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Review of: Destruction of America: Conspiracy of Consensus

By Kip Rudhard

After reading many of Pastor Michael Treis’ articles I realized no one yet has
reviewed his work. I have now read all three of his books and come to the
conclusion his work deserves more than a casual look.

Treis’ second book Destruction of America: Conspiracy or Consensus centers

on what seems to be the main idea fostered in a theory by James Forrestal,
America’s first Secretary of Defense who so brilliantly put it, “if these things
happened by accident they would occasionally make a mistake in OUR favor”

Forrestal spoke of happenings in Washington. He spoke of the War &

State Departments having been packed with communists during
Roosevelt’s administration, and the gigantic military blunders made by
Treis alludes to facts that make sense when considered together. Although if
one did not tie them together, he would probably miss their importance.
Treis pulls together connections from Waco, the first WTC bombing, the
Oklahoma City bombing, and 9-11 like a puzzle that has been scattered and
reassembled into its proper formation.

Although I don’t know if I agree with his religious assertions and connections to
“end time events,” he does make connections to Biblical events that give you
pause to think.

I would recommend Treis’ e-book Destruction of America: Conspiracy or

Consensus, if for nothing but his analysis of 9-11, which I thought was concise
and to the point. Treis’ background in explosives, pyrotechnics and study in
controlled demolition have given him the ability to lay the scenario out so it
makes sense.

His tracing of a conspiracy leaves little doubt that there are those whose plan
for world government is real. That after 200 years is almost in place and
answers the question “conspiracy or consensus?”
Chapter 1

Destruction of America…Conspiracy or Consensus

Are the unconstitutional changes in our government that are destroying our

republic new in origin, or are they a planned and plotted take over that has

been going on for almost 200 years? Yes there is a plan for world

domination! Yes there is a plan to take control of America. It is one that is so

blatant; it is even stated on the back of our one-dollar bill. “Annuit Coeptis

NOVUS ORODO SECLORUM.” Announcing the Birth of the NEW

WORLD ORDER! Shades of George Herbert Walker Bush!

Am I a lone conspiracy nut? Nay not so! At least one US Congressman

agrees that there is now a plan to take over America.

Congressman Ron Paul Admits Conspiracy to Create World


Aug. 30th, 2003 Austin, Texas

Eric Rainbolt - audience member asking question of Congressman Paul.

"Congressman Paul, I have a question..."

Moderator: "Over here." (Pointing to Eric Rainbolt.)

Eric Rainbolt: "Great! If we can take a look at the big picture, could you tell

us, the people in this room, any information that you may have of an

international and deceptive conspiracy to overthrow the American Republic

and its Constitution & Bill Of Rights in order to set up and usher in a

totalitarian World Government likely espoused under the UN also.."?

Congressman Paul: " He asked if there was an international conspiracy to

overthrow our government. The answer is "Yes". I think there are 25,000

individuals that have used offices of powers, and they are in our Universities

and they are in our Congresses, and they believe in One World Government.

And if you believe in One World Government, then you are talking about

undermining National Sovereignty and you are talking about setting up

something that you could well call a Dictatorship - and those plans are

In saying there is now a conspiracy, does not say enough. There is a plan

laid down long ago, to do just that! This means it is a long involved plan, a

plan agreed upon by the elite powers that be, and is a……CONSENSUS!

May 1, 1776 marked the founding of the Illuminati in Bavaria by Dr. Adam

Weishaupt, Professor of Cannon Law at the University of

Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany*. A secret society whose goal was to establish

this “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (*Encyclopedia Britannica 1939 ed. Vol. 12 p.


July 16, 1782 at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad the alliance of the Illuminati

with Freemasonry was sealed. The Illuminati took great strides forward with

the 3 million plus members, and the plan was thus underway for the spread

in secret of the Illuminati’s goal throughout the World.

In 1785 by a quirk of fate, a courier named Lanze was struck by lightning

in Ratisbon (Regensberg) Germany. He was found to be caring a plan for the

take over of France from Frankfurt to Paris. This plan from the high councils

of the Illuminati laid out the protocols for the complete take over of France,

then Russia.

The discovery of these documents was so shocking to Bavarian authorities,

on October 11, 1785 they raided the home of Herr von Zwack. Documents

by Weishaupt seized by official laid out a plan for a “Universal revolution

that should deal a death blow to society…this revolution will be the work of

secret societies, and that is one of our greatest mysteries.” Bavarian

authorities were so shocked and alarmed by all they found they tried to warn

France, Russia and the rest of the world by publishing the Original Writings

of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati. Little heed was paid to this warning

and the secret plans moved on almost undisturbed.

In America, the War for independence was well under way, although the

Constitution had not yet been adopted, the Illuminati had 15 lodges

established in the 13 original colonies. 1785 marked the founding of the

New York City Columbian Lodge hosting such notable members as;

Governor De Witt Clinton, and later Clinton Roosevelt, Horace Greely, and

Charles Dana.
When rumors and stories began to fly of Weishaupt and the Illuminati, a

man later identified with the group, Thomas Jefferson came to his defense

stating he was only an “enthusiastic philanthropist.”

By 1798, the knowledge of the Illuminati had grown to some extent,

worrying those in high places. So much so, David Pappen of Harvard

University, warned the graduating class July 19, 1798 of the influence of the

Illuminati. Not to be out done, Timothy Dwight of Yale University issued

similar warnings.

1798 seemed the year to send stout warnings to America of the Illuminati.

George Washington sent a letter in that year to G.W. Snyder, warning of

“diabolic tenets…of democratic societies in the United States….who’s

object was the separation of the people from their government,” Which was

only the tip of the iceberg of his feelings. In his farewell address Washington

warning of the enemies trying to overthrow the republic said of plans

designed to “direct and control and counteract….constitutional authorities…

destructive of this fundamental principles and of fatal tendency.”

In 1830, Weishaupt died at the age of 82. By 1834, Giuseppe Mazzini an

Italian revolutionary was elected director of the Illuminati revolutionary

program around the world. Moses Mordecai Marx Levy a.k.a. Karl Marx

was hired by the illuminati to write the Communist Manifesto in 1847, after
joining the Illuminati front, the League of the Just. Marx was given little

recognition, in fact his name did not even appear until nearly 20 years later

on the document. Noted historians would agree that the manifesto was truly

the work of Adam Weishaupt and Clinton Roosevelt.

Albert Pike the head of the Ancient and Accepted

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was hand picked by Giuseppe Mazzini to head

the Illuminati. Pike who also was the first Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux

Klan was also a devoted worshiper of Lucifer. Instructions given to the 23

Supreme Councils dated July 14,1898 he stated, “ The Doctrine of Satanism

is heresy! And the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in

Lucifer… God of Light*.” (*Occult Theocracy by Lady Queensborough


Albert Pikes plan for world domination was well thought out. He made notes

of his plan in a letter displayed in the British Museum Library dated August

15, 1871 to Giuseppe Mazzini graphically detailing 3 world wars and many
revolutionary wars. “ We (the Illuminati) shall unleash the Nihilists and the

Atheists and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its

horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin

of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens,

obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries,

will exterminate those destroyers of the civilizations, and the multitude

disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirit will from that moment be

without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing

where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light of Lucifer, brought

finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the

general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of

Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

(Op. Cit.).”

With such information jumping from the pages of history, why do those in

Masonry refuse to believe what is being said? Knowing there are many who

joined the Masons and Shiner’s to try to do good within their community. In

a letter to Pike dated January 22,1870, Mazzini, who was the head of the

Grand Orient Lodge wrote;

“We must allow all of the federations to continue just as they are, with their

systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence

between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at present, but

we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will

call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our

brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy.

Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will

become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction

will be unknown.” (Occult Theocracy, pp 208-209)

Marx organized the International Workingman’s Association in London in

1864, later to be known as the 1st Socialist International. By 1872 it had

merged with the Socialist Party of New York after it’s move there. The 2nd

Socialist International was started on July 14, 1889. Moving along with the

spread of Communism the tool of the Illuminati.

V.I. Ulianov (A.K.A) Lenin marched onto the scene along with the Fabian

Society making headway with the plans as outlined by Adam Weishaupt,

Clinton Roosevelt, Marx and Pike. That is to say to the creation of a

classless socialistic one-world society.

The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was one of the bloodiest, most brutal

conquests of a nation. After the murder of the Czar and his whole family not

even sparing children. 106 MILLION Christians were killed from the

revolution through out Stalin’s rein, in the most heinous genocide

imaginable. Historians agree, but the mainstream press of today will tell you

nothing of these atrocities.

Leon Bronstein, (A.K.A.) Trotsky, and 300 revolutionaries left New York

on the S.S. Kristianiafjord bound for Petrograd. They were all detained,

when their ship docked in Nova Scotia, Canada on April 13 1917 under

authority of the British Admiralty. Under pressure from London and the US

released Trotsky and his group. Jennings C. Wise in Woodrow Wilson:

Disciple of Revolution, shows clearly that Wilson made it possible for

Trotsky and his group of thugs to enter Russia by providing him with an

American Passport. “Trotsky arrived from the United States, followed by

over 300 Jews from the East End of New York and joined up with the

Bolshevik. Party.” (The Surrender of an Empire by Nesta Webster p.73)

Trotsky awaited the arrival of Lenin in Petrograd. The train carrying Lenin

from Switzerland along with 32 revolutionaries and $20 million in gold

donated by the Rockefellers and Jacob Schiff, wealthy American bankers.

Further funding came from the Rothchild/ Warburg bank in Frankfurt.

Max and his Brother Paul Warburg would be shown by history to be the

same to shackle America with the Federal Reserve Bank, which was neither

federal nor governmental. It was an unconstitutional privately controlled

central bank as put forth in the 5th plank of the top 10 planks communist


“Individual revolutionary leaders of Kahazar/Jewish origin- such as

Trotsky, Zinoniev, Kamanev, and Sverdlov, played a conspicuous part in the

revolution of November, 1917.” (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 10 p.

668) Also, to be noted in this group, are Stalin, Kaganovich, Beria, Molotov

and Litvinoff.

“According to the data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important

functionaries of the Bolshevik State…. there were in 1918-1919, 17

Russians, 2 Ukrainians, 11 Armenians, 35 Letts, 15 Germans, 10 Georgians,

3 poles, 3 Finns, 1 Karaim, 457 (Kahazar) Jews." ” (Robert Wilton Russian

Correspondent London Times see : Iron Curtain Over America, by Col. John

Beaty p28-29)

The May, 1905 National Geographic Magazine published a 15 page article

By William Elroy Curtis entitled “The Russian Revolution”. Dealing with the

very beginnings of the Russian Revolutions in 1908 in which, he states;

“Because the revolutionary leaders nearly all belonging to the Jewish race

and the most effective revolutionary agency is the (Kahazar) Jewish Bund.

Which has its headquarters in Bialystok, where the massacre occurred last

June. The government has suffered more from that race than from all of it’s
other subjects combined. Whenever a desperate deed is done by a (Kahazar)

Jew, there is scarcely one loyal member of that race in the empire.” Mr.

Curtis covered well the Czars. Their iron fisted rule down to the days of

liberalism giving the working class as well as the (Kahazar) Jews, the ability

to receive an education in the universities of Russia and promoting the same.

(You will note (Kahazars) in reference to the Jews. The bracketed Kahazars

was of my insertion. Reason being follows. So you will understand that I am

not being “anti-Semitic”, suggest you read The 13th Tribe by Arthur Koestler

a noted Jewish historian)

The Kahazars were a fierce Mongol tribe in northern Russia of Turkish

Mongol decent. They accepted the Jewish religion in 741 A.D. Their Kagan

(chieftain) Bulan, who bore the Hebrew name Obadiah after conversion. He

had summoned the representatives of Islam and the Roman Catholic as well

as the Jewish religions. His decision to take on the Jewish faith was

politically astute. If he had accepted Catholicism, he would have been under

the rule of the Byzantine Empire. If Islam, he would have been controlled by

the Caliph. Upon accepting Judaism and the Babylonian Talmud his subjects

under threat of death accepted the Jewish religion, and was under no mans

control but himself. So much so was their belief in Judaism, that in fact

within 100 years they considered themselves direct descendants of ancient

Israel. Nothing however could be further from the truth. The Kahazars were

of Turkish/ Mongolian decent and were akin to Edom and not Israel.

The Encyclopedia Biblica Volume 2, Col. 1187 says the Edomites are part

of Jewry. The scientist and historian Dr. David Davidson wrote: “Indeed the

Edomites latter became completely absorbed in Jewry and under their

aggressive intrusion the Jews became racially the medium of expression for

the Edomite ideal for which Herod the Great had first given political

formation. The Edomite intrusion into Judaism AT EVERY HISTORICAL

POINT OF CONTACT is fully discussed in the volumes of Cambridge

Ancient History. Even the fact that Edomites have at length become Jews

was soon completely forgotten by the exponents of the Jewish tradition.”

The Jewish Encyclopedia edition of 1925 Vol.5 page 41 states “Edom is in

modern Jewry”

The acceptance of the Babylonian Talmud rather than the Jerusalem Talmud

is of specific note. Professor H. Graetz in The History of the Jews (9Vol.2

1893, pp 631) states “the Talmud must not be regarded as an ordinary work,

composed of 12 volumes; it possesses absolutely no similarity to any other

literary production… but forms a world of it’s own…the Babylonian

Talmud… became the fundamental possession of the Jewish Race, life the

life breath, its very soul.”

The Talmud in Zionism is accepted over the Torah, the first five books of

Moses, as the higher authority. It deals in over 12,000 controls under which

they lived teaching them acceptance of authoritarian dictation on everything

from their immorality to their trade practices. Due to these, the

regimentation of Marxism was readily acceptable.

An American author by the name of Frank Britton wrote a book entitled

“Behind Communism” in the 50’s, which detailed much of the above

information also. He was brutally slain for publishing this information. On

the other hand, H.G. Wells in his voluminous work “History of the World”

mentioned this information quite freely (along with over 1,200 pages of

other information), and was never challenged.

Henry Ford Sr. published “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”

and put one in the glove compartment of every model “T” sold. This was the

translation of the infamous works of the Illuminati previously mentioned in

Bavaria. Yes many of the founders of the Illuminati were Jewish, just as the

international bankers, communists, etc. It must here however be noted the

Kahazar Jews were Zionists. The most politically radical of all, these

Zionists were the mainstream radicals of every communist and revolutionary

(ED. NOTE this is not to put down in any way those Jews that follow the

Torah . Those that are the descendants of Judah and Benjamin. Those who

love America, or the countries in which the dwell in peace. One MUST

understand the difference in these people in order to understand the reasons

behind the downfall of the United States and other countries that have fallen

to communism.

If I had been writing about the turbulent 50-60 civil rights movements I

would have been naming Ku Klux Klan leaders. I would have also named

names of any black activist that acted with violence and murder with the

same varsity. If Cambodia, the Comeir Rogue, and Pol Pot. The point being

violence and murder, the perpetrators of both in any “movement” are usually

being lead or pushed by controlling handlers. If not, then they are

themselves, agent provocateurs of Illuminati, communist, or government.

These agents cause turmoil, strife and warfare, meeting the stated

Illuminati goal of “order out of chaos.” The leaders of each these groups

consider themselves the “elite” superior to the masses. The masses are the

unwashed, no more than cattle and asses, to be used to the goals of those

groups. You the reader must realize anytime anyone, white, black, red,

yellow, brown or any shade in between considers himself superior and elite,

you will have that person exerting dictatorial controls. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot
are good examples of what you get when you follow those feelings of

superiority to their ultimate end.

As for myself, I am superior to no man for I have fallen short of the Glory

of the Father; it is only through the grace of His son Yahshua, most know as

Jesus, that I have any hope at all. )

Russian General Arsene De Goulevitch stated, “The main purveyors of

funds for the revolution, however, were neither crackpot Russian

millionaires nor the armed bandits of Lenin. The real money primarily came

from certain British and American circles, which for a long time past lent

their support to the Russian revolutionary cause…

“The important part played by the wealthy American Banker Jacob Schiff,

in the events in Russia…is no longer a secret.” (Czarism and the Revolution

Arsene De Goulevitch.)

The English to be exact “Sir George Buchannan and Lord (Alfred) Milner

gave over 21 million rubles in financing the Russian Revolution.” (New York

Journal, Feb.3, 1949) It should be noted here that Milner was nothing more

than a front for the Rothschild Banking organization, a major part of the

Illuminati international banking fraternity.

Colonel Edward Mandel House cabled President Wilson November 28,

1917 “it is exceedingly important that such criticism should be suppressed.”

He was commenting on the extreme negative press being put forward in the

American press of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Colonel House founder of the Council on Foreign Relations, another

Illuminati group, seeks also the goal of world government. House, in his

book Philip Dru Administrator, stated he wished the establishment of

“Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marks.” In this book house wrote he

outlined communist/socialist Illuminati goals of a central bank, income tax,

all of which is strait out of the Communist Manifesto.

President Wilson once said of House; “Mr. House is my second

personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one. If I

were in his place, I would just do as he suggested.” (Intimate Papers of

Colonel House edited by Charles Seymour Vol. 1 p.114)

On January 8, 1918, President Wilson, in an address before Congress,

called for the formation of the League of Nations. Although this would be

rejected, it did lead to the gradual acceptance of the United Nations. Just

another step to Pikes, New World Order.

The United States had been drawn into World War I (1914 -1918) by the

sinking of the Lusitanian after leaving New York May 1, 1915. This ship

although a “passenger liner” was loaded with large quantities of high

explosives. The German officials in the US had given warning repeatedly

that their lives were in danger. May 7th the Germans sunk the floating bomb

and 1201 lives were lost, many were Americans. This “war to end all wars”

actually made the US a giant military power. A goal of the Illuminati.

The treaty of Versailles signed to end the hostilities of WW I, destroyed the

German merchant fleet. The beginning of the banker’s economic collapse of

the German economy, a step towards WW II.

V.I. Lenin was to lay out the second phase of Pike’s plan for world

dominion. He stated “First, we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of

Asia. Then we will encircle the United States, which will be the last bastion

of capitalism. We shall not have to attack. It will fall like a ripe grapefruit

into our hands.”

Dimitry Manuliski, Professor at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in

Moscow Stated;

“War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. Today of

course, we are not strong enough to attack. Our time will come in thirty to

forty years. To win, we shall need the element of surprise. The western

world will have to be put to sleep, so we shall begin by the most spectacular

peace movement on record. (Note: perestroika) There shall be an electrifying

overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and

decadent, will rejoice to cooperate to their own destruction. They will leap at
another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash

them with our clenched fist.”

The goals of the Illuminati were being met like clockwork. The U.S. State

department was being packed with socialists (communists) and persons

receptive to their goals, liberals. J. Edgar Hoover warned us of the same;

“To dismiss lightly the existence of the subversive threat in the United States

is to deliberately commit national suicide. In some quarters we are doing

exactly that.”

As the goal towards a second world war to be realized was being fostered,

fostered to make Russia a military power, the power elite financed both

sides. The Warburg controlled Mendelson Bank of Amsterdam and also J.

Schroeder Bank having branches in Frankfurt, New York & London

underwrote huge loans to Adolph Hitler. It should be noted here the legal

counsels senior partners for Schroeder were none other than John Foster &

Allen Dulles (both of Council of Foreign Relations membership) Men you

will see that play heavy rolls in US foreign policy.

The Russian/Hitler non-aggression pack was written in 1939. Hitler forces

divided Poland with Russia giving Russia a firm foothold. The Illuminati

elites finance Briton and France in war with Germany. Russia with
Roosevelt’s help of millions of US dollars does the ultimate double cross on

Hitler accepting our help. Hitler betrayed attacks Russia... and war rages.

Japan economy had systematically been destroyed in much the same as

Germany and sided with Germany. There planned attack on The US

however was no surprise. Even the History Channel has admitted the top

brass and White House Officials knew weeks in advance of the bombing of

Pear Harbor. (Suggested reading The Final Secrets Pearl Harbor by Rear

Admiral Robert A. Thebold & Warlords of Washington by Anthony Hilder)

Americans did not want war. Brainwashing in press for support and the

ultimate problem in the form of an attack upon Pearl Harbor was enough to

get the patriotic Americans to their feet. We geared up for war. American’s

love of their country had been used as a weapon against them, again.

We all know the end of the story of WWII, as it is history. But many don’t

realize how we got there, or how or for what purposes we were manipulated


The US was made a power by the First World War. Russia was to be made a

power by the second war. Near the end of the German war Hitler was willing

to surrender but the US & Briton refused. Rudolph Hess had been sent by

the German high command to convince Briton they would get rid of Hitler,
IF Briton would help them stop Russia. Hess was imprisoned for the rest of

his life and spent the years after the war in Standow Prison.

Russia was not stopped and Germany was destroyed. That fact is history;

Eisenhower after approaching Berlin pulled American troops back and

allowed Russia to take Berlin. Half of Germany and much of Europe was

given to Russia on a silver platter.

At the Conference at Yalta the spoils were divided up by Stalin, Roosevelt,

and Churchill. Plans for taking Korea, Vietnam, as well as the divvying up

of the spoils of WW II were all decided here. The Illuminati Plans lain long

before. (Suggested reading: Iron Curtain Over America by Col. John Beaty)

I could spend chapters, pages and many hours trying to explain all the

happenings behind the scene in WWII, Korea, Vietnam. They however

could be summed up in two words Hegelian Dialectic Synthesis, Thesis,

Antithesis . To those that do not understand the term; Problem, Reaction,

Solution. You first create a problem, you scare the people with it, and then

you offer them YOUR solution, which they would have NEVER been

willing to accept, unless you created the problem to begin with.

After giving Russia half of Germany and its assets; V1 & V2 rocket bases,

submarine bases & subs, precision optics factories, fighter planes, jet engine

factories, they were a world power. Just like that. Eleven nations, given to
the hands of Russia under the butcher Stalin. At once the people were

shipped to every part of the communist Russia. Latavia, Lithuania, Estonia,

three complete nationalities destroyed through GENOCIDE, all approved by

our president in what was known as O.S.S’- OPERATION KEELHAUL.

(Which I might add, is a term used for the most brutal punishment at sea.

Tying a rope to the person’s feet and throwing them overboard at the front of

the ship where the rope is tied. The person would be scraped along the

bottom of the ship, against barnacles and what ever rough surfaces they were

pounded against before dying.) Quite a fitting code name for the destruction

of sovereign nations, and their people. Lenin’s plan for taking Eastern

Europe was well under way.

Enter the United Nations their soldiers are called “Peace Keepers”. The UN

has been involved in hundreds of conflicts around the world killing millions,

bringing true peace to none. The UN Treaty accepted the UN in the US.

Treaty supercedes law according to “legal” experts in congress. Case in

point, Sei Fujii vs. the State of California Justice Emmet H. Wilson decided

that “an existing law of a state is unenforceable because of the United

Nations Charter.” Doesn’t it sound as if we must worry about the destruction

of nation sovereignty? You bet! They passed a resolution giving part of

Palestine to the Jews for a homeland & promised in the same words a

Palestinian State that has to this date still not been granted.

China was not communist. In fact there were only a million communists in a

land of a billion people. We had kept the communists in check in China with

Chiang Kai-Shek, the mainland anti-communist leader. Chiang sought a

democracy for his people. He was educated in America, and loyal to US.

(Which is more than could be said for many of our leaders.) After Roosevelt

died at Yalta with Alger Hiss (State Dept. “Director of Special Political

Affairs”`) at his side as well as General Marshall (none other than the man

responsible for not warning the commanders at Pearl Harbor of the coming

attack and was also Chief of Staff of the US Army). Truman (33rd degree

Mason) assumed the Presidency. Under Truman, Chiang was NOT to be

given support of the US. In fact a US Navel blockade cut his final hopes at

Formosa. China fell to the Communists. Mao Tse-tung the commander of

communist forces had been hand picked by Stalin.

The Marshall Plan was underway; the rebuilding Europe and giving much of

it to Russia. Communism flourishes. Stalin murders millions. Truman issued

a plan to “stop communism”. Where? Korea, after throwing away China to

the communists. Korea (communism) was the problem; the people were

scared of communism (as well they should be!) But it was not the
communists in Korea that should have worried us; it should have been the

ones in the US State Department! Alger Hiss was later convicted of being a

soviet agent in the State Dept. during the House Committee on Un-American


Truman covered his rear; he called this “a police action.” If it had been a

declared war he could have easily been found guilty of HIGH TREASON!

(Article III, Section 3 paragraph 1) Giving aid and comfort to the enemy!

The North Korean Army could shoot at us using any weapon they had and

run back across the 38th parallel. MacArthur was not allowed to cross the 38th

parallel or to, conduct air reconnaissance across it, send troops across it,

bomb across it, nothing! Yet, we were supplying Mainland China 2100 tons

of rubber a month, and along with our former allies sending other needed

war matériels. More than half the time we were fighting Chinese troops

caring material supplied by the allies & US! What is that but treason?

Korea was a United Nations Mission, their first major conflict. General

Ridgway was “under orders not to win” General Douglas MacArthur was

dismissed for trying to win. One thing you must remember the commander

of all UN troops has been and always been either Russian or communist. In a

war fighting communists, it seems kind of absurd that all orders for major

troop placement and movement has to be cleared through a communist! Of

the UN top founders, all 45 were communists! Korea was a stalemate, and

how many lives lost? The beginning of the goal to take Asia well under way!

The Fabian Socialists 45 step plan for destruction of America for socialism


1.) Convince thee US to accept coexistence as the only alternative to

atomic war. This would give them free movement to spread

International Communism.

2.) Convince the US to capitulate (give in) in the preference to

engaging in atomic war.

3.) Develop the ILLUSION that total disarmament by the US would

be a demonstration of moral strength.

4.) Permit free trade [think about NAFTA] between all nations

regardless of whether items could be used for war.

5.) Extend long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. They would

never pay back because they intend “bury US.”

6.) Provide US “foreign aid” to ALL nations, thus draining the wealth

of our nation and causing steady long-term inflation to “debauch

our currency.”
7.) Grant recognition of Red China with admission to the United

Nation. Thus, expelling Nationalist China from the organization.

President Richard Nixon accomplished this.

8.) Set up East and West Germany as separate states. When near

completion of their plan for world government, they would reunify

Germany as an “electrifying” overture to peace, so America wound


9.) Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the US had

agreed to suspend testing as long as the negotiations were in


10.)Allow ALL Soviet satellites representation in the United Nations.

They would have equal votes with the US.

11.)Promote United Nations as the only hope for mankind. If the

charter is rewritten, DEMAND that it be set up as a one-world-

government with it’s own independent armed forces. (See: Rev


12.)Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party in the US.

13.)Do away with loyalty oaths.

14.)Continue to give Russia access to the US Patent Office.

15.)Capture BOTH political parties in the US. [No matter which party

is in power, socialism and our destruction continues, especially

with the presidents.]

16.)Use technical decisions of the court to weaken basic American

institutions by claiming their activities violate their civil rights.

[Greatly advancing their cause to capture America.]

17.)Get control of the school system. Use them for Socialism and

Communist propaganda. Get control of teacher associations. [This

is why government is against church schools, they won’t control

your child to accept globalism and the New World Order!]

18.) Gain control of all student newspapers.

19.)Use riots to foment public protest against programs and

organizations, which are under current Communist attack.

20.)Infiltrate the press, including TV. [Note ALL major TV anchors in

the last 40 or so years are members of the subversive Council of

Foreign Relations.]

21.)Gain KEY positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. [All ready

accomplished for decades.]

22.)Continue to discredit American culture by degrading all forms of

artistic expression, nude movies, books perverted art, etc., [Just

watch TV it’s worse every day]

23.)Control art critics and directors of museums. Our plan is to

promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.

24.)Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them

“censorship” and violation of free speech and press. [This project

completely accomplished. We see the moral decay that precedes

the collapse of a nation.]

25.)Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting

pornography in books, magazines, motion pictures, and TV.

26.)Present HOMOSEXUALITY, degeneracy and promiscuity as

“normal, natural and healthy.”[No wonder kids can't get out of

school without being warped.]

27.)Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social”

religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for

“intellectual maturity” which does not need a “religious

crutch.” [Guess that’s why the National Council of Churches has

many directors and founder that supported Communism and it’s

doctrines and seeks a One -World -Religion.]

28.)Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the

schools. [Remember what Lenin said, its been 2 generations and


29.)Discredit the American Constitution by calling it “inadequate and

out of step.”

30.)Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish

aristocrats, who had no concern for the “common man.”

31.)Belittle all forms of American Christian culture and discourage

the teaching of American history.

32.)Support all Socialist movement to give central control over any

part of culture, education, social agencies such as housing

authority, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33.)Eliminate ALL laws or procedures, which interfere with the

operation of the Communist apparatus.

34.)Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

35.)Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

[Long since done.]

36.)Infiltrate and gain control of more labor unions. Create crippling

strikes of major manufacturers or service industry.

37.)Infiltrate and gain control of big business. Create monopoly in the

market place with them in control.

38.)Transfer some power of arrest from the police to social agencies.

[Think Child Protective Service, and numerous alphabet agencies.]

Treat ALL behavior problems as psychiatric disorders. [That’s

why child molesters are given drugs and released back onto the

streets to hurt children again and again.]

39.)Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as

a means of gaining coercive control of those who appose

Communist goals.

40.)Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and

easy divorce.

41.)Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative

influence of parents. Attribute prejudices and mental blocks to the

suppressive influence of parents.

42.)Create the impression of violence and insurrection are legitimate

aspects of American tradition; that students and special interest

groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve problems.

43.)Overthrow all colonial governments BEFORE native populations

are ready for self-government. [Think of S. Africa & the Orient]

44.)Internationalize the Panama Canal. [Done, China now controls

canal traffic.]

45.)Repeal the Connally Reservation to the Genocide Convention

Treaty to the United Nations, so the US cannot prevent the World

Court from SEIZING JURISDICTION over domestic [internal

US] problems. This would give the World Court jurisdiction over

nations and individuals alike. [Accomplished 1986 with ratification

of the UN Genocide Convention Treaty Feb. 19, 1986 Under

Ronald Regan.]

These 45 points were uncovered by W. Cleon Skousen assistant to

J. Edgar Hoover and placed into the Congressional record in the 50’s.

All were listed in Skousen’s book: The Naked Communist.

Most, if not all of these 45 points have been completed. Our nation is under

the greatest threat of its life.

Our State Dept., packed with communists and sympathizers took a toll on

our nation through more totalitarian laws, and the loss of free countries to

communist. An army comes in with force, you can see and fight, a traitor

gnaws away at the insides, until the body of the country is so sick it dies!

