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Yudi Franda Putra


1 1710013411001 Iqbal Hussein Nurcholish

2 1710013411002 Ronaldo Joli Pratama
3 1710013411003 Asri Alamin
4 1710013411007 Rofita Nurman
5 1710013411008 Arif Rahmat
6 1710013411010 Jeklin
7 1710013411012 Rika Afriani Susanti
8 1710013411024 Siti Nur Azila
9 1710013411025 Anisa Thosyoleha
10 1710013411030 Istiqa Rahma Putri
11 1710013411032 Sinta Okta Vira
12 1710013411037 Wenny Suci Anggraini
13 1710013411041 Arifathul Heggi
14 1710013411044 VIRA ARENTIA
15 1710013411046 PUTRI NILA SARI
16 1710013411051 Annisa Fitri
17 1710013411060 Maiyona Ovartadara
18 1710013411061 Nezzia Putri Elda
19 1710013411067 NIKKEN PRANA NINGRUM
20 1710013411068 Reka Rahmadani
21 1710013411071 Intan Briliana Emilso
22 1710013411072 Muhamad Ikhbal
23 1710013411077 Degi Saputra
24 1710013411078 Mugi Hartini Sri Rahayux
25 1710013411096 Lara Sagita
26 1710013411098 Desta Marda Pelax
27 1710013411100 Mesy Andila Farma
28 1710013411102 Beni Rahmat Kholiq
29 1710013411108 GUSTI RANNI TRI NOVELA
30 1710013411109 Elza Helmanda
31 1710013411111 YUDI FRANDA PUTRA
32 1710013411115 Juniarti
33 1710013411118 Melantika Putriza
34 1710013411125 Meisya Magyaroza
35 1710013411126 Feby Kurniawan
36 1710013411129 Farhan Anugrah
37 1710013411132 Rahmi Bakri
38 1710013411135 Velya Gusri
39 1710013411137 Yuni Mitra Fatmala
40 1710013411138 Liana Riski
41 1710013411140 Gardika Maldio
42 1710013411141 Claudy Aprila Chandra
43 1710013411143 Dinda Surya Ningsih
44 1710013411152 Desi Aulia Putri
45 1710013411157 EVA YULIANTI

Reduced Adjective Clauses

Dari jenis klausa yang sudah dibahas, yang bisa direduksi hanya 2; yaitu adjective dan
adverb clause.
Perhatikan penjelasan berikut:
Sepanjang konektor pada adjective clause bergandengan dengan be, is, atau was, klausa itu
bisa direduksi. Caranya: hilangkan be konektor dan be.
Berikut adalah klausa independent yang nomina

(a) The woman who is waving to us is the tour guide. (be + Ving, present tense, bermakna
(b) The letter which was written last week arrived today. (be +  V3, bermakna pasif)
(c) The pitcher that is in the table is full of iced tea. (be + location/preposisi)
………………… (be + adjective), ga nemu contohnya

Contoh lain (tipe a)

The nurse who is completing the charts is Donna Edwards.
The nurse compling the charts is Donna Edwads ( adjective clause )
EX : The athelete who is carriying the ball is Miroslav Klose ( adjective Clause)
The athelete carriying the ball is Miroslav Klose (reduced adjective clause )

Contoh lain (tipe b)

The figure that was obtained from this formula is incorrect.
The figure obtained from this formula is incorrect
EX : The car which is being parked there is Ferarri (adjective Clause)
The car being parked there is Ferarri (reduced adjective clause )

The contractor has completed construction on a home that is equipped with a safe room.

Contoh lain (tipe c)
The car that is in the garage has a flat tire.
The car in the garage has a flat tire
EX : The house which is in front of us is Mr. Afgan house (adjective Clause)
The house in front of us is Mr. Afgan house (reduced adjective clause )

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