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Ventricular safety pacing, ventricular sense response, and

ventricular tachycardia
Sern Lim, MD, CCDS
From the University Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK.

The ventricular sense response (VSR) algorithm enforces ABBREVIATIONS AF ⫽ atrial fibrillation; ATP ⫽ antitachycardia
biventricular pacing on ventricular sensing to maximize biven- pacing; AV ⫽ atrioventricular; ECG ⫽ electrocardiogram; LBBB ⫽
tricular pacing in patients with atrial fibrillation. This report left bundle branch block; LV ⫽ left ventricular; RV ⫽ right ven-
describes a case of recurrent ventricular tachycardia that may tricular; VSP ⫽ ventricular safety pacing; VSR ⫽ ventricular sense
be facilitated by this enforced pacing algorithm. response; VT ⫽ ventricular tachycardia
(Heart Rhythm 2010;7:567–569) © 2010 Heart Rhythm Society. All
KEYWORDS Biventricular pacing; Pro-arrhythmia rights reserved.

Case summary VT zone 120 to 200 beats/min: burst (8), ramp (8), ramp⫹
A 78-year-old man with a previous history of aortic valve (8), cardioversion
and root replacement (bioprosthetic valve) in 2006, parox- VF zone ⬎200 beats/min: defibrillation
ysmal atrial fibrillation (AF), severe left ventricular (LV) Interrogation of the device at routine 1-month follow-up
impairment (estimated ejection fraction ⬍30%) and New showed multiple episodes of VT terminated by antitachy-
York Heart Association class III heart failure, paroxysmal cardia pacing (ATP). The patient re-presented 3 months
atrioventricular (AV) block, 1 previous documented episode later with multiple shocks. Device interrogation revealed
of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) at a over 20 episodes of VT requiring ATP therapy and over 200
rate of 138 beats/min and left bundle branch block (LBBB) episodes of nonsustained VT. He suffered multiple shocks
on electrocardiogram (ECG) underwent implantation of a due to failure of ATP and acceleration of VT into the VF
biventricular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. His medi- zone on several occasions. Rhythm strip and ECG recorded
cal therapy included amiodarone and bisoprolol. The LV during the clinical assessment revealed intermittent ventric-
lead was positioned in the lateral position and the right ular pacing in the QRS complexes (Figure 1) and frequent
ventricular (RV) lead in the RV apex. nonsustained VT (Figures 2 and 3).
Due to the documented paroxysmal AF and slow VT, the What is the cause of the intermittent ventricular pacing
biventricular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (InSync and is this related to the frequent ventricular arrhythmias?
Maximo, Medtronic, Minneapolis) was programmed as
The ECG and the recorded electrogram in Figure 1 show
Pacing mode: DDD atrial and ventricular pacing alternating with ventricular
Lower rate: 60 beats/min sensed and atrial refractory events. The QRS complexes on
Upper rate: 100 beats/min the surface ECG are of LBBB morphology and identical to
Paced AV delay: 130 ms (minimum 100 ms) his intrinsic rhythm, with a rate of about 65 beats/min and
Sensed AV delay: 90 ms (minimum 70 ms) no preceding P waves. The atrial refractory events coincide
Rate adaptive AV on (from 90 beats/min) with the P waves buried in the ST segment on the surface
Biventricular pacing, LV ⬎ RV 20 ms ECG and are probably retrograde atrial conduction. Hence,
Ventricular sense response on this is likely to be a junctional rhythm. Note retrograde atrial
Ventricular safety pacing on conduction occurs only with alternate beat (without atrial
Ventricular blanking post-ventricular pacing: 300 ms pacing), as the atrium is refractory from atrial pacing.
Alternate-beat atrial pacing occurs as the atrial escape
interval of 870 ms (lower rate interval 1,000 ms – paced AV
Address reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. Sern Lim, University delay 130 ms) expires. This is closely followed by the
Hospital Birmingham NHS Trust, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TH, UK. intrinsic junctional beat at a rate of about 65 beats/min,
E-mail address: which accounts for the ventricular sensed event about 40 to

1547-5271/$ -see front matter © 2010 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.hrthm.2009.11.008
568 Heart Rhythm, Vol 7, No 4, April 2010

Figure 1 EGM confirming atrial pacing coinciding with intrinsic ventricular rhythm and retrograde P-wave in alternate beats without pacing stimuli. Note
ventricular safety pacing in alternate beats with atrial pacing (2 vertical lines in marker channel). EGM ⫽ electrogram.

