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Question 1 30 seconds Daedalus's son

Q. What happens to Icarus at the end of the Daedalus's nephew

Daedalus's father
He sinks in deep down into the ocean among
Daedalus's brother
the sharks and eels and squid
Question 6 30 seconds
He flies off to England and lives happily ever
after Q. Where do Daedalus and Icarus get the
inspiration for their escape?
Athena turns him into a beautiful bluebird
He starts his own fashion line of wings for
humans. Question 7 30 seconds
Question 2 30 seconds Q. What causes Icarus to lose his wings?
Q. What instructions does Daedalus give He isn't a good boy while riding on the plane.
Icarus before Icarus flies away?
He flew too close to the sun and the wax
Don't fly too high. melted.
Don't fly too low. It was spring. Time for him to molt.
Be careful what you wish for. He was experiencing male pattern wing loss.
Never throw stones at glass houses. Question 8 30 seconds
Question 3 30 seconds Q. What is at the heart of the labyrinth?
Q. Why aren't Daedalus and Icarus allowed to A beautiful garden
leave Crete?
A beautiful waterfall
answer choices
An awful beast
They cheated King Minos out of many bags of
gold. A creamy fudge center

They're trapped in a maze. Question 9 30 seconds

How do you expect them to get out?They Q. Daedalus leaves the city of Athens
knew the secret to the labyrinthWho'd want because...
to leave? answer choices
They live in a sweet crib 'yo He wants to live in the great wide somewhere
Question 4 30 seconds Donald Trump says so
Q. .King Minos asks Daedalus to build him a... He has lost favor with Athena and his
answer choices neighbors turn on him

LabyrinthWagonBoatTelescope he just can't wait to be king.

Question 5 30 seconds

Q. Who is Icarus?

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