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Tapping Gods

It should go without saying that your first port of call is anything that
Eddie Van Halen has played: the pioneer of two handed tap mayhem is
essential listening. Of course, since Eddie’s trailblazing era, the style
has developed beyond recognition - with players utilising ever
increasing levels of sophistication.

Andy’s use of the technique is mostly aligned to string skipping phrases

– and the most instantly recognisable tapping influences are Greg Howe
and Michael Romeo: so make sure you check these guys out straight

Other players whose tapping exploits – although less discernable as a

direct influence to Andy – are required listening include Richie Kotzen,
Reb Beach, Nuno Bettencourt - and it is always worth checking out
some of Mr Vai’s playing… Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal, Matthias IA Eklundh
and Guthrie Govan are simply monsters in any discipline, so you owe it
to yourself to see what these guys are capable of when they turn their
attention to tapping.

Finally, even though Andy is not an ‘Eight Finger Tapper’, for some
fresh inspiration as to what is possible amongst the ‘Ocatadigital’
fraternity, check out T.J. Helmerich, Jennifer Batten, and Italian Guitar
Idol ‘wunderkind’  Danielle Gottardo  - as well guys like the ubiquitous
Stanley Jordan or acoustic pioneers like Jon Gomm…

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