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DOI: 10.1111/tog.

12328 2017;19:21–8
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Use of magnesium sulfate in preterm deliveries for

neuroprotection of the neonate
Sana Usman BSc MBBS DFSRH MRCOG,a,* Lin Foo BSc (Hons) BM,a Jasmine Tay BMedSci BMBS MRCOG,

Phillip R Bennett BSc PhD MD FRCOG,b,c Christoph Lees MD MRCOGc,d

Clinical Research Fellow in Obstetrics, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Institute of Reproductive Developmental Biology,
Du Cane Road, London W12 0NN, UK
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, The Bays, South Wharf Road, St Mary’s Hospital, London
W2 1NY, UK
Institute of Reproductive Developmental Biology, Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital, Du Cane Road, London W12 0HS, UK
Consultant Obstetrician and Head of Fetal Medicine Unit, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, The Bays, South Wharf Road, St Mary’s
Hospital, London W2 1NY, UK
*Correspondence: Sana Usman. Email:

Accepted on 18 April 2016

Key content  To become familiar with the main studies assessing the use of
 The prevalence of preterm birth is increasing and owing to MgSO4 for neuroprotection in preterm deliveries.
advances in neonatal care, more infants are surviving. However, in  To become aware of the relevant international guidelines.
parallel with this, the incidence of cerebral palsy (CP) is also rising.
Ethical issues
 Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is currently recommended for use in
 Concerns have been raised regarding the higher number of
women who are at risk of giving birth at less than 30–32 weeks of
perinatal deaths reported with the use of MgSO4 in the MagNET
gestation for neuroprotection of their infants. The exact
study. This was not substantiated in the Cochrane review.
mechanism of action remains unclear.  Given that MgSO4 is a safe, readily available and inexpensive drug,
 Meta-analyses report encouraging results that are consistent with a
even if there were only to be modest benefits from its use, the risk–
modest but tangible benefit for the use of MgSO4, and suggest a
benefit ratio is in favour of its use.
number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent one in 46 cases of CP in
infants born preterm before 30 weeks of gestation and one in 63 Keywords: cerebral palsy / intrapartum / magnesium sulfate
cases of CP in infants born preterm before 34 weeks of gestation. (MgSO4) / neuroprotection / preterm deliveries
Learning objectives Linked resource: Single best answer questions are available for this
 To gain an understanding of the risk of neurodisability in infants article at
delivered preterm.

Please cite this paper as: Usman S, Foo L, Tay J, Bennett PR, Lees C. Use of magnesium sulfate in preterm deliveries for neuroprotection of the neonate. The
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2017;19:21–8.

consideration given to survival and long-term sequelae in

Cerebral palsy in babies born preterm:
these infants.
causes and impact
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a general term describing a range of
The prevalence of preterm birth is increasing.1 Every year, non-progressive syndromes of posture and motor
one in ten babies, equivalent to 15 million babies worldwide, impairment that result from an insult to the developing
will be born preterm. Of these, approximately one million central nervous system. It is the most common cause of
will die and many more will suffer from lifelong disability, severe physical disability in childhood. The characteristic
including neurodevelopmental impairment.2 signs are spasticity, movement disorders, muscle weakness,
Advances in neonatal care have improved the survival of ataxia and rigidity. Clinical patterns of involvement described
infants born preterm, particularly those born at a very low in CP include: diplegia (significant leg involvement with little
birthweight or gestational age;3 however, despite this effect on the upper limbs); hemiplegia (involvement of
improved survival rate, the prevalence of neurodisability, ipsilateral arm and leg); and quadriplegia (involvement of all
even in high income countries is increasing.4 EPICure 25 four limbs). Movement disorders can coexist with the clinical
highlighted the need for improved care, with particular patterns of involvement, and there can be spasticity, rigidity,

