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In a clinical trial on athletes at the University of Pretoria 35 drops of Cellfood®

increased the oxygen uptake by 5%, and normalized all haematological (blood) values,
amongst others.

Our products, in addition to and in conjunction with other medical treatments, can be of
great benefit to one's health.
What causes cancer?

No one knows exactly why some cells become cancerous. However, we do know that certain factors increase the likelihood of
certain types of cancer.

 The environment and diet are widely believed to be two of the major triggers/causes of cancer
 Persons exposed to cigarette smoke have significantly higher rates of lung cancer than other people
 Regular excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of mouth and throat cancers
 A diet that is high in fat and low in fibre is associated with a greater risk of colorectal cancer, and is a factor in breast and
prostate cancer as well
 The negative effects of radiation on the body are also well known

The genetic code of the cell (DNA) is constantly being damaged, often by oxidants, and thus needs to be repaired.

 Often this damage is triggered by free-radical oxidation

 Methylation controls both the synthesis and repair of DNA, putting homocysteine and the key homocysteine-lowering
nutrients – vitamins B12, folate, B2, B6, and zinc, magnesium, and trimethyl-glycine – smack in the middle of the whole
cancer process

There is substantial evidence that local oxygen levels play an important role in determining cell function and phenotype.

 Experimental data indicate that hypoxia may be causally-linked to malignant progression both by enhancing tumor cell
release of angiogenic molecules as well as by promoting their ability to invade extracellular matrix in vitro and to
metastasize in vivo

Breast cancer

Up to 20 percent of cancers are considered to be inherited and include genetic inheritance (as many as 15 mutations could
contribute to breast cancer).

 About 8% of breast cancer cases are inheritable, caused by mutations of tumor suppressor genes, such as breast-cancer-
associated gene-1 and -2 (BRCA 1 and BRCA 2) and other unidentified tumor suppressor genes
 To date research has focused on the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutations that account for up to five percent of breast cancers
– intensive research has however shown that a large proportion of breast cancer development or recurrence is due to
multiple genes that interact with the environment and each other
 Cancer of the breast is the most common form of cancer among American women – approximately one in eight women
will develop the disease during their lifetime
 Although breast cancer occurs predominately in women, men can develop the disease but at a significantly lower rate
(less than 1 percent of all breast cancers)
 Men from families whose women have a high risk of breast cancer are also at greater risk

Worldwide, there has been an increase in cases of breast cancer; however, the mortality rate has shown a decrease; breast cancer
screening has contributed to the decrease in breast cancer mortality.

Risk factors

 Age - older women are at higher risk for breast cancer

 Alcohol – numerous studies link breast cancer to heavy alcohol consumption - more than two units of alcohol per day
increases the risk by 1.4 to 1.7 times
 HRT - hormone replacement therapy has long been suspected to be cancer-causing. Recent research suggests that
women who receive HRT for more than 5 years have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer
 Oral contraceptives - women on oral contraceptives have a slightly increased risk. After stopping their risks go down to
 Family history – some types of breast cancer are genetic
 Obesity – research show that post-menopausal women who are obese are at an increased risk of breast cancer


“Any element that threatens the oxygen order of the human body will promote cancer growth. Any therapy that improves the
oxygen function can be expected to enhance the body’s defenses against cancer”  

Nutrition and nutritional supplements are important components in the management of individuals diagnosed with cancer.

 The primary goals for nutrition intervention in cancer are to prevent/reverse nutrient deficiencies, to preserve lean body
mass, to minimize nutrition-related side effects, and thus to maximize the quality of life. Taking nutritional supplements
could also be of benefit. Nutrients that could be helpful for breast cancer include:

 Co-enzyme Q10 - improves cellular oxygenation

 L-carnitine - essential nutrient allowing the mitochondria of cells to produce energy more effectively. Protects the skin after
mastectomy and/or radiation treatment
 Multimineral complex with magnesium, potassium and calcium – needed for electrolyte balance and essential for normal
cell division and function
 Multivitamin complex – all nutrients are needed in balance
 Carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, Iycopene and lutein) - free radical scavengers
 Selenium and germanium – powerful immunostimulants (free radical scavenger) that improve cellular oxygenation,
deterring cancer growth
 Vitamin E - a good antioxidant; deficiency has been linked to breast cancer. Also aids in hormone production and immune
 Vitamin C - an antioxidant and anticancer agent
 Vitamin D - gives extra cancer protection
 Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid - inversely associated with levels of homocystein

Cellfood® Longevity

 Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid - inversely associated with levels of homocysteine
 Assists the methylation processes and thus the repair of DNA

Finally, exercise increases blood oxygenation and, thus, should be of benefit.

 A recent survey confirms that there is "compelling evidence" that moderate, routine physical activity decreases the risk of
developing breast and colon can


How does Cellfood® work?


Cellfood® enables nascent oxygen to be generated by the splitting of water molecules in the body into atoms of nascent oxygen
and hydrogen. In biochemical terms, a newly born single atom of oxygen in negatively charged (O-). Free radicals (which many
biochemists believe are the primary cause of the ageing process and degenerative disease) are positively charged single atoms of
oxygen (O+). The nascent oxygen atom (O-) is attracted to the (O+) forming a molecule of pure oxygen (O2) at the cellular level
where it is needed.


How does the body absorb Cellfood®?


The nutrients in Cellfood® are in colloidal / ionic form. Colloidal particles are minute (4-7 nanometers in diameter), and because of
the Brownian Movement Phenomenon, they take on a negative (ionic) charge and remain suspended in liquid. Because most
bodily fluids are colloidal and negatively charged, the body perceives Cellfood® as normal healthy body fluid and allows the
nutrients to pass immediately through the sensitive membranes of the mouth, throat and oesophagus into the blood stream.


Is Cellfood® a medicine?


No, Cellfood® is not a medicine. Cellfood® is classified as a nutritional supplement.


What happens if I don’t get results from Cellfood®?


Sometimes a person is unaware of the work that Cellfood® is facilitating at deep cellular levels. People who first reported no
results from taking Cellfood® later reported, after physical examinations, that their cholesterol and blood pressure levels had
dropped significantly. There are similar accounts regarding the normalization of uric acid and blood sugar levels. Additionally,
Cellfood® is designed to raise the frequency of all organs, making them more resistant to the lower frequencies of viruses,
bacteria, and parasites. This strengthening of the immune system helps the body become more capable of combating micro-
organisms that could be detrimental to your general health.


How is Cellfood® different from any other oxygen products?


Cellfood® works in a very different way from other oxygen products.

1. How does Cellfood® supply me with oxygen?

Cellfood® is a unique formulation, based on the patented “water splitting technology ” which creates nascent oxygen and
hydrogen at cellular level. Nascent means newly born; and, in biochemical terms, a newly born singlet atom of oxygen is
negatively-charged (O-). Free radicals (which many biochemists believe are the primary cause of the aging process and
degenerative disease) are positively-charged singlet atoms of oxygen (O+). The nascent oxygen atom (O-) comes from the
dissociation of hydrogen and oxygen atoms from a water molecule in the blood stream or from the aqueous solution of the cell
itself. Being negatively-charged, this nascent singlet atom of oxygen is attracted to the positively-charged singlet atom of oxygen

(O+), and forms a molecule of pure usable oxygen (O2). So, Cellfood® causes a reduction in free radicals. This amazing
phenomenon is at cellular level where it is needed, for processes such as cleansing cells, e.g. combining with a singlet carbon
atom to form carbon dioxide (CO2) which is then expelled through the respiratory system.

2. How is Cellfood® different from other oxygen products?

Many oxygen products tend to flood the body with oxygen, often creating harmful oxygen free radicals. “The release of these
reactive oxygen species results in oxidative injury to biologic systems such as lipids found in cell membranes, and proteins found in
blood vessels and myocardial tissues” (Professors Ashim Ghatak and Mahesh Chandra: Complementary Medicine, Page 13,
Volume 4, Number 1, 1998).

Cellfood® is totally different, because it scavenges and bonds with dangerous oxygen free radicals, supplying the body with
usable oxygen in a controlled and time-released manner, at cellular level, only where it is needed. Cellfood®, therefore, in no
way creates free radicals. It causes free radical singlet atoms of oxygen to be neutralised. If people choose to use hydrogen
peroxide, or other oxygen products, such as aerobic oxygen, ozone and stabilised oxygenated water, they should use antioxidants
to minimise the free radical effect that can be caused by the flooding effect of too much oxygen too quickly in the body.
Obviously, Cellfood® would be ideal in this situation for normalising and balancing the biochemical system.

3. How else is Cellfood® different from other oxygen products?

Oxygen products generally only supply oxygen to the body. Cellfood® also contains a wide spectrum of minerals, amino acids and

Another defence mechanism against free radicals is the enzyme catalase. “Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide, a metabolic
waste product in the body, and liberates oxygen for the body to use” (James F Balch, M.D. & Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., Prescription
for Nutritional Healing, Page 47, 1997).

Cellfood® has the enzyme catalase.

4. What happens to the nascent hydrogen produced by Cellfood®?

The nascent hydrogen atoms produced by the dissociation of atoms in the water molecule, are used by the body for many
functions, such as hydrogen bonding, irrigating, building and strengthening cells and organs; preventing inflammation, promoting
osmosis; moistening lung surfaces for gas diffusion; and regulating body temperature.

Hydrogen also re-energises the electro-magnetic field of the cell. This increased electro-magnetic polarity field causes the cells to
repell themselves from each other, reversing haemo-aggulation which comes about when cells clump; and slow down (due to
deficiencies in the cells), which then results in them taking on less oxygen when passing through the respiratory system. So,
Cellfood® re-establishes the natural functioning of the red blood cell, and because the cells are now properly separated and
flowing normally in the blood stream, they exchange more carbon dioxide molecules for oxygen molecules in the respiratory

Hydrogen is also essential for processes of digestion, assimilation and elimination; and for transporting nutrients through the
arteries to the brain and all body tissues. An 80 kg person has about 7 kg of hydrogen in his body.

The body normally obtains hydrogen from water, other liquids, fruits and vegetables. Lack of hydrogen leads to dehydration from
inside and outside the cells; and extreme dryness and abnormal nerve heat are generated in the body.

Cellfood® supplies the body with nascent hydrogen to combat these conditions.