50 ms after the atrial paced event. This ventricular sensed ventricular rate: the VSP interval is 110 ms if the ventricular
event is closely followed by ventricular pacing (the second rate is lower than the VSP switch rate, or 70 ms if the
longer vertical line on the marker channel), which is deliv- ventricular rate exceeds the VSP switch rate. The VSP
ered within the QRS complex. switch rate is calculated as 60,000/[2 ⫻ (ventricular blank-
It is difficult to determine whether these ventricular ing post-ventricular pacing ⫹ 110 ms)]. Hence, in this case,
paced events represent ventricular safety pacing (VSP) or ventricular pacing within the QRS complexes is likely to be
the ventricular sense response (VSR) algorithm, as both of related to VSP, as the ventricular sensed events occurred
these algorithms are represented in the same way on the about 50 to 60 ms after the atrial paced events (within the
marker channel (labeled VS with a short and a longer VSP interval). However, ventricular pacing (due to VSP) in
vertical line). In cases in which both VSP and VSR are this case does not result in ventricular capture on ECG, thus
enabled, the VSP algorithm takes precedence during the limiting cardiac resynchronization. Increasing the lower rate
VSP interval within the paced AV delay interval (VSP is to 70 beats/min and activation of rate-responsive pacing
active only after atrial paced events), whereas the VSR resulted in consistent atrial-biventricular sequential pacing.
operation remains active within the AV delay even after the During the clinical assessment, the patient was noted to
VSP interval expires. The ventricle is paced at the end of the have frequent nonsustained VTs, which were consistently
VSP interval or the programmed paced AV delay, which- related to ventricular pacing on a ventricular premature beat.
ever is shorter. The VSP interval is dependent on the current Initially, this was believed to be a result of VSP. However,

Figure 2 Note initiation of VT with ventricular pacing on a ventricular premature beat. Arrow marks the onset of the QRS complex (slurred R-wave), with
ventricular sensing at least 80 ms after onset of ECG. ECG ⫽ electrocardiogram; VT ⫽ ventricular tachycardia.
Lim Pacemaker/ICD Problem 569

Figure 3 ECG showing initiation of VT with ventricular pacing on ventricular premature beat, but not in the absence of ventricular pacing (5th QRS
complex). This premature beat is not accompanied by VSR pacing as this would exceed the programmed VSR maximum rate. The ventricular premature beat
is consistent with left ventricular origin. ECG ⫽ electrocardiogram; VSR ⫽ ventricular sense response; VT ⫽ ventricular tachycardia.

closer examination of Figure 2 suggests that the ventricular well described.2,3 Although the precise pro-arrhythmic
pacing may be enforced by VSR and not VSP. With a mechanism in this case cannot be determined, a re-entrant
post-pacing ventricular blanking period of 300 ms, the VSP mechanism is implied, as ATP was successful in terminat-
switch interval is calculated at 820 ms (2 ⫻ [300 ⫹ 110 ing the majority of sustained VT episodes. The premature
ms]). Hence, the ventricular premature beat sensed about 80 beat (and VT) is consistent with an origin in the left ven-
ms after atrial pacing would not have triggered VSP, as the tricle (Figure 3). Of note, RV sensing during the junctional
VSP interval would have switched to 70 ms. rhythm occurs early, but sensing of the LV premature beat
Indeed, these sequences persisted despite turning VSP by the RV lead in the apex is delayed by at least 80 ms,
off. Crucially, the initiation of VT was associated with a which may allow previously refractory tissue to recover
biventricular but not RV pacing configuration. In contrast, (Figure 2). The subsequent enforced (by VSR) delivery of
turning VSR off led to cessation of these sequences, and the epicardial LV pacing critically timed to the LV premature
patient remained free of VT with VSR off regardless of beat after the delayed sensing may enter the excitable gap as
whether VSP was programmed on or off, and irrespective of previously refractory tissue recovers, and this pacing stimuli
pacing configuration (right or biventricular pacing), which may encounter unidirectional block in the re-entrant circuit
implicates the VSR algorithm and LV pacing in the patho- (within the left ventricle) and facilitate reentrant VT. In-
genesis of VT in this case. deed, ventricular premature beats of similar morphology,
Differences between the pacing mode with VSR and which were not accompanied by ventricular pacing (Figure
VSP may explain the pro-arrhythmic risk with the former. 3), did not result in VT. This is the first report of pro-
Pacing enforced by VSP is delivered only to the RV if the arrhythmia with VSR-enforced LV pacing on ventricular
device is programmed to biventricular or RV pacing, but premature beats. Disabling VSR in this case resulted in
pacing would be delivered to the LV if the device were cessation of VT despite frequent ventricular premature
programmed to pace the LV only. In contrast, pacing asso- beats.
ciated with VSR is delivered per the programmed pacing
configuration to either one or both ventricles (biventricular Acknowledgment
in this case). When biventricular pacing is programmed, The author thanks David Jones for his insightful comments
VSR pacing uses the programmed sequence/outputs and a and discussions.
2.5 ms V-V paced delay. Other operational differences
between VSR and VSP are: (1) VSR can be enabled in atrial References
tracking modes or single chamber devices, and (2) VSR 1. Aktas AK, Jeevanantham V, Sherazi S, et al. Effect of biventricular pacing
during a ventricular sensed event. Am J Cardiol 2009;103:1741–1745.
cannot violate the programmed VSR maximum rate. 2. Shukla G, Chaudhry M, Orlov M, et al. Potential pro-arrhythmic effects of
Biventricular pacing immediately after a ventricular biventricular pacing: fact or myth? Heart Rhythm 2005;2:951–956.
sensed event is designed to maintain some hemodynamic 3. Medina-Ravell VA, Lankipalli RS, Yan GX, et al. Effect of epicardial or
biventricular pacing to prolong QT interval and increase transmural dispersion
benefit, particularly in patients with AF.1 However, the of repolarization: does resynchronization therapy pose a risk for patients pre-
potential pro-arrhythmic effects of epicardial LV pacing are disposed to long QT or torsade de pointes? Circulation 2003;107:740 –746.

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