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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Validity of Teaching Materials using POE Model

to Increase the Student’sxCriticalxThinking Skills
inxJuniorxHigh School on the Pressure Topic
Maria Nur Ulfa1 Suyatno Sutoyo2, Tjipto Prastowo3
Postgraduate Students Postgraduate Lecturer
Science Education Program Science Education
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract:- This research aims to produce the valid problem and involve a reasoning that can practice critical
teaching materials. The teaching materials are thinking skills, which in turn can also improve students'
developed using POE model to increase students’ understanding of concepts. The students must be able to
critical thinking skills in junior high school on pressure analyze and evaluate the amount of information available
topic. The teaching materials developed consist of the [4].
lesson plan, student worksheet, student book, the
critical thinking skills test, and concept mastery test. Development of the potential of students as intended
The five indicators of critical thinking skills measured can be implemented with good learning [5]. One of the
in this study are providing simple explanations, the learning model that is suitable for overcoming the above
ability to give reasons, make conclusions, make and problems is the POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) learning
determine the results of considerations based on the model. POE is a model of learning by using experiments
application of facts, and choose alternative solutions. started with the presentation of a problem where students
Model of teaching materials development usedthis are encouraged to estimate the chances of that happening
research is 4D model. Validityxdataxwere (predict) followed by observation of direct observation on
obtainedxfrom thexvalidationxbyxexperts this issue (observe your) and then proved by experiment to
usingxthexvalidityxinstrument. be able to find the truth of the initial allegations in the form
Thevvdatavvobtainedvvwerevvanalyzed descriptively of explanation or explain [6].
quantitatively basedxonxthe validity criteriaxof
teaching materials. Basedxonxthe The POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) learning model is
assessmentxofxthreexvalidators, the one of the learning models developed to find students'
developedxteachingxmaterials had very valid category. abilities in predicting natural phenomena and their reasons
for making these predictions [7]. POE learning model is
Keywords:- Validity,xteachingxmaterials, POE, pressure done through a series of stages that are organized such that
topic, criticalxthinkingxskills,xconceptxmastery. students can master the competencies [8]. Optimal
development of critical thinking skills are closely related to
I. INTRODUCTION how to teach [6]. Based on these statements, the POE
learning model is expected to be able to improve the
The education system in Indonesia currently refers to students' critical thinking skills.
the 2013 curriculum. Teachersxhave anximportant role in
achieving the 2013 curriculum objectives. The 2013 Based on the phase of the POE learning model, at the
curriculum teachers are required to have competence and predict phase student activities that meet critical thinking
always be creative in the implementation of learning indicators according to Ennis namely determine an action.
including in the science learning process [1]. Measurement Then in the observe phase, there are indicators of critical
of learning outcomes is not only important to master the thinking carried out by students, namely considering
extent of students' understanding of science knowledge, whether the source can be trusted or not, defining terms,
butxalsoxunderstanding of variousxaspects ofxthe scientific and concluding [9]. In the explain phase, student activities
process, asxwellxas the abilityxtoxapply the that meet the indicators of critical thinking are providing
scientificxprocess inxreal situations. This is in accordance simple explanations. From the description above, each
with the nature of science education, namely increasing the phase of the POE learning model can affect critical thinking
competencies needed by students to be able to fulfill their skills.
lives [2]
The rapid changing of technology in life and work
Science concepts are very close to the daily life of force has led students to require themselves with a range of
students, so knowledge cannot be transformed from teacher skills and capabilities, including critical thinking [10].
to student [3]. The teacher encourages students to have Critical thinking are more required in workplace at this
experience and conduct experiments that allow them to find time than in the past [11]. Critical thinking also becomes
their own concepts through sharing activities during most important skills in industrial revolution 4.0 eras [12].