5. What else does Cellfood® do apart from supplying the body with oxygen and hydrogen?

Cellfood® truly nourishes cells in the body, because, apart from supplying cells with oxygen and hydrogen, it has minerals and
trace minerals and also a blend of enzymes and amino acids. in ionic colloidal suspension. The manufacturer has achieved this by
using the advanced process of Micro-Activation™ to cryogenically break down organic plant fossil deposits into colloidal micro-
nutrient particles. No other product in the world has achieved this yet.

Furthermore, Cellfood® contains a blend of minerals and trace minerals and also a blend of enzymes and amino acids in its

6. How is Cellfood® assimilated into the cells?

Research (dark-field microscopy) has shown how Cellfood® is unique because it enters directly into the cells. At the moment,
there is nothing as effective as Cellfood® for providing nutrients directly to the cell.

When taking Cellfood®, it goes through the sensitive membranes of the mouth, throat and oesophagus; so that over 95% of the
product immediately enters into the blood stream, and goes firstly to the brain. Advanced technologies of Micro-Activation™ and
Electroculture™ are used in the preparation of Cellfood®, to ensure that all the ingredients are in colloidal form, and that the vortex
spin of all the electrons around the particles in Cellfood® are completely compatible with the vortex spin of all the particles in a
living organism.

Therefore, because there are no barriers, Cellfood® is absorbed directly into the blood stream and is assimilated by the cells. It
bypasses the digestive system; whereas most other products go into the digestive system, where from 0% to a maximum of 30% is
absorbed by the body. Once in the circulatory system, the next step is cellular assimilation. Whereas 30% of some product may be
absorbed into the circulatory system, none (or very little) of it may be assimilated by the cells, and is excreted by the body through
processes of elimination. The digestive and circulatory systems can be full of nutrients, but if they are not assimilated into the cells,
they are useless.

Over 95% of Cellfood® is absorbed into the circulatory system, and 100% of this is assimilated directly into the cells. In
nutrition, cellular assimilation is the only thing that counts.

7. Conclusion

Cellfood® is the most advanced and unique nutritional supplement in the world today, especially regarding the supplying of
oxygen, hydrogen, minerals, enzymes and amino acids at cellular level.

Cellfood® both cleans-up and nourishes the cells in a most amazing, unique and direct way. The matrix of minerals, balanced in
specific ionic quantities, together with the specific amino acids and enzymes in Cellfood®, is part of the key to the genius of

A couple of days after taking Cellfood® there is no residual of nutrients in the blood; therefore, for continuous peak performance in
life, Cellfood® should be taken every day.

The “water splitting technology” was developed and patented by Everett L. Storey, a physical chemist, microbiologist,
humanitarian and author. Regrettably, his research also led to the development of the hydrogen bomb. Everett Storey was a
genius who understood an immense amount about the intricate biological, chemical, physical and electro-magnetic processes
at cellular level. Using his electro-magnetic water splitting technology; together with a complex matrix of physical minerals and the
biological triggering of enzymatic action, he developed Cellfood®, which is an award-winning and leading-edge product in cellular
nutrition today.


What if I am already taking medicine? Is Cellfood® safe to take?


Cellfood® can be used in conjunction with other nutritional supplements or medicines because it increases the bio-availability of
these other substances, enabling the body to more effectively use them. Many Cellfood® users have reported a gradual decrease
in need for medication within a few weeks or months of continual use of Cellfood. If you are pregnant or under medical care, please
consult your medical practitioner before using.


Am I cheating if I use Cellfood® during sports competitions?


No. Cellfood® is made from the finest natural ingredients, none of which are on the “list of banned substances,” issued and
governed by professional and amateur athletic associations.


Can you use Cellfood® and Cellfood® Sport together?


You can use all our products at the same time as all contain Cellfood plus other natural organic plant materials that make them
completely inter-active with each other as well as not clashing with other medications or nutritional supplements. Instead Cellfood®
allows better absorption of whatever multi-vitamin is being taken simultaneously or medication sometimes allowing you to be able
to decrease your medication because you are getting 80-90% absorption at cellular level and in to the bloodstream where it is
needed whereas if you take anything in tablet form without the help of Cellfood® your body only absorbs 15% and the rest is


My husband went onto your Cellfood® product for 2 months and then went onto the Cellfood® Shape
product for his elevated cholesterol. We eat very little fried food, lots of extra virgin olive oil, lots of
grilled fish, fresh fruit, etc, and his cholesterol while on 40 drops of Cellfood® Shape has escalated
higher than when he was on the Vital products such as lecithin and omega 3. Everyone at our pharmacy
who sold us the Cellfood® Shape was raving about how good Cellfood® Shape was and how well it
lowered cholesterol, etc but we haven't seen any improvement at all, actually we have seen a dramatic
increase in my husbands cholesterol count. Please advise what could have gone wrong or what is


There are two types of cholesterol:

1. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) that is heavily laden with cholesterol coming from the liver and is referred to as the damaging

2. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) that absorbs excess cholesterol in the bloodstream and returns it to the liver for further metabolic

There is a ratio between the two, and when the ratio is more in favour of the HDL, e.g. 3 HDL: 2 LDL, then the system is working
well and the body is processing cholesterol effectively. It is when the ratio swings in the other direction, i.e. there is more LDL than
HDL in the system, that there is the risk of the excessive cholesterol remaining in the arteries etc. and forming clots, or building up
plaque that restricts the blood flow. This results in increased blood pressure, and could result in damaging cardiovascular
conditions, etc.

So, when someone has cholesterol checked, it is important to have both LDL and HDL tested, and to have someone
knowledgeable explain what the ratio is, and the meaning of that person's particular ratio.

Also, what often happens is that when someone takes Cellfood® and/or Cellfood® Shape, the product causes the oxidation of the
cholesterol and plaque that had been accumulating in the arteries, veins, organs, etc. This means that the cholesterol starts
moving back into the circulatory system for a while, as it is re-circulated to the liver for further metabolic processing. This is a good
thing. It is less risky to have cholesterol circulating in the system than to have it accumulating in some artery, vein, organ, etc.

Unfortunately, if someone, at this stage has a "cholesterol" test, it may appear that the person's condition has worsened, because
there is more LDL cholesterol in the blood sample. This however is temporary and is usually less of a problem than having
excessive cholesterol accumulating in the arteries, organs, etc. When the cholesterol is in circulation, there is the possibility of it

being used by the metabolic system; however, when cholesterol accumulates in the system, there is the possibility of heightened
blood pressure, clotting, etc.

Cellfood® Shape is specifically formulated to cause more and more cholesterol to be metabolized into energy - either futile energy
(calories burning up while one sleeps) or useful energy (while one is awake and using the energy for activities). So, sometimes,
there appears (temporarily) to be more cholesterol in the blood stream while the body is improving its metabolic and circulatory

On the few occasions that someone has complained that Cellfood® or Cellfood® Shape has increased the cholesterol count, we
have suggested that they have both LDL and HDL tested, and that they then continue using the product/s for 1 - 2 months before
having another test. So far, we have not had a single person return after 2 months of using Cellfood® Shape with the ratio between
the HDL and LDL levels being more "negative" than previously.

Two further considerations in the whole cholesterol issue are:

1. Liquid intake: Often, when a person feels healthier, the person gradually becomes more active; however, the person tends to
continue to drink the same amount of liquids as previously (usually because of long entrenched habits of drinking certain amounts
of liquid at certain times). Because of this increased level of activity, the person respires, perspires, etc. more, and so becomes
dehydrated to some extent. Dehydration affects cholesterol readings. So, it is important when having cholesterol tests to ensure
that one is properly hydrated in order to get a more accurate reading.

2. Homocysteine is more important to pay attention to than cholesterol, because an elevated level of homocysteine causes
increased LDL cholesterol. One of the main contributors to elevated homocysteine is stress. So, the whole cholesterol issue is very
complex, because one can be a vegetarian, eat correctly, exercise regularly, and yet have high LDL cholesterol readings because
of one's inability to deal with on-going stress. In these cases Cellfood Longevity is a great product to take, because it has elements
such as Vitamin B6 and B12 that are essential for the nervous system, and so assist the person in dealing more effectively with

Finally, if a person takes Cellfood® and Cellfood® Shape for two months and the person's LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio worsens, then
I would suggest replacing Cellfood® Shape with Cellfood Longevity, because the person needs the Vitamin B6 & B12, as well as
the other remethylation elements and nucleic acids for replenishing the nervous system; and for reducing homocysteine.


Have you had any reports of users of Cellfood® who since starting to take it have been experiencing
fairly severe headaches? My wife started taking Cellfood® around ten days ago and since then has
experienced a headache starting around midmorning and getting progressively worse as the day
progresses until she has no choice but to take painkillers.


In our insert that is found within the packaging of Cellfood® we talk about a detoxification or healing crisis that the body goes
through with Cellfood® because of the ridding of harmful anti-oxidants and toxins in the body. These symptoms all include
headaches, nausea, frequent urination, even extreme tiredness and this normally lasts between 1-7 days - we have not heard of
anyone experiencing this detox longer than 2 weeks. The severity and the duration that this detox is experienced is, however,
completely unique to each individual taking the product and is utterly proportional in its intensity to the condition of the person's
body taking it at the time. A person who is taking chronic medication or even undergoing chemo or radiation for cancer when
starting Cellfood® have very severe detox symptoms and therefore are asked to start on very low dosages like 2 drops for at least
3 days before increasing this dosage maybe by 2 drops to 5, and then later to 7 etc etc until reaching the recommended daily
dosage of 25 drops in the morning on an empty stomach in a quarter glass of distilled water or 100% pure grape juice. You do not
state how many drops your wife is taking which could well be the reason for her intense headaches being experienced still after 10
days. The good news is that it will most definitely ease off once her body has been cleansed and detoxed completely and not only
will she not have the headaches but she should also feel a renewed sense of energy as her body is being regenerated and
cleansed at cellular level by the additional oxygenation.


How can Cellfood® and Cellfood® Longevity assist someone suffering from peripheral neuropathy?