Vietnam was fought by the French first, but they could not win. So

Eisenhower jumps in feet first into another UN “Police Action!” Problem,

Reaction, Solution! Money! Money! Money! The war machines buzz. The

factories gear up. Out pops the products of war. The bankers finance Russia,

they finance the US. They win no matter who looses!

Enter John F. Kennedy President of the United States. Kennedy went along

with the Vietnam ball game at first. He went along with Standard Operating

Procedure. One thing about JFK though, he was too rich to be bought. Yes

he did some things that I may not agree such as; public law 7277. This law

was ominous. It was for the complete disarmament of all nations. It was to

be done in three phases. It would build down the US and Russian military,

while building up the UN military force. The ultimate goal was that NO

nation, would be able to take on the UN military. We see this UN military

force brought into being with Desert Storm #1.

George Herbert Walker Bush former member of the OSS, the forerunner of

the CIA, Ambassador of the UN to China, Director of the Council on

Foreign Relations, Director of the CIA, Director Trilateral Commission,

Member of the board of directors of the Carlyle Group (majority stock

holder: Bin Laden), former owner Zapata Oil, former VP Seale Drug

Company, member of Skull & Bones and oh so much more! He was also

none other than Director of Covert Operations of the CIA November 22,

1963. Bingo! I would also note that the two ships used in Operation Zapata
(Bay of Pigs) were code-named the Houston and Barbara oddly enough all

considered, the names of George Bushes oil company, it’s location and his

wife’s name. Figure that one.

Chapter 2

Coup d’ etat In America, The Murder of a President Update

With the 46th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy

approaching, I felt the need to rewrite this article updating and finalizing it.

Although as long as there is information withheld and hidden by our

government, can we truly write the final chapter?

I must give credit where credit where credit is due. The excellent connecting

of the dots by author Michael Collins Piper in his 6th edition of Final
Judgment, America #1 banned book, finally puts to rest my investigation of

the assassination of President John F. Kennedy I began in 5th grade.

For many years I had come to the conclusion the Mob & CIA were the major

mover and shakers in the plot of kill and then cover up this Coup d’etat that

took place that fateful day in Dallas November 22, 1963. The evidence Piper

has unveiled shows the major and largest co-conspirator was the Mossad of


I made the tie-ins to the mob through Ruby, Sam Giancana, and growing up

in Louisiana, was very familiar with the connections of mob boss Carlos

Marcello. I had access to the taped confessions of one James E. Files who

was serving 50 years in Joliet Prison for the murder of an Illinois State

Patrol Officer. Files, was only one step down from Sam

Giancana, and confessed in very great detail to being one of the assassins in

Dealely Plaza. He gave details that proved true, and would have only been

known by a man who pulled a trigger that day. The trigger he admitted he
pulled was to the Remington Fireball XP-100

which fired a .222 rifle cartage with a 50 gr. bullet traveling in the in the

2600-2700 fps range, which would have been consistent with the head

wound received by the President. This was a large pistol more easily

concealed than a rifle. It had extreme accuracy. Johnny Roselli and Charles

Nicoletti, were implicated by Files as accomplices, both known as dual

operatives for the CIA and Mafia boss Sam Giancana. Who is a

direct underling of Meyer Lansky and his crime syndicate.

James Files claims that he stood behind the picket fence atop the grassy

knoll to fire one shot. Files said that he aimed for Kennedy's eye but missed
and "came in on the left side of the temple." A bullet from the rear had hit

Kennedy, only a split second before Files fired. This is consistent with the

wounds described by physicians at Parkland Hospital in Dallas.

Two others were also implicated as assassins Guillermo & Ignacio Novo

were in a the two cars organized by contract CIA agent Frank Sturgis that

traveled to Dallas November 21, 1963, according to former CIA operative

Marita Lorenz. Sturgis later confessed to her “we killed the president that

day.” Sturgis was a former Hagannah mercenary during the first Israeli-Arab

war, according to July 1975 issue Argosy magazine.

The motive seemed clear. Atty. General Bobby Kennedy had prosecuted the

mob relentlessly, double-crossing their support that got his brother elected.

The CIA was about to be thrown to the wind, as well as the Federal Reserve.

When you make those kinds of enemies it is easy to be targeted, even if you

are the president.

However, when Piper’s investigation brought forth the secret war being

waged by President Kennedy against Israel’s secret nuclear weapons

development, the case took a turn. President Kennedy offered Hawk Missile

batteries, if onsite inspections were allowed of Dimona, Israel’s secret

nuclear reactor and weapons program. Trying to bring control through of

appeasement of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and his nuclear bomb

program. Ben-Gurion considered the president’s Middle East

policy a “threat to the survival of Israel.”

President Kennedy had reduced support to Israel by half. He and his brother

Bobby had caused irreparable damage to Meyer Lansky’s Jewish crime

syndicate, effecting Sam Giancana, and his entire outfit. The CIA connection

with this mob boss and the heroine they flew from the golden triangle

region, and the drugs that funded black operations were threatened.

President Kennedy had printed $50 MILLION in US notes and planned the

dissolve of the Federal Reserve. He learned of the approval of CIA

Operation Northwood, a plan to attack our own bases in Florida, hijack and

blow up airliners, set sniper teams loose in Florida and Washington, DC, to

accomplish “creating a substantial body count” all to draw American’s

sympathy for a war in Cuba. A plan approved all the way up through the

Joint Chief of Staff and the Vice President. President Kennedy was horrified

with the plan. President Kennedy planned the dissolve of the CIA. President

Kennedy Ten days before his assassination at Columbia University stated;

“The high office of President has been used to format a plot to destroy the

American’s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of
his plight.” He said we have no business in Vietnam pulled out 1500 troops

and observers and said he would have the rest out by the end of the year.

Before the end of the year came, November 22, 1963, they blew his head


They had their patsy set up Lee Harvey Oswald. He had been

well groomed, by CIA handler former FBI agent and CIA contract operative,

Guy Bannister, making him appear quite the Cuban sympathizer.

Oswald was a mediocre shot at best. He could not have pulled off the shots

required in the record time required, as neither could FBI experts that tried.

Let us not forget that Jack Ruby (formally Rubenstein) was a

Zionist and investigated by the FBI and testified about drug running in the

1940’s. Although through Meyer Lansky, Ruby had also run guns to Israel
after World War II. Lansky also an avid supporter of Israel sending money

skimmed from His casinos in Cuba and Las Vegas to help support Israel.

I met Caroll Jarnagin at his home on Sandy Lane in Ft.Worth Texas in 1972.

Jarnagin was a Dallas attorney that testified that Lee Harvey Oswald was the

man using the name of H. L. Lee and met with Jack Ruby at the Carousel

Club in Dallas Texas Oct 4 1963, stating he “would need more money to kill

Governor of Texas.” He wanted “half up front and half when it was done.”

Jack Ruby told Oswald “he would not be paid until after the job was done.”

Caroll Jarnagin’s statement was passed on to the Texas Department of

Public Safety on Oct 5 1963 by telephone, copy of a letter and an eight-page

statement received at the Federal Bureau of Investigation on December 5,

1963 His testimony appeared as Exhibit C E 2861 in the Warren

Commission’s Report.
The Warren Commission relied on the “Magic Bullet” Theory, a theory

concocted by Senator Sphincter…. I mean Senator Arlen

Spector, is also an admitted Zionist. A “magic” bullet making seven wounds

dipping, diving and turning and shattering the ribs and wrist of Governor

Connelly after exiting Kennedy’s neck, and yet staying in absolutely pristine

condition as if not even fired.

Let us not forget the CIA man in charge of the information the Warren

Commission received from the CIA was James Jesus Angelton

the youngest man to hold a desk for the CIA, at the age of 27. He was also

the man in charge of the Israel desk and over Middle East affairs. Angelton

had been investigated on more than one occasion for being a possible spy for

the Mossad, Israel’s secret intelligence agency.

After having coffee with Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw on at least two separate

occasions while I worked K-9 patrol at John Petersmith Hospital, I identified

the major problem with the Warren Commissions “magic bullet” theory, the

bullet was going the wrong direction! That’s right the bullet striking

President Kennedy in the neck left a FRONTAL ENTRY wound, identified

by Dr. Crenshaw who worked on both Oswald and Kennedy at Parkland

Hospital. If you work at Parkland Hospital emergency room as a resident as

Dr. Crenshaw, I guarantee you have NO problem telling which way a bullet

traveled. They treat gunshot wounds daily there even in 1963.After leaving

Dallas, the neck of President Kennedy was mutilated to turn a half inch entry

wound into a three inch “exit wound.” I also had lunch with Dr. Crenshaw

on another occasion continuing the discussion of his book JFK Conspiracy

of Silence.

There is one other Israel connection first discovered by Jim Garison. Clay

Shaw was the director of the New Orleans Trade Mart and was

a board member of on European trade organizations known alternately as

Permindex and/or Central Mondiale Commerciality. The CIA had at least

contacted Shaw 32 times, all classified documents regarding Clay L. Shaw,

including, but not limited to, the Domestic Contact Reports made by Mr.

Shaw to the Central Intelligence Agency in the '40s and '50s; all files

regarding Mr. Shaw's involvement with a CIA project code named

QKENCHANT, for which Mr. Shaw had been assigned a covert security

approval in 1962. (CIA document, "Subject: Clay L. Shaw [201-813493],"

"Enclosure 21").

The prime stockholder of Permindex was Banque de Credit International

(BCI) created by Rabbi Tibor Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum, served on the board

of the Swiss Israeli Trade bank, served as Director General for Finance and

Supply for Israel’s Mossad, director of the Jewish Agency in Geneva

Switzerland, international vice-president and co-founder of the World

Jewish Congress. BCI served to launder Casino money from the Meyer

Lansky crime syndicate. It also served as chief financial institution of Israeli

arms deals. Consequently, here again we have numerous contacts between

members of the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, and the

Mossad, Israel, Meyer Lansky and the CIA.

When you weigh the factors, which profited most from the assassination of

President Kennedy? Israel profited more than anyone.

Lyndon Johnson completely reversed Mid East policy. He turned a blind eye

to their nuclear program, although approving the 1968 non-proliferation

treaty. He made the US their number one supplier of military hardware. He

gave $92 MILLION in 1966 for military funding alone to Israel. President

Kennedy had approved $40 million in assistance to Israel for budget year

1964, NONE of which was for military funding. Jordan, Palestine and the

rest of the Arab world no longer had an impartial mediator in the USA, but

had been left to the wolves. Israel had become for all intent and purposes our

51st state, and has been a millstone around our neck ever since.

Our “America first” stance had ended. Our national security objectives in the

Middle East had been flushed down the toilet. Dan Kurtzman’s Ben-Gurion:

Prophet of Fire quoted Ben-Gurion “My people have a right to exist…and

this existence is in danger” as one of the last communication with President

Kennedy. In fact that danger was felt so strongly by Israel that one of the last

orders given by David Ben-Gurion was to “take care of the Kennedy

problem,” before he stepped down in June of 1963.

There were billions made by the Lansky Jewish mob syndicate in heroine

traffic from the Golden Triangle of SE Asia. JFK’s immediate reversal of

our Vietnam policy is reason enough for the assassination. The CIA drug

profit for black operations was reason enough. The war profit made by Israel
and the USA war machine in Vietnam was reason enough. The Federal

Reserve and its European Jewish banking consortium owners, continuing

unscathed, was reason enough. The Israeli nuclear superiority over Palestine,

Jordan and other Arab countries was reason enough. When you put them all

together, motive is more than established for the Mossad to have set up the

coup d’etat in America for the murder of the President, which occurred in

Dallas that fateful day in November.

Means and opportunity go without saying, as the number of, Israeli first,

conspirators in the CIA, FBI, Senate, Congress, Warren Commission and

high places are to innumerable for me to count. I think the Washington

Jewish Week October 9, 1997 states their position best; “Israel need not

apologize for the assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it.

The first order of business for any country is the protection of its people.”

In short, it would appear that Israel takes its role in the world too seriously.

It is a country the size of New Jersey, (no offence New Jersey). 95 % of

Israel’s people are descendants of the Khazars a fierce Mongol tribe of

Northern Russia that accepted the Jewish faith in 741 A.D. History confirms

this. (See Jewish Historian; Arthur Koestler’s The 13th Tribe) They have

NO relationship to the tribe of Judah or ANY of the tribes of Israel but are
the descendants of Esau-Edom. They have NO claim to anything in the

Middle East, as they have no kinship to ancient Israel AT ALL.

Of the Warren Commission staff nine were Jewish, one had a Jewish wife

and several others had ties to the Israeli lobby. All too convenient to lead

any evidence pointing to the Mossad and Israel in another direction. These

are but a few of easily hundred connections to the Mossad and the

assassination of our President John F. Kennedy.

We have seen over and over that things do not happen by accident in the

scheme of things especially where Washington and our government are

concerned. As one James Forrestal, America’s first Secretary of Defense so

brilliantly put it, “if these things happened by accident they would

occasionally make a mistake in OUR favor”. Supreme Court Justice Frank

Murphy had discovered that there was really a plot to destroy our Republic,

he had meetings with Martin Dies chairman of the House Committee on Un-

American Activities. Ralph Epperson on page 304 of his book The Unseen

Hand quoted Murphy telling Dies committee (1949) “ We are DOOMED!

The Communists control completely. They’ve got control of Roosevelt and

his wife as well” in the same year Murphy was treated and released

completely recovered from an illness, then suddenly died from an apparent

heart attack. Martin Dies was convinced he had been murdered. Although

this seems a bit retroactive, when you understand the US State Dept. had

been loaded with communists and communist sympathizers, and closet

socialists, it makes things much more clear. Many high officials were

convicted during McCarthy’s investigation. Unfortunately the closet

socialists, and sympathizers entrenched ultimately encouraged and saw to it

that the Eastern Establishment & media and destroyed McCarthy. The pro

communist within the International Bankers, the Federal Reserve, and Wall

Street using their wealth influence and control of the media had done their

job well. They had not only destroyed McCarthy but had successfully

brainwashed the American public in to acceptance of socialistic, I.E. liberal


Through the fomented depression of the 30’s wars of the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s

Americans had been programmed to accept such things as “good for the

country.” They had been always led to believe that the “threats” demanded

action. These threats had always been promulgated I.E. manufactured.

The controlled US news media did an excellent job of programming the

people of the fear of these threats. You may say we have a “free” press; they

are the best prostitutes money can buy. Example therein being:

Council on Foreign Relations

Trilateral Commission

Past & Present Media Members

(Partial Listing)

CBS Television

Roswell Gilpatric……CFR James Houghton…..CFR Henry


Marietta Tree….CFR C.C. Colingwood…..CFR Lawrence


Dan Rather…..CFR Harry Reasoner…..CFR Richard


Frank Stanton…..CFR Bill Moyer…..CFR William Paley…..CFR

Lawrence A. Trisch…..CFR Walter Chronkite…..CFR

NBC Television (RCA)

Jane Pfeiffer…..CFR Lester Crystal…..CFR R.W.


T.F. Bradshaw…..CFR John Petty…..CFR David

John Chancellor…..CFR Marvin Kalb…..CFR Irvine R.


H. Schlosser…..CFR P.G. Peterson…..TC/CFR John


Tom Brokaw…..CFR John F. Welch, Jr. …..CFR

ABC Television

Thomas S. Murphy…..CFR Ray Adam…..CFR John Connor…..T.

M. Macioce…..CFR

Ted Koppel…..CFR John Scali…..CFR Barbara Walters…..CFR

Diane Sawyer…..CFR

Cable News Network (CNN)

W. Thomas Johnson…..CFR Daniel Schorr…..CFR

Public Broadcasting Service

Hartford Gunn…..CFR Robert McNeil…..CFR Jim

Lehrer…..CFR C. Hunter-Gault…..CFR

Hodding Carter III…..CFR Daniel Schorr…..CFR

Associated Press

Keith Fuller…..CFR Stanley Swinton…..CFR Louis


Harld Anderson…..CFR Katharine (Meyer) Graham…..TC/CFR

United Press International (UPI)

H.L. Stevenson…..CFR


Michael Posner…..CFR

Boston Globe

David Rogers…..CFR

L.A. Times Syndicate

Joseph Kraft…..CFR

Baltimore Sun

Henry Trewhitt…..CFR
Washington Times

Arnaud de Borchgrave…..CFR

Children’s TV Workshop (Sesame Street)

Joan Ganz Cooney, President…..CFR

U.S. News & World Report

David Gergen…..TC

New York Times Company

Richard Gehlb…..CFR James Reston…..CFR William


A.M. Rosenthal…..CFR Seymour Topping…..CFR James


Max Frankel…..CFR Jack Rosenthal…..CFR Harding


Amory Bradford…..CFR Orvil Dryfoos…..CFR David

Walter Lippman…..CFR L.E. Markel…..CFR H.L.


John Oakes…..CFR Adolph Ochd…..CFR Harrison


A. Hays Sulzberger…..CFR A. Ochs Sulzberger…..CFR C.L.


Steve Rattner…..CFR Richard Burt…..CFR John F. Akers…..Dir.


Louis V. Gertsner Jr. …..CFR George B. Munroe…..CFR Donald

M. Stewart…..CFR

Cyrus R. Vance…..CFR Flora Lewis…..TC

Time Inc.

Ralph Davidson…..CFR Donald M. Wilson…..CFR Louis


Henry Grunwald…..CFR Alexander Heard…..CFR Sol


Rawleigh Warner Jr. …..CFR Thomas Watson Jr…..CFR Strobe

Newsweek/ Washington Post

Eugene Meyer Owner W. Post…..CFR Katherine (Meyer) Graham

(heiress of W. Post)…..CFR

Sen. Phillip Graham…..CFR Arjay Miller…..CFR N. beB


Frederick Beebe…..CFR Robert Christopher…CFR A. De


Oseborne Elliot…..CFR Phillip Geyelin…..CFR Kermit


Murry Marder…..CFR Malcolm Muir…..CFR Maynard


George Will…..CFR Robert Kaiser…..CFR Meg


Walter Pincus…..CFR Murry Gart…..CFR Peter Osnos…..CFR

Don Oberdorfer…..CFR

Dow Jones & Co. (Wall Street Journal)

William Agee…..CFR J. Paul Austin…..CFR Charles Meyer…..CFR

Robert Potter…..CFR Richard Wood…..CFR Robert

Karen House…..CFR

National Review

William F. Buckley (CIA)…..CFR Richard Brookhiser…..CFR

Readers Digest

George V. Grune, CEO…..CFR William G. Bowne, Dir…..CFR

Syndicated Columnists

Georgie Anna Geyer…..CFR Ben J. Wattenberg………CFR

David Rottenfeller, I mean Rockefeller, Former Chairman of the Board of

the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Chase Manhattan

Bank & Bilderberger member, once stated : “We are grateful to the

Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great

publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their

promises of discretion (silence) for almost forty years…. It would have been

IMPOSSIABLE for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been

subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years.”

England’s famed statesman Benjamin Disraeli in Conimgsby once stated,

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined

by those who are not behind the scenes.”

Indeed it is! We are constantly brainwashed through the idiot box we call

TV, the most insidious brainwashing invention ever made. Not only do they

feed us their lies but they now have ways through a nearly thirty year old

electronic technology to even alter our consciousness MAKING us believe it

is as gospel through digital technology.

George HW Bush was in charge of the Bay of Pigs “Operation Zapata.” The

two Navy ships dubbed the “Houston” and the “Barbara” was in charge of

the landings. Zapata Oil was Bush’s oil company located in Houston, and

Barbara is his wife name and also the name of his three planes in the navy.

As head of the CIA he had much to do with James Jesus Angelton and the

CIA information Angelton turned over to the Warren Commission.

Now we have a few new faces but the force that killed John F. Kennedy is

still very much in charge of our government. They were the force behind

9-11 and the list of false flag operations carried out and blamed on their

enemies is almost endless, or at least too long to be dealt with here.

If we don’t wake up and get these Neo-conservatives that hold dual

citizenship with Israel out of our state department, cabinet, Congress and
Senate we are doomed from ever being a free Republic again. Much of this

we have brought on ourselves by not following God’s laws. The Almighty

has a way of chastising His people for not following His will. We are

doomed to a one world government with them in control it’s here now

breaking down the doors.

There is but one hope:

“2Ch 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble

themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their

wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their

sin, and will heal their land.

Newsweek Sept. 6,1971 p.74 Called the Council on Foreign Relations “the

foreign-policy establishment of the United States.”

Foreign Affairs the CFR’s publication comes out five times a year, and

members read it religiously. From these pages foreign policy of the future is

made. The CFR has thirty-eight affiliates in cities all across America called

"“Committees on Foreign Relations” as well as a “ Corporate program to

indoctrinate businessmen.”

Through direct formulation of recommendations the CFR has influenced

U.S. Foreign Policy. Through directly supplying key administration and

government officials the reign of control is imbedded within the highest

echelons of our government. If you watch administrations, the congress &

senate you will see that most are CFR or TC members. When a member of

one organization leaves office, he will be replaced by a member of either

organization, whether democrat or republican it matters not.

The members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission &

Bilderberger organizations read like a Who’s Who of the richest and most

powerful people in the world. They number between 2500 & roughly 3000

members worldwide. The epitome of the US group are people like: the

Rockefeller family, Henry Kissinger, the Schultzes, Armand Hammer,

Andreas Bush of Texas, James Baker, Brzezinski (Secretary of State in the

Carter Administration), Prescott Bush, his son former President George

Herbert Walker Bush, his son current President George W. Bush all

members of Yale University’s infamous Skull & Bones Fraternity (direct

link to Thule Society of Hitler fame, & Chapter 322 of the Illuminati) some

of America richest finance “capitalists.”

In Africa the socialists seizing power and ruining Africa with virtually a

communist regime run by such noted leftist elitists as: Harry Oppenheimer,

former Foreign Minister Pik Botha, former State President F.W. deKlerk.
These people instating Communist Nelson Mandella to merge it into the

international New World Order.

In realizing that not every president has been a member of the Council on

Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission. However, ALL but five of the

candidates for president have been members of one or the other or BOTH.


taught the American people well. We have been taught time & time again to

look to the almighty government for all our many needs. Economy bad, lost

your job, stick out your hand for unemployment benefits. Farm loosing

money because of depressed market prices; stick out your hand for farm

program benefits. Don’t have time or money home school kids, stick out the

hand for government schools. No money for college, stick out the hand for

government grants & LOANS for college. Business going to hell because of

the economy, stick out the hand for government bailout. Forest fire

destroyed your house, The Constitution for the United Stated made NO

provision for even $1.00 of your tax money to be spent to help people in this

manner. These are nothing less than socialism! Most of the initial problems

were created by either the government or the Federal Reserve (sic) or the

International Bankers. They can then, by causing you problems, train you to

call on them for help. The rule of law states that it is not wrong for “the
Federal Government to seek to regulate that which it funds” Through the

socializing of America the government sought control that would not have

been otherwise allowed, or tolerated.

The infamous Northwood Document, (see PDF file)

declassified as of late deals with the Cuban conflict era. It was given

complete approval up to but NOT including the president. CIA, Joint Chiefs,

Vice President and all the big wigs approved it. JFK on the other hand was

horrified by the document and threatened to disband he CIA because of it.

What did it contain? It contained plans to highjack airliners blow them up,

crash them into buildings, blow up Navy ships, use para-military sniper

teams on urban areas in Washington D.C. and other areas on civilians all to

bring about war with Cuba. (Sounds like 9-11 and the D.C. snipers!) Who

again was heading up covert ops with the CIA George Bush. One thing you

must consider, things in Washington don’t happen by accident, so said

Franklin Roosevelt.

It is now being said that the 17 year-old suspect was the trigger man in the

D.C. area sniper attacks. Sounds like his former US Military partner in crime

was his handler. It meets criteria of such CIA ops. PROJECT: MONARCH,

as well as MK:ULTRA that dealt with mind control. The ultimate mind

control subjects were assassins that didn’t even know they were assassins.
Turned off and on like a switch, with no recall AKA: “Manchurian


The 9-11 attack on TWC complex stinks of Northwood fame. There is

ample proof that Bush, Ashroft, and Rumsfield had as much as two months

prior knowledge of the attack and did nothing. They wanted war.

Here is just one such proof. Enter David Shippers. Shippers is a former

district attorney of Chicago, who for five years very successfully prosecuted

the mob there. Below is a transcript of Austin Texas syndicated talk show

host Alex Jones interview with him October 10th, 2001, ONE MONTH

PRIOR TO 9-11!


David Shippers: Government Had Prior Knowledge

Key Points:

(1) The FBI knows another terrorist attack is being planned, right now, for

somewhere in Oklahoma City (site unknown)

(2) The FBI has been, and still is, prohibiting their agents or local police from

taking known terrorists into custody.

(3) An Iraqi terrorist cell was involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, and is

still involved.

(4) Ashcroft and members of Congress are not listening.

(5) Contact your members of Congress and ask them WHY?


In this interview, "Iraqi Terrorists" refers to the Iraqi Republican Guard, resettled

after the Gulf War, near Oklahoma City by former Pres. Bush.

David Shippers Interview

Alex Jones Radio Show

October 10, 2001 (in progress)

DS: Oklahoma City and, frankly, when I first heard the information, I just

poo-pooed it, as did everybody else - they thought here comes another one of
those crazy conspiracy theories, you know. The woman who is a former

investigative reporter down in Oklahoma City wrote to me after I came back from

Washington and just, you know - congratulations - you did a hell of a job. I wrote

back and the next thing you know she wrote back again and told me that she had

information indicating a middle eastern connection. I called her at that point and

just for my own conscious if there was something out there I'd want to find out

about it - she began to tell me what she had and she sent me a short summary -

a couple of pages - laying out what she had garnered during her investigations. It

really piqued by interest. So I asked her if she had more. She said yes she had

an awful lot of stuff, but she wouldn't want to send it up through the mail or any

other way. So she and her husband flew up to Chicago and brought a mass of

information - I mean affidavits, all kinds of things.

AJ: And we've had Col. Craig Roberts, who was a detective working the case on

this show many times, a month before attack, predicting one was imminent. He
has all that same information. They actually arrested some of these guys and the

Justice Dept. in 1995 said to release them.

DS: That's right - and the words out today that they are not even allowed to touch

them, the Oklahoma City police are not allowed to touch these people. And from

what I'm understanding, they are up to something again in Oklahoma City. I don't

know what it is or what their target is but these same people are at it again. The

terrible thing here else, something that few people know that there was a warning

sent out. Have you ever heard of Ysolf Bodansky (sp)?

AJ: Yes. DA: He is the guy that wrote the book about Bin Laden. He was hooked

up with some Congressional leaders in the House - kind of an unofficial, for lack

of a better word, a strike force, a task force on terrorism. They sent out a warning

on February 19, 1995, saying there was going to be a massive attack by the

terrorists in the heartland of the United States and it was going to be a federal

facility. Everybody ignored it. By the way, I have seen that warning, I have seen

that warning. I don't have it in front of me so I can't go into the specifics of it too
heavily but at the same time, there was in that warning that there was going to be

a massive attack in Washington - it took them six years to do it. The targets were

going to be Washington, the White House and the Capitol Building. - And that

they were going to use airliners to attack them.

AJ: Now later you got it from FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota that there

was going to an attack on lower Manhattan.

DS: Yea - and that's what started me calling. I started calling out there. First of

all, I tried to see if I could get a Congressman to go to bat for me and at least

bring these people out there and listen to them. I sent them information and

nobody cared. It was always, "We'll get back to you", "we'll get back to you",

"we'll get back to you." Then I reached out and tried to get to the Attorney

General, when finally we got an attorney general in there that I would be willing to

talk to. And, again, I used people who were personal friends of John Ashcroft to

try to get him. One of them called me back and said, "Alright I have talked to him.

He will call you tomorrow morning." This was like a month before the bombing.
The next morning I got a call. It wasn't from Ashcroft. It was from somebody in

the Justice Dept.

AJ: One of his handlers.

DS: Yea, and I started telling him the situation and he said, "You know we don't

start our investigations at the top." I said I would like to talk to the Attorney

General because this is vital. He said, "We don't start our investigations at the

top. Let me look into this and I will get back to you." As I sit here today, I have

never heard from him.

AJ: Again, David Shippers, you are big in Washington, you were the top lawyer

that got Clinton impeached, you are highly respected, you know the Senators,

the Congressmen. You're calling up. You've got these FBI agents and others

feeding you this information. They're being pulled off the cases, they're angry.

That's even been in the news now, from Minnesota and Florida and Illinois. They
know what's going to happen. The Sudanese in '96 and '98 tried to arrest Bin

Laden for Clinton, tried to give us the names of Al Qaeda, Clinton wouldn't take it.

DS: Didn't want any part of it.

AJ: Wouldn't touch it. So we've got all this developing. We've got police officers

and FBI on the ground who know who bombed Oklahoma City. They've got them

in custody with blue jogging suits and bomb-making components. They are

ordered to release them. All of this is unfolding - 3500 to 5000 Iraqi Republican

Guard (living near OKC), we know there is a Saddam/Iraqi connection here - I

mean they knew this. Why in the world, David Shippers, did they allow this to

take place?

DS: I'll tell you something. This one of the things that, to me, it is almost

inconceivable, inconceivable that with the knowledge they had that they would

turn their back. Just assume that they had investigated and gone in after the

Oklahoma City bombing, as they are doing now. There never would have been
an attack on the Trade Towers. If they had done, 5 to 6 years ago what they are

doing now, they probably would have had Bin Laden and that gang all stopped

by now. But, I don't know, as a human being, as a former prosecutor, as a lawyer

and a guy who represents police and agents all over the United States, it is

inconceivable to me that those bureaucrats in Washington would turn their back

on the obvious for their own purposes.

AJ: And now the World Trade Center Complex is absolutely destroyed.

DS: Yes, 6000 people are dead. And there is more coming. There is more


AJ: Now you say, from your sources, I know you represent a bunch of FBI agents

who are hopping mad, you probably can't talk about the specifics, you say you

are representing them. Are they getting ready to sue or something?

DS: Well they are hoping to, but what do you sue for? What I'm trying to do is get

the people in Washington - you see these agents can't come out. The only
information that I have is information that is public knowledge. They can't tell me

anything that is confidential or anything that is secret, or anything like that. I'm

talking about what is public knowledge and these guys can't say anything unless

they are subpoenaed.

AJ: That's why you want to get into a court.

