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Consequences from Hard Brexit

There are many consequences from hard brexit which is when UK left not only Europe but also their single

markets and customs union. The consequences are as follows:

 Due to hard brexit status United Kingdom would no longer have a tariff free trade status which they had

previously In Europe. Due to this export costs of sending products from UK to Europe would increase

which will make the UK products more expensive and will In turn weaken the UK pound which would

have a negative impact on the country.

 This will have a positive impact on Europe because of the decrease in exports from UK they would have

to increase their domestic production to meet the demands and because of which their imports would

increase, the revenue generated by the country would also increase. The GDP of the country would

increase which is a positive sign for UK [ CITATION Fin19 \l 1033 ]

 Hard Brexit would have a very serious impact on UK as London is their financial capital and most of

the people consider London as the English-speaking entry to the European Union economy. Because of

this more than four thousand real estate agents could lose their job and the prices of the properties in

London would drop drastically. The prices have decreased in the last two years which is an indication of

what is going to happen. Another significant impact on UK countries would be that they would not be

able to place bids on any public contracts in any European Union zone which would be a huge setback

on United Kingdom in relation to their economy and their banking sector and due to this Hard Brexit

deal the cost of mobile phones and airfares would also increase[ CITATION Chr19 \l 1033 ].

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