As per my telephonic discussion of today, I have been requested to please forward you some information and testimonials on how
Cellfood and Cellfood® Longevity can assist someone suffering from peripheral neuropathy, a chronic inflammatory and
debilitating disease, which I have attached. I have included arthritis testimonials due to the similar nature of the inflammation of
joints & muscles as opposed to the nerve inflammation and damage involved with peripheral neuropathy. The diabetes testimonials
I thought would be of interest, as the common diabetes Type 2 of the Pancreas has the following problem : The cells need glucose
(sugar) to produce energy. There is insufficient insulin (pancreatic hormone) regulating glucose intake by cells which leads to
hyperglycemia (abnormally high level of glucose in the bloodstream). This leads to damaged blood vessels; eye disease; as well as
peripheral, autonomic and diabetic (nerve damage to limbs, internal organs & kidney disease) neuropathy. Although I do not know
whether your peripheral neuropathy was caused through diabetes, I am sure being one of the side effects diabetes sufferers can
experience, the information would be of relevance to you.

Cellfood's solution to this problem is that it supplies the pancreas with:

1. Chromium - improves insulin's efficiency which lowers blood sugar levels;

2. Vanadium - aids insulin's ability to move glucose into cells;
3. Magnesium - aids enzyme systems and PH balance & increase energy levels;
4. Manganese - needed to repair pancreas, and co-factor in key enzymes for glucose metabolism;
5. Zinc - needed to make insulin.

From our Cellfood® Longevity Info Guide there is the following very interesting and relevant information on how Cellfood®
Longevity's ingredients assist rebuilding the myelin sheaths which can wear away on the nerve endings causing Parkinsons and
various other neurological disorders.

In his detailed research paper, Dr Todd Ovokaitys M.D. (the formulator of Cellfood Longevity) states:
“ Thousands of published scientific studies in the metabolic pathways related to the Cellfood Longevity formula components also
suggest the following potential benefits of these nutrients:

1. Cell membrane repair.

2. Balances brain neurotransmitter chemistry, and increases serotonin levels (would have positive effects on
    mood and anxiety disorders).
3. Increases melatonin with immunological, anti- aging, & anti-oxidant effects.
4. Regenerates and repairs insulating myelin sheaths of nerves (would have positive effects on people
    suffering from conditions such as multiple sclerosis).
5. Repairs joints and cartilage.
6. Reduces risk of colon and other cancers.
7. Supports detoxification of the liver.”

Oxygen For Life is arranging to have local clinical studies conducted at various Universities in South Africa, in order to further
substantiate the benefits of taking Cellfood® Longevity.

Why Is ATP In Cellfood® Longevity

ATP – adenosine triphosphate is the essential electrochemical fuel of the cell. It is perhaps the most important of all the nucleic
acid derivatives in the body, and Cellfood® Longevity has a rich supply in a highly bio-available form. Virtually every bodily activity
that requires energy, uses ATP as the source of power. Whether the function is contracting muscle fibres for mobility, speed, and
strength; creating complex molecules; or maintaining the electric potential of cell membranes; ATP provides the electrochemical

Cellular Energy: The most efficient production of ATP occurs through aerobic metabolism in the mitochondria of the cell (the
engine of the cell). Aerobic means that oxygen is used to completely burn fuel for maximum ATP production. However, when
glucose is broken down through anaerobic metabolism (without oxygen), each molecule of glucose gives rise to only 2 molecules
of ATP.

Because Cellfood® boosts cellular oxygen delivery, the ATP in Cellfood Longevity has an ideal environment for further boosting
cellular energy; and so, the complete combustion of a glucose molecule yields a rich harvest of 36 molecules of ATP!

For this reason, Cellfood® Longevity is a phenomenal product for sports people and highly active people who require additional
aerobic energy for optimal performance and rapid recovery.

Muscle Performance: Skeletal muscle requires abundant quantities of ATP for muscular contraction. Supplemental ATP has been
described as an explosive performance optimizer. By using Cellfood® Longevity, muscle endurance, performance, and recovery
can be significantly boosted.

Cardiac Strengthening: The cyclic contraction of the cardiac muscle is highly ATP-intensive and thrives on aerobic metabolism.
The combined oxygenation and ATP delivery-effects of Cellfood® Longevity provides the heart with an enhanced energy supply for
efficient functioning.

Neurological Effects: ATP is the primary fuel that drives learning, memory, and concentration functions. ATP is essential to
maintain the membrane potentials that permit nerves to integrate and transmit signals throughout the central and peripheral
nervous system.


Is it safe for a pregnant or breastfeeding woman to use either Cellfood or Cellfood® Shape?


We have had numerous reports from women who have used Cellfood® throughout their pregnancies, and have reported that it
assisted them in having a better sense of well-being, feeling calmer, and having no mood-swings or food cravings (compared to
previous pregnancies when they had various food cravings). They all reported that they had delivered perfect babies.

Pregnant women often suffer from all sorts of nutritional deficiencies, because the developing foetus is constantly drawing nutrients
from the mother. That is why many pregnant women crave some type of food during their pregnancies, or even eat coal or sand,
because of the mineral content. Coal is better than sand because it is comprised of a wide spectrum of organic plant minerals (just
not so inviting to eat!!); whereas sand is comprised of mainly inorganic minerals, and may contain harmful bacteria and pathogens
in it (less inviting to eat!!). Cellfood® is a much better option for those who may be suffering from some nutritional deficiency,
because it contains a wide spectrum of organic plant minerals in a very concentrated, hygienic, and balanced preparation.

We have also had numerous reports from women who did not take Cellfood® during pregnancy; and, after having given birth, went
into post-natal depression. This is also because of mineral deficiency, especially magnesium and calcium. When they started to
take Cellfood®, the depression left immediately - again, because of the supply of minerals.

Cellfood® can also be wonderful for the unborn baby because it increases the oxygen levels in the blood stream, and this will
assist in the development of the baby's brain and nervous system.

The only reason why there is a caution on the Cellfood® bottle regarding pregnancy, is to cover ourselves from any form of liability
that may arise from an extreme case - e.g. a pregnant woman who is very sickly and who then, without any medical advice, takes
100 drops of Cellfood®. This could cause her to have a very severe detoxification, which could possibly have a negative affect on
the developing child. She could then blame the product for her "irresponsible" usage of it.

We always recommend that a pregnant woman should consult with a health practitioner before taking any preparation during her
pregnancy. If you want some references of doctors who recommend Cellfood® to all their patients, please let me know where you
live, and I will tell you who to contact.

Generally, doctors recommend that a pregnant woman (who is fairly healthy) should start on about 4 drops of Cellfood® a day. If
there is no major detoxification, then she can increase the dosage by two drops every three days, until she reaches a limit which is
agreeable for her (and her baby's) needs. This could be 20 drops per day or 40 drops per day - everyone is different. This is where
guided professional assistance can be helpful. If you have no one to help you, then a pregnant woman should start with 2 drops in
the morning and 2 drops in the evening (about 16h00) and build up to about 15 drops twice a day - taken in the morning and in the
evening. The evening dosage is good because it provides the developing baby with extra oxygen while the mother is sleeping. In
fact, the oxygen that Cellfood® supplies is probably the one most important nutrient that the developing baby needs.

I hope that this is helpful, and that you have a wonderful Cellfood® baby.


Regarding Cellfood® Shape for pregnant mothers, our only reservation is that we don't know what effect Citrin K might possibly
have on a particular mother or unborn child. Although Citrin K is a natural condiment from Garcinia Cambogia fruit, that is used by
millions of Asian people (pregnant mothers included) in their daily cooking, in order to eliminate any possibility of any liability
against us, we suggest that a pregnant (Western) woman has herself checked-out by her Health Practitioner before using
Cellfood® Shape. There is probably no risk to the normally healthy pregnant women or her unborn child by her taking Cellfood®

Shape; however, there could be the possibility that an unhealthy pregnant woman could experience some unpleasant form of
detoxification, increased body temperatures or palpitations of the heart (as the metabolic system accelerates and burns more fat),
etc., that could be attributed to Cellfood® Shape doing its work. Instead of seeing this as beneficial, this unhealthy pregnant
woman could blame Cellfood® Shape for her unpleasant "cleansing" condition; and we would rather avoid this.

By the same token, we also recommend mothers who are breast-feeding to have themselves checked out with a health practitioner
before using Cellfood® Shape.

Sharon Venter – Cellfood® Pregnancy

" Having taken Cellfood® before, and on discovering I was pregnant, I immediately resumed taking Cellfood®, and continued to do
so throughout the entire pregnancy. The result was that I had an incredibly easy, enjoyable pregnancy. A few other ladies who
were pregnant at the same time as me, were all plagued with various issues such as fatigue, morning sickness etc. I on the other
hand never had a day where I was sick or tired, nor did I have any cravings, with the only minor issue being that I had a few mild
cases of indigestion during my second trimester. In fact, I could say that if it were not for the obvious fact that I was pregnant, I
would not have known, as I felt no different to normal.

The baby went full term, and on 7/11/00 I gave birth to a beautiful son. I had a very easy birth (epidural caesar) and was back to
my pre-pregnancy weight 2 weeks afterwards. I was told that they thought I would have managed a normal birth quite easily except
for the fact that my cervix would not dilate.

The effects of taking Cellfood® have also come out in my son. As I am still breastfeeding, he is still getting Cellfood® from me. As
a result, teething was a breeze. His first tooth appeared on 08/06/01, no fever, no swollen gums, no runny nose. Right from the
start, he has been a very alert, happy baby. I have even had friends of mine saying that they never see him crying. To date he now
has four teeth and never been sick a day in his life, even with all the various sicknesses going around.

Addendum: Daron is now 111/2 months old and has never even had a fever after his vaccinations. One thing I know for certain is
that I will recommend Cellfood® to anyone who is pregnant or planning to become pregnant. You won’t be sorry!"


Why is there a discolouration of my Cellfood?


We at Oxygen For Life SA (Pty) Ltd have received a few complaints regarding discoloured Cellfood. However, the darker nature of
the Cellfood® does not degrade the product in any way.

Cellfood® is made from the finest natural organic ingredients, and on account of different batches of this organic material being
sourced to manufacture our product, the colour of these ingredients may vary periodically.

As stated, this discolouration by no means affects the potency or the efficacy of the product which can be taken as normal.

The elements and minerals contained in Cellfood® are normally held in suspension, giving the product a light "honey" or "gold"
colour. When the quantity of these elements and minerals are however increased, some sedimentation can occur.

This sedimentation is immediately displaced once the bottle is shaken lightly.

What can also occur, is that a bottle may have been stored upside down, with the result that the elements and minerals were
trapped in the dropper of the Cellfood® bottle.

In this instance too, a light shake of the bottle releases the minerals trapped in the dropper.

The Cellfood® bottle should also preferably be stored in a cool place, as lengthy exposure to direct sunlight, may affect the colour
of the elements and minerals contained in Cellfood.

