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Activity °2

Match the two halves of the dialogue. Then listen and check
1.You re soaking wet - It’s been raining all afternoon and I’ve been out in it.
Look out the window
2.You look a bit upset – I’ve been crying all afternoon. Says he doesn’t want
to see me anymore.
3.You look very happy – Yes, I’ve been watching a really funny show and it´s
really cheered me up!
4.Sara looks really tired – I know. I think she´s been studying really hard for
her exams
5.Whats that noise? – It’s just Will and Josh. They’ve been arguing all
afternoon, again!
6.Jake doesn’t look great – I know. He’s been feeling really ill this week. He´s
off to see the doctor now.
Look at the pictures. Write sentences about sentences about what the people
have been doing.
1.He has been eating a chocolate
2.She has been reading a book
3.She has been reading a book
4.He has been getting ready for work
5.They have been shopping
6. He has been cutting the grass
Write questions using the present perfect continuous

1.How long have you been living in Bogotá?

-I have been living in Bogota since I was a child
2.How long have you been learning English for?
-I have been learning English for 10 years
3.How long have you been studying your math’s?
-I have been studying math’s for 1 hour
4.What have you been thinking in the last hour?
- I have been thinking about mine birthday
5. What have you been doing all day?
-I have been studying 

Partner: Nicole Joya

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