DS: I don't want to get into a court. I want to get them into the intelligence

committee. I want to get them to talk to the Attorney General, to Gov. Ridge, to

General Downing or to somebody who has the ability or the authority to go to the

FBI bureaucrats and say "Butt out!" - we are going to do this right.

AJ: I'm sure you are aware that on the History Channel, they are reporting that

we had prior knowledge of the Japanese attack and they allowed that to take


DS: Sure.
AJ: And now you see the UN empowered, the World Court empowered. It looks

like the UN is going to get to take over that oil supply in Central Asia. The face

scanning cameras - now they are on the fast track. This has sure brought the

police state into a lot more focus.

DS: It sure has. I've been saying for years that once you have license, the next

step is tyranny. It really is scary. The whole thing is scary. Remember the Palmer

raids when they had the Reds scare in the early twentieth century and they just

went out and rounded up everybody and threw them in jails and deported them.

Our freedoms took a real hit. I hope to God that we don't run into the same thing

this time. The people are saying, "I want to be safe." Who was it, Ben Franklin

said if you give up your liberties for security, you will eventually lose both your

liberties and your security.

AJ: Absolutely.
AJ: We're talking to David Shippers. We're discussing FBI agents across the

country having prior knowledge of the attacks, trying to get these guys arrested

or even to get a warrant, knowing they were associates of Bin Laden, others

being trained at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, Clinton not wanting the names

of Al Queda when they had the chance, there is so much evidence of prior

knowledge. How did this happen with the Bush administration, when you are

trying to get to Ashcroft and telling them that they is a plan to attack lower

Manhattan very soon and what was the intel you were getting from these agents?

DS: Well, a lot of this wasn't coming from the agents. When the bomb hit (WTC

attack) and everybody said we have to find the money (trail) and stop the money.

The only place the money was actually identified and stopped was in Chicago.

There was actually a lawsuit, a case filed here in Chicago, in which money that

had been earmarked for Hamas, to be used for terrorism, was grabbed by the

United States government - and seized and forfeited, and that was here in

AJ: But that agent had to go through a lot of grief to get that done.

DS: An agent actually filed the affidavit. I'm not talking about anything that is

confidential. This agent here in Chicago filed the affidavit where he laid out the

whole way that the money moves, the way that it is handled, how it comes out of

the middle east into Chicago area and into the United States, how it is covered,

how the operatives are covered, how the money is transferred back and where

it's kept while its here. And that affidavit ran like 30 pages - laying it out. And he

had to go through hell on earth in Washington, he had to fight like a tiger -

everybody in his own bureau and in the Dept. of Justice was against him - and

still is.

AJ: Now the FBI agents in Minnesota knew about this and had the evidence but

they couldn't even get a wiretap or a warrant to search these guys.

DS: Exactly.

AJ: We're talking about some of the actual hijackers.

DS: Exactly. And this woman who was talking to me, she had other contacts,

who were in Naval Intelligence and other areas, and she was reporting that there

was one of these terrorists who was involved in the bombing in Oklahoma City -

was working at the Boston airport. A friend of mine who happens to be an agent

had information that there were Hamas operatives working in baggage and areas

at O'Hare Airport with free access to any part of the airport. But no one would

listen. They just said it's not true, it can't happen that way. I'll tell you something. I

don't know if it was because Clinton and his boys didn't want the United States to

realize that Flight 800 was a terrorist attack and that Oklahoma City was a

terrorist attack because they didn't want to admit that the intelligence of the

United States was totally destroyed.

AJ: Well Craig Roberts says it best. They wanted to demonized the patiot

organizations and create this internal security force to watch Americans....

DS: Exactly.
AJ: because the "precious Arabs", they can't do anything wrong.

DS: And that's exactly what they started. I forget which nitwit it was that came out

and said you can blame the Russ Limbaugh's and the talk show hosts who are

fomenting this terror.

AJ: That was Bill Clinton.

DS: Yea, Clinton made that statement. And they had a handy guy in McVeigh. I

also know from affidavits that I have read that there were eyewitnesses who saw

the middle eastern man running from the scene (OKC bombing) along side


AJ: And why don't the feds just release those 12 surveillance camera tapes if it is

just McVeigh alone?

DS: Those surveillance camera tapes are going to show that there was a middle

eastern man running with him. Some of these people who gave affidavits were

interviewed by the FBI during the course of the investigation. They were
interviewed about the second person that they saw and the agents tried to make

them say or suggested to them that the second person was Nichols. Every single

one of these people said absolutely not, it was a middle-eastern type individual.

AJ: Al Hussani (sp)

DS: Now, listen to this. None of those investigative reports; none of those 302s

have ever surfaced. So the FBI comes up with all these thousands of documents

which they claimed they overlooked but the key ones where they tried to get

them to say it was Nichols never surfaced.

AJ: It is so important that all of you out there contact your representatives,

contact the White House, contact the Justice Dept. and say talk to David

Shippers. He's a man we can trust who helped get Clinton impeached. Talk

about a dangerous job - who then wrote a book detailing the black mail, the

intimidation by Clinton in the Senate. And now we find out that weeks and

months before he had the news, the feds, the investigators telling him these
terrorists are all over the place ... Now David Shippers, the knowledge, the

information, you told me yesterday on the phone that it was lower Manhattan,

months before, you are trying to get into see Ashcroft, they wouldn't let you do it.

What were the reports you were getting about the attack on lower Manhattan?

DS: The original report that I got was that they had arranged for three attacks on

the United States - one, they were going to take down an airline; two, they were

going to attack a federal facility in the heartland of the United States; and the

third one was going to be a massive attack in lower Manhattan.

AJ: The first was TWA 800, then Oklahoma City...

DS: The original intelligence that was reported to me, and this was not first hand

obviously, that the original plan was a suitcase nuclear weapon.

AJ: Now we gotten that from Col. Roberts and a bunch of other people...
DS: I've ran into a lot of nuts who came up with a not of strange theories, outer

space, and things like that. But these people who I was talking to were very, very

credible people. For example, Jayna Davis took everything she had ...

AJ: Tell us who she is, one more time...for those who just tuned in

DS: She was an investigative reporter working for a TV station in Oklahoma City

at the time of the bombing.

AJ: And they had these very middle-eastern Bin Laden, Saddam minions,

interviewing these guys.

DS: Yes, absolutely. She identified by the name the guy who was the one.

Recently, she came up with some evidence that another guy there actually

admitted that he was part of the World Trade Center bombing. He's still walking

around. I mean they are taking people into custody, they are offering rewards,

but these guys are still there and still doing their little thing.
AJ: That's the point I'm trying to make. The government has their names, knows

who the cells are, the 3500 Iraqi....

DS: I don't know if they do because when Jayna had all this material.. I'm talking

about 3 giant loose-leaf binders full of affidavits and other material. This woman

did a job of investigating that would make the Massad look bad.

AJ: The New York Times came in and bought up her TV station and got rid of


DS: Well, they bought up the TV station and got rid of her and also tried to make

her turn over notes and films and stuff like that but she beat them court. She's

still got them.

AJ: Here's the bottom line question. The attack on lower Manhattan, the third big

attack. We know you tried to get to the Attorney General. What did you say?

DS: My first move was to go through some of the people that I knew in Congress

because I was working on two fronts. On the one hand I wanted to get someone
to listen to Jayna about Oklahoma City; on the other hand, I was trying to get

someone to understand that Hamas has infiltrated the United States so

thoroughly that I don't how long it will take to run them out. All over the United

States. They had a training camp for terrorism at Chicago.

AJ: There is a mosque at UT for the young Islamics, they raise money for

terrorism right there. And nothing is being done.

DS: Bill O'Reilly had that guy from southern Florida University that raised money

for Hamas. And whenever you mention Hamas, everybody says it's a

humanitarian organization.

AJ: No, they're not.

DS: They're humanitarian like Hitler was humanitarian. They are terrorists and

they will never be anything but terrorists.

AJ: And we are not supposed to criticize these people.

DS: No, you can't say anything. I just heard about the young man whose sister

was injured in the World Trade Center and he put up an American flag and some

American slogans on his locker at school. They gave him a ten-day suspension

because they said it might be offensive to some of the Arab students.

AJ: They are saying the American flag is racist.

DS: Isn't that lovely.

AJ: Let's stop the evil American flag from being flown at your business or at your

university, but let's leave the Hamas people alone.

DS: You know the guy that cut the throat of that bus driver in Tennessee was

here on a one-month visa and he had overstayed his visa by what - a year and a

half, two years. Until somebody starts listening, I'm telling you, I see on

television, I see them saying that the president has said that these tapes that are

coming from Bin Laden may very well be signals or codes to terrorists in the

United States.
AJ: And why is every network running them?

DS: Bingo. You tell me. When they say that they may very well be signals, he

can give all the signals he wants in Pakistan and Afghanistan but if the American

networks don't carry it, then they won't out. But the American networks are

saying that people have a right to know.

AJ: And they are calling for more attacks on the tapes.

DS: Yea, the latest tape specifically made reference to the heart of the United


AJ: Yea, attack the heartland - you said your intel or your sources....

DS: They are doing something down there in Oklahoma City. The folks in

Oklahoma City tell me they are up to something. There are deliveries being

made, there is material being moved and places being opened... One of the

methods they use to cover their operatives while in the States is they set up

some garbage or a pretend garage - or a filling station where they can all
allegedly work. But they're not working there, it's not really a garage, it's just a

location to cover them. I tried the House, I tried the Senate, I tried the Dept. of

Justice, I didn't go to the FBI because I know there is a roadblock there and I

didn't go to the Justice Dept. until Ashcroft got in there because I know there's

roadblocks out there. These are the very people who put up roadblocks on the

attack against the terrorists under Clinton, they are still there. They still

constitute, almost like moat, between the people with information and the people

who should hear the information.

AJ: Well we know that Clinton released 16 members of the FALN.

DS: Sure. Well he had to win New York didn't he? He had to win New York for


AJ: So when you are talking to these people at the Dept. of Justice, folks at

Congress, what do they say?

DS: They say, that's wonderful, we'll get right back to you. I have never got a call

back. I was on a radio program out east, Pittsburgh, and I just hinted that the FBI

was sitting on information when they should have been sharing it with others and,

as a result, there was a breakdown in intelligence. And the next morning, I got a

call from the office of the Speaker of the House, who happens to be an Illinois


AJ: Hastert.

DS: Yes, Hastert. They hadn't heard the show but they said we understand

you've got some information, etc. I said, yes I do, I would really like to share it

with somebody. I have at least two and maybe three witnesses that should be

subpoenaed to come out there and testify in executive session and tell you what I

was talking about. Ok. We'll get back to you. Never heard from them. Couple of

days later, I got a call from the Senate Intelligence Committee. We hear that

you've got information, etc. Yes, I have information and I'd be perfectly willing to

bring it out to you. I'd be perfectly willing to have my witnesses go in there and
testify but they have to be subpoenaed. And by the way, I will not talk to staffers

because the staffers don't tell the Congressman what they found out. Ok, we'll

get back to you. That was last week, I still haven't heard from them.

AJ: So bottom line - and my intelligence sources who were police officers who

actually worked the case, FBI who worked the OKC bombing case, grand jury

witnesses, are saying they are getting ready for something big, not just in

Oklahoma, but out on the West Coast as well. That's the intel I'm getting and

nothing is being done. They are just talking about national ID cards, face

scanning, troops with no bullets in the airports, they are not going to arm the

pilots, this is sick!

DS: The whole thing is unbelievable. You know, I talk to people who are in the

media, people who are well aware of what is going on and they cannot believe

that this is happening.

AJ: Can we get you on the O'Reilly factor to talk about this?
DS: I've been on O'Reilly but not to talk about this. You know Jayna was on twice

and she laid it out. She got a call and she said that Dave Shippers was

representing her - so I think that might have precipitated a call from someone in

Washington who immediately said I'll get back to you and that was the end of it.

Strangely enough, the one group I haven't heard from is the FBI intelligence

people. Of course, if I did hear from them I wouldn't talk to them anyhow,

because they are totally incompetent. >

AJ: They got their funding tripled after OKC bombing....

DS: Sure, that's great and they can all sit around and tell everybody that their

informants told them this or that. They are running around grabbing people they

should have grabbed 5 years ago.

AJ: What are your sources saying about the Oklahoma City area?

DS: That somebody is up to something down there. I know of phone calls going

to Iraq from some of these guys. I know of phone calls from one of the known,
one of the named terrorists by the FBI, he is making calls to a place that is

identical to one of the people that I am talking about. In other words, same


AJ: Did you see Bush show pictures of Bin Laden's minions?

DS: Yes, the most wanted.

AJ: But we have people involved, fingered, witnesses on tape there at the

Oklahoma City bombing at the scene, later apprehended with the jogging suits,

with the materials, then told to be released by the Justice Dept. back in '95.

DS: They don't want any part of it. Jayna's got the original police radio calls. And

in the original calls, it said to be on the lookout for this truck that was being driven

by a middle-eastern type individual. That was the original one and I remember, at

one point, one police officer called in and said by whose authority do we stop this

guy. And they said: authority FBI, Oklahoma City. Then shortly thereafter, the all-

points-bulletins stopped and there was never another word. Remember how they
said that he (McVeigh) had been with a militant group in Michigan and how we all

have to hunker down because they crazy right wing maniacs are liable to do

anything. Nobody wanted to tell it like it was because it would turn out that the

crazy rightwing maniacs were right all along.

AJ: And had been warning people about the threat.

DS: Yea.

AJ: So where does it go from here?

DS: Well, I'm still trying, I'm still trying to get somebody to listen to me out there

and to listen to my witnesses - and to, at least, take the material. You know,

Jayna Davis, took the same stuff she showed me and walked into the FBI at

Oklahoma City and said here, I have all this material, it may be of some

assistance to you. They said, we don't want it. They refused to even take it.

AJ: You can see the motive. I see more intelligence funding, I see the cashless

society with biometrics, I see an expanded UN, I see NATO planes patrolling our
skies, I see global government being empowered and a takeover of the middle

east and central asia. I see great dividends for them by allowing this to happen.

DS: I hope to God that you're wrong, I do. I can't fight or argue with you because

it does seem to be heading that way. However, I think the problem is that they

covered up the TWA 800 bombing, they covered up the Oklahoma City bombing,

but when the whole world watched those two planes hit the Towers, there is no

way they could blame that on a local group. They have to get into it now and I

think - I'm not talking about Ashcroft or the president, I'm not talking about the

street agent. They are the greatest men on the face of the earth, as far as I'm

concerned - the FBI street agent, the guys out there going door to door. AJ: Yea,

but in Minnesota they did they job...

DS: Sure and they got hurt for it. AJ: and they got pulled off the case.

DS: And in Chicago, they did their job and they got pulled off the case. And down

in Oklahoma City, you've got those three agents. And what did they do? The
method by which they stopped them. They bring some garbage charge against

them and then say well they are dissidents. They try to affect their credibility by


AJ: For trying to protect their country, the heroes get crucified.

DS: The heroes get crucified and the bureaucrats sit out there and tell each other

what a great job they are doing until another city blows up. And then they say,

they need more tools. They have all the tools in the world. They could have found

the money (trail) years ago if they had just listened. Sorry, if I sound mad, I am.

AJ: No, I'm angry too. They've got biologicals, they've got chemicals. They've got

suitcase nukes. As you said, that was the original plan. It could happen any time

- from the same sources that you have that I have. David Shippers, I can only

commend you for going public with this because you do have so much credibility.
DS: We've got to go public. We tried to do it the right way, we tried to do it by

going to the people in whom you would normally repose your confidence and

trust. It didn't work. Nobody cares.

From The Alex Jones Show 10/10/01

My thanks to Alex Jones for this interview (see

As much as six months prior to Bush’s nomination to run for President, he

and his people were already planning war with Iraq. I would be willing to

lay good money on the line, if I was a betting man, that the bombing runs in

Afghanistan cleared the route for the oil pipeline they planned to put

through. Two years prior to 9-11 Vice President Dick Cheney was on the

Afghanistan Oil Reserve Control Board. When they met with the Taliban

they promised “a carpet of gold” if they were allowed to put the pipeline

through, or a “carpet of bombs if they didn’t”. Well the Taliban refused.

They were meetings held in Washington with Taliban leaders as late as July

2001, trying to get the Taliban to commit to allowing the pipeline.

Chapter 3

9-11, Lies, Deception, Heading To a Police State

The seismic record (below) details the events of 9-11. Notice the enormous

spike on both events. This spike is not caused by the collapse, but explosive!

The thick dark area is the actual collapse. These are not just my opinions.

Van Romero vice president of New Mexico Institute of Mining &

Technology shares my opinion. “ My opinion, is based on the videotapes,

that after the airplanes hit the WTC there were some explosives devices

inside the building that caused the towers to collapse,” said Romero.

Mr. Romero is an explosives expert and former director of Energetic

Materials Research and Testing Ctr. at New Mexico Tech. They teach the

experts, firemen, police, and first responders about explosives.

I came to the same conclusions a day before Mr. Romero. I knew

when building seven collapsed. I could not believe my eyes! I watched the

video of building seven again. There it was, controlled demolition and

nothing less. I can prove it and so can you. I’ll show you what to look for.

Before I do I will tell you how I knew.

I was involved with explosives manufacturing. I also was involved

with professional commercial fireworks displays for seven years. I’ve had

explosives training, and studied demolition for a short while in hopes of

working in controlled demolition of buildings.

When you watch your video of the collapse of the towers you will

need to watch for a couple of things. At the start of the collapse, look just

below the area collapsing, you will see small white jets of smoke moving

rapidly blowing out the windows. This is explosive debris. If you watch

carefully you will see that happen three or four times 5 or 10 floors below

the section about to collapse. Next time you get a chance to watch a

controlled implosion of a building, watch for these markers.


Welcome to PYROTECH 101,

This is a picture of a controlled demolition of a building. The white

puffs of what appear to be "smoke" are actually explosive debris

generated by explosive shaped charges cutting the main structure of

the building. These blown in sequence removes these critical

supports in such an order to cause the building to fall in on itself.

2. You will see just below the big cloud of debris a similar puff of

explosive debris exiting the building several floors below what is

about to collapse. If you have a video of that days events you can

see numerous instances of these detonations.

3. In short the planes did NOT bring down the buildings explosives


PYROTECH 101, is now over.

4. Dry eyes, say a prayer for victims families and our country.


You say why would they want to blow up the WTC? Follow the

Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset in the Regan/Bush era. He was a

“freedom fighter” in Afghanistan against Russia. He and the Taliban were

CIA creations. Not unlike Saddam Hussein, who was a CIA assassin in

1949. It was his job it to kill the ruler of Iran although he failed miserably.

He still would stay in the good graces of the CIA, to later become leader of


Osama Bin Laden’s father, Sheik Mohammad Bin Laden, was

involved with George Herbert Walker Bush in oil. Oddly enough he died in

a plane crash in Texas in 1968, prior to visiting the Bushes. The Bin Laden

family was also involved as the principal stockholders of the Carlyle Group

and Bush Sr. was on the board of directors. The Bin Laden family was not

strangers to hob-knobbing with the Bush’s either. Sheik Salem Bin Laden

(Osama’s brother) oddly enough like his father also died in an airplane crash

in Texas in 1988 just after a visit.

Colin Powell laid plans for the war in Afghanistan MONTHS

prior to 9-11. The order for war was on President Bush’s desk two days prior

to 9-11.

You are in: World: South Asia

Tuesday, 18 September, 2001, 11:27 GMT 12:27 UK WATCH/LISTEN
US 'planned attack on Taleban'
Front Page


The BBC's George Arney

says the US had made plans
for a major assault on
Afghanistan before the WTC

The wider objective was to oust the Taleban
By the BBC's George Arney Former British soldier Mike
Asia-Pacific Yardley
"From a military perspective
Europe A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the Afghanistan is a really tough
nut to crack"
US was planning military action against Osama Bin
Middle East
Laden and the Taleban even before last week's
South Asia attacks.

Niaz Naik, a former
Pakistani Foreign
Secretary, was told by
senior American officials
LetterFromAmerica in mid-July that military
action against Afghanistan
would go ahead by the
UK Politics middle of October.

Business Russian troops were on The loya jirga

standby Political healing
Mr Naik said US officials
Sci/Tech What is a loya jirga?
told him of the plan at a
Health UN-sponsored Profiles
Hamid Karzai
international contact
Education Zahir Shah
group on Afghanistan
Entertainment which took place in Berlin. Unfinished conflict
Guarding Gardez
Talking Point Violence halts refugees
Mr Naik told the BBC that at the meeting the US 'Bounty' threat
In Depth Last stand or long war?
representatives told him that unless Bin Laden was
Warlords re-emerge
AudioVideo handed over swiftly America would take military
action to kill or capture both Bin Laden and the Rebuilding the country
Spending the billions
Taleban leader, Mullah Omar.
Children's bravery

The wider objective, according to Mr Naik, would be

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Another point I’d like to make here is that Osama Bin Laden was on

the most wanted list of terrorists for a number of years before 9-11. Wanted

for two truck bombings and the bombing of the USS Cole killing US Service

men. Oddly enough he was in a US Hospital bed in Dubai with failing

kidneys. The only visitors he had in his suite of rooms were, his family and

the Station Chief of the CIA. If that had been you or I, we would have either
been dead or handcuffed, chained, bound and gagged to the bed. (Source

French daily Le Figaro Oct.31, 2001 )

Wednesday October 31, 2:04 PM

Bin Laden underwent treatment in July at Dubai

American Hospital: reports

Osama bin Laden underwent treatment in July at the American Hospital in

Dubai where he met a US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official,

French daily Le Figaro and Radio France International reported.

Quoting "a witness, a professional partner of the administrative

management of the hospital," they said the man suspected by the United

States of being behind the September 11 terrorist attacks had arrived in

Dubai on July 4 by air from Quetta, Pakistan.

He was immediately taken to the hospital for kidney treatment. He left the

establishment on July 14, Le Figaro said.

During his stay, the daily said, the local CIA representative was seen going

into bin Laden's room and "a few days later, the CIA man boasted to some

friends of having visited the Saudi-born millionaire."

Quoting "an authoritative source," Le Figaro and the radio station said the

CIA representative had been recalled to Washington on July 15.

Bin Laden has been sought by the United States for terrorism since the

bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. But his CIA

links go back before that to the fight against Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

Le Figaro said bin Laden was accompanied in Dubai by his personal

physician and close collaborator, who could be the Egyptian Ayman al-

Zawahari, as well as bodyguards and an Algerian nurse.

He was admitted to the urology department of Doctor Terry Callaway,

who specializes in kidney stones and male infertility. Telephoned several

times, the doctor declined to answer questions.

Several sources had reported that bin Laden had a serious kidney infection.

He had a mobile dialysis machine sent to his Kandahar hideout in

Afghanistan in the first half of 2000, according to "authoritative sources"

quoted by Le Figaro and RFI. (End of article)

Osama left the hospital on July 14, 2001 with two portable dialysis

machines, and I tell you right now he is not in any cave unless it is wired

with 110/ 220 volt or he’s dragging an awfully big generator through the

mountains of Afghanistan. Osama was eligible for execution by intelligence

findings issued by Clinton in 2000. The CIA could have assassinated him at

the moment they could get him in weapons range.

It is worthwhile to mention that the Bin Laden family in the US, were

given safe passage with high security only a few days after 9-11.

As we ponder the motives of this heinous crime it might be well noted

in the 1993 bombing, there was government PARTIPATION in it too.

The New York Times carried a story during the trial of those

“responsible” for the 1993 bombing.

The article brought out the fact that there was an FBI informant by the

name of Emad Salem in the middle of, the terrorist group plotting the

bombing. The informant suggested according to the trial transcripts, that

they use inert powders instead of explosives. His FBI handlers were noted as

refusing as the terrorists might figure out the explosives weren’t real.

Consequently the FBI provided real explosives for the crime! Shades of

Oklahoma City!

Here is the article and partial tape transcript.



Thursday October 28, 1993 Page A1

"Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart
Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast"

By Ralph Blumenthal

Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was
eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart
the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an
informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake
powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas
about how the informer, Emad Salem, should be used, the informer said.

The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape

recordings that Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement
agents, portrays the authorities as being in a far better position than previously
known to foil the February 26th bombing of New York City's tallest towers.

The explosion left six people dead, more than a thousand people injured, and
damages in excess of half-a-billion dollars. Four men are now on trial in
Manhattan Federal Court [on charges of involvement] in that attack.

Mr. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, was used by the
Government [of the United States] to penetrate a circle of Muslim extremists who
are now charged in two bombing cases:
the World Trade Center attack, and a foiled plot to destroy the United Nations,
the Hudson River tunnels, and other New York City landmarks. He is the crucial
witness in the second bombing case, but his work for the Government was
erratic, and for months before the World Trade Center blast, he was feuding with
the F.B.I.

Supervisor `Messed It Up'

After the bombing, he resumed his undercover work. In an undated transcript of a
conversation from that period, Mr. Salem recounts a talk he had had earlier with
an agent about an unnamed F.B.I. supervisor who, he said, "came and messed it
up." "He requested to meet me in the hotel," Mr. Salem says of the supervisor.

"He requested to make me to testify, and if he didn't push for that, we'll be going
building the bomb with a phony powder, and grabbing the people who was
involved in it. But since you, we didn't do that."

The transcript quotes Mr. Salem as saying that he wanted tocomplain to F.B.I.
Headquarters in Washington about the Bureau's failure to stop the bombing, but
was dissuaded by an agent identified as John Anticev.

Mr. Salem said Mr. Anticev had told him, "He said, I don't think that the New York
people would like the things out of the New York Office to go to Washington,

Another agent, identified as Nancy Floyd, does not dispute Mr. Salem's account,
but rather, appears to agree with it, saying of the `New York people':

"Well, of course not, because they don't want to get their butts chewed."

From Trial Transcript tapes

As for the portions which clearly indicated that the FBI was
involved in a classic entrapment setup and had collaborated with
Salem in the implementation of the bombing, they were
conveniently not publicized. In a surreptitiously taped
conversation involving Salem and Special Agent John Anticev,
Salem refers to his contribution in the making of the bomb and the
Bureau's awareness and consent of it. An avaricious Salem is seen
pressing for more money. The conversation revolves around
references to the bombing and the FBI's acquaintance of the bomb
Anticev: "But ah basically nothing has changed. I'm
just telling you for my own sake that nothing, that
this isn't a salary but you got paid regularly for good
information. I mean the expenses were a little bit out
of the ordinary and it was really questioned. Don't tell
Nancy I told you this."

Salem: "Well, I have to tell her of course."

Anticev: "Well then, if you have to, you have to."

Salem: "Yeah, I mean because the lady was being

honest and I was being honest and everything was
submitted with receipts and now it's questionable."

Anticev: "It's not questionable, it's like a little out of

the ordinary."

Salem: "Okay. I don't think it was. If that what you

think guys, fine, but I don't think that because we was
start already building the bomb which is went off in
the World Trade Center. It was built by supervising
supervision from the Bureau and the DA and we was
all informed about it and we know what the bomb
start to be built. By who? By your confidential
informant. What a wonderful great case! And then he
put his head in the sand I said "Oh, no, no, that's not
true, he is son of a bitch." (Deep breath) Okay. It's
built with a different way in another place and that's

Anticev: "No, don't make any rash decisions. I'm just

trying to be as honest with you as I can."

Salem: "Of course, I appreciate that."

Former Watergate associate prosecutor Richard Ben-Veniste

warned that these tapes pose "an absolute nightmare for federal

In the trial of both Terry Nichols & Lee Harvey McVeigh, I mean,

Timothy McVeigh the judge repeatedly refused to allow any evidence that

incriminated anyone but these two men in the bombing.

Enter, Carey James Gagen giving sworn testimony before a second

grand jury convened by the people of Oklahoma because the persecutors, I

mean prosecutors, refused to.

In his sworn deposition and testimony Mr. Gagen brought forth

paperwork from the Justice Department giving him 15 months immunity

from prosecution. He was in the middle of the Arab group that placed

explosives inside the building. Gagen warned his handlers two weeks before

the bombing of what was about to happen. None of them did anything! They

refused to bring him in to reveal the plot.

They refused to listen. BOOM!

Immediately after the bombing the US district attorney revoked his

immunity from prosecution, and issued a SHOOT ON SITE ORDER for Mr.

Gagen. If it had not been for Oklahoma State Senator Keys, Mr. Gagen

would have been dead. Mr. Keys worked tirelessly to bring forth the truth in

the OK City bombing case.

The grand jury heard the evidence of the Arab connection. The

explosives wired to columns as witnessed by two women that worked in the

building. They described C-4 plastic explosives and what they thought to be

telephone wire (det. cord) being strung between columns. Mr. Gagen named

names and provided photos of the Arabs that did this. The state refused to

charge anyone other than the two patsies that they chose. Mohammed Atta

who piloted one of the planes into the twin towers, was also identified as one

of those involved in Oklahoma City bombing.


Mohammed Atta training as pilot is a very cloak and dagger episode

with some dubious connections, to say the least. First ties to Pensacola

Navel Air Station not only with Atta but numerous Arabs that trained there

prior to 9-11. Mohammad Atta was also wanted in connection with a truck

bombing in Israel in 1986.

Mohammad Atta, along with Marwan Al-Shehhi, Zihad Al-Jarrah, Et al.

trained at Huffman aviation owned by Rudi Dekkers, a Dutch national.

Huffman Aviation, located in Venice Florida, had in fact trained 3 of 4

hijackers. There were at least dozen Arab terrorists trained in Venice.

Dekkers had purchased Huffman Aviation just a few years prior to 9-11 for

around $1.8 Million. It appears that Rudi Dekkers did not notify the city,

county or even the FAA of the desire to purchase Huffman Aviation prior to

actually purchasing it. Which contradicts most law for a foreign national to

own a charter service, or even a plane without registry first. One other

curious note is that the Sarasota Drug Interdiction Task Force apparently

looked into operations at Venice but was told by DEA and others to stay

clear of the operations in Venice as if it had some sort of governmental


Deckers had a financial backer, Richard Boehlke. Boehlke also a

Dutch National was a major owner of nursing home facilities throughout

Florida. Boehlke also owned Harbor Air in Oak Harbor Washington.

Boehlke also gave Dekkers $26 million to build Legends a $14 million

dollar high-rise condo apartment building in Portland, Oregon.

The supposed competitor at the Venice Airport was Florida Flight

Training Center, was also owned by a Dutch National By the Name of Arnie

Crutoff (sp?)