We appreciate the feedback from those people who have brought this to our attention.

Kindly accept our assurance that the slightly darker shade of Cellfood does not affect the efficacy of the product in any way. Should
you, however, wish to rather change your bottle of Cellfood® for one not so discoloured, you do normally have to have your slip
with you to take it back to the pharmacy you bought it from and ask them to contact the relevant OFL rep for that pharmacy who
can collect this from the pharmacy & organise a replacement bottle of Cellfood® for you in conjunction with the pharmacy
manager, who can then contact you to collect it when ready.


Please supply more information on Cellfood® and what your body can benefit from this product. I was
diagnosed with secondary bone cancer and would like to use this product.


Taking double the recommended daily dosage is great but in fact we recommend that you continue to up your dosage (slowly) till
you are on 100 drops a day! Sounds a lot but with the natural ingredients in Cellfood® you cannot overdose on it and there are no
side effects once the detoxification process is over. Confirmation of the high dosages taken are in the testimonials found on our
website - see Brian Billings' testimonial for one.

You should always increase your dosage of Cellfood® to boost your immune system before any trauma to the body such as a
major operation or chemotherapy to combat the toxins the anaesthetic and other medication are going to put into your system. It
will not make the chemo less effective in any way but assist the body to cope with the concentration of toxins.


Can Cellfood® assist with attention deficit disorder (ADD)?


Cellfood® has had wonderful results with ADD and ADHD as per the testimonials you can find on our website for you to read
about. Due to the oxygenation of the brain, at cellular level, it assists with alertness at all times as oxygen is in fact a
neurotransmitter which causes optimal brain functioning. It also has the very vital ingredients of magnesium and the amino acid
tyrosine (which assists the body make dopamine) and lithum (used in anti-depressants).


We have so many success stories of parents using Cellfood® instead of Ritalin. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), in the opinion of
many very qualified holistic doctors is caused, mainly, by a mineral deficiency. Probably magnesium. Lack of magnesium causes
hyperactivity and aggression in anybody. Studies in state penitentiaries in USA recently showed that 100% of people incarcerated
there for violent crimes had a deficiency of magnesium in their systems. Put the magnesium back, and the brain functions normally.

But it's not that simple, because absorption of magnesium depends on calcium and boron, and other elements. It works in a matrix.
So, that's why Cellfood® is fantastic because it has a whole spectrum of necessary minerals, blended in a matrix, and in the
correct proportions.

People say - "But I feed my kid just fine; what do you mean he has a mineral deficiency?" Well, the sad facts are that the soils are
deficient in minerals, and so the foods are deficient. And, to worsen the problem, some kids, for some unknown reason, somehow
don't absorb certain minerals from foods. My son had a major iron deficiency when he was about 5 years old. Nothing to do with
the foods. It was just his constitution. Once this was balanced, he was fine and could absorb the iron from his food.

So, Cellfood® is fantastic because it balances all systems, and supplies a spectrum of minerals.

So, for kids, it's great. Some parents have slowly weaned their kids off Ritalin while increasing Cellfood. Others have simply
stopped the Ritalin immediately and used Cellfood® instead. Some have never put the kids on Ritalin at all and have only used
Cellfood. In all cases, teachers have commented how much better the kids are - now that they are on Ritalin!! A good time to stop
the Ritalin would be over holidays, and to start with Cellfood.

The difference between Ritalin and Cellfood® is the difference between night and day. Ritalin is a drug, and is often used
indiscriminately by doctors who can't be bothered to find out why the kid is ADD. Cellfood® is a food for the cells so that they can

work the way they are supposed to. It also does a whole lot of great things, such as improve brain functioning (because of the
oxygen), balance blood sugar levels (because of the chromium which is needed by the pancreas), improve the digestive and
metabolic systems (because of the enzymes), etc. etc. etc.


Can Cellfood® assist with altitude sickness when mountain-climbing?


Thank you for your enquiry as to Cellfood® vs altitude sickness. I have this story to tell you.

The Mr Price Himalayan Challenge that took place in April 1998 included Trevor Johnston, Ian and Cathy O'Dowd. They were on
Cellfood. Regrettably they were unsuccessful in reaching the summit as the team spent over an hour helping a woman climber in
great distress with the result that Ian and Cathy had no alternative but to forfeit their own summit attempt.

During a subsequent media briefing at the Sandton Library, at which we were present, they reported that despite the fact that they
did not quite reach the summit, they were conscious of the fact that they did not suffer from the usual colds or flu and that they did
not suffer from Altitude Sickness. They ascribed this to the use of Cellfood. We are not sure if they are still taking Cellfood. One of
their assistants, named Clive Crawley who also completed 40 Comrade Marathons, as far as we know is still on Cellfood.
Cellfood® increases the oxygenation of the blood and this is undoubtedly beneficial at very high altitude. The mountain climbers
who asked for info as you have, offered to report back on their results after their climb which I have included below.

As promised, a quick reply. When enquiring some months ago I mentioned Mnt Kenia to keep text short. Our trip was in fact to
Pakistan, to do the Concordia Trek with the Gondogoro La at +/_ 5600m. It was a great trip with no cold or flu or high altitude
sickness not even a headache - for me. (Having had only one month to get fit, being a vegetarian and ...a female..), I would have
loved to do much more than only trekking. We will visit the Karakorum definitively again. The next time with Cellfood® and climbing
gear. Thank you once again.

I must also advise that Cellfood® can be taken with all types of medication and supplementation. The Minerals, Trace Minerals,
Enzymes and Amino Acids in Cellfood® are in colloidal form making them readily absorbable into the blood stream via the mucous
membranes and oesophagus. This then facilitates the cleansing of the body at cellular level facilitating the absorption of other
medication and supplementation at cellular level, which actually increases the efficacy thereof.

We therefore recommend that you and the other climbers take Cellfood (35 drops per day) and Cellfood® Sport (20 drops per day)
as it will certainly be of benefit to you. Regrettably the full reports produced by the Sports Institute of the University of Pretoria are
too large to email, and do not presently all appear on our website but will soon be placed on our website.

Good luck in reaching the summit.


How can Cellfood® help an arthritis sufferer?


We always recommend when starting with Cellfood® that you start on a low dosage of approx. 4 drops a day (taking either all 4
first thing in the morning on an empty stomach OR 2 in the morning and 2 at night before bed), then after every 2-3 days you up
the dosage by another 2 or 3 drops finally building up to the recommended dosage of 25 drops a day. The reason for the slow
build-up is because of the detox process which the body undergoes when starting with Cellfood. Dosages can be increased
substantially without any problem, if there are no uncomfortable detoxification responses. Certainly, going to 3 x or even 5x the
normal dosage is not uncommon in situations where one wishes to be more aggressive in dealing with health challenges. And
many go higher than those levels. Cellfood® does not interact badly with any other nutritional supplements or vitamins you might
be taking so you may continue to do so with no concerns - in fact Cellfood® makes whatever else is being ingested more bio-
available to the body as it works at a deep cellular level cleaning, restoring, rejuvenating cells!


Will Cellfood® help with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)? In the articles they talk about fatigue, but not
specifically about chronic fatigue. Have there been done any scientific studies in this particular case?

I’m taking 20 drops of Cellfood® and 6 sprays of Cellfood Longevity daily for 8 months now. I feel
improvement in the oxygen level in the brain and see my skin condition improve, but I don’t have as of
yet any improvement in physical endurance. Do you have studies on the recommended daily intake.
Maybe the dose I’m taking is not high enough?


I have spoken to one of our doctors that work in conjunction with us in recommending our products to their patients due to their
belief in them, and his advice was as follows :

In patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, demands may be in excess of the average person i.e. increasing the amount of
Cellfood® as well as Cellfood® Longevity would be appropriate.

Increasing Cellfood® to 30 drops per day (over a one week period) and Cellfood® Longevity to 10 sprays a day may improve the

Please will you follow the above advice and let me know after say 2 or 3 weeks whether there has been any improvement in your
CFS. Below are a few testimonials from Cellfood® users who have benefited.


Will Cellfood® help me cope with my diabetic condition?


Cellfood® will most certainly improve your diabetic condition. Many oxygen products tend to flood the body with oxygen, often
creating harmful oxygen free radicals. Cellfood® is totally different because it scavenges and bonds with dangerous oxygen free
radicals, supplying the body with usable oxygen in a controlled and time released manner, at cellular level, only where it is needed.
Cellfood® therefore in no way creates free radicals. It causes free radical singlet atoms of oxygen to be neutralized. Cellfood® can
be used in conjunction with other medications because it is a completely natural product made from the finest organic plant
ingredients and it makes whatever else one is taking at the time, be it medicine or vitamin supplements, more bio-available to the
cells (so its far more easily absorbed).

The recommended dose of Cellfood® is 4-8 drops per day in a half a glass of purified or distilled water, first thing in the morning,
before you eat anything. In this way it avoids the digestive system and is absorbed directly through the oesophagus into the
bloodstream. Since each person is so unique in what their body requires, we cannot say for sure how much is the correct amount
for you. You can start on the 4-8 drops per day and if you feel strong enough to handle the detoxification process you may go
through (stomach cramps, nausea, headaches & unusual tiredness), then you can gradually increase that dosage to an amount
that is comfortable for you.

Healthy people normally increase the dosage until they have reached up to 25 drops per day. On this recommended dosage a
bottle of Cellfood should last you one month. Cellfood® can be bought at any independent or chain store pharmacy in your area.
Should they not have stock please ask them to contact their Oxygen For Life SA representative that calls on them and ask them to
place an order for you.


Please can you let me know what dosage and safety precautions are involved if I wish to start taking
Cellfood® and am on Warfarin and have a pacemaker?


This is obviously a sensitive situation i.e. you should start on a low dosage (such as 5 drops per day) and gradually build up your
dosage to say 15 drops per day over a period of 2 weeks i.e. extremely slow incremental dose adjustment. This is to ensure that
Cellfood does not overwhelm the body.

If you feel discomfort in any form i.e. pain; palpitations (which we would not expect to happen but need to be looked out for), you
should decrease your dosage immediately.

