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The objective of this report is the description of the activities performed in the
curricular internship for the degree of Master in Civil Engineering – Building
This report describes a case study of a dwelling, for the execution of a stability project.
The structural analysis of the dwelling comes after the creation of the architecture
project by the project company, since it hadn’t been done before. The study is done by
conception of structural models made in two software’s for automatic calculations, one
them used by the company and the other used during the past academic period. The two
softwares used were: CypeCad 2016 and Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2015.
An approach is made about the operation and conditions of data insertion by each
software, identifying the actions and characteristic values, selected for the structural
calculations of the study case.
During the study, it was observed that various options in the data insertion for the
loads on the structure are available, creating an automatic modeling, with pre-defined
available in the software database, according with the chosen regulation, or in a manual
where the user can insert the data through the insertion of a bigger amount of
So, it was decided to create a model using the automatic way and another by the manual
with each software program.
After the conclusion of the models, a comparison was made in the forces obtained
for some structural elements, checking the differences and analyzing them.
At last, the structural design was made for the structure, with the company´s software,
including all the drawings of the stability project.

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