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Universidad Abierta para Adultos UAPA


Educación superior a Distancia

Licenciatura en administración

Odalis Manuel Sánchez


Trabajo final
Francisco Alberto Pérez V.
6 de abril de 2019
Santo Domingo R.D
Final Assignment Choose one of the topics to write a composition.
Record and upload the video to YouTube. Then attach the link to the
1. Describe what a famous person's typical day like. Look up information
that may enrich your description.
2. Write a composition about yourself. Include the following:

 Name.

Francisco perez Vargas

 Adres.

7th 6th Street, villa Carmen

 The city and country where you come from.

Holy Sunday Dominican republic

 Where you live (House or apartment).

I live in an apartment.

 The mean of transportation you use to go to work or school.

own private transport.

 Say the places you like to visit for shopping.

To go shopping I like to visit mega centro, sambil blue mall and plaza central.

 Say how frequent you visit the doctor.

I visit my doctor every 6 months

 Include information about your family and any other information of

I am a father of 3 children a man and two girls, I am married for more than
15 years my wife is magnolia perez and I work as a business officer in the
national association of savings and we loan for more than 3 years

3- Write about your daily routine and of someone you know very well.
Include what you do, like, dislike and so on.
I have a daily routine to get up at 6:15 in the morning, first thank God for giving
us a new day then bathing, drinking coffee help my wives prepare the children
at 7:30 take them to school then I go to my work until 5pm I pick up the kids
back home we bathed help with the homework the kids play, then dinner I check
my college assignments then watch some TV, my wife and I chatted for a while
before going to bed for the next day do pretty much the same , until the
weekend we like to go for a walk with the children, the park, the cinema, the
pizzeria, the supermarket and some times visit some relatives nearby.
My friend and co-worker Mr. Marino Carpio has as a daily routine getting up
every day at 5:30 in the morning reading the Bible, drinking coffee with his wife
bathing then going out to work until 4:30 in the afternoon; two or three times a
week Mr. Marino likes to visit the church where he attends with his wife. Mr.
Marino like me likes to go for a walk, albeit with his wife, although they don't
have Young children.
Enlace presentación YouTube:

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