In summary for someone that is on Warfarin we recommend the following:

1. Have your PI checked (platelet index)

2. Take 2 drops of Cellfood® per day for two weeks
3. Have her PI checked again to see if there is any reduction.
4. If there is no change, take 4 drops of Cellfood® per day for another two weeks
5. If there is a change, reduce the dosage of warfarin accordingly, and take 4 drops of Cellfood® per day for
    another two weeks
6. Have your PI checked again
7. If there is again no change, take 8 drops of Cellfood® per day for another two weeks
8. If there is again a change, reduce the dosage of warfarin accordingly, and take 8 drops of Cellfood® per day
    for another two weeks.

You can continue with this process of reducing warfarin and increasing Cellfood® until the whole system is balanced.

Please note the above recommendation is for a fairly healthy and strong person. Obviously, if the person has further medical
conditions and is sickly, the dosage of Cellfood® should be less. All this should be done with the attending physician's permission
and monitoring of the PI condition.


How can Cellfood® assist me with my high blood pressure problem?


With regards to your most recent enquiry regarding using Cellfood to assist with blood pressure, our consultant doctor had the
following to say :

Cellfood® should not have a DIRECT effect on the patient's blood pressure. Having said this, depending on what medication the
patient is on, there could be a potential interaction. With time, the products may lead to less of a dependence on taking blood
pressure medication.

For now, I would advise to take slightly lower than the average dose for the first week and gradually build up, whilst concurrently
monitoring blood pressure frequently (every 2 days if possible) to see if there are any effects. Doses can then be adjusted

The direct effect by Cellfood® on Blood pressure has never been studied i.e. there is most likely an indirect effect on BP, via
relaxation of the arteries secondary to increased oxygenation in the bloodstream (please note that this is a supposition i.e. there is
lots of anecdotal evidence to suggest an effect, hence this 'hypothesis).

Another point to remember is that Cellfood® works on all cells in the body to restore balance in the various bodily systems i.e. the
effect is not isolated to the blood vessels, but may be focused there if this system is 'out of sync'.

I hope this assists you with your query.


I have a patient on ART who i wish to put on cell food. I would like to know if there could be no drug
interaction with the treatment. I consulted a doctor who was not sure of drug interaction, but suggested
that because of the enzymes present in the preparation it may affect drug efficacy. Please advise.


The recommendation I have for you is the following :

You need to start the patient on a low dosage of maybe 6 drops a day (for 4 days) then increase the dosage by 2 drops every 5th
day until you reach the recommended dosage of 25 drops per day. When treating HIV or AIDS however, we recommend that
customers increase their dosage slowly again (increase by 2 drops every 5th day) from the 25 drops you are currently on once a
day to taking 25 drops four times a day (that would be a total of 100 drops a day). These should be taken first thing in the morning,
then at midday, again in the early evening around 17h30/18h00 and the last lot before bed at night. We recommend this for cancer
patients too as they have so many toxins to get out of their system that they need almost a shock treatment to try balance the body
again! You are assured you cannot overdose on Cellfood® as it is made of only the finest natural plant materials and contains no
alcohol or chemicals that interfere with any other medication one might be on at the same time. This will, as you've noted below,
accelerate your detox and healing process but of course your detox symptoms which include nausea, headaches, more frequent
urination, excessive tiredness will also be intensified then over this period.

You are also advised that together with Cellfood, you also need to have a decent diet as well as moderate exercise. In other words,
you need to change your lifestyle to one concentrating on your health and therefore to also avoid the possibility of re-infection too.
The diet our consultant doctors recommend for HIV patients should include the following:

Drink lots of water (approx. 1.5 litres a day) - you can do this with your Cellfood® dosages taken by taking it in a full large glass of
water instead of the quarter glass you would normally have. Get onto a good quality multi-vitamin (ask your chemist or doctor about
this) - it should be high in Vitamin C (Foodstate is a good make). Other supplement to be taken that would also assist are:

Vitamin E
Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3)

It is quite possible to take ARV's should your doctor wish to put you on these, together with Cellfood, as Cellfood® simply assists
these medications to be absorbed properly by the body (80 - 100% directly into the bloodstream and the cells where it is needed).
Taking medication like tablets orally have been shown to only have a 10-15% absorption rate into the bloodstream and at cellular
level where it is in fact needed most.

Hoping this information will assist you and please keep us informed of your progress.


How can Cellfood® assist me with my multiple sclerosis (MS)?


I definitely recommend that you rather use Cellfood® Longevity for your MS, which is our DNA Regenerating Formula which
supplies nucleic acids for longevity, optical cell functioning and cellular restoration. It also supplies methyl groups for the reduction
of homocysteine.

Homocysteine is a toxic amino acid by-product that accumulates daily in the bloodstream. Homocysteine is linked to a 100
diseases like cancer, diabetes and degenerative diseases such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers.

With regards to studies conducted, Cellfood® Longevity isn't a medicine but a nutritional supplement and is not intended to cure or
prevent any disease, however Cellfood® Longevity optimizes the body's ability to regenerate DNA and RNA which has a multitude
of effects such as anti-aging, reducing the risk of many diseases, and the ability of dealing with various chronic diseases. However
you will see in the Scientific Reference Guide I have attached herewith for your research, that there are various research studies
that have been conducted from infections, cancer, tissue regeneration, memory enhancement, growth and development to

Cellfood® Longevity also supplies ATP for muscle, cardiac, neurological and lung functioning. ATP is required for many
neurological effects, such as learning, memory, improved nerve conduction, and relief of nerve pain. For this reason we have
received very good reports from people who have either Parkinsons or Alzheimers disease as well as MS who are now suffering
much less since they have been taking Cellfood Longevity.


I recently bought your product for the first time. Reading the insert, I noticed the reference to the oxygen
content of air bubbles in Antarctic ice core drillings that indicated “that the earth’s atmosphere
previously comprised of between 38% to 50% oxygen”.

It is fairly common knowledge that a fluctuation in the current atmospheric level of oxygen (21%) of as
little as 4 to 6 degrees would render our environment uninhabitable, especially for aerobic respirators. I
quote from a UNISA prescribed textbook: “Flammability calculations indicate that if oxygen levels were
to rise above 25%, the earth would be an inferno. Essentially all vegetation and other organic material
would burn. If levels were to fall below 15%, even the driest material would not burn”.

In the light of these facts, oxygen levels as high as are claimed to have been discovered in Antarctic ice
do not seem plausible, nor does the claim that “our bodies are not designed for low levels of oxygen,
such as 21%”. I would be interested to have your response to this apparent contradiction.

I am familiar with the findings of current research on natural trends in, and human impacts on,
atmospheric composition, global warming, thermohaline circulation, etc. These are highly complex,
difficult-to-model systems, which entail a multitude of bio-chemical reactions and feedback loops, and
cannot be addressed in simplistic terms. It is not my intention to get bogged down in the “evidence”, or
to debate topics about which there is no consensus, even at the highest scientific levels.

My purpose in querying the content of Cellfood’s leaflet was to gain clarity on a statement which
seemed to be contrary to the laws of science, in order that I could make an informed decision about
whether to purchase any of your products again, or to recommend them to others. To establish the
credibility of your claims, could you please reply, specifically and concisely, to these points:

• Where, exactly, in Dr Lawrence Mysak’s research findings, is it documented that the earth’s
atmosphere previously comprised of between 38% to 50% oxygen? (I could not locate any reference to
oxygen levels in his Antarctic research).

• How do you account for the flammability aspect, if indeed such an oxygen-enriched atmosphere did

What specific oxygen levels were our bodies designed for, if not approximately 20.99%?


Our first introduction to the work of Dr Mysak was from the book: OXYGEN THERAPIES - A New Way of Approaching Disease, by
Ed McCabe (1997). Ed McCabe was known as "Mr Oxygen" in the USA. Unfortunately, I loaned my book to a medical doctor friend
of mine, who then loaned it to a friend, who does not know where the book is. I am attempting to obtain another copy of this book,
which was a compendium of quotations, research, references, etc., all about oxygen. I quickly did a search via google, and found
1,150,000 references to Ed McCabe and his books and research.

Because you are very interested in oxygen, you may enjoy visiting Dr Majid Ali's website: Dr Ali is a professor of
medicine and pathology; and is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons UK. He has written two books - OXYGEN AND AGING,
and OXYGEN AND CANCER. He has extensive research about oxygen on his website, and quotations from his books and own
personal research. I have not read all his works, and will do so in order to find out more about oxygen and the human body.

Regarding your question about flammability, I am not qualified to answer that. However, I will enquire from a couple of Professors
of medicine, who are our consultants, to find out about the level of oxygen given to patients in hospitals, as well as those in

hyperbaric chambers (much more intense because it goes under pressure through the skin), to find out more about the
"flammability" issue. Also, I will enquire from a medical doctor friend of mine, who also has a diploma in Bioxidative Therapies,
about the level of oxygen in the bloodstream when she uses ozone therapies. All I know, is that with oxygen therapies, the level of
oxygen is raised considerably in order to assist the patient in need. The actual level is unknown to me. Some therapists using
hyperbaric chambers and ozone also use Cellfood® to offset free radical production, because Cellfood® can perform an amazing
dual role (oxidation and reduction). It can both increase the oxygen levels in the blood - but not as quickly as other therapies - and
can neutralise free radicals (singlet atoms of positively charged oxygen).

Regarding the ideal levels of oxygen for our bodies, our references were again from Ed McCabe who stated that we are all
suffering from oxygen deprivation. We in Johannesburg know that we suffer from a reduction of 17% regarding oxygen levels,
because of the high altitude. People climbing Everest (many of whom now use Cellfood® to supply more oxygen and assist with
altitude sickness), can reach states close to hypoxia. When I obtain another book by Ed McCabe, I will be able to send you further
references; until then I can only refer to the research done at the University of Pretoria's Institute of Sports Research, where they
reported on the increase in oxygen levels when athletes used Cellfood® and Cellfood® Sport.


Why do my teeth feel very sensitive after drinking Cellfood?


Because of the deuterium in the formulation of Cellfood, it has a pH of about 0,3 (See 2.7). This gives it an indefinite shelf life. We
therefore recommend that Cellfood® should be taken with purified water or juice, in the dilution of about 1:100 (25 drops of
Cellfood = 1 ml; in about 100 ml of liquid). Only in emergencies can it be taken undiluted under the tongue.

Nevertheless, tests have shown that as soon as Cellfood® makes contact with the enzymes in the saliva, it changes in pH; and,
within a short time, the fluids in the mouth test out at about pH 7,0. Therefore, there can be no harmful effect because of contact
with Cellfood.