ª 2017 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 21

Magnesium sulfate neuroprotection

hypotonia, dystonia or a mixture of these. Diplegia is the Maternal/fetal

commonest pattern seen in CP that has arisen secondary Prematurity
to prematurity.
The risk of CP increases the lower the gestational age at
birth.6 The prevalence of CP is highest in children born at less
than 28 weeks of gestation (111.8/1000 neonatal survivors; Cytokines
82.25/1000 live births) and declines with increasing Microglia/ Ischaemia/repurfusion
gestational age, to 43.15/1000 live births between 28 and Macrophages
31 weeks, 6.75/1000 between 32 and 36 weeks, and 1.35/1000 Fe++ IVH
for those born later than 36 weeks of gestation.7 CP results
from a permanent static lesion of the cerebral motor cortex Antiox. Glutamate
that occurs before, at, or within 2 years of birth. Although the defences
cerebral lesion itself is non-progressive, the clinical
manifestations of CP in the child change as the child Reactive oxygen species
develops. While there are several causes or associations for
CP, including genetic mutations,8 preterm delivery is a major
risk factor and accounts for approximately 35% of all cases;7
in 49% of these cases, CP is thought to be due to a perinatal
insult.9 For the purpose of this review, the authors briefly
highlight perinatal neurological insults that can occur in
association with preterm delivery and their Figure 1. Pathogenesis of periventricular leucomalacia. Reproduced
with permission from Chang E. Preterm birth and the role of
neurodevelopmental sequelae. This review will also neuroprotection. BMJ 2015;350:g666159
summarise current evidence for the use of MgSO4 for
neuroprotection in the antenatal period.
IL-6 has been observed in the umbilical cord in association
with PVL.15
The link between preterm birth and
Other neurodevelopmental consequences of prematurity
perinatal fetal brain injury
may also be seen:
Two identified patterns of central nervous system injury
 Motor dysfunction can range from mild to gross
underlie the development of CP in the preterm infant:
dysfunction and may be asymmetrical. Impairment in
intraventricular haemorrhage, typically starting in the
fine motor skills is found in 40–60% of children who were
germinal matrix; and white matter injury, also known as
born at less than 32 weeks of gestation Developmental
periventricular leucomalacia (PVL). Severe intraventricular
coordination disorder, a milder motor disorder than CP,
haemorrhage (grades 3 and 4) is reliably detected by
occurs in 18.3%.16
ultrasound, while PVL is best detected with MRI. Often the
 Sensorineural impairment can also occur. There is
final diagnosis of CP takes a few years.
evidence to suggest an inverse relationship between the
PVL is the predominant form of brain white matter lesion
degree of impairment and the gestational age at birth. An
that affects preterm (23–32 gestational weeks) infants and is
estimated 3% of infants born before 32 weeks of gestation
particularly associated with the subsequent development of
have visual impairment,17 with an incidence of 53% in
CP in childhood.10 PVL occurs in 2–3% of infants born
those with known PVL.18 Bilateral isolated hearing loss is
weighing less than 1500 g.11 Of these very low birthweight
reported at 2–3 years of age in 2.2% of children born
infants,  10% later exhibit cerebral palsy, and  50%,
before 28 weeks of gestation.19 A study of 1384 children
cognitive and behavioral deficits.12 Pathology observed in
assessed at age 4–6 years and who had weighed less than
PVL includes the development of lesions within the white
1250 g at birth found that those with PVL had the highest
matter as well as cerebral necrosis. These lesions can be
risk of visual impairment.20
diffuse or cystic. The areas of white matter peripheral to the
 Epilepsy is more prevalent in babies born prematurely.
lateral ventricles are predominantly affected and, less
This risk is increased with lower gestational age at birth,
commonly, necrotic foci can also be detected within the
with an odds ratio (OR) of 4.98 for hospitalisation for
corpus callosum, internal capsule and thalamus.13 It is now
epilepsy for those born between 23 and 31 weeks
believed that PVL is primarily caused by inflammatory
of gestation.21
cytokine production mediated by maternal and/or fetal
infection (Figure 1).14 It is characterised by a raised level of Cognitive impairment is most prevalent in children born
plasma interleukin 6 (IL-6) in the fetus, and an increase in prematurely. One study assessed developmental outcome at

22 ª 2017 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Usman et al.