Paschal Schwier, owner of Avco Air Charter, recruited in Hamburg,

Germany sending many Arabs to train with both Rudi Dekkers & Arnie

Crutoff (sp?) in Venice. Swiss police also investigated Osama’s Brother,

Yeslam Ben Laden’s Avcon Air which also offered flight training at both

Venice flight schools of Dekkers & Crutoff.

Dekkers’ US Charter was 3 month behind on rent, filed bankruptcy

when lo and behold he starts Florida Air (FLAIR), which in reality was

Sunrise Air, DBA as FLAIR, which was really Express Air of Phoenix

Arizona, DBA as Sunrise. FLAIR’s airplane was donated to them for $1.00 a

year by the City of Sholo, Arizona. It might be noted here of $3 million

received by said air carriers from the US government Essential Air Service

Program. This method of business is very reminiscent of CIA’s Air America,

et al. Air America hauled drug shipments of cocaine & heroine for the

funding of CIA black ops.

Meyer Lansky was a major international crime figure. Organized

crime for ages has been the major bed partner with the CIA for drug running.

Lansky along with Capitol Consultants, Boehlke were all investigated over
the largest looting of the pension fund in Portland, Org. Looting to the tune

of $350 MILLION!

Alvin Malneck became the heir of this crime family from Lansky.

Malnecks son is married to Prince Turkey (SP?) leading prince of the

founding Saudi family. Enter Afghanistan and Osama, major producer of

opium poppies. Since the war with Afghanistan and the new US organized

government, opium production has doubled in Afghanistan.

Just one more anomalous set of circumstances was; Jackson Steven

owner of Boone, Boone & Hines law firm of the National Promise Software

scandal which had ties to; Vince Foster, Mena, Arkansas, and BCCI. Stevens

built the National Headquarters of nursing home companies. Boone, Boone

& Hines founder was the college roommate of Laughton Childs former

governor of Florida. Who appointed Katherine Harris to the Board of

Ringling Brothers Clown College. She also held the post of Florida

Secretary of State. She was the only celebrity endorsement of Dekker’s

Florida Air (FLAIR).

Venice is also the winter home of Ringling Brothers Circus and

Clown College which is located next to Venice airport. John Ringling North

the founder of Ringling Brothers Circus was an OSS agent. Office of

Strategic Services is the forerunner of the CIA. John Ringling North was not
just some ho-hum agent either. He played a pivotal role in the freeing of

Italian Mafia figures from Italian jails, which assisted in the Allied Invasion

of 1944. During the cold war Ringling Brothers toured behind the Iron

Curtain. That explains why many CIA Agents had training at the Clown

College, as the Circus made an excellent cover for covert operations.

I think all in all, that the FBI’s final report on 9-11 had no mention of Venice

and little to no mention of Dekkers and Crytoff, to be more than just strange.

Dekkers was asked by FBI for two files on Mohammad Atta & Marwan Al-

Shehhi. Dekkers of his own admission stated he turned over 200 files to the

FBI of his own accord. The Sarasota police said the FBI loaded two Ryder

trucks in front of Sarasota Police station with files. The two trucks were

loaded onto a C-130 and accompanied by Jeb Bush, the Presidents brother,

to Washington. Strange does not begin to describe all the random

connections involved here. (Suggested viewing: Mohammad Atta and the

Venice Flying Circus by investigative journalist Danie Hopsicker.)

The original bombing in 1993 of the WTC had another ominous

connection to 9-11. Following the trail of the terrorists to the Philippines in

1995 the FBI found on their computers the plans for their “Project Bojinka”.

It was a plan to highjack planes loaded with fuel and crash them into
buildings in Manhattan & Washington D.C. The FBI knew six year ahead of

the plan that occurred on 9-11.

Bust and Boom

Six years before the September 11 attacks, Philippine police took down an al

Qaeda cell that had been plotting, among other things, to fly explosives-laden

planes into the Pentagon

By Matthew Brzezinski

Sunday, December 30, 2001; Page W09

It was already evening, here on the other side of the international date line, when

the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Aida Fariscal

had gone to bed early on September 11, only to be awakened by a frantic

colleague. "Quick," he instructed, "turn on your television."

The footage of the hijacked airliner bursting into flame made Fariscal bolt upright.

"Oh my God," she gasped. "Bojinka."

For the retired Philippine policewoman, that word and the nightmare scenario it

evoked had receded into distant memory these past six years. Sometimes weeks

went by without her even thinking about the terrorist plot she had foiled so long

ago. But there it was, after all this time, unfolding live on her small-screen

television. "I thought, at first," she tells me, "that I was having a bad dream, or

that I was watching a movie." But as the burning towers came crashing down

under their own weight, disbelief turned to anger. "I still don't understand," she

says over a club sandwich, "how it could have been allowed to happen."

We are having lunch at a chicken rotisserie in a busy Manila shopping center, not

far from the Dona Josefa Apartments, where it all started, where she -- and the

CIA and the FBI -- first heard the words "Operation Bojinka." Fariscal has insisted

on a corner table, so she can keep an eye on the other patrons and the shoppers

beyond the restaurant's greasy glass partition. Old habits, she explains, die hard,
and, after a life of fighting crime, she always takes security precautions,

especially now that she is off the force, a widowed grandmother living off a police

pension in a small one-bedroom apartment. Her brother, in fact, is supposed to

swing by the rotisserie -- just to make sure I am who I say I am.

As we speak, she seems bitter, and surprisingly fragile in her hoop earrings and

bright pink lipstick. She is bitter that the generals in the Philippine high command

hogged all the credit for Bojinka, while all she received was $700 and a free trip

to Taiwan. She is bitter that the Americans apparently didn't take the foiled plot

seriously enough. But most of all, she is angry that, in the end, her hunch didn't

save thousands of lives after all. "I can't get those images," she says of the World

Trade Center wreckage, "out of my mind."

The call came in shortly after 11 on a Friday night back in January 1995: a

routine fire alarm, some smoke spotted on the top floor of a six-story building just

down the street from Manila Police Station No. 9. Fariscal, the watch

commander, peered out of the precinct house window, but couldn't see any sign
of a blaze on Quirino Avenue. Still, she dispatched Patrolman Ariel Fernandez to

check it out. "Nothing to worry about," he reported when he returned a few

minutes later. "Just some Pakistanis playing with firecrackers."

Fariscal wasn't so sure. She hadn't earned her senior inspector stripes by sitting

down on the job, and had risen in the male-dominated ranks of the Manila police

force by trusting her "female intuition." And her instinct that night told her

something was wrong.

"The pope was coming to the Philippines, we were worried about security, and on

top of that we had just had a big typhoon," she recalls. The senior inspector

decided to walk the 500 yards to the Dona Josefa Apartments to see for herself.

She barely had time to change out of her civilian clothes, a flower-patterned

dress and sandals, and she didn't think she needed her gun. But just in case, she

ordered Patrolman Fernandez and another officer to tag along as backup while

she picked her way past the uprooted trunks of palm trees.
The Dona Josefa apartment building was a well-kept but not luxurious residence,

with an open lobby and an airy feel. It was often used for short-term rentals by

Middle Eastern tourists, who came to Manila's neon-lit Malate nightclub district to

get away from the strict mores back home. It was also a block away from the

papal nunciature, where John Paul II would be staying.

"What's happening here, boss?" Fariscal asked the Dona Josefa doorman in

Tagalog, a native tongue of the Philippines. Two men, he said, had fled their

sixth-floor apartment, pulling on their pants as they ran in the smoky corridor.

"They told me everything was under control, just some fireworks that accidentally

went off."

Fariscal faced a quandary. She couldn't legally enter the apartment without a

search warrant, now that there was no longer an imminent danger of fire. But she

couldn't simply walk away, either. She was stubborn that way. It was one reason

why in 1977, after 17 years as a homemaker raising four children, she had

decided to enroll in the police academy. "Open it up," she instructed.

Suite 603 was a cluttered one-bedroom bachelor pad. The first thing Fariscal

noticed was four hot plates, still in their packing crates. Bundles of cotton lay

scattered around the room, soaked in some sort of pungent beige solution, next

to clear plastic containers of various sizes and shapes bearing the stamp of

German and Pakistani chemical manufacturers. And loops of electrical wiring:

green, yellow, blue and red.

Just then, the phone rang, causing Fariscal to jump with fright. "I'd just seen a

movie with Sylvester Stallone where the telephone was booby-trapped," she

recalls now. "Everybody out," she ordered. They scrambled back downstairs,

where the doorman appeared to be in a high state of agitation. "That's one of

them," he whispered. "He's coming back."

Patrolman Fernandez grabbed the suspect. He was young, in his mid-to-late

twenties, Fariscal guessed, and handsome in a rakish sort of way. He said his

name was Ahmed Saeed, that he was a commercial pilot, and that he was just
on his way to the precinct house to explain any misunderstanding over the

firecracker smoke.

"There's the other one," interrupted the doorman, pointing to a thin, bearded

individual standing outside. Fariscal set off in his direction. He was calmly talking

on his cell phone, smoking a pipe and watching her. For a brief instant their eyes

met. Fariscal had no idea she was looking at Ramzi Yousef, the man who had

tried to bring down the World Trade Center in 1993.

The sound of gunfire froze Fariscal in her tracks. She had been wounded a few

years back when a bullet ripped through her left arm and torso to lodge four

centimeters from her spine, and the memory left her skittish. But she whirled

around just in time to see Patrolman Fernandez aiming his service revolver at

Saeed's fleeing back. As the cops gave chase, the fugitive suddenly lurched

forward, sprawling on the pavement; he had tripped over the exposed roots of a

tree toppled by the typhoon. Saeed was back in custody. But his accomplice had
taken advantage of the confusion to melt into the gathering crowd of street

peddlers and gawkers.

Neither Fariscal nor the two officers with her had any handcuffs, so they

improvised with rope from a clothesline and hauled Saeed to his feet. "I'll give

you $2,000 to let me go," he pleaded. Most Manila police officers don't make that

in a year. But Fariscal refused. Concerned that the suspect would try to bolt

again, she radioed the precinct for a squad car. As usual, none was available.

One of the cops tried to hail down a passing "jeepney," the converted World War

II-vintage U.S. Army Jeeps pressed into service as cheap -- if not always reliable

-- public transportation in Manila. Finally, Fariscal commandeered a minivan taxi

and conscripted two burly pedestrians to help watch Saeed during the short ride

to the precinct station.

By now, the senior inspector had an inkling that she had stumbled onto

something big. She couldn't know, however, just how big her discovery would

turn out to be; that amid the clutter of the chemicals and cotton at the Dona
Josefa apartment, investigators would unearth a plan that, with the benefit of

hindsight, career CIA officers today admit looks alarmingly like an early blueprint

for the September 11 attack on America.

All Fariscal knew for the moment was that she had just nabbed some sort of a

terrorist -- and, in the Philippines, that could mean anything.

At the precinct Saeed signed a handwritten statement, in which -- according to

police records -- he again proclaimed his innocence and claimed to be a simple

tourist visiting a friend in the chemicals import-export business. But, perhaps

sensing that the game was up, he complained to Fariscal that there are "two

Satans that must be destroyed: the pope and America."

The senior inspector had already surmised that Pope John Paul II was a target of

assassination, a suspicion that was borne out when she returned with the bomb

squad to Suite 603 at 2:30 a.m. and found a photograph of the pontiff tucked into

the corner of a bedside mirror, near a new crucifix, rosary and Bible. There were
street maps of Manila, plotting the papal motorcade's route; two remote-control

brass pipe bombs; and a phone message from a tailor saying that the cassock

Saeed had ordered was ready for a final fitting.

By 4 in the morning the situation was deemed serious enough that the first

generals had started showing up on the scene, and a judge was soon rousted

out of bed to sign a belated search warrant.

"It was obvious they had planned to dress someone up as a priest, and smuggle

the bomb past the Holy Father's security detail," Fariscal recalls. But the sheer

magnitude of the chemical arsenal Fariscal found in Suite 603 also made it clear

that the conspirators had other, possibly even more ambitious, targets. The four

new hot plates needed to cook the concoctions made it clear the extremists were

gearing up for mass production.

It took days for the bomb squad to draw up a complete inventory of the

apartment's contents, which included a cornucopia of explosive ingredients --

sulfuric, picric and nitric acid, pure glycerin, acetone, sodium trichlorate,

nitrobenzoyl, ammonia, silver nitrates, methanamine and ANFO binary explosive,

among others. Funnels, thermometers, graduated cylinders and beakers, mortars

and pestles, various electronic fusing systems, timers, circuit breakers, batteries

and a box of Rough Rider lubricated condoms rounded out the home laboratory,

which included chemistry reference manuals and a recipe written in Arabic on

how to build powerful liquid bombs.

The formula, part of more than 200 pages of classified Philippine and U.S.

intelligence documents obtained by The Washington Post Magazine, was chilling

in its simplicity. Step One: "Put 0.5g of sodium hydroxide with 30 ml of warm

water. Add to them 3g of picric acid . . ." Step Six: "By using an eye dropper, very

slowly add sulfuric acid to the liquid until its color is changed to orange, then to

brown . . ." Step Eleven: "Leave the mixture for 12 to 14 hours to allow the

acetone peroxide to precipitate, then wash on filter paper until PH level=7 . . ."

Final Step: "Put them in a dark place to dry."

That dark place turned out to be the cupboard under the apartment's kitchen

sink, where technicians found a foot-long finished bomb with a Casio wristwatch


"The guys in the bomb squad had never seen an explosive like this before," says

Fariscal. Neither had many U.S. investigators. "The particularly evil genius of this

device was that it was virtually undetectable by airport security measures," says

Vincent Cannistraro, the former head of the CIA's counterterrorism center.

But what were the targets? And who were the conspirators? A clue to the identity

of the suspects emerged when Fariscal found dozens of passports in different

names hidden in a wall divider. Saeed, apparently, had many aliases, including

Abdul Hakim, student, age 26, Pakistani passport No. C665334, issued in

Kuwait. His real name, investigators would eventually discover, was Abdul Hakim

Murad. According to transcripts from his interrogation, he was the Pakistani-born

son of a crane operator for a Kuwait petroleum company. He had graduated from

high school in Al-Jery, Kuwait, before attending the Emirates Flying School in
Dubai and moving on to flight schools in Texas, Upstate New York and North

Carolina, where after completing the required 275 hours of flight time, he

received a commercial pilot's license from Coastal Aviation Inc. on June 8, 1992.

Philippine investigators called in their American counterparts for help. This was

standard operating procedure. According to U.S. and Philippine officials

interviewed for this article, both the CIA Manila station chief and the resident FBI

legal attache were notified. A team of intelligence agents flew in from


Murad, as Senior Inspector Fariscal now thought of Saeed, was a suspect in the

1993 World Trade Center bombing. So, it turned out, was his accomplice at the

Dona Josefa Apartments, the thin, bearded man who had given Fariscal the slip.

He had registered under the name Najy Awaita Haddad, purporting to be a

Moroccan national. But the United States already had a thick file on him, and that

was just one of his 21 known aliases. Sometimes he passed himself off as Paul

Vijay, or Adam Sali or even Dr. Richard Smith. He was in fact Ramzi Ahmed
Yousef, mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, a fugitive with a

$2 million bounty placed on his head by the U.S. government.

Fingerprints lifted at the apartment helped give Yousef away; a life spent

assembling bombs had left his fingers burnt and distinctively deformed from

mishaps mixing tricky chemical concoctions. He had learned his deadly skills,

Philippine officials said, in Afghanistan, at a training camp for Osama bin Laden's

followers, and in turn had taught Murad the art of bomb making in Lahore,


Apparently Murad had not learned his lessons well, for it was his mistake that set

off the fire in the kitchen sink that alerted Manila police. In his haste to flee Suite

603, Yousef had left behind many clues. Some, like contact lens solution and a

receipt from a pharmacy, seemed innocuous. But others would give the FBI and

the CIA a chilling preview of what the terrorists had in store for the United States.
The most damning information was gleaned from Yousef's notebook computer,

and four accompanying diskettes. The data were encrypted and in Arabic, but

Philippine technicians eventually deciphered the code and translated the texts.

One of Yousef's translated documents -- stamped SECRET by Philippine

intelligence -- spells out the terrorist cell's broad objectives. "All people who

support the U.S. government are our targets in our future plans and that is

because all those people are responsible for their government's actions and they

support the U.S. foreign policy and are satisfied with it," it declared.

"We will hit all U.S. nuclear targets," the manifesto continued. "If the U.S.

government keeps supporting Israel, then we will continue to carry out operations

inside and outside the United States to include -- " Here the text terminates


Already, intelligence officials had gleaned an almost unparalleled treasure-trove

of information on the inner workings of bin Laden's international terrorist network.

Cell members did not appear to even know one another's real names. Duties
were divided and compartmentalized, and none of the conspirators stayed in the

same place for any length of time. But there were still more frightening

revelations to come.

Another file found on Yousef's computer consisted of a printout of U.S. airline

schedules, which initially baffled investigators. The file, named Bojinka, listed the

travel itineraries of 11 long-haul flights between Asia and the United States,

mostly on United and American airlines. All the flights had several legs, and were

grouped under five headings bearing code names of accomplices such as Zyed,

Majbos or Obaid. Each accomplice would leave the bombs on the first leg of the

flight, and then eventually return to locations like Lahore, Pakistan. Obaid, for

instance, would fly from Singapore to Hong Kong on United Flight 80, which

continued as United Flight 806 to San Francisco. Under the flight plan, Yousef

had written: "SETTING: 9:30 PM to 10:30 PM. TIMER: 23HR. BOJINKA:

20:30-21:30 NRT Date 5."

Zyed, on the other hand, would take Northwest Airlines Flight 30 from Manila to

Seoul, with continued service to Los Angeles. "SETTING: 8:30-9:00. TIMER:

10HR. BOJINKA: 19:30-20:00 NRT Date 4," the accompanying instruction read.

The repeated use of the word "TIMER" concerned investigators, who by then had

made the connection between the dozens of Casio wristwatches found in Suite

603 and one discovered a few weeks earlier on a Philippine Airlines flight from

the Philippine town of Cebu to Tokyo's Narita International Airport. The watch

had served to detonate a blast that ripped through the Boeing 747, killing a

Japanese passenger and forcing the plane to make an emergency landing.

Philippine intelligence put the screws to Murad. In Camp Crame, a military

installation on the outskirts of Manila, he was subjected for 67 days to what

Philippine intelligence reports delicately refer to as TI, or tactical interrogation. By

the time he was handed over to the Americans, interrogators had extracted

everything they thought they needed to know.

Yousef, Murad confessed, had indeed been responsible for the blast aboard the

Philippine airliner, which was actually a dry run to test the terrorists' new

generation of nitroglycerin explosive, known as a "Mark II" bomb. Yousef had

deposited his device -- lethal liquid concealed in a contact lens solution bottle

with cotton-ball stabilizing agents and a harmless-looking wristwatch wrapped

around it -- under seat 27F on the Manila-to-Cebu leg of the flight to Tokyo. He

had gotten off in Cebu after setting the watch's timer for four hours later. The

same plan, code-named Operation Bojinka (which is pronounced Bo-GIN-ka and

means "loud bang" in Serbo-Croatian), was to be repeated on the 11 American

commercial jetliners, with the timing devices synchronized to go off as the planes

reached mid-ocean. U.S. federal prosecutors later estimated that 4,000

passengers would have died had the plot been successful. The enormity of

Bojinka also frightened U.S. officials. "We had never seen anything that

complicated or ambitious before. It was unparalleled," recalls Vincent

Cannistraro, the former CIA counterterrorism head.

But, Philippine and U.S intelligence officials said, the Bojinka operation called for

a second, perhaps even more ambitious phase, as interrogators discovered

when they pressed Murad about his pilot's license. All those years in flight

school, he confessed, had been in preparation for a suicide mission. He was to

buy, rent, or steal -- that part of the plan had not yet been worked out -- a small

plane, preferably a Cessna, fill it with explosives and crash it into CIA


There were secondary targets the terrorist cell wanted hit: Congress, the White

House, the Pentagon and possibly some skyscrapers. The only problem, Murad

complained, was that they needed more trained pilots to carry out the plot.

"It's so chilling," says Fariscal, as our meal at the chicken rotisserie winds down.

"Those kamikaze pilots trained in America, just like Murad." We have talked for

four hours and the food has long grown cold. As she speaks, Fariscal often

grows emotional, and at times when her frustration reaches a fever pitch she

lapses into Tagalog, and I ask her to slow down and translate.
"The FBI knew all about Yousef's plans," she says. "They'd seen the files, been

inside 603. The CIA had access to everything, too. Look," she adds, fishing in a

plastic shopping bag for one of her most prized possessions, a laminated

certificate of merit bearing the seal of the Central Intelligence Agency. "Awarded

to Senior Inspector Aida D. Fariscal," it reads. "In recognition of your personal

outstanding efforts and cooperation."

"This should have never, ever been allowed to happen," she repeats angrily. "All

those poor people dead."

In her outrage at the biggest U.S. intelligence failure since Pearl Harbor, Fariscal

is not alone in the Manila law enforcement community. Gen. Avelino "Sonny"

Razon, one of the lead investigators in the Bojinka case, was so shocked at what

he saw on September 11 that he jumped on a plane in Cebu, where he was now

police chief, and flew to Manila to convene a hasty press conference. "We told

the Americans about the plans to turn planes into flying bombs as far back as

1995," he complained to reporters. "Why didn't they pay attention?"

U.S. officials counter that they did pay attention. FBI spokesman John E.

Collingwood denies that the bureau had advance knowledge of a plot to turn

airliners into flying bombs. "The FBI had no warnings about any hijack plots.

There was a widely publicized 1995 conspiracy in Manila to remotely blow up 11

U.S. airliners over the Pacific," Collingwood said in a letter to the editor to The

Post in October, "but that was disrupted. And, as is the practice, what was

learned in that investigation was widely disseminated, even internationally, and

thoroughly analyzed by multiple agencies. It does not connect to the current


Not everyone in the American intelligence community, however, is of the same

mind. "There certainly were enough precursors that should have led analysts to

suspect that the U.S could come under domestic attack," says Cannistraro, the

27-year intelligence veteran who ran the CIA's counterterrorism division until

1990. "There's no question about it. We knew about the pilots and suicide plots.

Just didn't put two and two together."

That failure to connect the dots -- or at the very least, monitor Middle Eastern

students at U.S. flight schools -- lies at the heart of the intelligence breakdown,

says Cannistraro. (One indication of just how politically sensitive this issue has

become occurred the day after Gen. Razon's impromptu Manila press

conference. His candid remarks earned him an official rebuke from President

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, who has been anxious not to embarrass Washington,

the Philippines' staunchest ally and patron. "I'm sorry," Razon says, when I call

him in Cebu. "I would like to talk to you, and there is much to say. But the

president has forbidden me to speak publicly on the subject of Bojinka.")

To be fair, it's a big leap from stealing a Cessna to commandeering a Boeing

767. "It's the imagination that failed us," says a former senior CIA agent, "not the

system." He dismissed the connection to Bojinka as a "hindsight is cheap"


Yet it is precisely the responsibility of the agency's thousands of planners and

analysts to dream up what may appear as crazy scenarios in order to find ways
to thwart them. And it is unclear what became of the information gleaned from

Operation Bojinka.

"We didn't file it and forget about it," a CIA spokeswoman assures me. Indeed,

shortly after Yousef's liquid bombs were discovered, the Federal Aviation

Administration did begin installing "sniffer" devices, which can detect explosive

chemicals, at major airports throughout America. But beyond that, there is no

evidence of any other clear response by the intelligence community to the

information gleaned from the foiled plot in the Philippines.

The terrorists, on the other hand, appear to have drawn a number of invaluable

conclusions from their 1995 setback. "Under interrogation Murad told us several

things that should have been of interest to analysts on the deterrence side,"

recalls retired Gen. Renato De Villa, who served as Philippines defense minister

at the time of the raid on Suite 603. First, the extremists saw the 1993 World

Trade Center bombing as a failure and still considered the twin towers a viable
target. And more importantly, the cell seemed to be growing frustrated with

explosives. They were too expensive, unstable and could give them away.

Though nothing in Murad's confession gave investigators any warning of

hijackings, somewhere along the line, his brothers at arms in al Qaeda did make

the intellectual leap from explosives to jet fuel and box cutters.

One reason U.S counterterrorism officials may not have been able to outwit the

terrorists, critics charged, is because the entire intelligence community has

become too reliant on technology rather than human resources. "Where the

system breaks down," says a former staff member of President Clinton's National

Security Council who regularly attended briefings on bin Laden at Langley, "is not

at the hunting and gathering stage" -- the ability to electronically intercept

information. "We are probably tapped into every hotel room in Pakistan. We can

listen in to just about every phone call in Afghanistan," explains the former NSC

staffer. "Where the rubber hits the pavement is with the analysts. They are a

bunch of 24-year-old recent grads from Middlebury or Dartmouth who have never
been to Pakistan or Afghanistan, don't speak any of the relevant languages, and

seem more knowledgeable about the bar scene in Georgetown. They just don't

compare to the Soviet specialists we used to have. I'm not surprised they missed


With the benefit of hindsight, Murad's confession today sounds almost prophetic,

and as U.S investigators backtrack, piecing together bits of the puzzle left behind

by the hijackers, the specter of Bojinka looms large. As in the case of the

September 11 attacks, authorities in Manila following Suite 603's money trail

found that the deeper they dug, the closer they came to Osama bin Laden. The

critical clue was in Ramzi Yousef's notebook computer. A list of cell phone

numbers on its hard drive led authorities to stake out another apartment in

Manila, this one on Singalong Street. There they apprehended a third conspirator

in Yousef's terrorist cell, a stocky Afghan by the name of Wali Khan Amin Shah.

Like Yousef, Shah carried many passports under various aliases -- Norwegian,

Saudi, Afghan and four Pakistani, all filled with travel visas and entry stamps
from Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Shah also had mangled hands, and was

missing two fingers. Both his legs were heavily scarred with shrapnel, and he had

a large surgical scar on his stomach.

Shah turned out to be Bojinka's unlikely finance officer. To launder incoming

funds, Shah used bank accounts belonging to his live-in Filipino girlfriend and a

number of other Manila women, one of whom was an employee at a Kentucky

Fried Chicken outlet, and others who were described as bar hostesses. Most of

the transfers were surprisingly small -- $500 or $1,000 handed over at a Wendy's

or a karaoke bar late at night. Under "tactical interrogation" at Camp Crame,

Shah admitted that most of the funds were channeled to Adam Sali, an alias

used by Ramzi Yousef, through a Philippine bank account belonging to Omar

Abu Omar, a Syrian-born man working at a local Islamic organization known as

the International Relations and Information Center -- run by one Mohammed Jalal

Khalifa, Osama bin Laden's brother-in-law.

Shah's and Murad's confessions led to Yousef's arrest in Pakistan, and the three

suspects were extradited to New York to stand trial. All three were sentenced to

life in prison at a maximum-security facility in Colorado, and Bojinka was filed in

the "win" column, even as Mohamed Atta and fellow September 11 hijackers

were hatching plans to enroll in flight schools around the country.

That no one seemed to notice the connection, says Cannistraro, is the great


In 1998, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the first World Trade Center

bombing, Dale Watson, the FBI's top expert on international terror, reported to a

Senate Judiciary subcommittee that "although we should not allow ourselves to

be lulled into a false sense of security . . . I believe it is important to note that in

the five years since the Trade Center bombing, no significant act of foreign-

directed terrorism has occurred on American soil."

Three years later, September 11, 2001, the suicide attacks coincided almost to

the day, with another fifth anniversary: the 1996 conviction, in a Manhattan court,

of Bojinka's original plotters.

Matthew Brzezinski is the author of Casino Moscow. He will be fielding questions

and comments about this article at 1 p.m. Wednesday on (End of Article)

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

German intelligence, the BND, warned the CIA in June 2001 and

Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists are "planning to hijack commercial

aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and

Israeli culture." (Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Sept. 14, 2001) Of

course no one ever knew anything of what was going to happen on 9-11. To

say so must mean you don’t love your country. Garbage! Let truth rule.

Russian intelligence notifies the CIA during this summer that 25

terrorist pilots have been specifically training for missions involving

hijacked airliners. This is reported in the Russian press and was translated by

a retired CIA officer. (Source: Izvestia, Sept. 12, 2001)

The Honolulu Control Facility National Air Traffic Controllers Assoc.

on June 23 issued warning memos of Osama Bin Laden plan to carry out

“Project Bojinka” high-jacking planes and crashing them into American


The President, was told of the second plane hitting the WTC, while

hearing a story of a goat with the school children he was visiting. He later

stated he had ALREADY seen the first plane hit the building on TV before

reading to the children. Hmmm… what was he watching closed circuit TV,

the video of the first plane hitting the WTC didn’t surface until the next day.

Then the Commander and Chief just sat there and listened to the story about

the goat! What brass! Why didn’t he put the country on alert and leave

IMMEDIATELY? Isn’t that the normal thing for the president to do when

he KNOWS that we have been attacked ?

STRIKE 3 We’re Out!*

If one of these events had happened by itself maybe we could say

OOPS!, or it was a horrible intelligence mistake, but even accidents

happen in our favor on occasion. But here we have three major terrorist
attacks with proof of way beyond prior knowledge, proof of


The purpose of my “three strikes” rule is the fostering of a theory by

James Forrestal, America’s first Secretary of Defense who so brilliantly

put it, “if these things happened by accident they would occasionally

make a mistake in OUR favor”. Forrestal spoke of blunders by the war

dept. and the State Department the latter which had become infiltrated

with communists. He spoke of decisions handed by the powers that be in

Washington, today is no different.

Now because of the heinous actions of all those involved we have the

USA Patriot Act better known by it’s true name “Uniting and Strengthening

America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct

Terrorism," & the Homeland Security Act. Along with the “Domestic

Security Enhancement Act of 2003 aka Patriot Act II, The Intelligence

Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 passed Dec. 13 2003, our

Constitution has been effectively destroyed. Our God given Rights to

freedom flushed down the toilet.

The President, the Attorney General, & Secretary of Defense of the

US have the power to label any group a terrorist group. If you contribute to,
help in any way, wink at one of these groups, you are to be considered a

terrorist. If you are thought to be willing to resist arrest on such charges or

stand to defend your Rights, you are considered an “ Enemy Combatant.” In

which case you may be arrested without warrant. You may be snatched off

the street, and held indefinitely with NO Constitutional Rights, no access to

attorney, no notification of anyone of your whereabouts, until the “War On

Terrorism” is OVER. In fact you can be brought into a “Star Chamber

Court” in front of 3 military “Justices” and given a death sentence and still

never tell a soul. Hitler would be proud! Attorney General Ashcroft spoke

quite eloquently of his new powers to put Americans in concentration camps

here. So much so professor of constitutional law at George Washington

University, Jonathan Turley wrote an article in the Las Angles Times which

sums it up well.

“Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft’s Hellish Vision Attorney general shows himself

as a menace to liberty!”
Los Angeles Times

Wednesday, 14 August, 2002

Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft's announced desire for camps for U.S. citizens he

deems to be "enemy combatants" has moved him from merely being a political

embarrassment to being a constitutional menace.

Ashcroft's plan, disclosed last week but little publicized, would allow him to order

the indefinite incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip them of their

constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring them enemy


The proposed camp plan should trigger immediate congressional hearings and

reconsideration of Ashcroft's fitness for this important office. Whereas Al Qaeda

is a threat to the lives of our citizens, Ashcroft has become clear and present

threat to our liberties.

The camp plan was forged at an optimistic time for Ashcroft's small inner circle,

which has been carefully watching two test cases to see whether this vision could

become a reality. The cases of Jose Padilla and Yaser Esam Hamdi will

determine whether U.S. citizens can be held without charges and subject to the
arbitrary and unchecked authority of the government.

Hamdi has been held without charge even though the facts of his case are

virtually identical to those in the case of John Walker Lindh. Both Hamdi and

Lindh were captured in Afghanistan as foot soldiers in Taliban units. Yet Lindh

was given a lawyer and a trial, while Hamdi rots in a floating Navy brig in Norfolk,


This week, the government refused to comply with a federal judge who ordered

that he be given the underlying evidence justifying Hamdi's treatment. The

Justice Department has insisted that the judge must simply accept its declaration

and cannot interfere with the president's absolute authority in "a time of war."

In Padilla's case, Ashcroft initially claimed that the arrest stopped a plan to

detonate a radioactive bomb in New York or Washington, D.C. The

administration later issued an embarrassing correction that there was no

evidence Padilla was on such a mission. What is clear is that Padilla is an

American citizen and was arrested in the United States--two facts that should

trigger the full application of constitutional rights.

Ashcroft hopes to use his self-made "enemy combatant" stamp for any citizen

whom he deems to be part of a wider terrorist conspiracy.

Perhaps because of his discredited claims of preventing radiological

terrorism, aides have indicated that a "high-level committee" will recommend

which citizens are to be stripped of their constitutional rights and sent to

Ashcroft's new camps.

Few would have imagined any attorney general seeking to reestablish such

camps for citizens. Of course, Ashcroft is not considering camps on the order of

the internment camps used to incarcerate Japanese American citizens in World

War II. But he can be credited only with thinking smaller; we have learned from

painful experience that unchecked authority, once tasted, easily becomes


We are only now getting a full vision of Ashcroft's America. Some of his

predecessors dreamed of creating a great society or a nation unfettered

by racism. Ashcroft seems to dream of a country secured from itself,

neatly contained and controlled by his judgment of loyalty.

For more than 200 years, security and liberty have been viewed as coexistent

values. Ashcroft and his aides appear to view this relationship as lineal, where

security must precede liberty.

Since the nation will never be entirely safe from terrorism, liberty has

become a mere rhetorical justification for increased security.

Ashcroft is a catalyst for constitutional devolution, encouraging citizens

to accept autocratic rule as their only way of avoiding massive terrorist


His greatest problem has been preserving a level of panic and fear that would

induce a free people to surrender the rights so dearly won by their ancestors.

In "A Man for All Seasons," Sir Thomas More was confronted by a young lawyer,

Will Roper, who sought his daughter's hand. Roper proclaimed that he would cut

down every law in England to get after the devil.

More's response seems almost tailored for Ashcroft: "And when the last law was

down and the devil turned round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws

all being flat? ... This country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast ... and

if you cut them down--and you are just the man to do it--do you really think you

could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?"

Every generation has had Ropers and Ashcrofts who view our laws and traditions

as mere obstructions rather than protections in times of peril. But before we allow

Ashcroft to denude our own constitutional landscape, we must take a stand and

have the courage to say, "Enough."

Every generation has its test of principle in which people of good faith can no

longer remain silent in the face of authoritarian ambition. If we cannot join

together to fight the abomination of American camps, we have already lost what

we are defending.( End of article.)

I cannot here emphasize enough again the Hegelian Dialectic being

used on us. Playing US like a fiddle! Example: In the OK City bombing the

anti-terrorism bill had been on the table over six months and couldn’t get

votes until the federal building was bombed, then nearly everyone voted for

it, passing hands down! It tripled the funding for antiterrorism, but did it stop

9-11? NO!

Now not only the Patriot Act but now Patriot Act II i.e. the Domestic

Security Enhancement act of 2003 passed November 21st 2003 with a vote of

90-4 all others OBSTAINING! Our Constitution gutted of major protection

of the common citizen.

Here are major points of this bill.

SECTION 501 (Expatriation of Terrorists) expands the Bush administration’s “enemy

combatant” definition to all American citizens who “may” have violated any provision

of Section 802 of the first Patriot Act. (Section 802 is the new definition of domestic

terrorism, and the definition is “any action that endangers human life that is a

violation of any Federal or State law.”) Section 501 of the second Patriot Act directly

connects to Section 125 of the same act. The Justice Department boldly claims that
the incredibly broad Section 802 of the First USA Patriot Act isn’t broad enough and

that a new, unlimited definition of terrorism is needed.

Under Section 501 a US citizen engaging in lawful activities can be snatched off the

street and thrown into a van never to be seen again. The Justice Department states

that they can do this because the person “had inferred from conduct” that they were

not a US citizen. Remember Section 802 of the First USA Patriot Act states that any

violation of Federal or State law can result in the “enemy combatant” terrorist


SECTION 201 of the second Patriot Act makes it a criminal act for any member of

the government or any citizen to release any information concerning the

incarceration or whereabouts of detainees. It also states that law enforcement does

not even have to tell the press who they have arrested and they never have to

release the names.

SECTION 301 and 306 (Terrorist Identification Database) set up a national

database of “suspected terrorists” and radically expand the database to include

anyone associated with suspected terrorist groups and anyone involved in crimes or

having supported any group designated as “terrorist.” These sections also set up a

national DNA database for anyone on probation or who has been on probation for

any crime, and orders State governments to collect the DNA for the Federal


SECTION 312 gives immunity to law enforcement engaging in spying operations

against the American people and would place substantial restrictions on court

injunctions against Federal violations of civil rights across the board.

SECTION 101 will designate individual terrorists as foreign powers and again strip

them of all rights under the “enemy combatant” designation.

SECTION 102 states clearly that any information gathering, regardless of whether or

not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence

activities for a foreign power. This makes news gathering illegal.

SECTION 103 allows the Federal government to use wartime martial law powers

domestically and internationally without Congress declaring that a state of war exists.

SECTION 106 is bone-chilling in its straightforwardness. It states that broad general

warrants by the secret FSIA court (a panel of secret judges set up in a star chamber

system that convenes in an undisclosed location) granted under the first Patriot Act

are not good enough. It states that government agents must be given immunity for

carrying out searches with no prior court approval. This section throws out the entire

Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures.

SECTION 109 allows secret star chamber courts to issue contemp charges against

any individual or corporation who refuses to incriminate themselves or others. This

section destroys the last vestiges of the Fifth Amendment.

SECTION 110 restates that key police state clauses in the first Patriot Act were not

sunsetted and removes the five year sunset clause from other subsections of the first

Patriot Act. After all, the media has told us: “this is the New America. Get used to it.

This is forever.”

SECTION 111 expands the definition of the “enemy combatant” designation.

SECTION 122 restates the government’s newly announced power of “surveillance

without a court order.”

SECTION 123 restates that the government no longer needs warrants and that the

investigations can be a giant dragnet-style sweep described in press reports about the

Total Information Awareness Network. One passage reads, “thus the focus of

domestic surveillance may be less precise than that directed against more

conventional types of crime.”

*Note: Again and again, in subsection after subsection, the second Patriot Act states

that its new Soviet-type powers will be used to fight international terrorism, domestic

terrorism and other types of crimes. The government has already announced in

Section 802 of the first USA Patriot act that any crime is considered domestic


SECTION 126 grants the government the right to mine the entire spectrum of public

and private sector information from bank records to educational and medical records.

This is the enacting law to allow ECHELON and the Total Information Awareness

Network to totally break down any and all walls of privacy.

The government states that they must look at everything to “determine” if individuals

or groups might have a connection to terrorist groups. You are guilty until proven


SECTION 127 allows the government to takeover coroners’ and medical examiners’

operations whenever they see fit. This is like Bill Clinton’s special medical examiner,

in Arkansas that ruled that people had committed suicide when their arms and legs

had been cut off.

SECTION 128 allows the Federal government to place gag orders on Federal and

State Grand Juries and to take over the proceedings. It also disallows individuals or
organizations to even try to quash a Federal subpoena. Now defending yourself will be

a terrorist action.

SECTION 129 destroys any remaining whistleblower protection for Federal agents.

SECTION 202 allows corporations to keep secret their activities with toxic biological,

chemical or radiological materials.

SECTION 205 allows top Federal officials to keep all their financial dealings secret,

and anyone investigating them can be considered a terrorist. This should be very

useful for Dick Cheney to stop anyone investigating Haliburton.

SECTION 303 sets up national DNA database of suspected terrorists. The database

will also be used to “stop other unlawful activities.” It will share the information with

state, local and foreign agencies for the same purposes.

SECTION 311 federalizes your local police department in the area of information


SECTION 313 provides liability protection for businesses, especially big businesses

that spy on their customers for Homeland Security, violating their privacy

agreements. It goes on to say that these are all preventative measures. This is the

access hub for the Total Information Awareness Network.

SECTION 321 authorizes foreign governments to spy on the American people and to

share information with foreign governments.

SECTION 322 removes Congress from the extradition process and allows officers of

the Homeland Security complex to extradite American citizens to anywhere they wish.

It also allows Homeland Security to secretly take individuals out of foreign countries.
SECTION 402 is titled “Providing Material Support to Terrorism.” The section reads

that there is no requirement to show that the individual even had the intent to aid


SECTION 403 expands the definition of weapons of mass destruction to include any

activity that affects interstate or foreign commerce.

SECTION 404 makes it a crime for a terrorist or “other criminals” to use encryption

in the commission of a crime.

SECTION 408 creates “lifetime parole” (basically, slavery) for a whole host of crimes.

SECTION 410 creates no statute of limitations for anyone that engages in terrorist

actions or supports terrorists. Remember: any crime is now considered terrorism

under the first Patriot Act.

SECTION 411 expands crimes that are punishable by death. Again, they point to

Section 802 of the first Patriot Act and state that any terrorist act or support of

terrorist act can result in the death penalty.

SECTION 421 increases penalties for terrorist financing. This section states that any

type of financial activity connected to terrorism will result to time in prison and

$10-50,000 fines per violation.

SECTIONS 427 sets up asset forfeiture provisions for anyone engaging in terrorist

Understanding that now the Constitution really no longer exists for our

protection. “We must have peace & safety!” Remember what Ben Franklin

said; “if you are willing to give up some of your Rights for peace and safety,

you deserve neither!”

I might also add even more importantly: 1Th 5:3 “ For when they shall

say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail

upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

1Th 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should

overtake you as a thief.

Yes we should have protections against terrorism, but there little in

terrorism that we could not be protected against if current laws were

enforced. It would also be exceptionally helpful if our own officials didn’t

aid the terrorists in carrying out their acts of terrorism!

It would be also quite useful if officials did not hide prior knowledge

of such events. In fact I will be so bold as to say terrorists could not have

carried out to completion of the events of 9-11 with out HELP FROM

clandestine government officials, with authorization from the very highest


I am not alone in my assertions.

There have been numerous videos, books, articles written that reveal

solid evidence of prior knowledge, as well as in many evidences of

hampering investigators, investigations, and actual participation in aid to the

terrorists by certain officials in the events of 9-11.

May The Indictments Begin

Since I began investigating the events of September 11, 2001 on that day, we

have not had the tools to indict the real perpetrators. Now there is real

evidence and scientific forensic evidence proving what I have said since day

one. All three buildings were brought down through a controlled demolition

and that the explosives were in place before 911.

Dust that chased people down the streets that landed everywhere in that area

of NYC and even across the river into New Jersey. There were four samples

of this dust submitted to Dr. Steven Jones PhD. The locations of dust

samples analyzed in this study with respect to the location of the WTC

complex are: 1: MacKinlay (113 Cedar St./110 Liberty St); 2:

Delessio/Breidenbach (Brooklyn Bridge); 3: Intermont (16 Hudson

St); 4: White (1 Hudson St).

The samples had the evidence needed to prove that explosives including a

super form of Thermite, nano-Thermate was used without question. [1]

Argonide Nanomaterials Corp.

291 Power Ct.

Sanford, FL 32771

Tel: 407/322-2500

Fax: 407/322-1144

Was the only in the USA at the time of 2001 was capable of making nano

aluminum that would be used in nano-Thermate.

The Indian Head Division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, (a branch of

the Naval Sea Systems Command or NAVSEA), described in 1999 as the

"national center for energetics"[1], "the only reliable source of aluminum

nanopowders in the United States”[2] and in 2008 as "probably the most

prominent US center for nano-thermite technology"[3], alleges via Freedom

of Information Act replies that records "regarding research and development

of nano-sized or Ultra Fine Grained (UFG) aluminum powders, nano-sized

or Ultra Fine Grained (UFG) iron oxide powders or other metal oxide

powders and Metastable Intermolecular Composites prior to 2002" do not

exist. According to Indian Head, "research may have been conducted by

Indian Head Division personnel but not submitted."

And the records about any of that do not exist now,

having been destroyed...

Patent Number: 5,698,812

Filed: December 16, 1997

Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of

the Army (Washington, DC)

Thermite-Thermate destructive device


A destructive device containing a thermite-type composition having a core

burning configuration. The device comprises a housing having a top, a

bottom, and a thermally insulated liner to maximize the thermal

effectiveness of an ignition. The bottom has a circumferential skirt and

defines one orifice therein for directing the expulsion of the thermite-type-

composition upon ignition, the top has vents which together with the

bottom orifice and skirt balance the escape of gas and prevent the

device from moving during ignition.

(1) A core burning design with orifice/nozzle at the base directing the jet at

the target.

(2) Balanced gas escape design, including a vented plug at the top, and an

orifice and skirt at the bottom which distributes the forces so that the burning

thermite jet does not move the container off target.

(3) Thermal insulated container design to maximize thermal effectiveness of

the output.

Other types of thermite mixtures containing metals and the oxides of other

metals other than iron oxide are known: aluminum/manganese oxide (4 Al+3

MnO.sub.2); aluminum/chromium oxide (2 Al+Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3) and

others. Aluminum/iron oxide mixtures (8 Al+3 Fe.sub.3 O.sub.4) have

proved to be the most effective incendiary composition for destruction of

steel targets because superheated liquid products are formed by the reaction.

These molten products affect a high rate of conductive heat transfer to the
steel target and, therefore, cause destruction of the target. Any combination

metal/metal oxide capable of high rates of conductive heat transfer can be

used in the present invention.

A vented plug 30, made of graphite or other refractory material capable of

withstanding the reaction temperature of the specific thermite selected,

having a plurality of vent holes 32, fits onto the top of the insulation liner 16.

The vented plug 30 acts as a baffle for the exit of molten product materials

and also acts as a radiation shield and thus helps retain the heat produced. By

designing destructive devices so that the diameters of vent holes 32 and a

nozzle 18 are of different sizes, it is possible to release the molten products

of reaction at a rate which balances gas escape and distributes the forces so

that the burning thermitejet does not move the device off the target.

It is used in multicomponent thermite incendiary compositions, in which

another oxidizer and binder are together included. THERMATE-TH3, a

mixture of aluminum and iron oxide and other pyrotechnic additives, was

found to be superior to aluminum and iron oxide alone and was adopted for

use in incendiary hand grenades. Its composition by weight is aluminum/iron

oxide 68.7%, barium nitrate 29.0%, sulfur 2.0% and binder 0.3%. The
addition of barium nitrate increases the thermal effects, creates flame in

burning and reduces the ignition temperature.

The combined design features yields jetting molten products rather than

flowing molten mass to penetrate the metal target for optimum damage. The

device does not require a large void volume which would make the device

very large and the design also reduces the amount of payload.

A device with greater penetration capabilities is the "thermite Penetrator

Device" of U.S. Pat. No. 4,216,721 herein incorporated by reference, which

was designed to direct the flow of energy through an opening at the bottom

of the containing vessel. However, it is still inefficient in that a great amount

of its energy is being lost through its open top end. The open top not only

reduces the energy available for penetration, but adds to the device's visible



Patent Number: 4,216,721

Filed: August 12, 1980

Assignee: The United Stated of America as represented by the Secretary of

the Army (Washington, DC)

Thermite penetrator device (U)


In a thermite penetrator device for destroying a metal target comprising a

refractroy crucible containing a thermite mixture therewithin, said crucible

having a plurality of metal discs disposed adjacent a bottom portion of said

mixture and crucible, said discs providng a space therearound between said

discs and crucible, said discs being devoid of any chemical reaction with

said thermite mixture, a readily ignitable starter material atop said thermite

mixture, an igniter cord contacting said starter material and an exit hole in

said crucible below said discs for passing molten thermite reaction products


Controlling the release from a conical ceramic crucible of molten thermite

reaction products (generally, iron and alumina) to effect optimum

penetration of metallic targets by said molten products through the use of

metallic discs which are completely protected on their sides against the

molten products, thus forcing these molten products to melt the discs

sequentially from top to bottom, resulting in a delay of flow of the molten

products from the conical crucible to thus permit the molten iron, heavier
than the molten alumina, to substantially unimpededly transfer its heat to the

metallic target, the molten iron being more efficient in melting metallic

materials than the molten alumina.

Upon ignition of the above mixture, molten iron, having a melting point of

approximately F. and a density of about 7, and molten alumina,

or aluminum oxide, having a melting point of approximately F.

and a density of about 4, will be formed. The peak temperature of the

reaction will be in excess of F. The reaction is caused to take

place in a reaction vessel or ceramic crucible, suitably of fused silica,

although any refractory ceramic material capable of withstanding the

temperatures involved may be used.

The first patent listed expressly details its use for vertical applications.

If you read the above patents, it clearly details process that enhance the

speed, creating back pressure, and directed charges that creates a jet flow

into the vertical column. Not to mention Pyronol.RTM which burns at

12,000 degrees F. This is stark evidence that accelerated

thermite/thermate/Pyronol.RTM are very possible. Pyronol.RTM is almost

five times more powerful than normal thermite, and this is incendiary

material that is in the public record.

The actual devices constructed using most of these inventions would be

held as proprietary information. If you’re brave you could try to go ask the

assignees about it, most of the assignees are DOD. Give them a call and see

if you can get them to reveal what they have.

Again, using advances materials like Pyronol.RTM, back pressure, directed

construction, and multi chamber release to produce JETS of reactant

material; the reaction would be very fast. This is all completely documented

in the above patents. The chemical markers of C4 are very obvious. The

traces of thermite/thermate reactions is hard to see, and covered up by the

aluminum airplane frame, and the cladding.

In patent number 4,799,829, the device is used to bring down submerged

platforms. It’s underwater, but it definitely shows cutting vertical members,

just under water. Using a hybrid of these devices would be a very fast


In an article related to WWII, it states, “Covert operations that conceal the

identity of, or permit plausible denial by, perpetrators moreover may be

politically prudent, especially in "peacetime." Demolition specialists able to

infiltrate clandestinely, position charges precisely, then slip away sometimes

prove invaluable under combat conditions, because they impose

disproportionately heavy security burdens on defenders.” And “Brittle cast

iron breaks easily, but acetylene torches or thermite may be needed to slice

nickel-molybdenum steel, which strongly resists conventional explosives.”

And “Professionals whose mission is to stop road and river traffic

temporarily cut supports at one end of truss bridges so affected spans fall

in the water; they cut trusses at midspan to make bridges buckle if long-

lasting destruction is the intent.”

So the US military was using Thermite to take down bridges over FIFTY

years ago. Please consider that the technology has advances dramatically in

the last 50 years...

In addition to the red/gray chips, found in the four samples, many small

spheres have been found in the WTC dust. These contain the same elements

as the residue of Thermate, as noted in a previous paper [4]. We show

spheres found in the WTC


All these data suggest that the thermitic material found in the WTC dust is a

form of nano-Thermate, not ordinary (macro-) Thermite.

A report on an April 2001 conference discloses who was known to be

working on such explosives at that time:

The 221st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society held during

April 2001 in San Diego featured a symposium on Defense Applications of

Nanomaterials. One of the 4 sessions was titled nanoenergetics….

This session provided a good representation of the breadth of work ongoing

in this field, which is roughly 10 years old.… At this point in time, all of the

military services and some DOE and academic laboratories have active
R&D programs aimed at exploiting the unique properties of

nanomaterials that have potential to be used in energetic formulations

for advanced explosives….

nanoenergetics hold promise as useful ingredients for the thermobaric


and TBX-like weapons, particularly due to their high degree of tailorability

with regards to

energy release and impulse management [2].

“The sol-gel process is very amenable to dip-,spin-, and spray-coating

technologies to coat

surfaces. We have utilized this property to dipcoat various substrates to

make sol-gel Fe2O3/Al/Viton coatings. The energetic coating dries to give a

nice adherent film.” “We have prepared fine powders, pressed pellets, cast

monoliths, and thin films of the hybrid inorganic/organic energetic

nanocomposite” [3].

The energetic nano-composite can be sprayed or even “painted” onto

surfaces, effectively forming an energetic or even explosive paint. The red

chips found in the WTC dust conform to their description of “thin films” of

“hybrid inorganic/organic energetic nano-composite”.

The red material is most interesting and has the following characteristics:

1. It is composed of aluminum, iron, oxygen, silicon and carbon. Lesser

amounts of other potentially reactive

elements are sometimes present, such as potassium, sulfur, lead, barium and


2. The primary elements (Al, Fe, O, Si, C) are typically all present in

particles at the scale of tens to hundreds of nanometers, and detailed XEDS

mapping shows intimate mixing.

“We conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in

the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating

nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive



NAVSEA Document


June 2001

The program is administered and reviewed by a Joint Technical Advisory

Committee composed of members from the Army, Navy,

Air Force, OSD, and DOE

COST(In Millions) FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 Cost to

Complete Total Cost

Total Program Element (PE)

Cost 14.237 16.516 19.178

FY1997 an effort was initiated to reduce the size and cost of electronic

safing and arming devices (ESAD) by a factor of 10 over currently fielded

technology. Utilizing newly developed and qualified all-commercial

components, a low-energy prototype ESAD

was demonstrated this year that represents a factor of 10 reduction in size

and a factor of 4 reduction in cost.

In an alternative approach to hard target defeat, work is underway on


the concept of using a multiple shaped charge array as a precursor warhead

to increase the penetration into concrete of a follow through penetrator. In

tests conducted at China Lake, multiple shaped charges fired simultaneously

were shown to increase the mass of concrete removed from a target by a

factor of four over that from the multiple shaped charges fired individually.

This verifies the hypothesis that jet interactions can augment structural


The investigation of sol-gel chemistry as a bulk manufacturing process for

nano-structured energetic materials will continue with a focus on material

consistency, material characterization and process scale-up.

The new bulk quantity synthesis capability will be established with the

installation of a special press designed to produce sample sizes of 100 mm3.

At this scale the energy content can be measured using standard techniques

with great reliability and accuracy.

Nano-structured and engineered materials are being explored to increase

energy density and energy on target by factors of three or more. Higher risk

efforts are also underway to explore the possibility of metastable High

Energy Density Materials (HEDM). Using conventional chemistry a number

of new candidate molecules have been synthesized, characterized and

formulated. The development of new materials is based on theoretical

molecular design. The structure, performance and sensitivity of new

molecules are predicted computationally, then synthesis is attempted. The

focus is in two areas: molecules with significantly increased energy over

current materials and very insensitive materials with

reasonable energies. A new molecule, LLM-121, with a predicted energy

density greater than CL-20 has been made.

Characterization work is pending the crystallization of the material in pure

form. As reported last year, another new explosive under development is

LLM-105. It is dense, thermally stable and very insensitive. With 30% more

energy than TNT it has possible detonator and booster applications and is an

alternative to TATB in special purpose weapons such as hard target

penetrators that have to survive high shock loadings. The characterization of

this material is essentially complete and formulation work is underway for

possible weapons applications. Metastable Intermolecular Composites

(MIC) developed under this program were the first successful examples of

nano-structured energetic materials with significantly enhanced

performance. They demonstrated that tailored, ultra-fine reactant particles

could dramatically increase the energy release rate of thermite-like materials

and provide twice the total energy of

high explosives. ]
In the understanding that explosives both conventional and nano-thermate

were conclusively found in four separate samples from different locations,

there is only one conclusion possible, controlled demolition brought down

all three buildings on September 11,2001. The explosives were placed by

experts in their field prior to 911. These are rare explosives developed and

accessible only through OUR MILITARY. Therefore, the investigation

MUST be re-opened in order that JUSTICE may be obtained for all those

butchered by those IN OUR GOVERNMENT responsible for this for this

most heinous act of terrorism. The victims, their families and American’s


I will ask you, doesn’t this mean that this is the HIGHEST ACT OF

TREASON ever committed by officials?

By their own recently passed rules they could be held forever without

trial! They would be subject to how many CAPITOL CRIMES under these

new rules? You tell me. In fact by Bushes own orders, the CIA can

assassinate known terrorists and those helping terrorists. Under those rules

Bush Ashcroft, Rumsfeld Et al. could be CIA targets. Dream on!

I am not the judge of this world.

The point is however, as we are about to enter into a new era of

mankind. An era I think I can here say with out any reservations has been

previously warned about in the Bible.

Chapter 4

What’s In A Name?

Many would chastise me because I would tell you the truth. The greatest

deception I can see ever laid upon man is the lie about our Savior’s name.

The early Catholic translators who left out our great God (sic), Elohim’s

name YHWH (Yahweh) over 6,000 times, changed the name Yahshua to

Jesus. Jesus comes from the Greek Iesus, a name that dates 1,000 B.C.

representing the “Son of Zeus”, and the Ur-Babylonian Eagle God.

Iesus, the Son of Zeus Iesus, (Jesus) the Son of Zeus Ur-
Babylonian Eagle God
(German-Celtic God) (Greek/Roman Deified Sons) (Kings were
Iesus Sons)
Jesus originated from 600-300 B.C. Greek "Iesus Kristos and has
NOTHING to do with our Savior Yahshua Messiah the son of the
Ever-Living Elohim of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, Yahweh.
Does it matter? Act 4:12 says it does;
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under
heaven given among men, by which we must be saved.”
How could I be wrong about my Savior’s name? Mat 24:24 Says:
For false Christs will arise, and false prophets, and will show great signs
and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect.
Those who believe there is but one Elohim (God, sic), the Great I AM

of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, should know the truth.

Many people have asked me why I call our heavenly Father Yahweh &
his Son our Savior Yahshua. Now this is not something I’ve come to do with
out much research and prayer.
The name Yahweh comes from 4 Paleo-Hebrew letters that in
English would be YHWH. The names of the four Hebrew letters are Yod,
Hay, Wah, and Hay, and are read from right to left. The scribes thought that
the name of Yahweh was to sacred to be spoken, so in transcribing it they
would underscore it, and many times not only say lord, but write LORD. In
so doing robbed us of the name of our creator.
Many have come to think that the name is of God is Jehovah, which is
a hybrid word given us by the translator Petrus Galatinus. This error
occurred by translating the four letters as JHVH. There was no J or V in
Hebrew. This came from the Greek. When the Greek letter called IOTA, or
our i was used at the beginning of a sentence, they added a tail making a j
out of it, and they had no Y in Greek. The letter j did not even come into
usage until 1520.
The letter V in European languages has the W sound. In Hebrew the
letter WAW has the oo sound as in HalleluYah. Even our W is named
double-U, giving us the European double V or W.
The name Jesus comes from the Greek word IESOUS, and has no
meaning in Hebrew. IE in Greek has the sound YEH (not Yah) indicating
son of. YESU (pronounced Yeh-zoo) in Hebrew means a curse upon. Greek
names ending in SOUS, SUS, SEUS, are the phonetic for zeus, the chief
Greek god. These endings were attached to names and geographical
locations to give honor to zeus. Examples; ParnasSUS a Greek sacred
mountain, DionySUS the Greek god of wine, Odysseus Greek hero of the
Trojan war.
The importance of doing the best to be accurate concerning the name
Yahweh can’t be overstated. In Acts 7, Stephen was stoned for
using the sacred name, and likewise our Savior Yahshua Messiah was nearly
stoned for using his Father’s name, Yahweh. (see also 3 Jn. 1:7)
We are told in Acts 2:21, Peter quoting Joel 2:28-38) that all that call
upon the name of Yahweh shall be saved.
Another thing you must know is that Yahshua means Yah, which
is the shortened form of Yahweh, is salvation. Yahshua Messiah gave
himself as our Passover sacrifice in atonement for our sins. After three days
and three nights he arose triumphantly over death. His sacrifice is all the
sacrifice required and is a free gift, which is ours for the asking. It requires
only our belief and acceptance. There is no need for sacrifice, no need for
penance, or anything but belief on our part to receive this most precious gift.
Yahweh Yasha (as Yahoshua, also Yah’s Salvation) The Savior (Isayah
Yahweh Yasha (as Yahoshua, also Yah’s Salvation) The Savior (Isayah
Yahweh Uzam Their Strength (Psalm 37:39) Yahweh ‘Ori My Light
(Psalm 27:1)
Yahweh Tiskenu Our Righteousness (Yeremyah 23:6) Yahweh Eli
(Psalm 18:2)
Yahweh Nissi Our Banner (Exodus 17:15) Yahweh Shammah He is
There (Ezekiel 48:35)
Yahweh Tsori My Strength (Psalm 19:14) Yahweh Shalom Our Peace
(Judges 6:24)
Yahweh Sel’i My Rock (Psalm 18:2) Yahweh Rohi (Roy) My Shepherd
(Psalm 23:1)
Yahweh Sabaoth of Hosts (I Samuel 1:3) Yahweh Rapha that Heals
(Exodus 15:26)
Yahweh Naheh That Smites (Ezekiel 7:9) Yahweh Misqabbi My High
Tower (Psalm 18:2)
Yahweh (Genesis 15:2) Yahweh Keren-Yish’i The Horn of My
Salvation (Psalm 18:2)
Yahweh M’gaddishcem Our Sanctifier (Exodus 31:13) Yahweh
Metosodhathi (Psalm 18:2)
Yahweh Ma’oz My Fortress (Yeremyah 16:19) Yahweh Machsi My
Refuge (Psalm 91:9)
Yahweh Yireh Will Provide (Genesis 22:14) Yahweh Bara The Creator
(Isayah 40:28)
Yahweh Ganan Our Defense (Psalm 89:18) Yahweh Hashopet The
Judge (Judges 6:12)
Yahweh Elyon Most High (Psalm 38:2) Yahweh ‘Ez-Lami My Strength
(Psalm 28:7)
Yahweh Gador Milchamah Mighty In Battle (Psalm 24:8) Yahweh Go’el
(Isayah 49:26)
Yahweh Hoshe’yah ‘Yah Saves’ (Psalm 20:9) Yahweh Mephalti Deliver
(Psalm 18:2)
Yahweh Immeku Is With You (Judges 6:12) Yahweh Kabodhi (Psalm
Yahweh ‘Izoz Hakaboth Strong and Mighty (Psalm 24:8) Yahweh
Magen (Deut. 33:19)
Yahweh (Genesis 15:2) Yahweh Kanna Whose Name Is Jealous (Exodus
Yahweh Hamelech The King (Psalm 98:6) (10:16) Yahweh Melech’Olam
King Forever
Yahweh Adon Kal Ha’arets Of All the Earth (Yahoshua 3:13) Yahweh
(Exodus 6:2-3)
Yahweh Chereb The Sword (Deuteronomy 33:29) Yahweh Chatsahi
(Psalm 27:1)
Yahweh Chatsahi My Strength (Psalm 27:1) Yahweh Elohe of Yisra’el
(Psalm 41:13) Yahweh Elohe Yahshua’ Of My Salvation (Psalm 88:1)
Yah is Salvation (Psalm 3:8)
The Pope banned and burned the Bible, and the only ones existing were
chained to monastery walls for translation and study purposes during the
“dark ages”. The translations were in Latin and the Iesous, son of Zeus, the
Eagle God, became the Catholic “Jesus.”
“The Prince of the Power of the Air” (Ephesians 2:2)

Dionysus god of wine (Iesus-Iesius-Esus-Iesous) = An Eagle son-of-the-

sun of Zeus. Also known as Baachus.