learning. Thus students will be more active to solve a Therefore, teaching critical thinking is demanded in today’s

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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
global society together with communication, collaboration, selectionxofxmedia in the learning process,
and creativity [13, 14]. thenxthexselection of learningxdevicexformats developed
which consist of lesson plan, student books, student
Critical thinking is the ability of the brain to explore worksheetsxandxassessment instruments which includes
in depth the issues, ideas, findings, and the fact before criticalxthinkingxskills testsxandxconcept masteryxtests.
accepting or continuing an opinion or conclusion[15]. The The resultxofxselecting thexteachingxmaterials
statement affirmed that the application of the POE model formatxatxthe initialxstagexcalled draft I.
can improve students' critical thinking skills. That is Furthermorexthisxdraft I willxbe reviewedxbyxthe
because the stages of POE learning require students to find supervisorxtoxbe givenxadvicexand improvement.
and explore the findings in the observation activities
(Observe) and also the initial knowledge that students Inxthexdevelop phase, thexteachingxmaterial
already have (based on prediction results) into a new developed willxexperiencexa revision processxintoxdraft II.
knowledge. In addition Petchone et al stating that critical ThisxDraft IIxwillxbexvalidatedxby the science
thinking consists of two components, namely the ability to lecturersxandxteachers of science. Thexpurposexof
estimate a reason well and the willingness, desire, and validationxisxtoxgenerate validxteachingxmaterials that has
tendency to do an action or experiment and trust the reason been validated and revised based onthe input ofxexpertsxso
also supports that the application of the POE learning worthy a limitedxtrialxand testedextensively.
model can improve students' critical thinking skills [16]. Dataxfromxthe teaching materials validation resultsare
analyzed quantitatively. Basedxonxthe results of theaverage
One of the topic in science teaching in Junior High value of the validator is used to determine thequality of the
Schools that is suitable to be taught using the POE model is teaching materials. Thexresultsxof the validitydata
pressure topic. In learning the pressure topicrequired werexanalyzedxusingxquantitative descriptive
activity or a practicum, but teachers in some schools are analysisxbyxcalculating thexaveragexvalue givenxbyxthe
still not optimal to guide students during the practicum. The validator.Thisxscorexis thenxdescribedxqualitatively by
competence in that topic requires critical thinking skills being interpretedxaccordingxto thexcriteriaxin Table 1.
such as analyzing the results of experiments related to the
influence of the liquid lifting force, linking concepts with ScorexInterval Category Description
daily life that can later be applied in their lives [17].
Therefore, efforts are needed to practice thinking skills to 3.60 ≤ V ≥ 4.0 Veryxvalid Canxbexused without
support the learning process and hone one component of revision
21st century skills that students must possess. Based on the 2.60 ≤ V ≥ 3.59 Valid Canxbexused with a
background description above, this research will develop a minor revision
teaching materials using the POE model to improve 1.60 ≤ V ≥ 2.59 Lessxvalid Canxbexused with
students 'critical thinking skills and students' understanding major revisions
of concepts in the material pressure of the eighth grade 1.00 ≤ V ≥ 1.59 Invalid Notxyetxin use and
juniorxhighxschool. requiresxconsultation
Table 1:- Validationxscorecriteria of Teaching Materials
Table 1 above is adapted from Ratumanan & Laurens
Thisxresearchxis axtypexof [19]. The valuationxagreementxis calculatedxbasedxon the
developmentxresearchxdue toxdevelopingxteaching similarityxofxvalues givenxbyxthree validatorsxwithxthe
materialxconsistingxof lessonxplan, StudentxWorksheets, formula:
StudentxTextbooks, critical thinking tests,
andxconceptxmasteryxtests. Thexlearningxdevice PercentagexofxAgreement = ﴾1 – ) xxx100%
developmentxmodelxin thisxstudyxuses thex4Dxmodel Notes:
fromxThiangarajan, xet al. [5]. A = Highestxscorexgiven byxthe validator
Thex4Dxdevelopmentxmodel consistsxofx4xstages, B = Lowestxscorexgiven byxthe validator
xnamelyx (1) define, x (2) xdesign, (3) develop, and (4)
xdeseminate [18]. Inxthisxstudy onlyxlimitedxto Based on Tablex1xit canxbexseen thatxa teaching
thexstagexof developmentxandxtrial only, thex thexfourth materials xisxsaid toxbexvalid ifxitxgets axscorexat an
stagexisxdisseminate notxdone. intervalx2.60 ≤ V ≤ 3.59 andxis said toxbexvery validxifxit
getsxaxscore atxintervalsx3.60 ≤ V ≤ 4.0.