2 years of age in children born between 23 and 26 weeks of administration and reduction in the prevalence of cerebral
gestation and found that 40% had a developmental quotient palsy in infants born weighing less than 1500 g.
(DQ) less than one standard deviation (SD) below the mean,
6% had a DQ between 1 SD and 2 SD (mild delay) below the Randomised controlled trials
mean, 35% had a DQ between 2 SD and 3 SD (moderate From 1997 to 2008, results from five randomised controlled
delay) below the mean and 19% had a DQ less than 3 SD trials (RCTs) were published that included data from
(severe delay) below the mean.22 6145 babies.
In 1997, the MagNET trial, the first RCT, published
interim safety data because an unexpectedly high number of
Proposed mechanism of action of
adverse outcomes were found in fetuses exposed to MgSO4.36
magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) for
This was a four-arm study of 149 women in preterm labour
between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation. In the two unblinded
There remains a lack of understanding of how MgSO4 may tocolytic arms, women in preterm labour were randomised to
act as a neuroprotective agent. MgSO4 freely crosses the receive MgSO4 or an alternative tocolytic. In the other two
placenta and takes part in many intracellular processes, double-blinded arms MgSO4 was given to mothers in one
resulting in effects including cerebral vasodilation, reduction group purely as a neuroprotective agent (and compared with
in inflammatory cytokines and inhibition of calcium influx normal saline). The study found ten intrauterine deaths in
into cells.23,24 those receiving MgSO4, compared with one death in those
One widely cited theory for the possible neuroprotective given saline; a significant difference. On further analysis,
effect of MgSO4 is that, by blocking calcium processes and other causes of death such as congenital abnormality in one
thus acting as a vasodilator, it may inhibit or delay ischaemic case and twin-to-twin transfusion in two cases were found in
cell death during and after cerebral ischaemic events.25 There fetuses exposed to MgSO4, leaving seven unexplained.
is also evidence that MgSO4 decreases the production of The Magpie trial was originally designed to assess maternal
proinflammatory cytokines and free radicals during hypoxic- eclamptic outcomes in 33 countries.37 Analysis of a secondary
ischaemic reperfusion.26,27 This theory is supported by measure (neonatal outcome of mothers that received MgSO4
several recent papers that demonstrate a suppression of in labour) reported a lower risk of death or CP in children at
cord blood cytokine production with MgSO4 use.28–30 In 18 months of age, however this was not statistically
2014, a randomised controlled trial in 72 women showed significant (RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.66–1.03).38 The main
increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) criticism of this study was the inconsistency of the
in cord blood of preterm babies (born before 34 weeks of paediatric follow-up.
gestation) where MgSO4 (4 g loading dose and 1 g/h until Between 2003 and 2008, three large RCTs specific for
delivery) had been given antenatally, compared with neuroprotection in the preterm infant followed the Magpie
placebo.31 BDNF is a neurotrophin shown to be protective trial (see Table 1 for comparison of the trials).
against neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic brain injury in vivo.32 In In ACTOMgSO4, Crowther et al.39 recruited 1062 women
a recent study in which MgSO4 was given prior to preterm from Australia and New Zealand. The study reported a non-
delivery (less than 32 weeks of gestation), there was significant reduction in CP and death; however, a significant
subsequently an associated reduction in risk of developing reduction in the prevalence of gross motor dysfunction was noted.
echodensities and echolucencies associated with cystic PVL, BEAM, a study involving 2241 women in the USA used a
on neonatal cranial ultrasound.33 different prescribing regimen (6 g loading dose and then 2 g/
h for up to a further 12 h). It found a significant difference in
outcome between placebo and MgSO4 for the occurrence of
Key studies on MgSO4 use for
severe CP but not for milder forms of CP.40
neuroprotection in preterm deliveries
PREMAG, a French study of 688 infants where the mothers
Observational studies had been given a 4g bolus dose of MgSO4 perinatally, reported
The first observational study in 1988 by Leviton et al.34 on data from 200641 with further 2-year follow-up data
discovered that infants born preterm to women with pre- published in 2008.42 Initially, the primary outcome of neonatal
eclampsia toxaemia had a lower incidence of adverse central mortality before discharge was assessed and it was reported that
nervous system outcomes. Very low birthweight babies total mortality, severe white matter injury, and the
(weighing less than 1751 g) who had been exposed to combination of these outcomes, were less frequent in babies
MgSO4 in utero were found to have fewer germinal matrix exposed to MgSO4, but these differences were not statistically
haemorrhages. Six years later, in a case–control study derived significant. The complete 2-year follow-up data did not show a
from the California Cerebral Palsy project, Nelson and significant difference in rates of CP, gross motor dysfunction or
Grether35 reported an association between antenatal MgSO4 combined death and CP between the control and treatment