Iesius (Iesus) = YSOS = Son of Deus (Zeus/Jupiter), The Shining One

(Lucifer the “salvation” for the goats)

Dionysus = A major god anointed and deified son of Zeus worshipped by

the Hellenist Greeks.

Diana (Juno, Victoria, Nike, Minerva, Venus, Isis) Zeus (Jupiter), and Iesus

(Iesius) = Pagan Trinity.

Dionysus (Iusaas-Eusos) = Another name for Nimrod-Osiris of Chaldea-

Babylon and ancient Egypt.

Iesus (Iesius-Evus-Essus-Issus-Yesus-Yesos) The Assyrian god of War

and major Celtic god.

Evus (Esus-Iesus) = Bloody god of war, with blood sacrifices, and horrific


Esus (Iesus-Iesous) Blood sacrifices and worship was at the Greek’s

Temple-Shrine of “El-Eusis”
El-Eusis translated into today’s English = “The Mighty One, Jesus” (who

was Iesus before “J”).

Dionysus (Iesus-Iesous) Plutarch wrote of this Greek god, who relinquishes

life, and is born again.

Dionysus (Iesus) became the image of everlasting life to all of Greece.

(Symbol was the Eagle) Masons verify in their books that the primary symbol

of Jesus (Iesus) Christ is the Eagle.

Dionysus (Iesus-Jesus) = God of Wine, Adventure, Travel, Pleasures, Sex,

Farming; Civilization.

Dionysus (Iesus-Jesus) is also Egypt’s Osiris, and was called Osiris-Iesus

by visiting Greeks.

Dioskouros = “The Men of Zeus”, who are Masons-Rosicrucians and

philosophers of today.

Dionysus (Iesus) = The Lion King described by Greeks, inherits the world

kingdom of Zeus. Vs. Yahshua Messiah, Lion King of Judeah who

inherits Yah’s kingdom.

Dionysus (Iesus) worship was widespread in the Hellenistic Age, as Jesus

worship still is today.

Note: Phonetics-pronunciation is the key to this name, not spelling: Iesus =

Esus = Esous = Iesius.

Dionysus Zagreus Dionysus Sabazius Dionysus Olympius Dionysos


Dionysus Bassareus Dionysus Osiris Dionysus of Crete Dionysus

of Phrygia

Dionysus Vedic Soma Dionysus of Lydians Dionysus of Greece Dionysus

of Rome


Creator has One Name Yahweh vs Adversary, Lucifer (Satan) has Many names
(Many of His Prophets have His Name) (Jupiter, Zeus, Horus, Odin, Nisroch, Osiris)

Yahweh is the Only Name of Salvation vs God and Lord: the counterfeits of Salvation
(Savior of Jews/Israelites, Gentiles) (Savior of deceived, Christians, and Catholics)

Yahshua Messiah Only True Messiah vs Iesus (Jesus) Christ is world’s false Messiah
(Son of Yahweh coming in His Name) (Iesus is a Son of Zeus, coming in his name)

Emmanuel: In this man is Yah our El vs. Osiris-Iesus: In this deified man-god is Satan
(Yahweh came in this Son of Man) (Satan magnifies himself in his Little Horns)


Yahweh and Yahshua over the Sabbath vs. God and Iesus over Satan’s (Sun) “Sunday”
(Sabbath is one of Yah’s Commandments) (Sunday is a Roman Catholic commandment)

Yahshua and Apostles kept Sabbath vs Zeus/Iesus/Diana worshippers met on Sunday

(Sabbath was never done away with) (Sunday enforced with a Pope death penalty)

Many Persecuted Keeping Yah’s Sabbath! Popes also Destroyed Scrolls

and Scripture!
“Gad” God of Luck/Fortune’s “Five Pointed Star” (Osiris-Iesus) flies on
and over 50 flags around the world. It is used extensively by the world’s
Masons; also known as the “Pytha-Gore” Star.

This is the very same five-pointed “Blazing Star” the Greek’s and
Roman’s worshipped and is clearly mentioned in (Acts 19:35) Described
as: “The Image that fell down from Jupiter”. On our flag too!

“Gad” (god) Jupiter = Zeus = Deus = Theos = Wodan (Odin) = Dios =

Satan = Devil = Lucifer.

Major symbol representing all of the above is the Nisroch Eagle

god in (Isaiah 37:38). (god) ‘gahd’ or ‘gawd’, is today’s worshipped ‘god’
= ‘gott’ = ‘Wodan’ (Odin) = Eagle!

The ancient Eagle gott (god) and Eagle Mark spread over the face of the
earth, and with Mason’s lies, they have convinced the world their gott (god)
is Yahweh! Charlemagne used the Eagle gott as the National symbol and
his Royal Seal 800 A.D.. In the 12th. Century, the Eagle gott became the
dominate figure or ‘image’ in the Arms of Emperors and Kings
throughout Europe. The Eagle also used in 1172-1190 A.D. in
Maastricht (Now in Netherlands). Counts of Saarwerden, Henneberg,
Kings of Bohemia, Dukes of Austria, and many Noble German Families
exclusively used it in the 13th and 14th. Centuries. This “Imperial gott”
Soverign Eagle was used throughout all cities in the German Empire
right up to today.

I could probably give a hundred more reasons we are to call on our

Saviors Name Yahshua. I can think of no better words than that of our
Savior. John 5:43 tell us; “I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive
me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” Those
that would rail against me, and all those that carry the “Sacred Name
Doctrine” rail against our Savior Yahshua Messiah and our Heavenly father.
They deny the deception of the whole world. Mat 24:24-28 said it would
Mat 24:23 “ Then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ, or there;
believe it not.
Mat 24:24 For false Christs will arise, and false prophets, and will show
great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they would deceive
the very elect.
Mat 24:25 Behold, I have told you before.
Mat 24:26 Wherefore, if they shall say to you, Behold, he is in the desert; go
not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers (place of safety); believe it
Mat 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even to
the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mat 24:28 For wherever the carcass is, there will the eagles be collected.
” (I think they protest too loudly!) These would also probably have you
worship the Image of the Beast also. (See my: Render Unto Caesar the
things that are Caesar’s…but what if its NOT Caesars?)

There are only three New Testament passages in which we find the Son
actually introducing Himself. The first time is found in the account of the
Apostle Paul's conversion in Acts 9. The second and third times are found
where Paul was recounting the same event in Acts 22 and 26. One of those
accounts informs us in what language the Savior manifested His name to
Paul: I [Paul] heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew
tongue.... And I [Paul] said, Who are thou, Lord? And He said, I am
Yahshua.... (Acts 26:14-15)

If our Savior had used the English name Jesus, He would not have been
manifesting the Father's name. Since the family name Yah is found in both
the Father's and the Son's name, Yahshua could appropriately say: "I am
come in My Father's name...." (John 5:43) It might also be noted, our Savior
was named in Hebrew Immanuel, meaning God with us, which testifies to the

Strong’s definition of the Hebrew word "shem" translated "name" in the

Third Commandment:

A primitive word (perhaps rather from H7760 through the idea of definite
and conspicuous position; compare H8064); an appellation, as a mark or
memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character: - +
base, [in-] fame [-ous], name (-d), renown, report.
This tells me the Third Commandment applies also to the misuse,
mistranslation of Yahweh’s name as LORD, as well as Yahshua as Jesus.
Replacing God’s name with uninspired substitutions desolates and makes
God’s name vain. The four Hebrew letters YHWH (pronounced Yahweh),
God’s principal name, was inspired by the Holy Spirit to appear 6,823 times
in the Old Testament. But the Edomites Jews said it was “ to sacred” to be
pronounced and ROBBED us of it, and modern translators followed their
lead. [The Edomites intrusion into the Babylonian Jews were 2nd century BC
and before.]

the preface of the Revised Standard Version excuses the removal of God’s
personal name from the Old Testament under the following pretext:

The present revision returns to the procedure of the King James Version
… and the long established practice in the reading of the Hebrew
scriptures in the synagogue. …For two reasons the committee has
returned to the more familiar usage [of substituting Yahweh with either
"the LORD" or "GOD"] of the King James Version: (1) the word ‘Jehovah’
does not accurately represent any form of the name ever used in Hebrew;
and (2) the use of any proper name for the one and only God, as though
there were other gods from whom He had to be distinguished, was
discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and is entirely
inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church.

The editorial board of the New American Standard Bible made a similar

This name [Yahweh] has not been pronounced by the Jews…. Therefore,
it has been consistently translated LORD.

The Complete Bible An American Translation (Smith and Goodspeed) tells us

their reason for breaking the Third Commandment also:

As nearly as we can now tell, the Hebrews called their Deity by the Name
Yahweh, and in a shorter form, Yah, used in relatively few cases. In course
of time … [Yahweh was] substituted [with] the Hebrew word "Lord
[LORD]." When vowels were added to the text, the consonants of "Yahweh"
were given the vowels of "Lord." Somewhere in the fourteenth century A.D.
Christian scholars, not understanding this usage, took the vowels and
consonants exactly as they were written and produced the artificial name
"Jehovah" which has persisted ever since. In this translation we have
followed the orthodox Jewish tradition and substituted "the Lord
[LORD]" for the name "Yahweh" and the phrase "the Lord God [GOD]" for
the phrase "the Lord Yahweh."

Our Savior put it a little more bluntly when he told the Jewish
Scribes and Pharisees of His day: “…he [Yahshua] answered and said
unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God
by your tradition? …in vain they do worship me, teaching for
doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:3-9)

The inspired Word of Yahweh told us plainly:

God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the
children of Israel, Yahweh God of … Abraham, … Isaac, and
… Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and
this is my memorial unto all generations. (Exodus 3:15)

…fear this glorious and fearful name, Yahweh….

(Deuteronomy 28:58)

…I will publish the name of Yahweh…. (Deuteronomy 32:3)

Let it even be established, that thy name may be magnified

for ever, saying, Yahweh of hosts is the God of Israel… (1
Chronicles 17:24)

I will declare thy [Yahweh’s] name unto my brethren: in the

midst of the congregation [of Israel] will I praise thee. (Psalm

Give unto Yahweh the glory due unto his name…. (Psalm

Sing forth the honour of his [Yahweh’s] name…. (Psalm

Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him … by his
name Yah, and rejoice before him. (Psalm 68:4)

His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued
as long as the sun…. Blessed be Yahweh God, the God of
Israel…. (Psalm 72:17-18)

Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known
thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy
[Yahweh’s] name. (Psalm 79:6)

…they may seek thy name, O Yahweh…. That men may

know that thou, whose name alone is Yahweh, art the most high
over all the earth. (Psalm 83:16-18)

Let them praise thy [Yahweh’s] great and terrible [awesome

NASV] name; for it is holy. (Psalm 99:3)

O give thanks unto Yahweh; call upon his name…. Glory ye

in his holy name…. (Psalm 105:1-3)

…he [Yahweh] hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy

and reverend is his name. (Psalm 111:9)

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same
Yahweh’s name is to be praised. (Psalm 113:3)

Thy name, O Yahweh, endureth for ever; and thy

memorial, O Yahweh, throughout all generations. (Psalm

…let all flesh bless his [Yahweh’s] holy name for ever and
ever. (Psalm 145:21)

Yahweh … Thy name, even Thy memory, is the desire of

our souls. (Isaiah 26:8 NASV)

I am Yahweh: that is my name…. (Isaiah 42:8)

Pour out thy fury … upon the families that call not on thy
[Yahweh’s] name…. (Jeremiah 10:25)
…I will cause them [the children of Israel] to … know that
my name is Yahweh. (Jeremiah 16:21)

…I had pity for mine holy name [Yahweh], which the house
of Israel had profaned among the heathen … I do … this for …
mine holy name's sake … I will sanctify my great name….
(Ezekiel 36:21-23)

Even Yahweh God of hosts; Yahweh is his memorial. (Hosea


Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion …Yahweh is
his name. (Amos 5:8)

It is he that buildeth his stories [upper chambers NASV] in the

heaven … Yahweh is his name. (Amos 9:6)

…in the last days it shall come to pass … all people will walk
every one in the name of his god, and we [Christian Israel] will
walk in the name of Yahweh our God for ever and ever.
(Micah 4:1-5)

Yahweh’s voice crieth … and the man of wisdom shall see thy
name…. (Micah 6:9)

…they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will

say, It is my people: and they shall say, Yahweh is my God.
(Zechariah 13:9)

If ye will not … give glory unto my name, saith Yahweh… I

will even send a curse upon you…. (Malachi 2:2)

…a book of remembrance was written before him for them

that feared Yahweh, and that thought upon his name. And
they shall be mine, saith Yahweh of hosts, in that day when I
make up my jewels…. (Malachi 3:16-17)

…pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy

name [Yahweh]. (Matthew 6:9)
…These things saith he that is holy, … thou [the church of
Philadelphia] … hast not denied my name. …I will write
upon him [that overcometh] the name of my God [Yahweh]
…. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto
the churches. (Revelation 3:7-13)

…thy wrath is come, and the time … that thou shouldest give
reward unto … them that fear thy name [Yahweh]….
(Revelation 11:18)

…I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with
him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his
Father's name [Yahweh] written in their foreheads.
(Revelation 14:1)

…his servants shall serve him … and his name [Yahweh] shall
be in their foreheads. (Revelation 22:3-4)

Those who say the name doesn’t matter, and protest loudly against my

usage, are bowing their backs not against me, but the Ever-Living Yahweh

and His Son Yahshua Messiah.

We are told our Savior came in His Fathers name, YHWH, Yah,

Yahweh, are proper derivatives of the Name. Yah-shua, Yah is salvation!

Halleluiah! (Praise to Yah!)

Yahshua the son of the ever-living Elohim, of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,

Moses, (not Baal -lord), gave His life for us. He knew how bad we would
mess up BEFORE he created the world, but created it any way. He loved us
so much he was willing to die a brutal death in our place, even knowing how
badly we would sin. Here is the REAL kicker, if YOU had been the ONLY
ONE to ever sin, your Savior, Yahshua Messiah, would have come and died
just the same, for YOU!
Time grows ever shorter before His soon return. Turn from sin, the

breaking of His law (the 10 Commandments) Keep HIS Sabbaths, call

upon the name Yahshua Messiah, and ask his forgiveness, it is that

simple. He loves us and wants us to be with him!

Halliluyah! (Praise to Yah!)

Chapter 5

“Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum”, Announcing the

Birth of the New World Order.

Lest you think I make two much of it; I will remind you this in on the

back of all $1 bill [of course I show it above as what I think we should say]

and a term George HW Bush mentioned only 210 times in speeches. I don’t

make this stuff up, I don’t have to.

Mat 7:16 “Ye shall know them by their fruits:” I mean to tell you these guys

aren’t planting grapes here either. They are planting the seeds of destruction.

The destruction of our country, the laws, its customs, and its people.

In my first book The Man Made Plagues, I documented that

AIDS/HIV is man-made. It was made as a population control device of the

powers-that-be. It was under Global 2000 they implemented the plan to

reduce the population of the earth to under 1 BILLION. As Robert Strange

McNamara so eloquently put it in a meeting with international bankers; “ A

world of 10 Billion people is not a world any of us would want to live

in.” (Robert McNamara was the Secretary of Defense under Kennedy &

Johnson and became President of the World Bank in 1970).

Project- MKNAOMI. Which was a black-budget CIA program, a

program was assigned to “development, testing and maintaining biological

agents and delivery systems for use against humans as well as against

animals and crops.”[See: Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on

Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health & Scientific Research of the

Committee on Human Resources United States Senate Aug. 3, 1977, pp.6 of

the document] It was this CIA program that also began funding and the

development of AIDS.M K-NAOMI stood for doctors Manaker & Kottin

they were the originators and NAOMI was an anagram for Negroes Are

Only Momentary Individuals*. (*See Nothing less

than GENOCIDE to meet their population goals for world dominion.

There are only 25,000 or so of “them,” the elite, who lay out the plans

for the NWO. So, how many slaves do the really need to supply their needs?

A world of between 1-2 billion meets their guide-lines in accordance with

the Earth ECO 1992 World Summit meeting documentation (below).

Their major problem was in 1999 we topped 6 Billion people. They can’t

reduce the worlds population by 4-5 billion by natural means. Hence the
population goals. But that isn’t fast enough nor does it give them world

control. But war does!

We have seen in the past, countries that either didn’t have equal status

as a major nation or didn’t want to be part of their game suddenly found

themselves engaged in war. War to lower and gain control over it’s

population. Cases in point Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Chechnya, Afghanistan

and of course two time looser Iraq. This does not even count dozens of small

skirmishes like, Managua, Nicaragua, and the Falkland Islands.

In each case if it was impoverished it had to be brought up to certain

standards. War cleared areas, and afterwards they set up roads, highways,

pipelines, and electrical services, crucial infrastructure need to bring up the

standards of living. In countries such as Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Serbia, etc.,

examples made of them and control taken. You are going to be part of world

government whether you want to or not. Sovereign nations that appose One

World Government have been classified as “terrorist nations” for standing

up for themselves in sovereign nation status.

The US is leading this march to the New World Order but… we too must

agree to disarmament too. This doesn’t just mean nukes, this also means the
people must be disarmed. There is no need for you and I to be armed in their

utopian NWO. Besides that we might hurt ourselves, or worse yet them!

Dan 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was upon the

waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left

hand to heaven, and swore by him that liveth for ever, that it

shall be for a time, times, and a half; and when he shall have

accomplished to scatter the power of the Holy People, all these

things shall be finished.

Who are these Holy People? Would he call anyone holy if they

didn’t follow Yahweh’s law? NO! Who is or was the largest

Christian nation in the world? The USA. What two nations brought

Christianity to every nation on earth? America and Great Briton.

Two of the most powerful nations on earth. What has happened to

America and Britton since 1900? Briton has lost it’s colonies to the

NWO crowd and we both are surrendering our sovereignty

becoming UN Nation States.

Rev 13:1 “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise out

of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten

crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”

Is it just coincidence, this beast system has 10 crowns, (kings/

kingdoms), and the UN has divided the world into 10 regions?

Rev 6:4 “And there went out another horse that was red: and power was

given to him that sat upon him to take peace from the earth, and that they

should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword.”

In this verse we see a RED horse that will take peace from the earth in

the last days. This red horse is none other than Communism!

Communism has been used successfully to conquer and murder 150

million worldwide since the early 1900s. The 45 UN founders were all

Communists. The UN has supported Communist and their goals since

their inception after World War II. Which all goes back to the plan laid

long ago by the Illuminati.

Does it really seem so strange that God predicted a system that satan

would use to set up his counterfeit kingdom? Does it really surprise you

that Adam Weishaupt, a satan worshiper, set up the Illuminati and a plan

for world dominion, that follows right along with what God prophesied

would happen? How about a New World Order to bring about

Communist dominated world government, that loves to destroy morals,

freedom, and Christianity? Isn’t so off the wall when you understand, is

Chapter 6

Re-gathered Israel

Would the most powerful nation on earth be mentioned in the Bible? You

bet! You will see how the USA is foretold in the Word of Yahweh!

Our Elohim, Yahweh, prophesied to his dispersed people Israel: (Ezekiel

36:24) “I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all

countries and will bring you into your own land” The largest Christian

migration in human history occurred in the settling of America 50 MILLION

Christians left England and Europe with their pastors to come to America

seeking freedom of worship. But history books today forget to tell our

children that.

Does he prophecy that they were to become followers of Yahshua Messiah?

Ezekiel 36:25-26 “ Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you will be

clean... A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within

you: And I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and will I give you

an heart of flesh.”

In Hosea, Yahweh told Hosea that His Israel people were to be cast off

for their whoredom after false gods. Even though Israel was back sliding the

Ever Living shows Hosea he will not forget the covenants made with her.

“Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sands of the sea,
which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass that in

the place where it is said unto them, ye are the sons of the living Elohim”

(Christians ? Hosea 1:10)

In Psalm 89:19-36 we see promises made to David, and his

descendants. v.19 promises the Messiah. In v. 31 & 32 Yahweh warns that if

his chosen break His commandments & statutes although He will chastise,

He will not break His promise to David and his seed shall endure forever

and there will always be someone from David’s line seated on a throne as

king. Queen Elizabeth can trace her family line all the way back to David.

In Luke chapter 1 the father of John the Baptist, Zacharias, is a long

prophecy concerning Yahshua Messiah, and He came to confirm and fulfill

the promises made to our Israel fathers. (67)And his father Zacharias was

filled with the Holy Ghost and prophesied , saying,(68) Blessed be the Elohim

of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people; (69) And hath raised

up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; (70) As he

spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world

began: (71) That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hands

of all that hate us; (72) To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to

remember his holy covenant; (73) The oath which he sware to our father
Abraham, (74) That he would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the

hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, (75) in holiness and

righteousness before him, all the days of our lives.” (Luke 1: 67-75)

What were the covenants made to Abraham, turn to Genesis 17:2-7. (2)And I

will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee

exceedingly. (3) And Abram fell on his face: and Yahweh talked with him

saying, (4) As for me, behold my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a

father of many nations. (5) Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram,

but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made


(6) And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee,

and kings shall come out of thee. (7) And I will establish my covenant between

me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting

covenant, to be Elohim unto and to thy seed after the.” Note, not only did

Yahweh tell Abraham that he would be fruitful and a father of many nations,

but it would be an everlasting covenant! Just as Yahweh told David, and

those who would say these covenants were ended make a liar out of the Ever

Living !

(Saxon - Sac sons - Isaac’s sons ) In Genesis 21:12 Abraham is

concerned about his seed : And Yahweh said unto Abraham, let it not be
grievous in thy sight because of the lad(Ishmael) and because of thy

bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for

in Isaac shall thy seed be called”. Who are the descendants of Isaac (Isaac’s

sons -sac sons -saxon ?)

In Genesis 22:17 Abraham’s seeds were to be as “the sands of the

sea”. Genesis 24:60 Rebekah, Isaac’s wife was promised to be “mother of

thousands of millions.” Moses prophesied to Israel that Yahweh would make

them “ a thousand times so many as ye are” (Deuteronomy 1:11) There were

over 3 million Israelites then, and over 15 million at the time of David, so

where did they all go?

Israel was divided after Solomon’s death, millions of Israelites of the

Northern Kingdom called “the house of Israel” went into Assyrian captivity.

These 10 tribes of Israel were known as the “lost tribes.” Why were they

lost? Million and millions of the chosen of Yahweh, how could they just

disappear? Yahweh tells us in Isaiah 62:2 “Thou shalt be called by a new

name which the mouth of the Yahweh shall name.” Hosea 2:17 reads: “they

shall no more be remembered by their name.” In Isaiah 65:15 Yahweh said to

the enemies of Israel: “And ye shall leave your name(Jews/Israel) for a curse

unto My chosen: for the Master Yahweh shall slay thee, and call his servants

by another name.” Not only had Israel vanished to history but, she was
blind to who she was. Isaiah 29:10 “ for the Yahweh poured out upon the

spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and rulers, the

seers hath he covered.” The New Testament also state likewise in Romans

11:7,8, & 10; What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for;

but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded. (8) (Accordingly

as it was written, Yahweh hath given them the spirit of slumber, eye that they

should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. (10) Let

their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back away.

So we see why Israel disappeared from history, but what names was

Israel known by? Well this knowledge was hidden “like a sealed book” as

spoken of back in Isaiah 29, and this knowledge remained sealed until about

100 years ago! The Assyrians kept records on clay cuneiform tablets. Many

of these tablets were found in the excavation of the Assyrian Royal Library

of Ashurbanipal, at Nineveh in 1850. Professor Leroy Waterman’s, of the

University of Michigan, translation of these were published in 1930, but

relevance to Israel was over looked at the time. Tablets dated to around 707

B.C. contained the fate of Israel as they made their escape from the land of

their captivity. It was these tablets that were the “missing links” to the

identity of the “Lost Tribes of Israel.”

In Assyria, Israel was known as Omri & Khumri, as Sakka by the

Persians, in Babylon by Gimiri, in Greece as Synthians, Germanus (Latin;

genuine Synthians [German] ), by Romans as Dacians, Cimbri, Celts &

Gauls, Cimmerians by the French, in Spain Iberians (Gaelic for Heb.), in

Ireland as Iberes then called Hibernai or Scota, in Holland & Denmark by

Ingaevones also known as Frisians, Chaunci, & Cimbri. Phoenician means

red headed man. It is these that made up the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic

and other kindred people the Lost Tribes of Israel. (suggested reading

Missing Links Discovered by E. Raymond Capt M.A., A.I.A.,F.S.A. SCOT.

ISNB 0-934-15-6)

When you understand this, the fulfillment of the Abrahamic

Covenants are more easily understood, as well as Mat. 10:5&6 : These

twelve Yahshua sent forth , and commanded them, saying, Go not into the

way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not;(6) But

rather go, rather to the lost tribes of Israel., Mat.15:24 : But he (Yahshua)

answered and said I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of

Israel. James 1:1 James a servant of Elohim and the Master Yahshua

Messiah, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greetings., Ezekiel

36:24-27 : For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of

all countries, and will bring you into your own land.(25) Then I will sprinkle
clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean; from all your filtiness, and from

your Idols, will I cleanse you.(26) A new heart also will I give you, and a new

spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your

flesh, I will give you an heart of flesh. (27) And I will put my spirit within you,

and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgements, and

do them (28) And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave your fathers; and ye

shall be my people, and I will be your Elohim.., not to mention (look up) Jer.

3: 14 & 15, & Micah 4.

Without the knowledge of who true Israel is, we as Christians can not

hope to accurately understand the Bible. As it is Israel “to whom pertaineth

the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and

the service of God and the promises ”[the law and covenants applied ONLY

to Israel]. We are told in Romans 9:4

Genesis 28:14 tells us: “And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and

thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the East, and to the north, and to

the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be

blessed.” Which is exactly the direction the northern 10 tribes traveled. We

see that our Ever Living has told us truthfully, although through Israel’s

backsliding he has kept his promises! See also: Jeremiah 50:6, 17, Ezekiel .
In Ezekiel 34:11-16 we see the promise of re-gatheing: “For thus

saith the Master Yahweh; Behold, I, even will both search out my sheep, and

seek them out.(12) As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is

among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will

deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy

and dark day. (13) And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them

out from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them

upon the mountains of Israel by the Rivers and in all the inhabited places of

the country.

(14) I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel

shall be their fold be: there they shall lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture

shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel. (15) I will feed my flock, and I

will cause them to lie down declares the Master Yahweh. (16) I will seek that

which is lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up

that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick.” No other

people than the House of Israel was called Yahweh’s sheep.

In Amos 9: 9 &15 we see Yah’s promise for His people Israel: “For, lo, I

will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all the nations, like

corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the Earth. (15)

And I will plant them upon their land which I have given them, said.”Yahweh
your Elohim Through Jeremiah the Elohim told Israel: “I will take you one of

a city and two of a family and bring you to Zion; And I will give you pastors

according to my heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and

understanding.” Jer. 3:14&15 See also: Psalms 147:19&20, Hosea 2:23,

1Peter 1:1&2, 2: 9&10, James 1:1.

My brethren in Yahshua Messiah, know that our great Elohim never

broke his promise to his people Israel, for he is a covenant keeping Elohim.

Those who would say he has forsaken true Israel, make Him out to be a liar,

and the truth is not in them. For he sent his disciples first to the “lost sheep”

and it is they who brought His message to the world. In seeking to have

freedom to worship Yahweh, 50 million Christians in one fifty year period,

the largest migration in history , came to America, the new Zion, in

fulfillment of the Scriptures. They (Israel) were to be gathered from MANY

nations. Our national motto E Pluribus Unum which is Latin and means:

“Out of Many, One”

Eze 38:8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt
come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered
out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been
always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall all
dwell in safety.

Daniel Webster in 1951 made note of the common origin of the common

practices of these people. “From the mouth of the St Johns (River in New
Brunswick , Canada) to the confines of Florida, there existed, in 1775,

thirteen colonies of English (Selto-Saxons) origin, planted at different parts

of England, bringing with them various habits and establishing, each for

itself, institutions entirely different from the institutions which they left, and

in many cases from each other. But they were all of English origin. The

English language was theirs, Shakespeare and (John) Milton were theirs, the

common law of England was theirs, and these things held them together by

force of a common character.” [The Works of Daniel Webster Vol. II, p.547]

Isaiah confirms
Isa 49:1 Listen to me, O Isles; and hearken, ye people, from far; Yahweh

hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he

made mention of my name.