Atxthexdefine stage, thexthingxthat isxdonexis Thenxanxinstrument isxsaidxto getxanxagreement
toxdefine andxdefinexthe learningxconditionsxthat ifxthexpercentage ofxagreement obtained is ≥ 75%.
includexcurriculum analysisxused, thenxtoxanalyze the Basedxonxthe criteriaxinxTable 1, the
students, analyzexthe conceptxofxthe material, teachingxmaterialxdeveloped inxthisxstudy arexsaidxto be
xanalyzexthe assignmentsxand continue the formulationxof validxtoxbe usedxinxthe learningxprocessxif theyxgetxa
learningxobjectives. In the design stage, thexthingxthat is score of ≥ 2.6xwhichxmeets thexminimumxvalid criteria
done is the initialxdesignxof the teachingxmaterialxthat [19]. Furthermore, xif ateaching materials
willxbexdeveloped, xnamelyxthe preparationxofxquestions thatxisxdeveloped gets a categoryxofxless validxorxinvalid,
or criticalxthinkingxtests, and conceptxmasteryxtests, the

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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
thenxthexrevision is done, thenxthexvalidation thexdeveloped lesson plans can bexusedxas a study
processxisxcarried outxagain. guidexinxthe classroomxwithxlittle revision. The results of
the calculation of the reliability of more than 75% so that
Calculation of reliability necessary to calculate the the instruments developed can be said to be good.[20]. The
percent similarity values provided byxthree validator, reliability scores of the three validators for RPP validation
withxthe formulation: averaged 89%. So that all components of the validated
Percentagexofxagreement = 100% x aspects can be said to be reliable and can be continued for
Notes: data collection in the field.
A = Frequency of matches between validator
D = The frequency of mismatches between validator  Analysis of the results of the validation of student
worksheets. The student worksheets developed were
An instrument is said to be good if the reliability POE-based student worksheets that were used in three
obtained ≥ 0.75 or 75% [20]. meetings. The first meeting discusses the pressure of
solids, the second meeting discusses the pressure of
III. RESULTXANDXDISCUSSION liquids, andxthexthird meeting discusses the pressure of
gases. Eachxstudent worksheetxcontains
A. Results componentsxsuchxas a title, KD, destination activities,
Validationxofxlearning devicesxdeveloped includes measures of activities tailored to the learning model
validationxofxlesson plan, POE syntax, and indicators of critical thinking skills, as
validationxofxStudentxworksheets, validationxofxStudent well as a list of references. Eachxstudentxworksheet
Textbooks, validationxofxcritical thinkingxskillsxtest, starts with an initial motivation toxbringxup phenomena
andxvalidationxvalidation ofxconcept masteryxtests. relatedxtoxthe materialxtoxbe studied. Eachxworksheet
Thexteachingxmaterial developedxinxthis study is equippedxwithxa groupingxofxstudents
arexsaidxto bexvalidxfor usexinxthe intoxstudyxgroups, the worksheet guidelines that
learningxprocessxwhen obtainingxa minimumxscore of ≥ contain the formulation of the problem, the materials
2.66 [19]. used for the activity, the steps of the activity carried out,
observation tables, dataxanalysis, answering questions,
 Analysisxof lesson plan validationxresults. Thexlesson and conclusions. In student worksheet there is a
plan consists of three meetings that were based on the conclusion drawing activity students must be able to
POE learning model. Thexprovisionxof writing basic answer the discussion questions that have been provided
competencies (KD) xrefersxto so that students truly understand the information or
Permendikbudx24xofx2016. Componentsxin material that has been done based on the results of the
lessonxplanxincluded schoolxidentity,subject, experiment. This is consistent with the constructivist
class/semester, subjectxmatter, timexallocation, KI view that students are given the opportunity to discover
(core competencies), KD, indicatorxofxcompetency concepts independently, obtain new information,
achievement, purposexlessons learned, improve rules that no longer apply [22]. The student
materialxsummaryxpoints, learningxmethod, media worksheet is also equipped with a worksheet key that
andxmaterials, learningxresources, learningxsteps, makes it easy for the teacher toxmanagexlearning. The
assessment andxappraisalxappendices [21]. results ofxthexvalidation of the threexvalidatorsxcan be
Thexvalidationxresults of the threexvalidatorsxcan be presented in Tablex3.