ª 2017 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 23

Table 1. Summary of three randomised controlled trials designed to assess paediatric neuroprotective benefits of MgSO4 administered to mothers prenatally

Trial name, number

of recruits (n) Gestational Follow-up Pre-specified primary outcomes with
and location age included period Dosage of MgSO4 power calculations Results (MgSO4 versus placebo)

ACTOMgSO439 <30 weeks 2 years 4 g loading dose Total paediatric mortality up to a corrected Composite outcome (combined death or CP):
Magnesium sulfate neuroprotection

n = 1062 then 1 g/h age of 2 years 19.8% versus 24.0%; RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.66–1.03
Australia CP at corrected age of 2 years Death: 13.8% versus 17.1%; RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.64–1.09
Combined adverse outcome of death or CP at CP: 6.8% versus 8.2%; RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.54–1.27
2 years of age Gross motor dysfunction*: 17.0% versus 22.7%; RR
Minimum sample size: 848 (50% reduction in 0.75, 95% CI 0.59–0.96
CP at 2 years in survivors from 10% to 5%,
80% power, alpha level 0.05)
BEAM40 <32 weeks 2 years 6 g loading dose Composite of stillbirth or infant death by 1 Composite outcome (combined death or CP):
n = 2241 then 2 g/h for 12 h year of age or moderate or severe CP, as 11.3% versus 11.7%; RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.77–1.23
USA assessed at or beyond 2 years of age (with CP*: moderate to severe 1.9% versus 3.5%; RR 0.55,
ages corrected for prematurity). 95% CI 0.85–1.47
Minimum sample size: 2200 (30% reduction Gross motor dysfunction: Not considered.
in primary outcome, 80% power and alpha
level 0.05, 10% rate of loss to follow-up)
PREMAG41 <33 weeks 6 years Single loading Overall neonatal mortality before hospital Severe white matter injury and/or death: 16.5%
n = 573 mothers; dose 4 g discharge. versus 17.9%; OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.55–1.34
688 infants Detection of neonatal cranial ultrasound Death: 9.4% versus 10.4%; OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.44–1.44
France abnormalities evocative of severe white Severe white matter injury: 10.0% versus 11.7%; OR:
matter injury (WMI) 0.78, 95% CI 0.47–1.31
Combination of severe WMI, and/or neonatal
Minimum sample size: 1106 (50% reduction
of the risk of severe WMI from 8 to 4%, 80%
power and 0.05 alpha level)
PREMAG follow-up42 Death and CP: OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.42–1.03
CP alone: OR 0.63, 95% CI 0.35–1.15
Gross motor dysfunction: OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.41–1.02
Death and/or gross
motor dysfunction: OR 0.62, 95% CI 0.41–0.93*

*P<0.05; CI = confidence interval; CP = cerebral palsy; MgSO4 = magnesium sulfate; OR = odds ratio; RR = relative risk.

