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ALUMNO: Katerein julieth oliva López

GRADO: 7.2



1. Sigue el enlace READING-1 y escucha la lectura. Lee el texto repetidas veces.


Read the text carefully

This is Mr. Hadis’s house. It has a living room, a dining room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a
kitchen, and a garage. There are six chairs and a dining table in the dining room. The dining
room is between the living room and the kitchen. There are four armchairs, a table, a room
divider, a sofa and a TV set in the living room. In each bedroom you can find a wardrobe and
a bed. In the kitchen there are many kitchen utensils. And Mr. Hadis’s car is in the garage.

1. Busca el significado de las palabras desconocidas. Aprende a escribirlas en inglés y

significado en español.

Kitchen cocina
Between entre
Armchairs sillones
Each cada
Wardrobe guardaropa

2. Desarrolla habilidades de comprensión con estos ejercicios.

2.1 Ejercicio de complementación.

Llena los espacios en blanco con la o las palabras que faltan para que el texto
tenga sentido.

This is Mr. Hadis’s house. It has a living room, a dining room, two ___ Dining hall ___, a
bathroom, a kitchen, and a garage. There are six __Seats ___ and a dining table in the
dining room. The dining room is between the living room and the kitchen. There are four
armchairs, a table, a room divider, a ___ Divan______and a TV set in the living room. In
each bedroom you can find a ___ Dresser_____ and a bed. In the kitchen there are many
kitchen ____ Tools________-.And Mr. Hadis’s car is in the garage.

Seats Dresser Dining hall Tools Divan

2.2 Ejercicio de organización. Lee las palabras y organiza las oraciones de acuerdo al texto.

room / are / there / armchairs / four

__ There are four armchairs, room__________________________________________________

IS / Mr. Hadis’s / garage / the / in

_Mr. Hadis’s is in the garage.__________________________________________________

chairs / the / dining room / there are / a / dining table /six / in/ the

There are six chairs and a dining table in the dining room

2.3 Ejercicios gráficos. Completa el sentido de algunas oraciones con imágenes.

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