Regarding sensitivity of teeth, it might sound very strange, but a couple of health practitioners and dentists have explained that
there can be two reasons for this:

1. Teeth are linked (similar to other energetic meridians in the body - e.g. acupuncture points) to various organs in the body, and
sensitivity of specific teeth can be an indicator of weakness of a specific organ. So, when someone takes Cellfood® and it starts
working on a particular organ (detoxifying, restoring, etc.) then that person can experience sensitivity of the corresponding teeth.
Teeth are not "dead", and are dynamic living entities. So, if the person continues to take Cellfood, it will assist that organ, and the
sensitivity will cease after a while.

2. Because Cellfood® often highlights weaknesses in the body and starts assisting the body at cleansing, restoring, and balancing
that part of the body; sensitivity of the teeth could be as a result of a general lack of calcium in the body. It is good that this is
highlighted now, and not later in life, when one possibly falls and breaks a limb, only then to be told that one has a calcium
deficiency in the body. Those who experience sensitivity of their teeth should consult with a Health Practitioner to find out if they
should be taking some additional calcium and magnesium (e.g. tissue salts).

It is interesting to note that when we first heard about this problem of sensitivity of teeth, we suggested to people to take Cellfood in
more liquid or to drink it with a straw so that there was no possibility of contact with the teeth. We also suggested that after taking
Cellfood, the person should drink some more water and wash out the mouth. However, none of these suggestions assisted; and so
we consulted with a couple of homeopathic health practitioners and dentists, and they explained the above to us.

Furthermore, one dentist also explained that if one is to replace "mercury fillings" with less toxic ones, then one has to have the
fillings removed in a particular order, and not all at once, because this could also have an adverse effect on various organs in the
body, because of the meridian connections.


Can Cellfood® assist my friend who is suffering from a stomach ulcer?


Unfortunately we are not medical doctors and cannot give you a medical opinion on your friends condition, nor should you have to
give him an opinion unless you are in the medical field. It is recommended that anyone with a medical condition seek advice from
their health practitioner.

We have had a report from a person suffering with stomach ulcers who used Cellfood® and complained that it caused great
discomfort to the stomach. On further visitation to their doctor, tests had revealed that the ulcer had healed itself. Cellfood® forms
a lining around the stomach, however appears to cause some discomfort if the person suffers from ulcers. Cellfood® is also known
to highlight specific weaknesses in the body, so perhaps your friend has an underlying condition related to his stomach and the
Cellfood® has begun its process of repairing and regenerating at cellular level.

I would suggest that your friend continue taking Cellfood, as it most certainly will repair the body and provide the body with the
essential nutrients that it requires at cellular level.


One of my customers has complained that he thinks Cellfood® is damaging his tooth enamel. Is this


In response to your telephonic enquiry regarding one of your customer's complaints about Cellfood® and damage to his tooth

From your comments it is clear that this person used the Cellfood Dropper to drip the Cellfood® liquid directly into his mouth with
the result that the neat undiluted Cellfood® came into direct contact with his teeth.

This is unfortunately contrary to the Directions contained on the Cellfood® box, the bottle and the insert (herewith also attached).

We confirm that concentrated Cellfood® is formulated with a pH of 0.3. It is formulated this way in order to facilitate the anti-
microbial activity of the product.

When 25 drops of Concentrated Cellfood® are mixed with 50ml of distilled water (quarter of a glass, as per directions on the
product insert), the pH of the mixture converts to 1.8. However, when this mixture combines with the saliva of the mouth, amino
acid and enzymatic action (of the product, and in the mouth) immediately converts the pH to about 7.0. This varies from person to
person. A pH of about 7.0 is considered to be normal.

The amino acids in the Cellfood® formulation have specific "side-chains" for their additional buffering and neutralizing effects.
Therefore, because of these buffering and neutralizing effects of the enzymes and amino acids in Cellfood, Cellfood® cannot be
tested in vitro (outside the body); and has to be tested "in vivo", where the bio-chemical reactions take place. Furthermore,
because there are vastly different bio-chemical and bio-electrical reactions from a tooth "in vivo" (i.e. still alive in a person's jaw),
compared to a tooth "in vitro" (i.e. that has been removed from a person's jaw and is dead); all significant testing has to be, and
has been done with Cellfood® and teeth "in vivo".

Cellfood® has been used by millions of people for over 50 years; and when used according to directions, anything up to 25 drops
of Concentrated Cellfood, mixed with 50ml of distilled water it is highly unlikely that it will have any damaging effect on the enamel
and/or fillings of teeth.

During the last ten years, we have received three tooth related complaints from Cellfood® users. When we fully investigated each
case presented to us, we found that the person was either taking Cellfood neat; and/or in less than 50ml of distilled water; and/or
swirling the mixture of Cellfood® and water around in their mouths and holding it there for a while before drinking it. (None of this is
in accordance with the directions on the insert). Two people had also started a more "healthy" diet, at the same time as they
started taking Cellfood; and had started eating certain fruits, e.g. pineapple and citrus; and tomatoes; that have high acid levels.
According to a dentist, with whom we consulted, these acidic fruits in the mouth were, in his opinion, probably contributing to the
enamel related problems.

Therefore, please consider the following:

1. We do not recommend that Cellfood® be taken neat (unless for an emergency, e.g. if a person has a stroke); nor in less than
50ml of distilled water; nor that the mixture be swirled around in the mouth, nor held in the mouth, before drinking it. Some people,
who do not like the "sour" taste of Cellfood, mix 25 drops of Cellfood® into half a liter of water, and drink it throughout the morning.
As long as the mixture is used within four hours, they obtain the same benefits as one would by taking 25 drops of Cellfood® in
50ml of water.

2. To eliminate contact with the teeth, consider using a straw when drinking the mixture of 25 drops of Cellfood® in 50ml distilled
water. In this way the mixture goes immediately down the throat. It will still be absorbed by the mucous membranes at the back of
the throat and the oesophagus.

3. Some people react "negatively" to acidic foods, such as pineapple, citrus, tomato, etc.; and drinks, such as citrus, wine, soda
drinks, etc. This must be considered when serious damage to the enamel and/or fillings of teeth is noticed. If one wants to have
these type of foods/drinks, one should immediately drink some water to wash away the acidity from the mouth. These foods/drinks
can also elevate the uric acid levels in the body, and cause the saliva to become more acidic on an ongoing basis. This could then
cause damage to the enamel and/or fillings of the teeth.

4. Generally speaking, if a person's environment/life-style becomes more stressful, this can also exacerbate and elevate uric acid
levels. This constant acidic level in the environment of their saliva can have serious damaging effects on the enamel and/or fillings
of their teeth. Elevated uric acid levels can also lead to conditions such as gout and ulcers in the gastro-intestinal system. As a
contra-indication to the complaint that Cellfood® increases acidity in the human body, many people report that Cellfood® has
assisted in alleviating their gout and ulcer conditions. This is because Cellfood® balances their acidic pH levels to a more alkaline
status. In the opinion of various health professionals, elevated stress levels are a major contributing factor towards increased
toxicity (e.g. elevated homocysteine and uric acid levels) in the body. In the opinion of a consulting dentist, it is very improbable
that 25 drops in 50ml of distilled water could have any damaging effect on the enamel/fillings of teeth if one takes the mixture into
the mouth and drinks it immediately, once a day, and with no or minimal direct contact of the mixture with the teeth. In his opinion,
the enamel/fillings of teeth are usually damaged because of the regular diet of acidic foods and drinks; and because one's saliva is
slightly acidic and is in constant contact with the teeth.

Regrettably, ageing also plays a role in the loss of enamel from teeth as does the grinding of teeth during sleep.

We thank you for bringing the matter to our attention and we as the South African Distributors stand fully behind our Cellfood®
product which has been beneficial to thousands of people worldwide. The need for the product to be used in terms of the
Directions supplied with the product is obvious.

Please ensure that you inform the students of what the correct application procedures are and feel free to address any other
concerns to us and we will be happy to supply any other information sought.


What is the expiry date of Cellfood?


Because of regulatory requirements, we now have a FIVE YEAR after manufacture expiry date on CELLFOOD.

If you have any enquiries from customers about this, please use the following explanation :


The ingredients of Cellfood® are obtained from the purest sources of “natural” raw materials, such as organic fossil deposits (e.g.
from vast deposits in Nature Park areas in Central U.S.A.), and kelp (e.g. from the clean Southern Seas of New Zealand). By
means of a proprietary Micro-Activation™ process, these raw materials are fractionated into micro-particle sizes, e.g. 4 – 7
nanometers in diameter; and the basic elements are then formulated and blended into Cellfood® with inert ionized purified water
as a carrier. Therefore, because the ingredients in CELLFOOD are as close to their “natural” sources as possible, Cellfood® can
remain in an “inactive” state indefinitely; and, therefore, does not need to have an expiry date. Samples of some of the original
Cellfood® made by Everett Storey in the 1950s have been tested and found to be as usable and effective as they were when he
originally formulated and blended CELLFOOD.

Provided Cellfood® is stored below approximately 35 degrees Centigrade (i.e. well within the normal room temperature in most
areas), it will retain its efficacy indefinitely. It is not necessary to store Cellfood® in a refrigerator; but if this is done, it will not have
a negative effect on the product’s efficacy, provided the user allows it to naturally return to room temperature before using it. The
temperature-sensitivity of Cellfood® is because of the enzyme ingredients that may start biological reactions when exposed to high

Because of recent regulation requirements (especially in the Economic European Union), all nutritional product manufacturers are
required to put expiry dates on all their products. For this reason, CELLFOOD has now been assigned a FIVE YEAR after
manufacture expiry date. However, as explained above, if Cellfood® is stored correctly, its efficacy will last well after its assigned
expiry date.

Cellfood and cancer - John Henry

1 August 2016

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007 and was given a number of possibilities regarding the form of treatment. Our choice
(my wife and I) was to remove the prostate. My PSI after the operation was as expected, extremely low.

Over the following two to three years my count increased at a slow rate, I did my best to stick to a relatively healthy diet by eating
all of the good foods. I also take honey in my drinks in place of sugar.

One important addition which my specialist strongly recommended was that I keep fit. This I did by taking up road biking riding 12to
18 hours weekly and this has certainly helped me tremendously.

