17. To initiate the performance appraisal discussion with the concerned

subordinate by objectively assessing performance vis-à-vis targets set.

18. Ask probing questions to seek clarification of misunderstandings or

views that differ. This gives the employee an opportunity to discuss
items of interest or concern.

19. Close the performance review meeting:

 Summarize the key issues that were discussed and seek agreement
and/or clarification.
 Give positive feedback to the employee for his/her active
participation in the review meeting.
 Reinforce one’s commitment and the employee’s commitment to
future plans, as discussed.
 Explain the next step in the performance process.
 End the meeting in a positive, friendly manner.

20. Identify potential talent

21. To discuss subordinate’s appraisal with the Reviewer & finalize

III. For Reviewers:

For final decision maker i.e. reviewers the following are the
1. To articulate department/ SBU goals in line with organization vision.

2. To cross verify Final Ratings and Promotion relating to all team


3. To moderate Ratings of team members based on departmental/SBU


4. Should not be bias, but be fair in rewarding or penalizing the


5. To review the potential talent identified by appraiser.

6. Should not compare the employee’s appraisal with somebody else’s

without knowing the basis on which it was made.

7. To ensure timely submission of all targets and appraisals of the entire

team (department) to Human Resource department.

8. To ensure that all Appraisees have been given constructive feedback

by respective Appraisers.

IV. Management Committee:

The role of Management Committee is to:
1. Strategically lay overall organizational vision/ goals.

2. Critically review business results based on set targets.

3. Review & approve departmental / SBU rating pattern and promotions.

4. Decide on incentive and increment matrix (compensation strategy) for

5. Review all potential talent identified and lay a strategic intent towards
their development.

V. Human resources:
The human resources department has to:
1. Facilitate performance management system process across the

2. Conduct workshop for higher clarity & bearing on performance

management system (PMS).

3. Make use of PMS to create talent pipeline for future.

4. Propose & work closely with management committee on

compensation strategy & implementation linked to market &

5. Ensure end-to-end visibility in completion of this exercise and timely

release of reward letters.

 Firstly, the information collected from the questionnaire may not be accurate,
as some of the personnel’s could have given biased answers depending upon the
various factors. 

Secondly, the sample size was confined to 50 Executives therefore the

conclusions drawn hold true only for this much of sample size and hence the
analysis may not be appropriate if it is used for more of the sample size. 

Thirdly, As per the view of the personnel’s, the schedule needs some
modifications further, in huge organization like SIG employees with over busy
schedule instrument was really difficult to answer. 

Lastly, it was quite time consuming to contact every employee and then to
follow up for the data collection. Provision, should be made so that with the
prior permission of G.M of the department concerned, a meeting with the batch
of 10-15 executives at a time to ease and speed up the data administration
process. But, frankly the environment of SIG for summer trainees is quite
conductive, cooperative and encouraging. 


In the new millennium when the corporate world is designing newer techniques
for developing employees and retaining them, SIG is no way behind and the
organizational structure is such that people works hand in hand to align the
organizational goals with the individuals’ goals.

Evaluation of employees’ performance is helpful as to strengthen the

employees’ productivity, their promotion, transfer, training and development
needs etc. The organization has implemented the evaluation process not only to
evaluate the performance of employees but also for their increment and
promotion. The company follows a transparent performance appraisal system
with no personal bias because it is wholly based on individuals’ contribution
towards the organization. But there are some loopholes in the system that
should be analyzed and corrective measures should be taken.

To sum it up, this project has provided me with opportunities to learn different
areas of the HR function and has given me stepping-stones to climb up to reach
the summit of HR at the end of my career.







1.  Department Name: ______________________

     Name    :  ______________________

     Designation   :  ______________________

     Qualification:  ______________________

     Date of Joining Department: ______________________ 


 Q1: Do you think that Performance Appraisal is essential for the

employees of the company?
a) Fully
b) Partially
c) Not at all

Q2: Performance appraisal has been described as the responsibility,

which is not liked by the superiors. Do you think so?
a) Yes
b) Partially
c) Not at all

Q3: Do you agree that self-appraisal prior to performance appraisal

facilitates you to get high ratings
a) Completely

b) Partially
c) Not at all

Q4: Does your supervisor give you effective feedback on a regular

a) Yes
b) Depend on the employees
c) Not at all
Q5: Do you think that performance appraisal is the tool that improves
employees’ performance level?
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent
c) Not at all

Q6: Are you capable of achieving the goals set for you?
a) Consistently
b) Occasionally
c) Never

Q7: To what extent is the SIG making progress towards its mission and
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent
c) No opinion

Q8: Do you get merit raise when the performance evaluation indicates
that you are meeting the set standard on the job?
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent

c) Not at all

Q9: Do your co-workers and superiors help you to cope up from your
poor performance?
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent
c) Not at all
Q10: In your opinion to what extent the superiors responsible for the
progress of SIG.
a) To a great extent
b) To some extent
c) Not at all


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