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Human Workplace eBook:

25 Reasons to Start Blogging,

Writing, Podcasting or Public
Speaking in 2020

25 Reasons to Start Blogging, Writing, Podcasting or

Human Workplace eBook: 25 Reasons to Start Blogging, Writing, Podcasting or Public
Speaking in 2020 Copyright Human Workplace 2020 Not for duplication or transmission
Public Speaking in 2020

You may have thought once or twice about sharing your ideas through a blog, published
articles or eBooks, a podcast and/or public speaking.

You may have thought about becoming what some folks call a thought leader.

You may have dismissed or rejected the idea of pursuing your thought leadership project
or as we say at Human Workplace, ​growing your thought leadership flame.

Why would you think twice about publishing a blog, writing an eBook, recording a
podcast, promoting yourself as a public speaker or writing a book?

There are lots of reasons NOT to share your ideas. After all,

● Some people might not like what you have to say.

● You might not feel 100% confident in the rightness or authority of your opinions.
● Who are you, after all?

Virtually every author, speaker and creative person has doubts about their work. Part of
the process of creating anything original is stepping through our fear.

The toughest part of sharing your ideas is taking the risk that everybody might not love
what you have to say.

Then again,


You have ideas. People want to hear them.

Other people might not want to hear them. That’s fine.

Those people are welcome to live a long and happy life without your ideas in it.

Don’t let anyone else decide what you get to say!

Human Workplace eBook: 25 Reasons to Start Blogging, Writing, Podcasting or Public

Speaking in 2020 Copyright Human Workplace 2020 Not for duplication or transmission
There are over seven billion people in the word.

Here’s one thing we know for sure:

Some of those seven billion people resonate at the same frequency you do.

They can’t wait to read or listen to your thoughts or watch your videos.

Your content will be helpful to them.

It might inspire them.

It might encourage them.

It might help them solve a problem.

The world needs to hear your voice!

Here are 25 reasons to start a blog and/or video blog, write an article, write an eBook or
traditional book, start a podcast or become a public speaker in 2020.

1. To learn about your own opinions. We don’t always know how we feel about a
topic until we start writing or speaking about it. Sharing your thoughts helps you
crystallize them.

2. To explore your favorite topics in greater depth. When you write an article, for
instance, or give a 45-minute talk, you must dig deeply into your subject. You might
share personal stories. You might conduct research in preparation for your speech
or article. You’ll become more knowledgeable by sharing what you know and what
you are learning.

3. To help and inspire others. Since we started our company, Human Workplace, and
the Human Workplace movement to reinvent work for people we’ve heard from
thousands of folks around the world. They say things like, “Thank you for letting me
know I’m not alone” and “Thank you for showing me a better way to do things.”
You will do the same thing as a thought leader. You will make a difference for
Human Workplace eBook: 25 Reasons to Start Blogging, Writing, Podcasting or Public
Speaking in 2020 Copyright Human Workplace 2020 Not for duplication or transmission

4. To grow professionally. Could it be the case that speaking in public, writing articles,
podcasting or blogging could help you move forward in your career? It’s hard to
see how it wouldn’t, even if the topic you share thoughts on is not the same area
you work in. Stepping out of our comfort zone is good for us on the job and in
every area of life.

5. To enlarge your audience. It’s fun to share our ideas with our family members and
friends, but that’s often a small group. There’s no particular reason why the people
we know personally should be especially interested in the same things we are –
the things we love to talk and write about. Yet we know or suspect that somebody
out there (someone we don’t yet know) might be passionate about the same topics
we are. If you want to find those people, write or speak and share your ideas!

6. To become a better writer and/or speaker. It’s obvious but an important point that
writing a lot will make you a better writer over time. Speaking to groups on
speaking on a podcast or video will make you a more effective speaker. Who
wouldn’t benefit by growing those muscles?

7. To meet other people who share your interests. Even if you only publish a few
articles or blog posts, record videos or podcasts infrequently or occasionally speak
in public, you will find that sharing your ideas brings in people who see the world
similarly or in a complementary fashion to you. It’s stimulating and affirming to
meet people like that!

8. To increase your visibility. When we started our company and movement, most
people had never heard of Human Workplace or our CEO Liz Ryan. Now millions
of people know and follow us and spread the word about our mission to reinvent
work for people. How did all the new people find out about us? Through thought
leadership! They saw our articles and blog posts, heard our podcasts, saw our
videos, read our CEO’s book and/or saw her on TV and other broadcast media.
Thought leadership brings your message to lots of people, fast!

9. To process events and themes in your life. Writing and speaking help us work
through complicated issues. Consuming your content will help your readers,
viewers and listeners process their own ideas and experiences. Many people say
that sharing their thoughts is therapeutic. Try it and see for yourself!
Human Workplace eBook: 25 Reasons to Start Blogging, Writing, Podcasting or Public
Speaking in 2020 Copyright Human Workplace 2020 Not for duplication or transmission
10. To earn money. Every form of thought leadership can generate revenue for you.
You can earn money as a public speaker, podcaster, author, blogger or video star.
Why not grow your flame and your income at the same time?