seenxinxthe followingxtable.
Aspect Average Category Reliability
Aspect Averagex Category Reliability score (%)
score (%) Studentx 3.6 Veryxvalid 81.5
Lesson 3.7 Veryxvalid 83.8 worksheetxformat
planxformat Content 3.5 Very valid 80.0
Learningx 3.7 Veryxvalid 83.4 eligibility
activities Language 3.6 Veryxvalid 85.2
Supporting 3.7 Veryxvalid 100 Table 3:- Validation Results of Student Worksheet
activities BasedxonxTable 3 thexvalidationxresults from
Language 3.7 Veryxvalid 88.9 threevalidators obtainedxanxaverage scorexofx3.6.
Tablex2:- Validation Results of Lessonxplan Thisxmeansxthat student worksheets prepared
byxresearchers can bexcategorized as veryxvalidxand
BasedxonxTable 2, thexresultsxof the validationxof canxbexused asxlearning materials [19]. So, it canxbexsaid
the lesson planxfromxthe threexvalidatorsxobtained that the development of POE-based worksheet can be used
anxaveragexscore of 3.7. Thisxmeansxthat thexlessonxplan to improve critical thinking skills. The results of calculation
prepared byxthe researcher belongs to the category of of reliability of three validators also showed good results
veryxvalidxand can be used in the learning process. This is that is more than 75% [20]. So the studentxworksheet
in accordance with the minimum validity criteria with a canxbexused for data collection in the field.
minimum score ≥ 2.6 [19].Thus it can bexsaidxthat

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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Analysis of the results of the validation of student criticalxthinkingxskills after learning to use the device that
textbooks: Student textbooks prepared by researchers was developed (posttest) [19]. The reliability obtained
cover the topic of substance pressure. exceeds 75% so it can be said that the instrument is well
Thisxtextbookxconsists of learningxobjectives, developed [20].
xconceptxmaps, materialxsubjectxmatter pressure,
picturesxandxillustrations relatedxtoxthe material,  Analysis of the results of the conceptxmastery test
practicexquestions, glossary, andxbibliography. validation. Thexconceptxmastery test was
Thexaverage resultsxof studentxtextbookxvalidation developedxinxthe form of multiple choice tests
arexpresentedxin Table 4. containing 10 questions. Validated aspects include
content validity, language, and question writing.
Aspect Average Category Reliability Thexresultsxof the validation of the concept
score (%) understanding test arexpresentedxin Table 6.
Organizing 3.7 Veryxvalid 95.5
sudentbooks Aspect Average Category Reliability
Explanation 3.6 Veryxvalid 86.7 score (%)
of concepts Validity of 4.0 Very valid 76.7
Tablex4:- Validation Results of Student Books contents
Language 3.9 Very valid 76.7
BasedxonxTable 4 thexvalidationxresults from three and writing
validators obtainedxanxaverage scorexofx3.65. questions
Thisxmeansxthat student booksxthatxare arranged Table 6:-Xvalidation Results of Concept Mastery Test
byxresearchers are categorizedxinto very
validxcategoriesxand can bexusedxas teaching materials Table 6 describes thexresultsxof the validationxofxthe
[19]. So, itxcanxbe said thatxstudentxtextbooks concept mastery test instrument. Ofxthexthree aspects
developedxcan bexusedxas POE-basedxlearningxmedia to assessed, the average score obtained was 3.9 with a very
improve critical thinkingxskills and students' understanding valid criterion meaning, the concept understanding test
of concepts. The reliability calculation results show good instrument in the form of 10 multiple choice questions can
results with a score obtained more than 75% [20]. bexusedxto determine thexextentxof understanding
students' concepts after learning to use the developed
 Analysis of validationxofxcritical thinkingxskillsxtests. device [19]. The reliability calculation results show more
Criticalxthinkingxskills testxdevelopedxin thexformxof than 75% so it can be said to be good [20].
