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Name: Johanna Brito

Level: IV
Date: May 28th, 2020
Topic: Descriptive Essay.

The life with my dog is wonderful. People say that the dog is the man's best friend, and I
agree with this phrase. I can not imagine my life without my dog. His name is Benito, and he
is a mini Doberman pincher. He always makes me laugh, he always wants to play, and he
always accompanies me.

He always makes me laugh. I spend a very good time with my dog. He is jumping all the time,
and he always puts funny faces. He has a very fun personality. For example, one day I was
mopping the floor, and he was following the mop everywhere, it was very funny.

He always wants to play. Since he was a puppy, he wanted to play all day. I bought him a
lot of toys, stuffed animals, and food prizes. His favorite toy is a stuffed lion. He loves to play
outside in the backyard, and he likes to play with other dogs too.

He always accompanies me. Benito and I have been inseparable since he came into my life.
When I am doing my homework, he is always by my side. Also, he follows me everywhere,
and he protects me if someone approaches. For example, when my friends come to my
home, he does not allow them to get close to me.

I enjoy the life with my dog. He has become my best friend. I love to laugh with him, I enjoy
the time when I am playing with him, and it feels amazing to have someone who is always by
my side. I definitely recommend everyone to adopt a dog as a friend

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