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Reading and comprehension check
Here, you make a review about your basic knowledge (vocabulary, verbs and
I. Translate following text
When Pat Jones finished college, she decided she wanted to travel around the
world and see as many foreign places as she could while she was young. Pat
wanted to visit Latin America first, so she got a job as an English teacher in a
school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, so she was able to communicate with
her students even when they didn ́t know much English.
A sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream in a foreign
language, you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students
and hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in
One day one of her worst students came up and explained in Spanish that he had
not done his homework. He had gone to bed early, and had slept badly.
“What does this have to do with your homework?” Pat demanded.
“I dreamed all night, Miss Jones, and my dream was in English!”
“In English! ” Pat was very surprised, since he was such a bad student. She was
also secretly jealous. Her dreams were still not in Spanish .But she encouraged her
young student, “well, tell me about your dream.”
“All the people in my dream spoke English,” the student said.” And all the signs
were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were
in English.” “But that ́s wonderful,” said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?”
“I am sorry, Miss Jones, That ́s why I slept so badly. I didn t́ understand a word
they said. It was a nightmare!”



1. What did Pat want to do after college?

2. Where did she get a job?
3. What language could she speak?
4. What sentence stuck in her mind?
5. What did Pat hope?
6. Why hadn ́t her student done his homework?
7. What language had he dreamed in?
8. Why was his dream a nightmare?
9. What ́s your opinion about this text?
10. Write a summary using your own words (8 lines)


I. Cuando Pat Jones terminó la universidad, decidió que quería viajar por el
mundo y ver tantos lugares extranjeros como pudo mientras era joven. Pat quería visitar
América Latina primero, así que consiguió un trabajo como profesora de inglés en una
escuela en Bolivia. Pat hablaba un poco de español, por lo que pudo comunicarse con sus
alumnos incluso cuando no sabían mucho inglés.
Una frase que había leído en algún lugar quedó atrapada en su mente: si sueñas en un
idioma extranjero, realmente lo has dominado. Pat repitió esta oración a sus alumnos
y esperaba que algún día soñara en español y ellos soñaran en inglés.
Un día, uno de sus peores estudiantes apareció y explicó en español que él no había hecho
su tarea. Se había acostado temprano y había dormido mal.
"¿Qué tiene esto que ver con tu tarea?" Pat exigió.
"¡Soñé toda la noche, señorita Jones, y mi sueño fue en inglés!"
"¡En inglés!” Pat estaba muy sorprendido, ya que era un mal estudiante. Ella estaba
También secretamente celosa. Sus sueños aún no estaban en español. Pero ella animó al
joven estudiante, "bueno, cuéntame sobre tu sueño".
"Todas las personas en mi sueño hablaban inglés", dijo el estudiante. Y todas las señales
estaban en ingles. Todos los periódicos y revistas y todos los programas de televisión
fueron en inglés." "Pero eso es maravilloso", dijo Pat. "¿Qué te dijo toda la gente?"
“Lo siento, señorita Jones, por eso dormí tan mal. No entendí una palabra de lo que ellos
dijeron. ¡Fue una pesadilla!".
II. “Para unos alegría, para otros tristeza.” - "For some joy, for others sadness."

 Knowledge: Conocimiento
 Able: Poder
 Somewhere: Algún lado
 Foreign: Extranjero
 Encouraged: Alentado

1. She decided she wanted to travel around the world and see as many foreign places
as she could while she was young.
2. She get a job in a school in Bolivia.
3. She could speak english and spanish.
4. The sentence that got stuck in his mind was: if you dream in a foreign language,
you have really mastered it.
5. She hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in
6. Because he had gone to bed early and had slept badly.
7. He dreamed in English.
8. His dream was a nightmare because he understood nothing.
9. My opinion is that what some want to happen to others may seem horrible.
10. Pat Jones was a girl who wanted to travel the world, she started visiting Latin
America and got a job as a teacher at a school in Bolivia. She wanted to master
Spanish and also want her students to master English. I had heard a phrase that
said that if you wanted to master a language you had to dream about it. So one
day one of her students did not do a homework and she told Pat that she had not
done it because she had slept very badly, since she had had a dream and
everything was in English, so she felt happy and jealous for the student and I asked
him what was wrong, until the boy told him that it had been a nightmare because
he didn't understand anything.

 Finish: Terminar
 Decide: Decidir
 Want: Querer
 Travel: Viajar
 Visit: Visitar
 Communicated: Comunicar
 Stuck: Atorar
 Mastered: Dominar
 Repeated: Repetir
 Hope: Esperar
 Explain: Explicar
 Demand: Exigir
 Dream: Soñar
 Surprise: Sorprender
 Encourage: Alentar, Fomentar

 See: Ver
 Can: Poder
 Be: Ser
 Get: Obtener
 Speak: Hablar
 Know: Conocer
 Have: Tener
 Read: Leer
 Dream: Soñar
 Came: Venir
 Do: Hacer
 Go: Ir
 Sleep: Dormir
 Tell: Decir
 Say: Decir
 Understand: Entender

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