Four years ago my wife mentioned the CELLFOOD range of products and its mentioned benefits. I started taking the standard
CELLFOOD drops which stated, had a supportive role in various health conditions one of them being cancer. I advanced the
number of drops per day to my present level of 90 to 100. I have had my annual visit to my specialist who informed us that my
reading is stable. I am now into my 3rd year of stability and working on pushing it further down.

Best Regards

John C Henry




Sue Cramer

26 February 2014

Dear Sir / Madam

In July 2011 I was diagnosed with breast cancer in my right breast and had a full mastectomy.

I was referred to an Oncologist after being discharged and having had my follow - up check-up with my surgeon.

My Oncologist suggested that I should have Chemotherapy radiation and take temoxyfem following the chemo and radiation, as
the cancer had spread to my lymphnodes.

I realised that I would not be able to withstand this extensive treatment and decided to visit a Homeopath who gave me a course of
supplements and one of them was the Cellfood. I was initially on a very strong dosage viz.up to 25 drops but have now gradually
reduced to 5 drops 2 twice a day.

I still have to go for my follow - up checks with my Oncologist and have to have a mammogram once a year and sonar twice a year
and all my tests have shown that I am completely free of cancer without having to have had the chemo and the radiation.

Whilst I cannot prove that it has been the sole reason for being cancer free but I do believe that it has boosted my energy levels
and immune system and has played a part in my full recovery.

I am very comfortable with it and will carry on with this Cellfood for ever.

I have also recommended this to a friend of mine whose son had cancer and following his chemo and radiation had a very low
immune system and since taking this medication he has already felt better.

My Homeopath was my saving grace for recommending Cellfood.

Yours faithfully

Sue Cramer



CARMEN VAN ROOYEN - Tel: 086 72 72 606

My grandfather, Nicolaas Johannes Stevens (Age 76), fell very ill in March 2012. He was admitted to hospital in Port Elizabeth.
Tests were done over a period of 2 days and he was soon diagnosed with colon cancer.

The cancer had spread too far for the doctors to help him in anyway - radiation was not even an option. They soon needed to
operate as my grandfather was very weak. After the operation my grandfather's organs were starting to give in and according to
doctors, there was not much hope left.

A family member had heard about Cellfood drops for cancer through a friend. My grandfather started to drink about 20 to 30 drops
a day while in hospital. Within 2 days my grandfather's health had improved so much, that he was soon discharged after spending
3 to 4 weeks in hospital.

He is still drinking the Cellfood drops today. We have noticed that as soon as he is not drinking the drops, he is very weak and
can't even get out of bed.

Thank you Cellfood for sparing my grandfather's life. Now he will be able to attend my wedding day, which is in March 2013!



HANS STEYL - Tel : 083 227-3644

As you can see, I'm still alive! In fact I am in very good health.

I started taking Cellfood in August 2010 (25 drops early in the morning) as well as Cellfood Repair in the evenings (12 - 15 drops).
But I'm also making myself a smoothie consisting of Cottage cheese, Flaxseed oil, Strawberries or one banana, about half a cup
fat free milk and some honey which makes 1½ glass, once a day. I am also regularly taking some supplements to boost my
immune system and touch wood, I have never felt better. I am also exercising every day, except during the cold winter months, and
put in 3 hours of pistol shooting every Wednesday, weather permitting. My wife and I visited our daughter and son in England over
Christmas and we walked miles without any problem. In fact, I turned 70 while in Southampton! Meanwhile I'm busy researching a
book and doing proofreading for a publisher. I sincerely do not know how big a role Cellfood played in my health, but for the
moment I seem to be free of cancer. I hope to keep it that way. I will be taking my next MR scan in February 2012.

There you have it all.



The first signs and introduction I had to Melanoma, was in 2007, when I had a growth removed from my upper arm. After it was
removed I thought that's it, the growth has been removed and that's the end of it. Nothing further was said and that was all I knew
about Melanoma.

Then in May 2009 all hell broke loose. The growth reappeared on my arm, and started getting bigger. In August I saw another
growth appear below the first one, and that it was starting to get painful, a sort of pricking sensitive feeling, that I have not
experienced before. At that stage I was living in Mossel Bay and the doctor I went and saw about it in August said, they can only
operate on the 9th December 2009. I left it at that, they after all are supposed to know what they are talking about. The after effect
of this, is that sporadically it got more painful. I then went back to the doctor at the clinic, who this time was a lady doctor, and she
was concerned. She wrote a letter to the hospital and asked if they can accommodate me earlier, which they refused. I saw her
again towards the end of November because it was now really getting painful. She then arranged for me to see a doctor urgently at
the hospital who then looked at it and immediately. He did not like what he saw and immediately phoned another specialist who
looked at it. He said I will not see the 9th December 2009 if we wait any longer, if it is not to late already.

He arranged for me to be booked in to Groote Schuur Hospital on the 3rd November 2009 for an operation. It was done on the 4th
December 2009. My sister heard about Cellfood from ner pharmacist, and she and my brother investigated further, and after talking
to some doctor friends, they discussed it with me and I went for it. I have heard of so many funny cures that I was not willing to try
anything just on heresay. My faith in my maker is unmovable, and I decided with him in my life and with Cellfood, we are going to
fight this battle. Staying positive is of course a great plus, irrespective of how bad the situation looks.

I started using Cellfood from the 8th December 2009, to see if it will help get rid of the growths on my liver and intestines.

After using Cellfood for six months, and many scans later, in June 2010 they were gone. I still take my 25 drops every morning
without fail.

I have recommended the Cellfood to a good few people and four of them, one with skin cancer, and three with completely other
ailments, are all showing positive results. The one lady who has a bad skin, has shown me what a difference it has made to her
face. Her skin looks brilliant an smooth.

Kind Regards,

076 8111 271



Attention: Sales / Financial Manager

Thank you very much for the Cellfood information I have just received and read with interest.

I have been using Cellfood, (for many years since it first became available in Cape Town), on the recommendation of Brian
Friedman, a Chiropractor who trained with Monks in Tibet)? It assisted greatly with the various joint and other pains I was
experiencing at the time.

However most effective was it's effect on the early stages of Emphysema which my doctor had diagnosed. Now well over 10 years
later, the Emphysema has not progressed and more importantly the regular colds, coughs & influenza with which I had been
plagued since early childhood.have been cured. I have not had a cold or flu for more than 7 years. Occasionally I have had a sore
throat or sneezing and by taking a few extra drops of Cellfood and placing some Vicks in my nose, within a matter of 2 or max 3
hours, I am back to normal and no cold develops. It seems to have a good effect also on the prostate cancer of which I have been

I am now an old age Pensioner of 81 years and as my Pension is less than R1000 p.m., I had to discontinue purchasing Cellfood
about 5 years ago. Within a month or so all the old ailments, Colds, aching joints etc returned.

A friend, who saw the distress I was in at the time, bought me 2 bottles of Cellfood as a gift and within a matter of weeks, I was
back to normal.

With the assistance of friends & family, I have managed to continue with Cellfood ever since.

Thank you once again for keeping me informed (all the trace elements & vitamins in your product are also highly recommended by
Dr Jonathan V. Wright of the Tahoma Clinic in America.) His natural non-drug treatment is helping me greatly with my prostate

Yours sincerely

Paddy Leonard



I am 60 years old and granny to 5 grandchildren.

My husband passed away ten years ago due to lung cancer. He received 15 chemo and 40 radium treatments. The oncologist
promised him that if he undergoes treatment he would live for another two years and have quality life. Ten months later he passed
away and there was barely anything left of him. As a family we decided that we would never go the chemo route.

In 2009 I started having problems with my eyes – double vision. I went to my eye specialist and he sent me to a brain specialist
who sent me for a CT scan. He then told me that there is a problem and that he would like to refer me to an oncologist.

In January 2009 I went and saw my doctor. She looked at the results of the CT scan and then she did a bone marrow test on me. I
was told that I have a very rare cancer called Plasma Cytoma and if I do not receive treatment I will be dead in six months. I asked
what this cancer did or was and she said that it is a buildup of proteins behind the eyes. This is called Bench Jones Proteins.

I asked what she would treat me with. As she wrote down the name I recognized it as the same chemo my husband had been
treated with. I then asked her what the negative effects would be of this treatment. She informed me that there would be no
negative effects but that she would book me off work for four months. I then said that I need to do some thinking and that I would
come back to her. I went home and told my family that I would not take the chemo. My son was most upset – but that was originally
our agreement.

I asked my son to call his financial broker to come and see if all my documents were in order. While we were going through all the
documents he passed a remark and my reply to him was “Amen”. He closed all the files we had opened. My first thought was that I
had offended him. I asked him what was wrong and he said to me that he was a Christian. By the way, so am I. He said that he
knew that he was going to help someone but not knowing it was me. He there and then told me about a doctor in Edenvale – Dr
Rowan. He immediately made an appointment with her for me. I saw her the next day. As you know Dr Rowan does alternate
treatment to cure cancer. When she looked at my results the Bench Jones Proteins were 17%. At the next testing it was .02% and

the last testing showed NO percentage, only that the Bench Jones Proteins was still positive. We are convinced that by the next
count in a few weeks from now it will be negative.

But here comes the sad side of all this. The medical aid I am on do not pay for homeopaths or alternate treatment. Dr Rowan had
put me on Cellfood and the dosage I am using is 50 drops, three times a day. I am also on vitamin and Alkaliser powders twice a
day. If I don’t drink the Cellfood my eyes start playing up.

I then realized that being with Dr Rowan was the best thing that could have happened to me and that Danie, the broker, had been
a divine intervention to come to me and to help me get to Dr Rowan. I know with the Cellfood and Dr Rowan’s treatment I will be
around for a long time to come.

SONJA COETZEE - TEL: 011 928-6800

Update 16 October 2013

We are now in October 2013, still Cancer free by using CELLFOOD Daily, By using Cellfood daily it has kept me Cancer free for
nearly four years.

I have now developed a bone problem in my mouth. A Professor: Carlo Ferretti, a Maxillofacial and Oral Surgeon - is going to do
bone grafts: bone harvested from my Pelvis Bones.

I went back to Dr Rowan, just to make sure about the Cancer, she checked my blood and found it was in Perfect condition, due the
continuous use of CELLFOOD there is no trace of Cancer.

* I will be increasing the daily dosage to three times fifty drops of CELLFOOD per day, to make sure that there would be no
problems during the healing process after the bone grafts.

I am sure that the use of the CELLFOOD during all these years kept me Cancer free.