essay tests with a total of 10 questions. This question
was developed referring to five critical thinking B. Discussion
indicators, namely providing simple explanations, the Validation of POE-based teaching materials to
ability to give reasons, make conclusions, make and improve students'xcriticalxthinking skills has obtained
determine the results of considerations based on the veryxvalid results and limited testing canxbe done. POE
application of facts, and choose alternative solutions learning model is one model that can help activate students
[9]. Before validation is performed, the critical thinking in the learning process because in this model students not
skills test developed is firstxreviewedxby the only listen but also observe events that occur through
supervisorxtoxget suggestionsxforximprovement. experiments [23]. This model provides an opportunity for
Validated aspectsxof the criticalxthinkingxskills test students to express their initial knowledge related to the
include, xcontent validity, language, xandxquestion material provided, the collaboration between students
writing. Thexresultsxof validation tests on during the discussion, the exchange of opinions between
criticalxthinkingxskills are presentedxin Table 5. students with other students, the conceptual changes in the
knowledge possessed by students [24].
Aspect Average Category Reliability
score (%) The POE learning model can train students to
Validity of 4.0 Very valid 80 organize their understanding and their abilities as evidenced
contents by observation both through experiments and
Language 3.9 Very valid 83.4 demonstrations so that learning becomes meaningful. In
and writing theory, the POE learning model is based on constructivism.
questions Understanding constructivism in learning shows that
Table 5:- Validation Results of Criticalthinkingxskillxtest students build their own knowledge, which is strongly
influenced by what they already know [25].Based on some
Tablex5xdescribes thexresultsxof the of the opinions above it can be concluded that this POE
validationxofxthe criticalxthinkingxskills test. Ofxthexthree learning model can help students in being able to explore
aspectsxassessed, the average score obtained was 3.9 with theirxown ideas in their way in science in real situations
very valid criteria meaning that the critical thinking skills through practicum to investigate the ability to predict,
test instrument in the form of 10 essay questions can observe, and explain in the learning process and interact
bexusedxto determine the extent to which students' critical with each other with his friend. Before conducting a
thinking skills (pretest) and alsoxusedxto assess increased research trial, only the teaching materials developedxneed

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Volume 5, Issue 6, June – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
to be validated beforehand by experts. Validation is done matter to students, but more importantly is how to facilitate
by lecturers and junior high school science teachers, this is student learning [26].