11. To go into business. As your thought leadership platform grows, you may decide to
become a full-time thought leader. Before you think, “Well, that’s unlikely,” consider
this: every single full-time speaker, pundit, authority, author, blogger, podcaster
started out the very same way you considering doing. They started with no
platform. They grew their audience and their message over time. You can do the
same thing!

12. To follow their path. One of the great things about creative expression is that it
brings out ideas you may not have consciously been aware of before. When we
speak or write, amazing concepts emerge. As artists, we learn about ourselves
and the world. Often our creative expression surprises us. That’s a wonderful thing!
Your thought leadership can help you decide how to go forward in your life and
career. Your creative guides or instincts will help you on your path.

13. To mold your brand. You may have a clear, concise professional brand right now
or you may not. Writing and speaking help you identify what’s important to you and
where your areas of expertise lie.

14. To prove to yourself that you can do it! It is nearly impossible to look back after
writing ten or twenty articles or recording numerous episodes of your podcast and
not think, “Wow, I did all that!” As you continue sharing your ideas as a thought
leader, you’ll feel better and better about what you have created. How could you

15. To gain confidence. Writing and speaking about topics you care about will grow
your confidence. The change may be imperceptible at first but over time you will
realize that you know a lot more about a lot of things than perhaps you thought you

16. To expand your vocabulary. Whether you are writing, speaking or sharing your
ideas another way, your vocabulary will grow as you find new ways to share your

Human Workplace eBook: 25 Reasons to Start Blogging, Writing, Podcasting or Public

Speaking in 2020 Copyright Human Workplace 2020 Not for duplication or transmission
17. To set and achieve goals. Every type of thought leadership requires a process.
Perhaps your first goal will be to write one article or blog post. That’s a fantastic
goal! After you write your first post, your next goal might be to write one every
week for a month and see how you feel.

18. To become your own editor, publisher and marketer. As a budding thought leader,
you probably won’t have tons of people around you telling you what to write or
speak about, or people to help you produce your creative work. You’ll do it
yourself. That will force you to become your own editor and publisher, to think
about new topics to take on and how to share them with a larger and larger
audience. These are all fantastic muscle-building opportunities.

19. To give you something to look forward to each week (or any other interval) as you
plan new episodes, posts, articles or books. Creating is fun. That’s why so many
people love to do it. You deserve to have that type of fun – creative expression – in
your life!

20. To give you an outlet for new ideas and experiences. We are always experiencing
new things. We don’t always have good ways to share what we’re experiencing
and learning, but your thought leadership will let you do that.

21. To explore different facets of yourself/your life. You are complex, like everyone is.
We are more than our jobs. We are more than our resumes. Your thought
leadership will allow you to explore any side of yourself you like. Why not bring
more of yourself out to the world than the “professional you?”

22. To do something without being sure what the outcome will be. Thought leadership
doesn’t require the same level of risk as, say, buying a business or quitting your
job to sail around the world. It’s a small risk, but it’s still an adventure. Every now
and then it’s good to start something new without knowing exactly how things will
turn out. We get the most learning when we don’t know exactly what we are doing!

23. To create a platform for anything you wish to do in the future. There’s no question
that your blog, articles, eBook, podcast, video blog or other thought leadership
content gives you credibility. Anything you choose to do in the future will benefit
from your thought leadership in 2020.

24. To learn patience and acceptance of what is. The truth about thought leadership is
that it takes commitment. Our CEO Liz Ryan has over three million LinkedIn
Human Workplace eBook: 25 Reasons to Start Blogging, Writing, Podcasting or Public
Speaking in 2020 Copyright Human Workplace 2020 Not for duplication or transmission
followers. She started writing for LinkedIn in 2013. When she wrote her first article
for LinkedIn, she had no followers. Her followers arrived one by one. Your
followers will show up the same way. It takes patience and acceptance along the
way. You’ll learn to say, “I’ve written sixteen articles and only have twenty-seven
total comments so far – and that’s okay. I am confident that the more I write the
more like-minded people will come around.” (AND THEY WILL)

25. To get stronger by stepping through fear into trust. Sharing your thoughts takes
courage, but you are ready to take that step. The more of yourself and your
thought leadership you share, the stronger you will become and the more you will
learn. You will get altitude on your topic and yourself as you grow your thought
leadership flame.

We can’t wait to see that evolution!

Thanks for reading!

Here’s to your success!

Human Workplace eBook: 25 Reasons to Start Blogging, Writing, Podcasting or Public

Speaking in 2020 Copyright Human Workplace 2020 Not for duplication or transmission

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