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Allison: Welcome to a program more than "Look after your health"!

Welcome Doctor Nicolás!
Nicolás: Thank for your invitation to the program, Alisson. 
Allison: I'm so glad to have you here!
Nicolás: I’m so happy to be here!
Alisson: I some many questions to ask you this morning!
Nicolás: Ok, let's start
Alisson: Today we will talk about the flu and migraine. First question
,What’s the flu?
Nicolás: Flu is a respiratory infection caused by a flu virus also it is highly
contagious because it spreads quickly.
Allison: Oh Well. Can I treat the flu at home?
Nicolas: Yes! You can treat flu at home, you must sleep the necessary
hours because it allows the body to regain strength, especially if it is a
fever, avoid the cold and wash your hands often.
Allison: What are the symptoms of the flu?
Nicolás: The symptoms to look out for: dehydration, high fever, difficulty
breathing and sore throat
Allison: What can I do to protect myself from the flu?
Nicolás: Get vaccinated, wash your hands regularly, avoid touching your
eyes, nose and mouth.  
Allison: Now, we will talk about the migraine. First question, What’s the
Nicolás: It is a type of headache that can occur with symptoms such as
nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and sound.
Allison: What causes migraines?
Nicolas: Some causes are due to heredity, age, stress, anxiety, lack of
sleep and hormones.
Allison: What are the symptoms of the migraines?
Nicolás: In many people, pulsating pain is felt only on one side of the
Allison: We will take your recommendations. Thank you very much Doctor
Nicolás: Thank you very much for the invitation. I hope to return to your
program in the next opportunity.

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