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@.simple program using recursion:
1.Find out the sum of natural numbers using Recursion.
2.Factorial of a number using Recursion.
3.Find out the greatest common divisor using recursion.
4.Find out the fibonacci series using recursion.
5.Find the power of a given no. using recursion.
6.Count the digits of a given number using recursion.
7.convert binary to decimal using recursion. number using recursion.
9.L.C.M of two number using recursion.
10.Print even and Odd number in a given range using
recursion.(range:0-10,then even : 2 4 6 8 10 & odd : 1 3 5 7 9)
11.program to print Hailstone sequence of a given number.
(If u give an odd no. then multiply it with 3 and add 1 with it
and if even no. will come then simply devide it by 2.)
12.Binary search using recursion.
13.strong number using recursion.
14.pallindrome of a no. using recursion.
@.Array & String Related using recursion:
15.Print Array Elements using Recursion.
16.Largest Number of an Array using Recursion.
17.Reverse the given string .
18.Check the given string is palindrome or not.
19.copying one string to another using recursion.

20.find the greatest between three numbers using ternary
21.swapping of two numbers using 3rd variable or without
using 3rd variable and also program for swap only the first
and last digit of a number.
22.program to check the given year is a leap year or not.
23.convert lowercase letter to uppercase letter.
24.calculater program using ‘do-while loop’.
25.print the no. from 1 to 20 in a reverse manner.
26.find the product of digits of a given number.
27.reverse of a number.
28.pallindrome test of a number.
29.binary to decimal or decimal to binary.
30.amstrong number test.
31.fibonacci series of a giventerm.
32.print a character without using character.
33.multiply of two numbers without using multiplication
34.find no. Of vowels in a given string , no. of character in a
given string.
35.calculater program using ‘ switch case’.
36.even or odd using “goto” statement.
37.convert the numbers in to words.(Ex : 1020 :one thousand
38.complex number program.
39.perfect number program.
40.print helloworld without semicolon.
41.find the pythogorean triplet in a given range.(a2=b2+c2)

42.print the array with reverse order.
43.pallindrome of an array test.
44.count the no. of even and odd elements of an array.
45.sorting elements of an array and sorting the character in
alphabetical order.
46.searching an element of an array.
47.addition and multiplication of two matrices.
48.transpose of matrix.
49.symetric test of a matrix.
50.sum and multiplication of all elements of an array.
51.count the total no. of duplicate elements present in a
given array.
52.merging of two array.
53.insert of an element to a sorted array and delete an
element from the desired position
54.print only the diagonal elements of a matrix and find sum
of the diagonal elements.
55.test for identity matrix.
56.calculate determinant of a matrix.
57.concatenate of two strings. two string without using string library function.
59.reverse of a given string.
60.pallindrome test of a given string.
61.remove the repeated charactesr from string.
62.program to remove extra blank space from a given string.
63.convert to of a given string and vice versa.
64.length of the string.

Basic c program
65.find all prime factor of a number.
66.find sum of even elements and sum of odd elements in a
given range.
67.fahrenheit to Celsius conversion.
68.enter P,T,R and calculate the simple and compound
69.centimeter to meter conversion.
70.leap year using conditional opearater.
71.input month no. and print the no. of days in that month. , amstrong , strong , perfect number in one program

using function.
/* practice all program using function also*/

73.add two no. and swapping of two no. .
74.Swap of two arrays.
75.length of a given string using pointer.
/*Try to do minimum program using pointer*/
/*try to do max. pattern programming*/

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