ª 2017 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Usman et al.

acute neurological outcomes compared (Apgar scores less

Table 2. Results of the three meta-analyses performed on randomised
controlled trial data than 7 at 5 minutes, need for ongoing respiratory support,
any intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular
Meta-analysis Results leukomalacia, or neonatal convulsions). This was later
published as a Cochrane review;44 there was insufficient
Doyle et al.43 Reduction in CP in the infant:
RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.54–0.87
data to recommend the optimal loading and maintenance
NNT 63; Absolute risk reduction doses of MgSO4 for the best neuroprotective effect.
1.60% Costantine et al.45 assessed the benefit of administering at
Gross motor dysfunction in different gestational ages, and found the benefit to be greater
RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.44–0.85 before 30 weeks, with an NNT of 46, versus an NNT of 56
Costantine et al.45 Reduction in CP: between 32 and 34 weeks of gestation. Conde-Agudelo and
RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.55–0.89 Romero46 demonstrated similar results.
NNT 46 if <30 weeks of gestation;
NNT 56 if <34 weeks of gestation
Conde-Agudelo Reduction in CP: International guidelines/scientific impact papers
and Romero.46 RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.55–0.88 The advice given in guidelines in various countries is
NNT 52 if <34 weeks of gestation
summarised in Table 3. In the UK, the Royal College of
Reduction in gross motor
dysfunction: Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)47 published a
RR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.43–0.83 scientific paper in 2011 recommending a gestational age cut-
CI = confidence interval; CP = cerebral palsy; NNT = number needed
off of less than 30 weeks for administering MgSO4 for
to treat; RR = relative risk. neuroprotection, which is similar to the Australian
guidelines.48 In the preterm labour and birth guidelines
(2015), the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
groups. However, a significant reduction was noted in the (NICE) recommends offering MgSO4 to women at risk of
combined outcomes of death and gross motor dysfunction, as giving birth before 30 weeks of gestation.49
well as the composite outcomes of death, CP and
cognitive dysfunction. Inconsistencies in recommendations for MgSO4
treatment and dosage
Meta-analyses and Cochrane review MgSO4 is currently recommended worldwide for women at
Meta-analyses of the RCTs are summarised in Table 2. These risk of preterm birth before 30–32 weeks of gestation for
meta-analyses differed slightly in their methodology and neuroprotection of their infants, based on high quality
inclusion criteria (heterogeneity in gestational age and the evidence of benefit. Currently, trusts are using local hospital
degree of CP) but primarily showed that, by combining the guidelines to determine exact cut offs for administration of
numbers in the three RCTs as well as the Magpie and MgSO4. There remains uncertainty as to whether these
MagNET studies, a statistically significant difference could be benefits also apply at higher gestational ages. The MAGENTA
demonstrated for reduction in CP when MgSO4 had been trial50 will assess the benefit of giving MgSO4 between 30 and
administered. Although Doyle et al.43 found a reduction in 34 weeks of gestation in a randomised controlled trial
CP and motor dysfunction, no difference was noted in other (MgSO4 versus placebo), with a primary outcome examining

Table 3. International guidelines on the use of magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection of preterm infants

Recommendations age Dosage Comments

SOGC60 <32 weeks 4 g bolus then 1 g/h Dosing to resemble current clinical practice for seizure prophylaxis
for up to 24 h
RCOG47, NICE49 <30 weeks 4 g bolus then 1 g/h NICE have recommended offering MgSO4 and the RCOG has endorsed
for up to 24 h the Australian guide
ANCP48 <30 weeks 4 g bolus then 1 g/h Limit to <30 weeks because resources are limited and the effect is
for up to 24 h greatest then
ACOG61 Not specified Not specified Development of a neuroprotection protocol based on one of the large trials

ACOG = American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; ANCP = Australian National Clinical Practice; CP = cerebral palsy; RCOG = Royal
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; SOGC = Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada; NICE = National Institute for Health
and Care Excellence. Reproduced with permission.59