Isa 49:2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shade of his

hand hath he hid me, and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he

hid me;

Isa 49:3 And said to me, Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be


And again in Isa 51:4 Hearken to me, my people; and give ear to me, O

my nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to

rest for a light of the people.

Isa 51:5 My righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth, and my

arms shall judge the people; the isles shall wait upon me, and on my arm

shall they trust.”

In Deuteronomy we are told of the blessings and curses that apply to

Yahweh’s people. We see fulfillment of the migrations and a new nation in

and the blessings in the founding of America. We however also see the

curses being applied to US because we have turned our backs on our great

Elohim, Yahweh. Note, it says these things would be a sign upon His people

forever! These verses are also backed up by Hosea 7:8-9 & Lamentations


Deu 28:44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he

shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.

Deu 28:45 Moreover, all these curses shall come upon thee, and

shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou art destroyed: because thou

hearkenedst not to the voice of the Yahweh thyElohim, to keep his

commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee:

Deu 28:46 And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder,

and upon thy seed for ever.

Deu 28:47 Because thou didst not serve the Yahweh thy Elohim

with joyfulness and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things:
Deu 28:48 Therefore shalt thou serve thy enemies which the

Yahweh shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness,

and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck,

until he hath destroyed thee.

When we read Ezekiel 38 & 39 about the last war upon this earth. We can

begin to realize that this is not written about that small country calling itself

Israel in Palestine, as many ministers would have you believe. You must

also realize when reading Meshek or Meshech (spelling varies slightly in

different translation) is the oldest known name for Moscow! The land new

of Israel was to be a “ land of unwalled villages ”. The State of Israel has

always been a land of walled villages even to this day. America has never

been a land of walled villages, and it was a virtual wilderness prior to its

settlement in the formation of America.

We are told in verse 14 “ when My People Israel rest secure, will you

not know it? and come from your home in the far north , you and many

Peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, and a numerous

army? and you will come against My People Israel.” The ones attacking are

Gog & Magog the chief prince of Meshek (which is Moscow) & Thubal
(Thubaleski). Just in the last 10 years or so Russia has again reinstated its


In verse 22, Yahweh will rain fire and brimstone as well as diseases

and slaughter upon the many nations & hordes that attack his people so he

manifest, magnify, and distinguish himself as the Ever Living Elohim of

Israel. We are told the people of the country shall be burying their bodies for

7 months.

The name of the town where Gog and his hordes are destroyed and buried

will be called “Hamonah” which in Hebrew means Mob-town. In Obadiah 1:

15-21 we are told Zion will be a safe refuge and that Jacob will be the fire &

Joseph a flame and that Esau (who is Edom) shall be as stubble and ignited

and consumed.

Do the Jews and the Nation of Israel fulfill any of this? No they don’t

even worship the same Elohim, and they say so!

Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal admits Elohim replaced with worship of


“in Contemporary Judaism the worship of the state of Israel

(misnamed Jews) and its symbols has been gradually and unfortunately

crowding out the worship of one god.”

Rabbi Solomon Goldman in his book God and Israel concurs:

“God is absorbed in the nationalism of Israel (Jews misnamed). He

(the Jew) becomes the national ethos (god or guiding belief).”

Karl Marks emphasized the need to destroy the concept of “God.”

“The idea of God is keynote of a perverted civilization. It (God) must

be destroyed.”

“ The criticism of religion ends with the (Jewish) teaching that man

(the Jew himself) is the supreme being (God) of man.”

Rabbi Sherwin Wine sees no need for Yahweh:

“ the whole concept of God (Yahweh) is outdated; Judaism can

function perfectly well without it. “

Mr. James Yaffe commented in agreement:

“It seems we must agree with Rabbi Richard Israel, who writes

Commentary’s symposium on Jewish belief, …(the current discussion on )

the Death of God will cause Jews to ask, ‘So what else is new?… The

Jewish funeral was a much more private affair. We buried him

(Yahweh) quietly and in the middle of the night” (The American Jews

Random House 1968 p.161)

Jacob Henry Schiff declared in 1910:

Hear, Oh Israel the Lord God is the only God” has a living meaning,

who carries within him the conviction that the day will come, and labors to
bring it nearer when the Unity of God and the brotherhood of man will

be universally recognized, is Jewish.”

The Cabala echoes the same blasphemy idea against the Great


“The Jew is the living God, God incarnate: he is the heavenly man.

The other men (non-Jew) are earthly, of inferior race. They exist only to

serve the Jew (as god). The (non-Jew) are the cattle seed. (see Judaism The

World Strangest Religion p. 8)

Would Israel (misnamed Jews) claim Yahshua Messiah? No!

What did their sacred (sic) book the Talmud say about our Savior

Yahshua? Forgive me for having you read this blasphemy against our Savior

and his followers, but you must know the truth! Read it yourself from their

documents, the Talmud and other sources named.

Kallah 1b, 18b: “Once the Elders were seated at the Gate, two young

men passed by, one of whom had his head covered, the other his head bare.

Rabbi Eliezer remarked that the one in his bare head (Yahshua) was

illegitmate, a mamzer. Rabbi Jehoschus said that he (Yahshua) was

conceived during menstruation, ben niddah. Rabbi Akibah, however said he

was both. Whereupon the others asked Rabbi Akibah why he dared to

contradict his colleagues. He answered that he could prove what he said. He

went before therefore to the boy’s mother… and said to her: ‘My daughter,

if you answer truthfully what I am going to ask you, I promise that you will

be saved in the next life.’ She demanded that he would swear to keep his

promise, and Rabbi Akibah did so- but with his lips only, for in his heart he

had invalidated the oath. Then he said ‘Tell me, what kind of son is this of

yours?’ To which she replied ‘The day I was married I was having

menstruation, and because of this my husband left me. But an evil spirit

came and slept with me and from this intercourse my son was born me.’

Thus it was proven this young man (Yahshua) was not only illegitimate but

also conceived during the menstruation of his mother…”

YABAMOTH 4, 3; 49A: Rabbi Shimeon ben Azzi said: “I found a

genealogical roll in Jerusalem wherein was recorded, Such-an-one

(Yahshua) is a bastard of an adulteress.”

SANHEDRIN 67a: “ Of all who are guilty of death by the Law, he

alone… This is what they did to the son of Stada in Lud, and they hanged

him (on a stake) on the eve of Passover. For this son (Yahshua) of Stada*

(Mary) was the illegitimate son of Pandira (a roman soldier)” [* In Hagigah

42 of the Talmud it is verified regarding “Stada is Mary the Mother of

SANHEDRIN 107b Mar said: “Jesus seduced, corrupted and

destroyed Israel.”

Many a Rabbi would say a particular reference might not the over all

thought. Well The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia is a source to be

considered as the over all opinion of Talmud and Jewish thought on a

particular matter.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia says on:


Jesus was not an outstanding figure; the impression which he may have

made on the Judaism of his time can been neither deep or lasting… That he

is mentioned by name in rabbinical literature is beyond question; but what is

said of him amounts to hardly more than vague and careless remembrance of

one who for a while ‘troubled Israel.’

…there is enough in rabbinical literature to show that the historical

Jesus of Nazareth is really mentioned there. It is stated (Sanhedrin 43a), ‘On

the eve of Pesach (Passover) they hanged Jeshu Hanotzri (Yahshua on a

stake).’ And the crier went forth before him forty days (saying) Jeshu

Hanotzri goeth forth to be stoned because he hath practiced magic and

deceived and led astray Israel.” The last sentence is repeated. (Sanh.107b)

There can be no question that the reference is to the historical Jesus”

The Jewish Encyclopedia states in reference to Yahshua in the Talmud

and other sources:

“JESUS OF NAZARETH …in the life of Jesus (Toledot Yeshu,”) that

originated in the Middle Ages. It is the tendency … to belittle the person of

Jesus by ascribing to him illegitimate birth, magic, and a shameful


The earliest authenticated passage ascribing illegitimate birth to Jesus

is that of (Yebamouth iv.3)

It is certain, in any case, that the rabbinical sources also regard Jesus

as the ‘son of Pandira (a Roman soldier)’… although it is noteworthy that he

is also ‘Ben Stada (son of Mary)’ … (Shabbath 104b; Sanhedrin 67b)

… All the ‘Toledot’ (Yeshu) editions… declare him (Yahshua the

Messiah) to be a bastard.

… wichcraft (is) attributed to Jesus in the ‘Toledot’ (Yeshu)

…as Balaam the magician and according to the derivation of his

name, ‘destroyer of the people’ was both of these points view good

prototype of Jesus, the latter was also called Balaam (by the Jews)

…It is clear, therefore, that the Jewish legends deny the resurrection

of Jesus; the halakic assertion that Balaam (i.e. the prototype of Jesus) had

no part in the future life must also be especially noted (Sanh.x 2). It is
further said: ‘The pupils of the recreant Balaam inherit hell.’ (Abot.v.19).

Jesus is accordingly, in the following curious Talmudic legend thought to

sojourn in hell. A certain Onkelos b. (ben) Kalonikos, son of Titus’ sister,

desired to embrace Judaism, and called up from hell by magic first

Titus, then Balaam, and finally Jesus, who are here taken together as

the worst enemies of Judaism.” (Univ. Jewish Encyo. 1942 ) Vol. 6 p. 87

Zohar 3, 282 tells us that Yahshua “died like a beast and was buried

in the ‘dirt heap’ or as interpreted ‘dung heap’ where they throw the dead

bodies of the dogs and asses, where the sons of Esau (Christians per Zohar)

and of Ishmael (Turks per Zohar) also Jesus and Mohammed, uncircumcised

and unclean like dead dogs are buried.”

In fact the Jews ascribe FOUR satanic deaths to our Savior

Yahshua Messiah:

1) Boiling in hot semen (GITTIN 57a 4);

2) Hanged (SANHEDRIN 43a) ;

3) Buried in dung heap while burning his intestines with hot wick.


4) Stoning (SANHEDRIN 43 a p.281 all footnoted as “Jesus” and

“the Nazarean”).
It might also be noted Christians were to be boiled in hot excrement in

hell (GITTIN43a, p. 281).

People have also poo pooed The Protocols of the Learned Elders of

Zion especially their planned attacks on Christians, but…:

On January 13, 1489 Rabbi Chemor of Arles, France wrote the Grand

Sanhedrin because the people of Arles threatened the synagogues. The

advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis were:

1) “As for what you (Jews) say that the King of France obliges you to

become Christians: do it (outwardly become Christians), since you

cannot do otherwise, but let the law (Talmud) be kept in your


2) As for what you (Jews) say about the command to despoil you of

your goods: make your sons merchants, that little by little they

(your sons) may despoil the Christians of theirs.

3) As for what you (Jews) say about their making attempts on your

lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, then they

(your sons) may take away Christians’ lives.

4) As for what you (Jews) say of their destroying your synagogues:

make your sons cannons and clerics in order that they (your

sons) may destroy their (Christian’s) churches.

5) As for the many other vexations you (Jews) complain of: arrange

that your sons become advocates and lawyers, see that they

always mix themselves up with the affairs of State (civil

government), in order that by putting Christians under your

yoke, you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.

6) Do not swerve from this order that we give you because you will

find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the

actuality of power (over Christians)

Signed V.S.S.V.F.F.Prince of the Jews, 21st Caslu (November), 1489.

This letter was reprinted in Revue des estudes Juives Paris France

1889 [ The newspaper, Revue des estudes Juives, was financed by

James de Rothschild (Jakob Rothschild) a Jew, who managed the

Paris branch of his father’s European banking empire.]

I want you to think along one more line, before I leave this section.

The Jewish Encyclopedia under the entry Crypto-Jews:

“CRYPTO-JEWS: Person who, while outwardly professing

another religion continues to adhere secretly to Judaism. Such were

the MARRANOS of Spain and Portugal, the CHUETAS of

Majorca, the JEDID-AL-ISLAM in Persia, the NEOFITI of S.

Italy, and the DONMEH of Salonica.”

Please note the claims of Rabbi Haim Levi, a “Messianic Jew”.

(Keep in mind the Jews of today aren’t Jews by race but by


“ We (Messianic Jews) were born Jewish and we will die Jewish.

We don’t become non-Jew because we accept Jesus. We regard

Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah while remaining Jewish.”

Rabbi Maurice Kapprow of the Williamsburg Jewish Congregation

of Orlando, Florida Responds to Rabbi Levi:

“Since at best Judaism views Jesus as a teacher, rabbinical

tradition (Talmudism) steadfastly refuses to accept him as the

Messiah, as the Son of God, to accept his teachings or that of his

followers. Accordingly there can be no one who believes in Christ

and who remains a Jew.”

In a letter to the editor of Sioux Falls S.D., Argus Leader, Rabbi

Stephen Forstein confirms this reality:

“Judaism (Talmudism) holds that one cannot be a Jew and a

member of another religion at the same time… the so called ‘Jews

for Jesus’ are just misleading. If a person is a Christian, that person

cannot be a Jew.”

Rabbi Maurice Davis declared:

“Judaism denies that Messiahship of Jesus. Christianity affirms it.

One cannot deny and affirm the same thing at the same time.

Words have meanings. ‘Jews for Jesus’ is as much an oxymoron as

Christians Against Christ”

It is also important to note here if a Jew makes a profession of faith

or swears an oath accepting Jesus, but by simply Kol Nidre prayer

on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) he remains a Jew in good


“KOL NIDRE:.. All vows obligations, oaths, anathemas, whether

called ‘konam,’ “konas,’ or by any other name, which we (Jews)

may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from

this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we

await), we do repent [renege, renounce]. May they [these vows

etc.] be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made

of none effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The

vows shall not be reckoned vows; and the obligations shall not be

obligatory, nor the oaths be oaths.” The Jewish Encyclopedia Vol.

VII, p. 539

“Beware: The Day [of Atonement] Is At hand When The Jew

Renounces As Insincere Any Dealings He May Have With You

During The Coming Year. Beware!” [Jews Must Live Samuel Roth

p. 131.]

Yes there you have a reason for many things. Why did that judge

not keep his oath to support & defend the Constitution? Why did

your lawyer swear he’d get you off, because you’re innocent, then

failed? Politician lied. You know the reason, they ask for

forgiveness for breaking it, before, they swore the oath. The

Jewish Prayer Book lists the following sins specifically as those

which are unconditionally forgiven the Jew on Yon Kippur [day of


… “incestuous lewdness; oppressing ones neighbor; assembling to

commit fornication; deceitful acknowledgements; violence; evil

imaginations; calumny [malicious charges]; extortion and usuary;;

haughtiness; shamelessness; lawlessness; litigiousness; treachery;

to one’s neighbor; tale-bearing; false swearing; embezzlement’


We find over and over again that the Jews do not measure up to the

sign given in our Heavenly Fathers Word, of the signs of Israel.

The main reason for the greatest discrepancy is the Zionist Jews

follow the Talmud, the oral traditions of men that our Savior so
vehemently denounced. Here below I show just a few of the major

differences between the laws of Elohim and the laws of the


Rabi Adin Steinsaltz States:

“The Talmud is the central pillar, soaring up from the foundations

and supporting the entire spiritual and intellectual edifice. In many

ways the Talmud is the most important book in Jewish culture, the

backbone of creativity and national life…”(The Essential Talmud)

Rabbi Louis Finkelstein in The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of

Their Faith, leaves us with no doubt about the Talmud: “ Pharisaism became

Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism. Medieval Rabbinism

became Modern Rabbinism. But through these changes of name…the spirit

of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew… studies the

Talmud, he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestinian


Morals of the Talmud he curses them by Divine Name”

Approves of Sodomy: “ If one Sanhedrin 66a)
committed sodomy with a child of less Allows enchanting: “ It is permitted to
than nine years, no guilt is consult by charm the spirits of oil and
incurred” (Sanhedrin 54b) eggs, and make incantations” (Sanhedrin
Approves of Child Sacrifice to Idols: 101a)
“He who gives his seed to Molech incurs
no punishment” (Sanhedrin 64a) Beastiality Condoned: “Women having
Cursing Parents Allowed: “ One who intercourse with a beast can marry a
curses his parents isn’t punished unless
priest, the act is but a mere
wound” (Yebamoth 59a) Disallows Enchanting: “None of you
Harlotry Lawful: “A harlot’s hire is shall be an enchanter or charmer, or
permitted, for what the woman has consulter with familiar spirits” (Deut.
received is legally a gift” (Abodah Zarah 18:10-11)
Blasphemy Allowed: “One can revile the Beastiality Condemned: “You shall not
Divine Name if mentally appling it to lie with beasts, nor shall any woman
some other object” (Sanhedrin 65a-b) stand before a beast to lie with it” (Lev.
Not Required to Keep Vows: One may 18:23)
declare: “Every vow which I may make Harlotry Unlawful: She that plays the
in the future shall be null” (Nedarim whore in her father’s house shall be put to
23a-23b) death” Deut. 22:21

Murder Condoned: “If ten men smote a Blasphemy Punishable: He that

man with ten staves and he died, they are blasphemes the name of the LORD
exempt from punishment” (Sanhedrin (YHVH) shall surely be put to death”
78a) Required to Keep Vows: “If a man
vows, he shall not break his word, he
Morals of the Bible
shall do according to all that he
Prohibits Sodomy: “Thou shalt not lie
spoke” (Numbers 30:2)
with mankind as with womankind: it ia
Murder Forbidden: “He that smites a
abomination” (Leviticus 18:22)
man with a stave so he dies, he is a
murderer and shall be put to
Prohibits Child Sacrifice to Idols:
death” (Numbers 35:18)
“Whoever gives any of his seed to
Molech: he shall surely be put to
death” (Leviticus 20:2)
Cursing Parents Prohibited: “He that
curses his father or mother shall be put to
death” (Exodus 21:17; Mathew 15:4)

No my brothers in Yahshua Messiah, modern day “Israel” (Easu / Kazzar /

Jews) does not fill any of the prophecies of the New Israel, or the New Zion

they were to move to. These Jews did not become a great nation, a nation

that was to be a blessing to ever nation of the world, they have been a burden

to every nation they have come in contact with. America does fulfill these

prophecies made by Yahweh promises!

American Christian beginnings did have a reason. Yahshua people

were being re-gathered into a new nation in a wilderness just as foretold in

the Bible as a fulfillment of the new covenant birthright to Joseph through

Ephraim & Manassas. Through England and the United States.

The covenants were made and would be fulfilled whether they followed

Yahweh law or not, Israel always backslid. Yahweh chastised us but kept

His promise. The greatest majority of true Israel accepted His son Yahshua

as their Messiah and spread his message to the world and blessed the whole

world in many, many ways in the process. 1Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen

race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should

show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his

marvelous light:

1Pe 2:10 Who in time past were not a people, but are now the people of

God: who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

98% of all Bibles and 95% of all Christian evangelism comes from

one people the Celto-Saxons. The Mighty Elohim of Abraham, Issac, and

Jacob, Yahweh’s chosen people. Why? 1Corinthians 1:27 tells us why:

But Yahweh hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the

wise; and Yahweh hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound

the things which are mighty;

It is NOT about how great we are! True Israel was chosen to be a

servant and a blessing to the rest of the world. The Jews (misnamed

Israel) have been a burden to the nations, haters of Yahshua Messiah and

a threat to His followers :

IORE DEAH 158, 1: “The Akum* [Christians] who are not

enemies of ours must not be killed directly, nevertheless they must not

be saved from danger of death. For example, if you see one of them fall

into the sea, do not pull him out unless he promises you money.”

IORE DAH 158, 2: “[Jewish] Renegades who turn to the pleasures

of the Akum* [Christians]… are to be killed.” [*Akum in the

Schulkhan Arukh is applied to Christians, Orach Chaiim 113,8 defines

them as “those who use the cross”]

HILKHOTH AKUM 10,1 : “Do not eat with idolaters, nor

permit them to worship their idols [practice their religion]…either turn

them [Christians] away from their idols or kill them.”

BEN HECHT, 1931: One of the finest things ever done by the mob

was the crucifixion of Christ. Intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But

trust the mob to bungle [it]…if I’d have had charge of executing Christ,

I’d have handled it differently. You see, what I would have done was

had him shipped to Rome and fed to the lions. They [Yahshua’s
followers] could have never made a savior out of minced meat.” [Ben

Hecht, A Jew in Love New York, NY: Covici Friede Publishers 1931 p.



“Do not let the force of evil [Christianity] take over to make

this a Christian nation.” [Quoated in AFA Journal, November/Dec.

1988 p.24, Donald E. Wildomn]

BENJAMIN DISRAELI 1858 “The people of God [Jews

misnamed] cooperate with atheists; the most skillful accumulators of

property ally themselves with the communists; the peculiar and chosen

race [Jews misnamed] touch the hand of all scum and low castes of

Europe! And all this because they [the Jews] wish to destroy that

ungrateful Christendom..” [Benjamin Disraeli, Lord George Bentinck:

Apolitical Biography p.324, Archibald Constable and Company London,


Once again I must reiterate, I am speaking of those Talmud

followers, the Zionist Kahzzars who call themselves Jews (sic). I am

NOT speaking of those called Jews of the tribe of Judah who follow the

Torah, the first five books of the Bible I am not preaching hatred of

anyone. There are many Jews who are against Zionism. Many, that
follow the laws of Moses and our Heavenly Father that do NOT hate


I am however, warning that fulfillment of prophecy about Israel,

will NEVER be found in those Zionists. In order to understand those

prophecies you must look the holders of the birthright, you must follow

the northern ten “lost” tribes. The birthright fell to Israel through

Joseph’s sons Manasseh and Ephraim because it was taken from Judah

for Rubens sexual indiscretion in his Father’s bed . 1Chronicles 5:1-2

“Now the sons of Reuben the first-born of Israel, (for he was the first-

born; but, forasmuch as he defiled his father's bed, his birth-right was

given to the sons of Joseph the son of Israel: and the genealogy is not to be

reckoned after the birth-right.

1Ch 5:2 For Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him came

the chief ruler; but the birth-right was Joseph's:)

Even though Yahweh promised the birthright, Israel rejected His

rule and asks to be like other nations and have kings. 1Sa 8:6-7 tells us

“But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge

us: and Samuel prayed to the Yahweh.

1Sa 8:7 And the Yahweh said to Samuel, Hearken to the voice of

the people in all that they say to thee: for they have not rejected thee, but

they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.”

So Yahweh punished Israel withheld the birthright for a time, a

specific time in history. He gave them their kings, and they suffered

under their bondage. Israel, the ten northern tribes, were captured and

deported out of their land by around 718 B.C.

The prophet “time” equals a year, by their calendar 360 days.

Punishing them seven times for their disobedience 7 X 360 + 2520 days

in prophecy a day for a year would be 2520 years. 718+ 2520 = 1798.

The United States had become a nation. The US and England (Manasseh

and Ephraim) became the major powers in the world throughout the 1800.

Gen 35:9-12 “And Elohim appeared to Jacob again when he came out of

Padan-aram; and blessed him.

Gen 35:10 And Elohim said to him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall

not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name; and he called his

name Israel.

Gen 35:11 And Elohim said to him, I am El Shaddi: be fruitful and

multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall spring from thee, and kings

shall come out of thy loins.

Gen 35:12 And the land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will

give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land.”

A great nation in America, and a company (Commonwealth) of nations in

England. Powerful nations, more so than any nations on earth. Fulfilling

prophecy! And a people to numerous to imagine. Gen 24:60 “ And they

blessed Rebekah, and said to her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of

thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those who hate

them.” The gates are the seaports and land passages. Great Britain and the

US controlled every major one for more than a century, until we turned our

backs on Heavenly Father and Savior. The curses as well as the blessings

still apply. Prophecies fulfilled!

Chapter 7

The Antichrist, The Last Days, and Fulfillment of God’s Laws and


We are told in Daniel 7:21 that the little horn, the antichrist, would

make war with the saints and overcome them.

In Revelation 6: 10, we find after the fifth seal is opened the saints

previously murdered ask when they are to be avenged. They are told, not

until after the murder of their fellow servants. Doesn’t sound like the saints

will be raptured. Rev. 20:4 tells of the beheading of those who would not

take the mark of the beast Doesn’t sound like these saints are going to be

“raptured” either, so don’t hold your breath for that.

My brothers and sisters the time that is about to come upon us will be

our trying in fire Mat. 24:22 says of this time “that unless the days or

shortened all flesh will be destroyed.” We are told it is the rich men of

Babylon that kill the just in James 5. Don’t worry, in Daniel 11:2 says that

people that know Yahweh “shall be strong and do exploits” and Isaiah 54:

17 tells us the heritage of the servants of Yahweh is, that no weapon formed

against us shall prevail. Those that have been sealed by Yahweh will be


We not to be part of the system of Babylon, any more. We are told:

Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice out of the heaven saying, Come out of

her, my people, that ye have not fellowship in her sins, and that ye do not

receive of her plagues:

We are not to be part of this world. Yes we have to live in this world,

but we are to set ourselves apart from the ways of this world. We are
supposed to keep His commandments. Look around how many churches

actually preaching keeping all Yahshua’s, commandments. Most will tell

you the law is put away, nailed to the cross. That’s not what Yahshua, said.

John 14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

Look around this world how many people do you actually see keeping

the Commandments, all of them? Wouldn’t that set you apart from the

world? You bet it would!

One of the most important is also the longest Commandment.

Exo 20:8 Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day.

Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all thy works.

Exo 20:10 But on the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Yahweh thy

Elohim: thou shalt do no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter,

nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the stranger

that is within thy gates.

Exo 20:11 For in six days the Yahweh made heaven and earth, and the

sea, and all things that are in them, and rested on the seventh day: therefore

the Lord blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.

I hear people tell me it doesn’t matter which day we keep as the Sabbath,

people quote; Mark 2:27 And he said to them, The Sabbath was made on

account of man, not man on account of the Sabbath;

Mark 2:28 so that the Son of man is master of the Sabbath also.

Most miss the last verse that tells us that Yahshua Messiah, is master of

the Sabbath. WWYD What would Yahshua do? The Sabbath, is mentioned

123 times in the Bible. Sabbaths, is mentioned 37 times, keep the Sabbath, is

mentioned 48 times, and, keep my Sabbaths, is mentioned 25 times. It would

seem that we should honor the Sabbath of the Yahshua. Which day is the

Sabbath? In the Bible, the day begins at sundown and ends at sundown. The

Sabbath began on the evening of the 6th day (Friday) and ends on the

evening of the 7th day (Saturday).

How did the Sabbath get changed to Sunday? First of all I will tell you

that you can look from Genesis to Revelation and you will not find one verse

authorizing this change. The Bible prophesizes that the antichrist the little

horn, would change times, laws and blaspheme against God.

Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and

shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and

laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the

dividing of time.

Enter Constantine, a sun worshiper, head of the Roman Empire, the

first “Christian” emperor. In order to appease fellow sun worshipers and

draw them to the faith, Constantine established, “Solis Dai”, the venerable
day of the sun, as the Sabbath, proclaimed at the Council of Laodicea 336


The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine states on page 50:

“Q. Which is the Sabbath day?

A. Saturday is the Sabbath day.

Q. By what authority did the Catholic Church substitute Sunday for


A. The Church substituted Sunday for Saturday by the plenitude of that

divine power which Jesus bestowed upon her.”

By the Catholic Churches own admission they “have the ability to

change the very laws of God”. They changed the times. The Biblical day

was from sundown to sundown, and the pope had it changed from midnight

to midnight as well as placing us on the Gregorian calendar.

The pope also changed the laws. The commandments are given three

times in the above mentioned catechism, and in each just as in Catholic

tradition the second Commandment is left out and the tenth is dived so ten

commands still remain.

Exo 20:4 Thou shalt not make to thee any graven image, or any likeness

of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that

is in the water under the earth:

Exo 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I

Yahweh thy Elohim am a jealous Elohim, visiting the iniquity of the fathers

upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

The exaltation of Mary as the “Mother of God” proclaimed at the Council of

Ephesus 431 A.D., Prayers offered to Mary and dead saints 600 A.D.,

Rosary adopted from pagans by Peter the Hermit 1090 A.D. Assumption of

Mary proclaimed by Pope Pius XI 1950. (source: Confraternity of Christian


I can tell you as a recovered Catholic, we were taught to go and kneel

before statues of supposedly Mary, Joseph, and Christ and say our penitence

after confession to the priest. We were taught to say the rosary before

supposed statues of Mary as a mediator between Jesus and ourselves. But we

are clearly told in the Word; 1Timothy 2:5 For there is one Elohim, and one

mediator between Elohim and men, the man Messiah, Yahshua;

Here are at least 10 ways to identify the antichrist

I. Prophecy was given for us to understand and to guide our


II. Some common prophetic symbols used in Daniel 7: 1-3 are

explained by the Bible itself.

A. Water represents peoples multitudes, nations

Revelation17:15 “ And he saith unto me, The waters which

thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, multitudes,

and nations and tongues.”

B. Winds represent strife, war, commotion.

Jeremiah 51: 1-4 “Thus saith the Elohim: Behold, I will raise

up against Babylon and against them that dwell in the midst

of them that rise up against me, a destroying wind.”

C. The four beasts represent four kingdoms.

Daniel 7:17 “These great beasts, which are four, are four

kings which shall arise out of the earth.”

III. Daniel saw four symbolic beasts in his vision of Daniel 7.

A. The lion of Daniel 7:4 represents Babylon, who came

to power in 606 B.C.

1)The eagles wings represents swiftness.

Deuteronomy 28:49

2) The winged lion is found on many Babylonian

objects of art.

3) The man’s heart represents weakness.

B. The Bear of Daniel 7:5 represents Medo-Persia, who

came to power in 538 B.C.

1) It raised itself on one side because the Persians were

stronger than the Medes and became the dominant


2) The bear had three ribs in its mouth because it

conquered the three provinces of Babylon.

a) Babylon

b) Lydia

c) Egypt

3) The Bible tells of the overthrow of Babylon by the

Medes and Persians Daniel 5:23-31; in fact Cyrus

was named 150 years before his birth to conquer

Babylon. Isaiah 45:1

C. The Leopard of Daniel 7: 6 represents Greece, who

came to power in 331 B.C

1) The four wings represents great swiftness. Alexander

the Great conquered the world in 12 years.

