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Could have should have would have

Make the correct past modal form (use could have /

would have / should have + past participle)

could have bought

1) I _________________________(buy) bread but I didn't know we needed it. (past

2) We _________________________ (invite) so many people to our party! I'm

shouldn't have invited
worried that we won't have enough room for everyone. (past negative advice /

3) I________________________ (start) saving money years ago! (past advice /

should have started

4) The weather _________________________

couldn't have been (be) any worse! (past negative

5) I___________________________
couldn't have arrived (arrive) on time, even if I'd left earlier. There
were dreadful traffic jams all the way. (past negative possibility)

6) They __________________________________________(win) the football match,

could have won
but John hurt his ankle. (past possibility)

7) Amanda _________________________________________(finish)
would have finished the work, but
she felt ill and had to go home. (past willingness)
should have left
8) Lucy_____________________________ (leave) earlier. She missed her flight. (past
advice / regret)

9) We _________________________________ (finish) the game, even if we'd

couldn't have finished
wanted to. It was raining very hard and we had to stop. (past negative possibility)

10) I____________________________________________
shouldn't have eaten (eat) so much chocolate! I
feel sick! (past negative advice / regret)

11) Luke __________________________________________(pass)

could have passed the exam if he'd
studied a bit more. (past possibility)

15) She ______________________________________ (come) to the restaurant if she'd

could have come
left work earlier. (past possibility)

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