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Simple past and irregular verbs. Hello and welcome back, in this lesson we will be exploring the past tense. We will see what types of words are effected and what we need to change! So first what do | mean by ‘Past’? Well, certain words such as ‘verbs’ are effected by the time in which the action took place. These times are called tenses. We have three main tenses in English. Past Present (NOW) Future , * Verbs are effected by the tense. What is a verb again? A verb shows an action or a state of being. Here are some examples: Run Sleep Smell Feel Play Watch A, SF Es BB a Let’s use these in a sentence: | run to school. | feel good. | sleep at night. | play football. | smell flowers. | watch television. These are all the actions within the sentence. These verbs are used in the ‘present tense’ these actions are happening now! What do we do if the actions have finished? Past tense The past tense is when an action (verb) has been done. It is over! There is a simple rule to change the verb from present to past, you just add (ed) to the verb. Present Past Verb + (ed) = Verb(ed) Examples: Present | play football. Past | played football. | watch television. | watched television. Base Verb pass ‘study ‘cook create ask watch listen, Past passed studied cooked created asked watched listened If the verb ends in ‘y’ then the past form of the verb swaps the ‘y’ for an ‘Tl’ Present Past Verb(y) + (ed) = Verb(i)(ed) I study = | studied Any verbs that has ‘ed’ at the end of it in the past tense, are called regular verbs. Irregular verbs However there are some verbs that do not follow this pattern. These verbs are called ‘irregular verbs’. Unfortunately there are no set rules on how to form the past of these verbs, however there are some patterns. Base Vor a ry ede knew tous ferubelbastis Cost Lie Drive Be verbs Be verbs indicate a state of being. So what the subject/s action about themselves is. The verbs must also match the subject or subjects. The subjects can be split into different groups: 6 BO wal Then the ‘be’ verbs follow the subject in the sentence: lam : Itis ae We are a They are She is As arecap, the ‘be’ verbs are: Am, are and is So the past of the ‘be’ verbs? Present Past Am was Are were Is was meet baat ae

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