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NAME: _| S ow DATE: GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ARTICLES: ‘A’ and ‘AN’ @ cell phone umbrella computer egg tree English dictionary big umbrella eraser useful idea* hour** a,e,1,0,u Consonants: b, ¢ 4, fg, hy J, k,n, n, P, a 1,5, 8, , WX, YZ “Wot: en oma artes bg wth vowel at hve consonant oun fr na,‘ pronounced with» 7 sound (yoosed. “oe: few actives nd nouns begin wth let no pronounced ter a the beginning ofthe word for ‘example, hour and © Editing Practice: Ten words are missing below; add ‘a’ or ‘an’ (the first one is done for you). My Neighborhood My neighborhood is very interesting place. My home is located in ‘apartment building downtown, near many stores and offices. There is‘small supermarket across the street where my family likes to go shopping. There is also ‘post office and bank near our home. In our neighborhood, there is small, greenpark where. my family likes to have picnics on weekends and holidays. There is‘cmaall pond inthe park, and there are many ducks in the pond. We like to invite our friends when we go there, and we always have great time! In addition, there is elementary school close to our home where wy little brother studies in the third grade. There are so many things to see and do in my neighborhood, and that’s why | like it! (t's really Great place! [134 words] setae ties iesoahai-sce pre aieecieei

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