done so that the teaching materials developed are
suitablexfor research. The studentxworksheetxserves as a
studentxguidexthat can be used to carry out investigative
Lessonxplanxis a plan ofxlearningxactivities forxone activities or problem investigations, so that it can assist
or more meetings. The lessonxplanxis developedxfromxthe studentsxinxdeveloping conceptsxthroughxdiscovery
syllabusxandxthen turnsxinto studentxlearningxactivities in activities, so as to train students to find new concepts using
an effortxtoxachieve basicxcompetenciesx (KD). scientific methods. Student worksheetsxcanxalso be used to
Thexmaterial preparedxin thexRPP was practice criticalxthinking skillsxby referring to scientific
developedxwithxthe POE model on substance pressure activities such as formulating problems,
material. POE is a learning model using experiments that makingxhypotheses, makingxresearchxvariables,
begin with the presentation of a problem where students are analyzingxdataxfrom activitiesxorxobservations,
invited to predict the likelihood that occurs (predict) andxdrawing conclusions. Thexstudent
followed by observing by making direct observations of the worksheetxdeveloped in thisxstudy refers to the stages of
problem (observe) and then proven by conducting the POE learning model and refers to
experiments to be able to find the truth from the initial indicatorsxofxcriticalxthinking skills. The student
suspicion in the form of explanation (explain). Through worksheet developed has been validated and the results are
these three activities, students are expected to understand very feasible to use so that it can facilitatexstudentsxin
and be able to apply their knowledge in real life [25]. learning science to improve criticalxthinkingxskills. The
Lesson plan validation results obtained are included in the worksheets that have been developed are good, there is a
category of very valid, but there are some suggestions for description of the stages of the POE learning model and
improvement. These suggestions include adjusting basic also a description of the stages of the critical thinking
competencies to learning objectives. The basic indicators. Suggestions from the validator are only about
competencies taken in this research are explaining the revamping the data collection results that are good and right
pressure of substances and their application in daily life, with the aim of making it easier for students when filling
including blood pressure, osmosis, and capillarity of the table of experimental results. According to information
transport tissues in plants. The research that will be carried processing theory, where there are three main
out focuses on the material of physics concerning the characteristics of information processing theory namely
pressure of substances, so that the study taking only three thought processes, modifying mechanisms and self
meetings related to the pressure of solids, liquids, and modification. But sometimes there are students who only
gases. There is a suggestion from the validator to add the come to the characteristics of the changing mechanism, so
learning material, because keeping in mind in the sub- students only enter information into their memory but do
section the pressure of liquid matter the material to be not modify it to adjust the response to new learning
taught to students is very broad. Based on these situations and the information is not stored in long-term
suggestions, the researchers added the number of students' memory [27]. Based on these theories, the teacher must
face-to-face meetings, which were initially three meetings help students to facilitate learning by facilitating students
into four meetings to discuss more broadly related to liquid through developed learning materials.
pressure which includes material hydrostatic pressure and
Archimedes law. The critical skills test contains 10 essay questions.
Thisxtestxis adjusted to the indicator ofxcriticalxthinking.
Onexofxthe mostximportant components in learning is The testxisxequipped withxaxrubric orxgridxof answers to
thexpresencexof student books. Studentxbooks that have facilitatexthexteacherxinxthe assessmentxprocess. Critical
beenxdevelopedxwith referencextoxprocedures, phenomena thinkingxskillsxindicators developed in this study refer to
withxproblemsxdiscussed in the topic, fosterxcuriosity, and the opinion of Ennis [9]. Critical thinking indicators used in
thexlevel ofxdevelopment ofxstudents'xthinking. The questions consist of five indicators, namely providing
student book had been validated and declared as a feasible simple explanations, the ability to reason, make
student book that can be used in science teaching materials conclusions, make and determine the results of
pressure material.The textbook that was developed considerations based on the application of facts, and choose
discusses the concepts of solid pressure, liquid pressure and alternative solutions. The resultsxofxthexvalidation of
gas pressure. There is a suggestion from the validator that criticalxthinkingxskills tests categorized as very valid with
the researcher is asked to discuss further about the pressure an average score of 3.9 and can be tested in the learning
of the liquid, adjusted for suggestions on the improvement process in the classroom [19]. In the aspect of the problem
of the lesson plan. Researchers are also asked to add a mini of critical thinking skills there are a few inputs from the
lab that students can do at home. Based on these validator regarding the phenomena used in the problem.
suggestions the researcher makes a column next to the The phenomena set forth in the questions must be natural
material summary to provide instructions to students on phenomena that are true and can be reasoned by students.
how to do a mini practicum that can be done at home. This Critical thinking is essentially an active process where
is supported by the opinion that the teacher does not act as someone thinks about various things in depth, asking
the only source of learning in charge of pouring subject questions for oneself, finding information that is relevant to
oneself rather than accepting things from others [28].

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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