By the Grace of Our Heavenly Father and CELLFOOD from The CELLFOOD Company, I can testify that I am healthy and going to
have this operation with confidence and assurance of being well after the operation.

Just a short note of progress. 2016

In 2013 I had the bone grafts done and it was a great success, still using CELLFOOD.
In April 2014 I went on pension and at one stage stopped using CELLFOOD, as I was given the advice that by using Hydrogen
Peroxide 35% Food Grade, I would still be Cancer free, and my vision would be fine. My vision started changing and my finger
nails became a shade of blue, that was so not me. However I believed that it is still fine, my health started going down and my
mouth started to bleed and formed blisters in my pallet and in my cheeks. I went for blood tests, the result was that the Bench
Jones Proteins count has increased to 11% and that I had to go for more treatments.
I once again made contact with Oxygen For Life. Started with fifty drops of CELLFOOD three times a day. My nails are no longer
blue, but my eye sight is still very poor. I will remain on CELLFOOD for the rest of my life, as I now realise, not using CELLFOOD
was very unwise, it was a very poor decision. Being on the CELLFOOD is the best option, as it has no bad effects, and I believe in
the weeks to come my sight will be fine and I can enjoy life, and my family.
A very thankful appreciation to Mr. John Verhoog and Oxygen For Life, enabling me to look forward to the future and being healthy
and able to see.

Dr Otto Warburg, twice Nobel Laureate, stated: “The primary cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of
body cells by anaerobic respiration.”

Many cancer patients and health practitioners (as well as oncologists) have reported that Cellfood has been very beneficial for
those suffering from cancer. This is mainly because of the increased supply of oxygen at cellular level, changing cell respiration
from anaerobic to aerobic. Furthermore, those who have been exposed to chemotherapy and/or radiation have reported that when
they took Cellfood after their relevant treatments, they no longer experienced the nausea and lack of energy that often
accompanied the treatment. This is because the sudden increase of waste and toxins in the system (as a result of the treatment
destroying the cancer cells) was now being effectively eliminated by the additional supply of oxygen (from the Cellfood). The
additional supply of other nutrients in Cellfood, such as minerals, then assisted the body in its processes of restoration.


Marion Schulze:

I am a 58 year old female. In November 2006 I developed hard lymph nodes in all the places one normally gets them.

Some of them were sore and I was very worried, because my husband had passed many years before from Lymphoma.

I searched the internet for all possibilities and reasons why a person could develop lymph nodes. It was running in circles because
"Lymphoma" kept staring me in the face. Then all of a sudden within 10 days I dropped 4 kilo's and they stayed off.

Now I weighed only 55 kg, way too little for my height of 1.78 m. That was February 2007. Feeling otherwise quite normal, I just
didn't pay too much attention to the glands, but they were there. Then in October that year I stumbled across an article  by a
doctor, giving detailed report on the interaction of oxygen and cancerous cells. That made a lot of sense to me and I decided to try
"CELLFOOD" and a variety of nutrients.

6 WEEKS LATER, over a time span of 48 hours all the glands crumbled and over the following 3 month I regained some of the lost
weight.  Feeling absolutely normal again, I stopped taking all the special things and carried on with life.

And here is what I should have done: Stay on "CELLFOOD", but I didn't. Bad mistake!

In late 2007 all the nodes were back, this time coupled with elephant size spleen and water collected around my left lung,
squeezing the lung to nothingness, I could not breathe.

In this condition I arrived in Germany for treatment and as I heard much later, Doctors didn't have much hope for me.

"CELLFOOD" travelled with me to Germany and I took my drops every day, increased dose on the days before and after the
Chemo was administered. What the good Doctors didn't see possible, happened: All symptoms went away, my blood recovered
and I am back in SA, enjoying life and good health.





email Address: - Feel free to contact me.



Eleen On Hing - 041-3600-662 / 083-7477-075

"The Oxygen For Life SA products are wonderful and I have noticed that people using these products look and feel younger
because of the oxygen in the blood stream. I observed that many people were wilting flowers before taking Cellfood® or SWITCH
(Now know as Cellfood Shape) and after talking these products were like blooming plants because their faces lit up and their eyes
were shining. I have been encouraged by the testimonials of people using the Oxygen For Life SA products and have heard of
amazing recoveries from people who had bladder or prostate cancer. One man of 80 years living in St. Francis Bay, near Port
Elizabeth with prostrate cancer has made a wonderful recovery since taking Cellfood®. He was almost bed-ridden and very sickly
but he is now driving his car and meeting with his friends and living a normal life. I heard from our Director of the man from Port
Alfred who only had a few weeks to live because of cancer. He is alive today, thanks to Cellfood®. One of my friends went over to
the East with a bottle of Cellfood® and gave it to her sickly mother who is about 80 years old. Within days of taking Cellfood® she
went out shopping with her daughter and was quite happy to go out visiting. Before her daughters’ arrival she refused to leave the
house because she did not feel well. Her daughter came back to P.E and sent over 4 bottles of Cellfood®".



Mrs Ellen Cilliers

“ In September 1999, due to epileptic attacks, my husband went to our Doctor for a check-up, and was diagnosed with 3 tumours

on his brain. Two options were suggested to us: 1) Brain surgery; or 2) Radiation treatment. It was explained to us that there were
risks involved with both the brain surgery and the radiation treatment, which could have resulted in my husband losing his ability to
speak and to walk. This was unacceptable to us, especially at his age of 70. A friend suggested that I contact a Doctor (who knew
about Cellfood) about my husband’s condition. The Doctor recommended that I give him Cellfood, starting on a low dosage, and
then building up to 100 drops per day, as well as a strict diet according to his blood type.

“ Five months later, at the beginning of February 2000, my husband was x-rayed again. No trace of the tumours or any cancer was
found. In scanning for the cancer, they x-rayed him from his stomach to his head, and were amazed to find that he was completely
clear of cancer. He is now on 75 drops of Cellfood a day, and is driving his car again. His lifestyle is much better than even before
the epileptic attacks; and he no longer has epileptic attacks.

“ We believe we serve a great and mighty God. He answers prayers, but we must do our part.”

Sister Michèl Maree-Ginsberg is a registered nursing sister, who has had extensive experience as the nursing sister in a large
private school, and in her own private practice.

"A child had been diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 4. A huge tumour was removed from the base of her brain. The result
of surgery was unfortunate damage to several nerve supplies, leaving her partially paralysed. The result of her follow-up
radiotherapy was a loss of 15 points to her I.Q. At the age of 6, she was put into a special school. At 8 she was repeating grade
one for the second time. It was at this time that I put her on to Cellfood. Within a week of using the product her parents were called
to see her teacher and occupational therapist - so drastic was her improvement. Two months later her father phoned me in tears -
his daughter just asked him a question that he thought she never would - ‘How does the vacuum work in a water container?’ He
reported that she was becoming more aware and alert, and was starting to question everyday things that children do in order to
learn. It was amazing how Cellfood was assisting in the rebuilding of her neurological systems; and at the age of 12, she was able
to function normally.”



Brian Billings

"I have always been a very strong and healthy person, in spite of possibly overdoing smoking and drinking. Without warning, I
suddenly experienced terrible stomach pains. After a week, a doctor put me on medication. This did not help, and I went to
hospital, where tests were done.

"To my absolute horror, they discovered a cancerous growth and colon cancer. I was immediately operated on, having the growth
removed and a colostomy. I was discharged from hospital and told I needed to start radiation treatment. I did not want to be
exposed to radiation; and, fortunately, a family member told me about Cellfood. I started taking it, and did not go for radiation
treatment. Soon, I was taking 75 drops of Cellfood a day."

"Three weeks later I went for further tests. The surgeon was amazed and told me there was no trace of cancer in my systems. I
was very pleased and increased my dosage to 90 drops per day. When I went for another biopsy, the surgeon said that I had
improved so much that he could reverse the ‘bag system’ I had, and surgically reconstruct my colon, so that I could live a normal
life. I will continue to take Cellfood for the rest of my life."

Update 3 months later: "I have now had three major abdominal operations; and, because I improved so much after taking Cellfood,
my intestinal system has been completely re-constructed. All the operations have been successful and I am presently recovering
from the final operation. "I still take 75 drops of Cellfood every day, which has helped me enormously. After the last operation at the
end of January, which lasted 3 hours, I was amazed at how quickly I recovered from the anaesthetic and was able to talk to family
members within a few hours; whereas, after my first operation (before I started taking Cellfood), my reaction to the anaesthetic and
the operation was so traumatic that it took me days to recover. "As I said previously, I am very grateful to my family for having
introduced me to Cellfood, and I will continue to take it for the rest of my life".



Mrs X was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus and tongue. Conventional treatment, e.g. chemotherapy, radiation, etc., did
not arrest the cancer. Because of her severe condition, she was only able to drink liquids, and was losing weight daily.

When her daughter suggested that she should take Cellfood, Mrs X was not interested and was prepared to die. Unbeknown to
her, her daughter started adding Cellfood to all the liquids (tea, soup, etc) being given to her dying mother.

Within a couple of weeks, Mrs X had improved to such an extent that she asked if she could have some pasta to eat. Shortly after
this, she had nearly regained her weight and decided to go back to the doctor for a check-up. The doctor was amazed to report
that her cancer-cell count had reduced considerably. At a second check-up a few weeks later, he reported that she no longer had
any cancer in her oesophagus; and then had her entire body tested to see if the cancer was manifesting somewhere else.
Everyone was amazed when he reported that there was no cancer in any of her systems.

Mrs X did not know that her daughter had been giving her Cellfood; and, for this reason, we are not disclosing her full name. For
more details about this interesting case, please contact Mrs Lola Kabalin on 011-728-3514.



Celia Gilaad (

“I have a history of chronic skin damage from sun abuse, with constant manifestations of solar keratosis popping up from wherever
there was previous sun exposure. Due to skin cancer, my nose has had a history of radiation and surgery twice.

“Whilst visiting family in South Africa, my nose was seriously affected once again; and; this time, it was wide spread. This would
have necessitated my returning to Israel for further treatment. My grand-daughter, gave me a jar of Cellskin Gel, and I was totally
overwhelmed by the almost immediate healing that took place. This is the first time in all my years that I have not been to a
dermatologist for three months.

“I am so grateful to my grand-daughter and to Cellskin. Cellskin Gel is a true miracle for me. I am now distributing Cellskin Gel and
Cellfood in Israel to help others like myself.


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