ª 2017 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 25

Magnesium sulfate neuroprotection

the rate of death and CP at 2 years of age. Once reported, this was the perinatal outcome. Subsequent meta-analyses found
will enable further evidence-based recommendations for the no increase in the risk of adverse neonatal outcome or
use of MgSO4 in preterm deliveries occurring between 30 and mortality46 (Table 4).
34 weeks.
Limiting side effects in women receiving
Long-term data
Recently the long-term school age data became available from
two of the original RCT cohorts; ACTOMgSO4 and MgSO4 is widely regarded as a safe drug in pregnancy and
PREMAG. The long-term data from PREMAG were is commonly used in obstetrics for the prevention and
published in 2014, reporting on 431 children with a mean treatment of eclampsia. However, because of its narrow
age at follow-up of 11 years. No detrimental effects of therapeutic range, caution is necessary when deciding on
prenatal MgSO4 were reported, there was a trend for better the dose of administration. No major maternal adverse
long-term neurological and behavioural outcomes but these effects of MgSO4 were observed in any of the RCTs.
were not statistically significant.51,52 Doyle et al.53 followed- Conde-Agedulo’s meta-analysis46 published in 2009 did not
up 867 children from the original ACTOMgSO4 study, with a an effect of MgSO4 on serious maternal complications such
mean age of 8 years. The paediatric mortality rate to school as death (RR 0.32, 95% CI 0.01–7.92) or severe postpartum
age was 14.0% in the MgSO4 group, compared with 17.6% in haemorrhage (RR 1.06, 95% CI 0.63–1.79). Women were
the placebo group; this was not statistically different. There more likely to experience minor side effects with MgSO4,
was no difference in the proportions of CP in the two groups including flushing (RR 7.56, 95% CI 3.39–16.88) and
nor its severity (8% versus 7%; OR 1.26, 95% confidence nausea or vomiting (RR 4.60, 95% CI 1.54–13.75).
interval [CI], 0.84–1.91). No long-term difference in benefit Serious, but rarer, side effects (usually associated with an
or harm was found for the perinatal use of MgSO4. The overdose) include respiratory depression, pulmonary oedema
numbers in these two studies individually might be and cardiac arrest. Women receiving MgSO4 should therefore
underpowered for CP, as was the case in the original RCTs. be closely monitored, with regular recordings of blood
It wasn’t until the original RCT data were pooled in meta- pressure and other maternal observations. Calcium gluconate
analyses that the size of the true effect became apparent. should be available to give as an antidote if MgSO4 toxicity is
suspected. There is a risk of maternal hypotension, especially
if MgSO4 is used concurrently with nifidepine as a tocolytic
Concerns for fetal safety with perinatal
drug.55 There has also been a suggested risk of
MgSO4 administration
neuromuscular blockade with concomitant use of MgSO455
Concerns were originally raised in 1997 in the MagNET trial and calcium channel blockers; however, a review did not
following an interim safety report that described an increased support an increased risk.56 A slower rate of administering
rate of paediatric mortality in association with MgSO4 use.36 the loading dose of MgSO4 (over 60 minutes versus
Composite findings of the MagNET trial published in 200254 20 minutes) significantly reduced the feeling of flushing
suggested that in women administered MgSO4, the higher the and warmth. However, 71% of women experienced mild
umbilical cord MgSO4 levels in the neonate, the more severe adverse effects (arm discomfort, flushing, warmth) from the

Table 4. Effect of magnesium sulfate on neonatal outcome in preterm infants less than 34 weeks of gestation46

No. of events/ total no.

Outcome Number of trials Magnesium No magnesium Relative risk (95% CI)

Intraventricular haemorrhage (all grades) 5 467/2254 493/2298 0.96 (0.86–1.08)

Grade III/IV intraventricular haemorrhage 4 74/1902 91/1962 0.83 (0.61–1.11)
Periventricular leukomalacia 5 71/2254 76/2298 0.93 (0.68–1.28)
Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes 3 351/2169 351/2218 1.03 (0.90–1.18)
Neonatal seizures 3 55/2169 70/2218 0.80 (0.56–1.13)
Respiratory distress syndrome 2 730/1540 779/1592 1.01 (0.85–1.19)
Need for supplemental oxygen at 36 weeks 2 220/981 195/962 1.12 (0.95–1.32)
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 1 213/1188 218/1256 1.03 (0.87–1.23)
Mechanical ventilation 3 1381/2169 1446/2218 0.99 (0.89–1.09)
Necrotising enterocolitis 3 155/2169 131/2218 1.23 (0.98– 1.54)

CI = confidence interval.

26 ª 2017 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

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