2) Alexander died at the age of 33. The four heads

represent the four parts in which his kingdom was

divided by his four generals:




c )Ptolemy

D. The fourth beast, which is described in Daniel 7:7 represents pagan

Rome, who came to power in 168 B.C.

1) The power of Rome was dreadful & terrible.

2) The great iron teeth represents the iron monarchy of Rome.

3) The ten horns mentioned in Daniel 7:7 and Daniel 7:24 represents

the ten kingdoms into which pagan Rome divided after its downfall in

476 A.D.

IV The little horn of Daniel 7:8, 24-25 is the papacy.

A. The little horn appears after the rise of the ten horns.

Dan 7:24 “ And as to the ten horns, out of this kingdom shall arise ten

kings; and another shall arise after them.”

1) The ten horn were established in 476 A.D.

2) The papacy was established in 538 A.D., when it subdued

the Ostrogoths.

3) The papacy was not opposed for over 1000 years there after.

B. The little horn was to be diverse from the other powers.

Dan 7:24 “ And he shall be different from the former.”

1) The ten kingdoms (kings) had only temporal power. They

were masters of the State only.

2) The papacy had both temporal and religious power.

C. The Little Horn shall subdue three kings.

Daniel. 7: 24 “ And he shall subdue three kings.”

Daniel 7:8…three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots.”

1) History reveals that the papacy destroyed three of the ten kingdoms

because of the belief of Aryanism.

a) Heruli 493 A.D.

b) Vandals 534 A.D.

c) Ostergoths 538 A.D.

2) Seven of the ten are still in existence today Germany, England,

France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Switzerland.

D. The little horn was to have the eyes like a man.

1) Dan 7:8 “…in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a


2) The papacy is headed by a man the Pope.

E. The little horn was to speak great words against the most High.

Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High…

1)“All names which in Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of

which it is established that he is over the church, all the same names

are applied to the Pope.” (On the authority of Councils, Book 2,

Chapter 17 p. 266)

2) For thou art the shepherd, thou art the director, thou art the

husbandman; finally, thou art God on earth.” (From the oration of

Christopher Marcellus in the forth session of the Fifth Lateran Council

(an address to the pope). History of the Councils, Vol. XIV, Col. 109
3)“ We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” (The Great

Encyclical Letter of Pope Leo XIII, p. 304.)

F. The Little horn was to wear the saints.

Dan 7:25 “And shall wear out the saints of the most High.”

1) The papacy established the Sacred Department of the Inquisition

giving license to martyrdom.

2) Many of these persecutions were the Massacre of Saints;

Bartholomew, the persecution of the Huguenots, 60,000 of which

were martyred one Sunday in the St. Bartholomew’s massacre, the

martyrdoms of the Lollards, the burning of Huss and Jerome, and the

persecutions of the Waldenses.

3) Books that mention the persecutions are Fox’s Book of Martyrs,

Short Stories of the Reformation by Short, and History of the

Reformation by Daubigne.

3) Historians believe the papacy killed between 100 and 150

MILLION people.

G. The little horn would think to change times and laws.

Daniel 7:25 “And think to change times and laws.”

1) The Papacy has changed times.

a) God reckons time from evening to evening. Genesis


b) Pope Gregory in 1581 changed it to midnight to


2) The papacy has changed laws

a) God’s laws is eternal and unchangeable.

Psalm 89:34; Malachi 3:6; Matthew 5:18

a) The Pope changed God’s laws by; leaving out the

second commandment and by dividing the tenth

commandment so there would still be ten, and

changing the Sabbath.

3) God’s times and laws are not changed in His eyes, but the

papacy has “thought to change them.

H. The little horn was to rule for 1260 years.

Daniel 7:25 “ And they shall be given into his hands until a time and

times and the dividing of times.”

1) How long is a time and the dividing of times?

a) In the bible a “time” represents one year. Daniel 4:25

b) A time, times and a dividing of times would be 3 ½

years, which is 1260 prophetic days

Time = 1 year

Times = 2 years 360 days

Dividing of time = ½ year x3½

_______ ___________

3 ½ years 1260 prophetic days

c) In prophecy, a day represents a year

Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34

2) The papacy ruled from 538 A.D. when Virquillis ceded

power, the scepter of Rome was turned over to Sylvester the

Bishop of Rome, until February 15, 1798 when Napoleons

general, Berthier, took the Pope Pius V prisoner bringing to

an end the time of papal rule. Eighteen months later the pope

died in exile.

3) The deadly wound to the head of the beast. (Rev. 13:3)

4) Which was healed in 1950 when Mussolini called for an

answer to the Roman question and re-instated Rome as a

state power.
All of this may be a shock to our Catholic brothers and sisters. This

prophecy is not meant as an attack on the Catholic people. I was raised

Catholic and my Mother is still Catholic. I truly believe there many

Catholics that serve our Heavenly Father and our Savior with their whole

heart, and just as with other churches, there will be many in the coming

Kingdom of God.

In the understanding the “great whore that sits upon the beast” of

Revelation 17 is of course is identified as a city (Babylon), false religion, in

contrast to the woman of Revelation 12.

Rev 12:1 And a great sign was seen in the heaven: a woman clothed with the

sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve


Rev 12:2 and being with child she cried, being in travail, and in pain to

bring forth.

Rev 12:3 And another sign was seen in the heaven: and behold, a great red

dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven


Rev 12:4 and his tail draws the third part of the stars of the heaven; and he

cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was
about to bring forth, in order that when she brought forth he might devour

her child.

Rev 12:5 And she brought forth a male son, who shall shepherd all the

nations with an iron rod; and her child was caught up to Elohim and to his


Rev 12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has there a

place prepared of God, that they should nourish her there a thousand two

hundred and sixty days.

Satan tried early to kill our Savior while yet in His mother’s

womb. He used Herod to slay the children that were under two years of

age. Our Heavenly Father protected them and they escaped. The true

church (woman of Rev 12:1) likewise was protected during the 1260

years of the antichrist’s heyday as a political power as well as religious.

Although many little harlots (false churches) sprung forth from the

great whore, our Savior makes sure His voice is heard in every age. It

will not be through mainstream “churchanity”, as I like to call it, but

through small churches and His ministers He raises up to preach the truth.

We are warned the whole world would be deceived.

Mat 24:24 For false Messiah will arise, and false prophets, and will show

great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they would deceive

the very elect.

We are warned during the last days of these great deceptions. We must

therefore be well versed in His Word, the Bible, and study to show ourselves

approved. (2Timothy 2:15)

We are seeing the UN assembling for world government. We see the

Catholic Church with its 26 Non-Government Organizations, (UN approved

organizations) calling ecumenical movements around the world. Heading the

churches to except a world religion. One that will be UN and New World

Order approved. As the last days of Pope John Paul II draw to a close with

his health leaving him, I see a new dawn for the Catholic Church. One in

which a new pope, a younger more charismatic leader takes the reigns of the

papacy. A pope that will lead world churches to merge as one, with him as

their head.

Even now as the US government tends to attack churches that will no

longer except 501 (c) 3 corporate status. We see in this the move to have

government approved churches. Look out if you don’t have their approval,

remember the Branch Davidians, they were a church school that dared not to
have approval. The Indiana Baptist Temple, Heavens Gate, and numerous

others did not have their approval. The Baptist Temple lost their church.

Heavens Gate all committed suicide with their bags packed and $5.00 in

their pockets. Among those who knew these people, several facts emerge.

1) They were programmers designing web pages and such for a


2) There are those that maintained that they had hacked into the CIA


3) These people believed a UFO was going to pick them up. They

believed they were going to physically get on a UFO, and had their

bags packed and ready. Each person had $5.00 in their pocket.

Apparently in case they got dropped off after boarding and had to

make phone calls or wanted something to eat before boarding the


4) After these specific preparations for boarding the UFO, they all

just put on a sacred shroud and killed themselves.

Actually it sounds like they were successful in their hacking of CIA

computers and found something they shouldn’t have.

One minister in upper state New York told his congregation that if

they voted for Bill Clinton they were committing a sin. He lost his 501 (c) 3
status two years later because of that, and they took the church. These are

not isolated incidents, just most notable.

You may say to yourself that; the Roman Catholic Church could never

come to power again, as it did in the past, killing between 100-150

MILLION with it inquisitions. Think again. During the 90’s Cardinal Joseph

Ratzinger was appointed as the head of the Sacred Department of the

Inquisition. He changed the name to the Congregation for Doctrine & Faith.

The Word of Yahshua, Messiah says likewise about persecution; John 16:2

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yes, the time cometh, that whoever

killeth you, will think that he doeth Elohim’s service.

Chapter 8

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s… but what if

it isn’t Caesars? Or…Please Mr. Caesar, please, may I

worship? The Image of the Beast.

Rome was unusual, it was different from other nations in its

conquests. It did not merely subdue a nation and destroy its traditions, but

rather preserved most traditions of the conquered. The Greeks had many

gods and Rome did much to allow people to worship as they pleased

worshiping these gods and keeping their traditions. This gave strength to

Rome by diversity. Contented slaves don’t rock the boat, for fear of reprisals

of the government. Reprisals that could cause them to loose their somewhat

comfortable life style, and even their very life. Many times in Rome, that

could be in the most barbarous fashions, made a galley slave, hung on a

stake, hung on a stake and burned like a torch, having grease poured on you
and attacked by ravenous dogs, fed to the lions, and other such sadistic


The Greeks invented the corporation, Rome, not to be outdone

perfected the corporation, into one that is the very basis our corporations

today. Corporation comes from the Latin; Corpus, meaning the body.

Just like that of Rome today the corporation is a creation of the state

and none could exist without express permission of the state. Rome issued

Licet, that is Latin for; it is allowed, it is permitted. This is what we derive

our word, license from. It is Caesars permission or the states permission to

do something, that is otherwise illegal .

The English word translated, church, is ecclesia, which somewhat

looses it meaning in translation from the Latin; ekklesia [Mat. 16:18].

Spiritual cults, would not have referred to themselves as ekklesia, as that

infers the body politic; polis, and would have challenged Roman authority

and invited the wrath of the state. They would have used the Greek;

synagogue for cultic gatherings; these too would have had licet from Caesar.

“Thus ekklesia, centuries before the translation of the OT and the time

of the NT, was clearly characterized as a political phenomenon, repeated

according to certain rules and within a certain framework. It was the

assembly of full citizens, functionally rooted in the constitution of the

democracy, an assembly in which fundamental political and judicial

decisions were taken… What is noteworthy, however, is that the word

ekklesia, throughout the Greek and Hellenistic areas, always retained its

reference to the assembly of the polis. In only three exceptional cases was it

used for business meeting of a cultic guild. Otherwise it was never used for

guilds or religious fellowships.” [New International Dictionary Of New

Testament Theology vol. 1, p.292]

Synagogue, “In contrast to ekklesia, which had become a technical

term by an early date, the other word which is important to us in this context,

synagogue… exhibited from the first a wide breath of usage… Here it was

used for the regular, mostly festive assembly, linked with a meal and

sacrifice, of guilds which are almost without exception to be understood as

cultic fellowships.” [New International Dictionary Of New Testament

Theology vol. 1, p.292]

A major reason for the persecution of the early Church ekklesia, was

it organizing under polity, [Polity; The form of government; civil

constitution. Blacks Law 6th Ed.] and the refusal to incorporate and ask

permission of Caesar to worship Yahshua Messiah, most know today as

Our Savior had set up a governing authority of His Kingdom on earth,

the ecclesia, we are on body in our Messiah, to advance His Kingdom, His

government here prior to His return. His Kingship and authority ruled not

only the ecclesia but had power and authority over all earthly kingdoms

including that of Caesars. Our Savior clearly stated, John 19:11 Yahshua

answered, Thou couldst have no power against me; except it were given thee

from above:

The apostles need no authority except that of their Savior to establish

His church, ekklesia, and none sought that of Caesar. Which is why the

Church was outlawed in Rome. It directly challenged Caesars authority by

operating as a body politic.

The Constitution for the united States clearly states “the congress shall

make NO law regarding the establishment of religion.” What is it the

church and congress do not understand about the word, NO? The

church is at best created above the government, at worst at parity. When the

tricksters [lawyers] told ministers in the 50’s they needed to incorporate and

seek 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt status, they lied. It was not necessary.

“The first Amendment’s prohibition of laws respecting an establishment of

religion has been described as resting on the belief that a union of

government and religion tends to destroy government and to degrade

religion, and upon an awareness of the historical fact that governmentally

established religions and religious persecutions go hand in hand.” (16-A Am

Jur 2nd, Constitutional Law § 466)

All time prior to this they had tax-exempt status, nothing has

changed. If you have a free church today, it is still tax exempt, and is not

even required to file with the IRS.

A corporation on the other hand is taxable, that is why they seek tax-

exempt status. The state is the creator of the corporation and it’d head. Our

Savior is the head of the church and it needs no other authority to exist!

When a church submits itself to incorporate it lowers itself under the

jurisdiction of the state. It is bound by the authority of the state to follow the

corporate charter, rules, etc. If the church fails to follow those rules and

guidelines it can loose its tax exempt status. The officers of the church

become officers of the state to the corporation, not church officers to the

corporation. It is a state church. Tax exemption under the law is a “benefit”.

Such benefit is considered a kind “funding”. The courts have ruled it is not

“unreasonable for the government to regulate that which it subsides.” Nor

does incorporation really protect them, in fact it brings the “church” into it’s

jurisdiction making court actions easier.

“It has been held that the right of action by or against religious

corporations and the procedure in such actions are governed by the rules

governing actions by or against corporations generally..” (66Am Jur 2nd

Religious Societies §75)

When the church pastor seeks the state protection, he declares our

Savior incompetent! He is simply saying our Savior is unfit to rule as the

Sovereign head of His Church. This is Blasphemy! [Blasphemy, Any oral or

written reproach maliciously cast upon God. His name, attributes, or

religion. In general, blasphemy may be described as consisting in speaking

evil of the Deity with an impious purpose to derogate from the divine

majesty, and to alienate the minds of others from the love and reverence of

God. It is purposely using words concerning God calculated and designed to

impair and destroy the reverence, respect, and confidence due to Him as the

intelligent creator, governor, and judge of the world. It embraces the idea of

detraction, when used towards the Supreme Being as “calumny” usually

caries the same idea when applied to an individual. It is a willful and

malicious attempt to lessen men’s reverence of God by denying His

existence. Or His attributes as an intelligent creator, governor, and judge of

men, and to prevent their having confidence in Him as such. (Blacks Law 6th


There have been numerous lawyers and consultant lawyers associations,

to churches, that promote that churches should incorporate. Our Savior said

it best; Luke 11:52 “Woe to you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of

knowledge: ye have not entered in yourselves, and them that were entering in

ye hindered.”

The Image of the beast; Rev 13:15 “ And he had power to give life to the

image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and

cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be


What is this image? Revelation Rev 13:14 tell us; “And deceiveth them that

dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to

do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that

they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword,

and lived.”

The beast that had the wound was the (Rome) antichrist/ false church.

The Roman Catholic Church, and its monasteries were incorporated from its

earliest days. Under the law a corporation is a person.

“It is said that a private corporation may be defined as an association

of persons to whom the sovereign has offered a franchise to become an

artificial person” [18 Am Jur 2nd, Corporations; Defination and attributes of a

corporation §1]

Converting a church to corporation grants jurisdiction that would

other wise be foreign to the church, because of voluntary submission.

Was this the intention of our leaders who wrote the Constitution and Bill of

Rights? NO! “I consider the government of the United States as interdicted

by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their

doctrines, discipline, or exercises This results not only from the provision

that NO law shall be made respecting the establishment or free exercise of

religion, but from that also which reserves to the States the powers not

delegated to the United States. Certainly, no power to prescribe any religious

exercise, or assume any authority in religious discipline, has been delegated

to the General Government.” (To: Rev Samuel Miller 1808 , The writings of

Thomas Jefferson, Ford ed., IX,174.) Thomas Jefferson had no belief that

government had any power over the church.

If you just finished college and hung up your shingle as say a psychiatrist,

and you decided to incorporate so as to have limited liability protection. It

might be DR. JOHN SMITH INC. Now this is what is known as a legal
fiction, in exists only on paper. It is a person under the law, and provides

limited liability protection. It is not Dr. John Smith a real living, breathing

human being, it is the corporate image of Dr. Smith.

Likewise, a corporation such as THE CHURCH OF GOD INC. is not

the church but it’s image, a fictional “person” under the law that exists only

on paper. Now when you consider the governments more recent attack on

churches that will not incorporate or have become un-incorporated, we see

the makings of the image of the beast foretold in Revelation. Consider

China, in recent years churches have been allowed, they must however be

registered with the state. Those who have been found worshiping in un-

approved churches or even caught in home Bible studies are imprisoned.

Russia also since the “fall” of the soviet state has allowed state approved and

registered churches. Now when the New World Order refuses to recognize

any but the 501 (C) 3 state churches, much like in China right now, those

who refuse to worship this “image” will be made criminals and hunted

down, imprisoned and possibly martyred. Welcome to the world of the New

World Order, and coming one world religion.

Muzzle that church! That is the message from government. “Oh no!”

the minister cries, “we can preach all we want on the message of Christ”.
Nay not so! Here are 35 things from the IRS, you can’t do are preach about

from the pulpit if you are a 501 (c) 3:

1.) Expose conspiracy. Well if our leaders conspire to do something

against the laws of our great Elohim, Yahweh or his people, shouldn’t they

be exposed?

2.) Criticize the New World Order. Criticize the new world order? Why

would anyone want to criticize people that want to make firearms illegal to

posses so we will have no crime? Who would give us the finest of militarily

equipped police and foreign UN troops to patrol our streets to keep us safe.

3.) Say or publish anything against any politician, Republican or

Democrat. Why would any minister want to criticize, the best politicians

money can buy? After one such minister in New York State told his

congregation in his newsletter as well as in a sermon prior to the last

election, that Bill Clinton is a man of sin and mentioned his “sinful”

behaviors and told his flock if they voted for Mr. Clinton they would be

“committing a sin”. In 1999 the IRS ruled and revoked the churches 501-(c)

3 status making it retroactive to the time of the statements, in 1996. All

proceeds from that time forward are taxable, and the IRS wants the records

of the church to see who contributed what. Then what was given may
become taxable income to each individual. The pastor refused, and now the

IRS wants to seize and bulldoze the church.

4.) Criticize government agencies and bureaus; the IRS, FBI, BATF,

CIA, FBI, EPA, DEA, OSHA, DOJ, ETC. Why criticize all these alphabet

agencies, after all they are there to protect us, aren’t they????

5.) Criticize an institution of government such as the White House, the

Congress, the Federal Reserve Board or the Supreme Court. Again why

would anyone want to criticize, these folks are just here to help us, aren’t


6.) Encourage citizens to call or write their congressman, senator,

governor, mayor or other public official. Now we wouldn’t want to be

rabble-rousers would we? Call you senator or congressman, are you trying to

terrorize them? All Congressmen and Senators may be reached at the capitol

switchboard at 800-648- 3516 or worry our wonderful public officials.

Never let it be said, I stopped you from making your voices heard.

7.) Criticize any proposed bill or legislation that would take away the

rights and freedoms of the people. Gosh we wouldn’t want to stand up for

our rights given by Yahweh would we?

8.) Make disparaging remarks about, or criticize, any other faith group,

cult, or religion. How Christian would it be, to criticize some people because
they just wanted to pray to a rat or a dog, or dead people, or sacrifice little

babies, or do some other thing Yahweh says not to do?

9.) Expose or criticize the new age movement. It wouldn’t be nice to

criticize someone who worships the creation instead of the Creator, Yahweh

and Yahshua, now would it?

10.) Support or encourage a law abiding militia. Heaven forbid that we

would encourage anyone that would be part of something the Constitution

says every able body male above the age of 18 is supposed to be a member


11.) Support or encourage the Second Amendment, the right of the

people to keep and bear arms. Better not teach folks to defend that radical

Constitution or let them have arms to defend themselves?

12.) Discourage young women from getting an abortion, or endorse the

pro-life movement. Why would anyone want to support someone that wants

to keep a yet unborn child from having it’s brain sucked out just before it is

delivered. Why would you support anyone that would try keep a doctor from

sucking it out of the womb ripping it to pieces, or taking it so it can be sold

for spare parts. Would anyone want to discourage a young mother from

doing this to her unborn LIVING child? You Bet!

13.) Teach that abortion, especially partial birth abortion is murder and

killing of innocent babies. Now how Christian would it be to teach

something like that?

14.) Identify homosexuality as sin and an abomination to God. Well we

wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of sodomites, and those practicing

perversion, a sin, would we?

15.) Express an opinion on any subject or issue. Our heavenly Father

surely wouldn’t want us to express our opinions on subjects and issues,

would he? Our Savior wouldn’t have given his opinion, NOT.

16.) Appeal to people’s emotions by employing an evangelization

method (such as fire & brimstone preaching) which is not considered a

“reasonable approach” by the IRS. Surely we wouldn’t want to frighten

anyone by telling them they will be destroyed in the lake of fire forever, if

the don’t obey Yahveh’s laws, do we?

17.) Discuss or identify threats to Christians. Yahweh would rather us to

just keep our mouths shut about those, such as: Ollie North, who made plans

to use the military to throw Christian Americans into one of over 300

concentration camps in America today and execute those who don’t

conform, wouldn’t he?

18.) Discuss subjects or topics the IRS deems “sensational”. We

shouldn’t go against anything our almighty IRS says, should we? Maybe we

shouldn’t tell you anymore about prophecy.

19.) Criticize well-known public figures or institutions the IRS deems

“worthy”, such as the super rich elite, international bankers, the Hollywood

movie industry. Bankers who backed both sides in the civil war, Korean war,

the war in Vietnam, the war in Iraq and funding the slaughter of millions to

get richer shouldn’t be criticized for putting more debt through taxes upon

us, should they? And it just wouldn’t be very Christian to criticize all the

nudity, sex, perversion, violence and wonderful smut, Hollywood gives our

children, would it?

20.) Publish or broadcast information on any topic, without giving

credence to opposing viewpoints of Christ’s enemies. Now why wouldn’t we

want to give equal time to satanists, perverts, God haters, earth and animal

worshipers, adulterers, atheists, Janet Nero I mean Reno, and of course child


21.) Publish and offer books, tapes, or products that expose the elitist

plot against humanity and God. Well our Heavenly Father surely wouldn’t

want us to put out material that exposes Negative Population Growth of

Teanek N.J. who’s advisory board include professors from Purdue Univ.,
Kings College London, Univ. of Reading, William Jewell College, Univ. of

Maryland, Univ. of Kentucky, Univ. of Leeds, Univ. of Utah, UCLA School

of Med., Stanford Univ., Univ. of Edinburgh, Cal. Inst. of Tech., Imperial

College London,Univ Cal., and Corbin Club of which representative

Gephardt was the Secretariat, would he? Both organizations have one goal to

reduce the world’s population by 2/3 by or around the year 2000 which can’t

happen naturally.

22.) Criticize the Pope or the Vatican or the New Catholic Catechism

with truths found in the Holy Bible. Only liberal churches are allowed by the

IRS to criticize the Catholic Church. Only the Pope and Priests should

interpret the Bible.

23.) Criticize the United Nations or such globalist groups as the Council

on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, and the Trilaterial Commission.

What Christian would want to criticize the men who pull the puppet strings

on every world leader and control and command the communist goals of the


24.) Criticize the Masonic Lodge, the Order of the Skull & Bones or

other Secret Societies. Would it be Christian to tell about High level

Masonic worship of the Light Bearer the Illumined One, of the Illumanitti

who is Lucifer, or that Prescott Bush, George Bush and Herbert Walker
Bush are members of the Skull & Bones Society chapter 322 of Yale

University who for their initiation lay naked in a coffin and told of their

debauchery of women before swearing their secret oath.

25.) Highlight of otherwise bring attention to the immorality of public

officials of corruption in government. Heaven forbid we should mention the

breaking of Yahweh’s laws or theft or fraud by public officials.

26.) Complain of Government wrong doing or injustice. Wouldn’t be

Christian to mention the murder and mayhem of Waco or Ruby Ridge,

would it?

27.) Criticize the Jewish ADL or other Jewish Lobby groups. We should

find no fault in our Jewish brethren even though they reject our Savior

Yahshua should we?

28.) Say anything positive about the “religious right” or “patriot

movement” We shouldn’t say anything good about those that may worship

Yahshua Messiah, or Yahweh or those who might like to bring our country

back under the Constitution , should we?

29.) Support home schooling, home churches, or unregistered churches.

Well we better not help give the kids a good education supporting Christian

principles, keeping kids out of the public fool system... I mean school

system, or help ourselves.

30.) Spend money on missionary projects or charitable causes not

approved by the IRS. Shouldn’t help our brothers find out about Yahshua

Messiah or help others in any way, should we?

31.) Promote alternative healthcare. We shouldn’t tell others about the

wonderful bounty of herbs our Heavenly Father made or what vitamins they

can do for us, or take either should we?

32.) Expose false teachings of any kind by anyone. Wouldn’t be very

Christ like to tell others their wrong for not obeying Our God’s laws, would


33.) Support or encourage, persecuted Christians under anti-Christian

regimes in; Red China, Cuba, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the US and

elsewhere. Can’t help those in trouble for their belief, unless they’re

Chinese, Communist, Arab, Jewish or anti-Christian.

34.) Ordain a pastor who’s training or qualifications are not approved by

the IRS. Better not have any non-government approved teachers or teaching.

35.) Advocate to teach any Bible doctrine that is politically or religiously

incorrect or inconsistent with “public policy” currently being enforced by

the IRS. Well it just wouldn’t be very Christ like to teach against;

perversion, the murder of the un-born, feminization of men, feminazzi, or

any breaking the laws of Yahweh The Great, I am. [Thanks to Tex Marrs for

this list!]

Well there you have it. I guess you know how I feel. I support the laws

of my Heavenly Father and His Son, our savior, Yahshua Messiah, most

know as Jesus the Christ. Breaking of His law is sin. Sin un-repented of

means; eternal death in the lake of fire.

Excuse my sarcasm! I can’t take such gag orders for ministers except

with, the irreverence with which they are written.

Rev. Lester Roloff found out the hard way about submitting to corporate

structure in 1974. You can’t serve two masters Mat 6:24 says: “ No man can

serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else

he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve Elohim and


Rev. Roloff had several girls & boys homes that were well above all set

standards for such institutions. He refused to register them with strong moral

justification, against licensing with the Texas Department of Human

Resources. He transferred ownership from Roloff Evangelistic Enterprises to

his Corpus Christi Peoples Baptist Church Inc. in the thinking it was under

the churches power of separation of church & State. WRONG!

“ The issue is not whether Peoples Baptist is performing a service that falls

beneath licensing standards. The three homes have a good record of high

quality service. Peoples Baptist, from this record could no doubt satisfy

licensing requirements, but has chosen not to do so. It reasons that licensing

interferes with religious freedom. Peoples Baptist does not, however, resist

all licensing to do business in Texas. In fact, it does its business and services

as a corporation under the corporate name of Corpus Christi Peoples Baptist

Church Inc., and it complies with business licensing requirements.” [Corpus

Christi Peoples Baptist Church Inc. VS State of Texas (sic., inc.) ]

Rev. Roloff homes were eventually shut down a few years after his

death, because of they rulings handed down. Rev. Roloff didn’t however

learn the valuable lesson of what he actually had done by incorporating his

church, he stated: “ When I take a license from the state to do the work of

Christ, I’ll throw my bible in the first garbage can I can find.” He might as

well have thrown it in the trash, because he put his church under the

jurisdiction of the state instead of the power of Yahshua Messiah.

I don’t point a finger at the faithful church member that does the

best to follow Yah’s law, for he judges your hearts. However, I do tell

ministers to come out of Babylon, if you refuse to call sin; sin, to protect
your pocket book, you’re no better than a collection plate whore. If you

make the state head of your church, that’s who you bow to.

“Tough Love” from my stand point. All I know is time gets

shorter every day for each one of us. I can’t save you, the church you

go to can’t save you. The pastor of your church can’t save you.

Salvation has already been accomplished! We just have to except the

terms of the Covenant with our Savior. It is our direct relationship

with our Savior and Maker that saves us! Only that! If your personal

relation with your Heavenly Father and Savior is correct, you are

saved. Your decision to serve your Savior requires repentance and to

be baptizes in Yahshua Messiah name. By so doing you accept the

covenant with Yahweh and our Savior. Sprinkling a child does

nothing. The child is in Yahshua Messiah protection until he or she

reaches an age of reason and decides whom they will serve. It has to

be a conscious decision, it can’t be made for you. It’s called free will.

All our Heavenly Father ever wanted was for us to serve Him out of

Chapter 9

When The World Goes POOF… It’s Too Late!

That’s absolutely right, when the world goes poof, it IS to late. Our

Heavenly Father warned the world for 120 year before the flood with Noah.

He’s been warning us for 2000 years since His Son, our Savior Yahshua

Messiah, rose from the dead and said he’d return. You need to understand an

issue of prophetic time. 2Pe 3:8 tell us. “ But, beloved, be not ignorant of this

one thing, that one day is with the Elohim as a thousand years, and a

thousand years as one day.”

There was 2000 years from Adam to Noah, 2000 years from Noah to

our Savior, 2000 years from our Savior to now, 6000 years. That’s six days

in prophetic time.

The seventh day is the Sabbath, a time to be with our Savior and

Elohim and rest. Sabbath is an Holy Convocation that is to say a decree to

gather together. We are headed right into the great Sabbath of Yahweh. A

time when the first fruits of this earth are to be gathered to spend the 1000

year Sabbath Day with our Savior Yahshua and great Elohim, Yahweh.

When this world begins the final war with the nuclear wrath

prophesied it‘s going to be a little late to make the harvest of first fruits and

you will have to walk through the Great Tribulation. Something none of us
really wants to do, without the protection of being sealed, and a place of

safety granted.

If you don’t give your life to your Savior Yahshua Messiah and love

and obey his Laws, a very dark fate awaits you. Death in the lake of fire, the

second death. My wish for you, Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray

always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall

come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

I could lecture you for another 100 pages but if you don’t get it, [the

last paragraph], another 100 pages wouldn’t do a bit of good.

Mat 6:33 tell us: “ But seek ye first the kingdom of Elohim, and his

righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and have a good life and

gives us a way to find it. We just have to learn how to love him back.

Because he loves us more than you can imagine.. John 3:16 “For Elohim so

loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believeth in

him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

The End
Yahshua Messiah’ Ministry
Nation Texas general
Waxahachie, Texas (75165)

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